January 31, 1907

Average Temperature 29 Degrees and
Precipitation of 1.72 Inches

The Kansas City weather offices has issued a summary of the weather conditions here for the month of February for the last eighteen years. It is not a forecast. The mean or normal temperature for the last eighteen Februarys here was 29 deg. above; the warmest February in that time was in 1892, when the average was 37 deg., and the coldest that of 1899, with the average 19. Teh highest February temperature in that time was 76, on the 26th, in 1896, and the lowest 22, on the 12th, in 1899.

The average precipitation for the eighteen Februarys was 1.72 inches, and the average number of days of the month on which it was more than .01 of an inch was eight. The greatest precipitation was in the month of 1892, which was 4.27 inches, and the least was in 1890, when it was only .58 of an inch.

The greatest precipitation in any twenty-four hours was on the 11th and 12th in 1894, and it was 1.49.
January 31, 1907


Greetings From a Man Whom a Visitor Believed Dead.

When R. C. Bortwood, of Auxvasse, Mo., arrived at the Union depot last night in response to a telegram, he found a brother-in-law, whom he supposed to be dead, there to greet him, and a brother-in-law, whom he had expected to find alive, dead in a Westport undertaking establishment.

John N. Addison, an employe of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company, died Tuesday while at work on a bridge over Brush creek and was found some time later in the stream. His wife at the time was visiting her parents near Centralia, Mo., and a telegram was sent to her.

J. B. Divers, who resides at 1921 Harrison, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Addsion, telegraphed Bortwood, a brother of Mrs. Addison, advising him of the death. The telegram was received at Auxvasse and repeated over the rural telephone to Bortwood. In repeating, the message was changed to convey the information that Addison had wired of Divers' death, and Bortwood started for Kansas City on that theory. He was greeted here by the brother-in-law he mourned as dead.

No word has been received from Mrs. Addison and the body of her husband is now held at Lindsey's undertaking establishment in Westport.
January 30, 1907


Boy Who Disturbed Lone Jack
Worshipers Lectured by Judge

Fred King, 20 years old, stood before Judge Wofford in the criminal court yesterday, charged with disturbing religious services at Lone Jack, his home, last Sunday. Beside him stood the minister of the Baptist church, who had accused him. He had laughed and giggled and scratched a parlor match on the back of another boy's coat.

"Do you think it is smart to disturb religious meetings?" asked Judge Wofford.

"No, sir," said the young man, hanging his head.

"Then why did you do it?"

"I guess I just thought it would be funny."

"Well do you think so now?"

"No, sir."

"You just want to be smart?"

No reply.

"Maybe you thought the girls would think you were smart."

No reply.

"Did you take on e of them home?"

"Yes, sir."

"Did she think it was smart and funny?"

"No, sir."

"Of course she didn't if she was a good, well behaved girl and I have no doubt she was. Girls big enough to "go" with young men your age don't do things like that. They know better. But you don't look like a very bad boy."

"Judge," said the preacher, who was accusing the boy, "I never heard but what this young man was a good boy, only this. He's all right. Maybe this will be a lesson to him."

"Well," said Judge Wofford, "I'll take the risk this time. You take him home and let me know if he ever does it again."
January 29, 1907


Kansas City Man Meets Death
In a Carterville Mine

WEBB CITY, MO Jan. 28.--(Special.) An icicle falling 170 feet in the Richland mine shaft at Carterville today instantly killed Jack Lavette, a young Kansas City man who had been at work just a week here. Concussion of the brain resulted.
January 29, 1907


Always Protested Against Sending
Her to Asylum -- Miss Murley's Hallucination
of Marriage ith Man Whose Name She Conceals

The muffled scrams of a woman attracted some attention in the vicinity of Forty-sixth and Bell streets late Sunday night, but, as they finally died down, little attention was paid to the incident. Early yesterday Mrs. Nancy Murley, 72 years old, both eyes blackened, her head cut and her body beaten black and blue, left her home at 4604 Bell street and made her way to a neighbor's house. Having been a cripple for many years, Mrs. Murley walked with a cane.

"I have done my best to protect my daughter for the last nineteen years," the aged woman told the neighbor, "but now she has beaten me nearly to death and threatens to kill me. She is locked in the house there and I had a hard time getting out without being seen."

Police station No. 5 in Westport was at once notified and Mrs. Murley was cared for. Sergeant Dillingham, accompanied by H. D. Greenman, a son of Humane agent Greenman, went to the house, which they found closed, all doors being tightly bolted or locked. Miss Fannie Murley, the woman hwo had so cruelly beaten her mother, was finally prevailed upon to admit them. She was sent to police headquarters and later in the day transferred to the general hospital, where she will remain until the county court passes on her case. She probably will be sent ot an asylum.

Beaten With a Board.
Miss Murley never missed going to both Sunday school and church. When she returned home Sunday night and her mother admitted her she said:
"I am going to put a stop to you and Bessie (a cousin) talking about me. I am going to beat you to death, or burn your limbs off so you can't go out and then I shall go and kill her."
Mrs. Murley had seen her daughter in a tantrum often before and thought by letting her alone she would become quited. Instead, however, the woman, who is 32 years old, fiercely attacked her aged mother with her fists, beating her severly about the face and head. Then she got a piece of board or bed slat and beat her mother over the back and shoulders. Mrs. Murley is now in a dangerous condition, on account of her age, and may die from the injuries. Dr. T. H. Smith, Forty-third and Bell streets, is attending Mrs. Murley.
J. W. Davis, 405 Freeman avenue, Rosedale, a motorman, is a cousin by marriage of the woman. It was his wife, Bessie, whom Miss Murley had also threatened to kill. From him it was learned that Miss Murley had had typhoid fever when 13 years old and from that time had been slightly demented.
Devotion of the Mother.
"Only two weeks ago," said Davis, "the girl beat her mother so that she was compelled to leave home and come to my house for a few days. The girl has always been dangerous, but her mother, hoping against hope, lived there alone with her. We probably never willknow what the aged woman has endured in all these nineteen years. Now, however, she sees the utter futility of trying to keep her at home adn will endeavor to send her to an asylum. She was not able to leave her bed today, though, and may never be again."
Davis said that Miss Murley has often disappeared from the home. She would put on a hat and leave when her mother was not watching her and, in a week or ten days, return in the same mysterious manner. She was never able, however, to tell where she had been or what she did. On one occasion when she had been gone for two weeks, and the police had searched for her all over town, she returned late one evening. She was wet and cold., for it was in the fall of the year, and her shoes were worn through to her blistered feet. When asked where she had been all she would say was, "I rode on a hand carl>"
Another time Miss Murley was found wandering in the woods near here. Believeing that she would like a trip to the country she was sent to relatives on a farm, but all to no avail. The police at the Westport station have record of many times where Miss Murley disappeared, but she always returned home, when she became more reational, without their ever having had a single trace of her.
Doctor Calls Her Dangerous
Dr. St. Elmo Sanders, city physician, examined Miss Murley in a cell at police headquarters yesterday afternoon. She told him that she never struck her mother in her life, but suspected that neighbors were "annoying her." She said that she got up early to make a fire and her mother began to scream, "a habit she has had for a long time," she added. The woman is believed to have attacked her mother with an iron stove poker just before Mrs. Murley succeeded in making her escape from the house.
Miss Murley also said that she was married two months ago to a gospel singer. "He was here two weeks ago," she said, "but had to go away again. We were married in an East side Christian Church." Further than that she refused to state. Davis, her cousin, said Miss Murley had never been married, but had often written love letters to men with whom she had been acquainted or had only seen. She took her pencil to jail with her.
Thomas Bell, a farmer of Shelby county, Mo., brother of Mrs. Murley, was notified by Davis of her condition. He will probably arrive here today. Mrs. Murley wil be removed to a hospital where she can be more properly cared for. The neighbors have been caring for her since she was attacked so brutally. Since the death of Daniel Murley, an old soldier and husband of Mrs. Murley, she and her daughter have lived at 4604 Bell street. She bought a little home there five months ago.
"Miss Murley, though a small woman," said Dr. Sanders, after the examination, "is one of the most dangerous patients I have seen in years. She is suffering from chronic melancholia, and would kill another perosn or herself just as soon as the notion struck her. She must be closely guarded. I am not surprised at what she had done, or that she denies it. She should have been incarcerated years ago."
January 25, 1907


An Editorial

One of the mischievous measures that ought to be summarily killed is what is known as the "Jim Crow" bill, introduced in the Missouri legislature by Representative Holcomb, of Jackson county. The bill provides for seperate accomodations for negroes and whites on all railways and street cars. It is practically the same bill as the one originaly introduced by the late Colonel Crisp many years ago, and some like measure had bobbed up in every legislative session since Crisp's time.
The bill is unnecessary as applied to the railroads, inasmuch as public sentiment regulates the matter better as it is than could possible be accomplished by legislative enactment. In fact, the incorporation of the idea into a state statute may undo the existing satisfactory status and provoke judicial proceedings which might have precisely the opposite results from those which it seeks to reach. In this case the maxim particulary applies. Let well enough alone.
In the matter of street railways the measure is particularly vicious and mischief breeding. Experience in such cases teaches that the plan of separating the whites and blacks on street cars is impracticable in enforcement, full of annoyances and productive of continual conflicts between passengers and street railway employes. It is especially notorious that while the negroes as a rule offer little opposition to the arrangement, the white passengers refuse to keep in the limits of the space provided for them on the cars, and whenever they are crrowded they invade the section set apart for the other race.
Waiving all questions of principle or considerations of personal preference, the fact remains as a condition and not a theory that the "Jim Crow" car bill would do more harm than good if it should pass. The legislature will do the wise thing by followng the example of its predecessors and let the measure sleep in a committee pigeonhole.
January 24, 1907


Hotel Storekeeper in Fight with Frank D. Whyte

C. B. Fox, storekeeper at the Hotel Kupper, was arrested late yesterday afternoon at the E. Whyte Grocery Company's store, 1123 Walnut street, after an altercation with Frank D. Whyte, a member of the firm. Whyte received a serious cut on the neck, and Dr. Charles Wilson, who treated him, said that it would be some time before Mr. Whyte would be able to be out.

Fox was booked for investigation. William Whyte, brother of the injured man, said he would appear to prosecute the case this morning. An effort was being made last night by J. F. Fox, 51 North First street, Kansas City, Kas., to get his son out on bond. When taken to police headquarters, Fox said that Whyte had assaulted him, and that he was compelled to defend himself.
January 24, 1907


Bumps Were Frequent at Convention
Hall Last Night.

One of the most noticeable things at a skating rink is the strong attraction of the Human body and the floor. --Bill Nye.


This was heard around 8 o'clock last evening above the steady rumble of skaters gliding over Convention hall floor. It was J. A. Runyan, who, for the first time in twenty years, put on a pair of roller skates at the skating party given by the directors of Convention hall to members and the families of members of the Commercial Club, the Mercantile Club, the Manufacturers and Merchants' Association and the Kansas City Athletic Club.

There were more than 3,000 who attended this gathering and more than 900 disported themselves on the floor--some like Mr. Runyan. In the crowd were old men with bald heads, fat men, young men and boys, as well as girls and women of many ages, sizes and proportions.
An exhibition in fancy skating was given by Miss Lucille Landsdowne, a professional, and a game of broomball was played between two picked teams, neither of which scored. "Kid" Nichols, of baseball fame, refereed.

A match race between George H. Teftt, president of the Manufacturers and Merchants' Association, and O. V. Dodge, president of the Commercial Club, was scheduled, but Mr. Dodge was out of the city. The party was given as an opening event after the two weeks' cessation of skating at the hall while the Implement Men's convention and the Chicken show was in progress.
January 24, 1907




Dispute Over Missing Legal Papers Caused AttorneyHardin to Land on Attorney Buckner,Who Grabbed a Chair--Jury Was Dismissed.

It did not add to the decorum of the circuit court yesterday when Lawyer Ben T. Hardin and Claim Agent John Mathis, of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company, played tennis, using Lawyer T. B. Buckner for the ball in division No. 3 of the circuit court. A composite view of the various versions of the unpleasantness would tend to show that Mr. Buckner said something offensive to Mr. Hardin, that Mr. Hardin thereupon tapped Mr. Buckner on the east side of his face and that while Mr. Buckner was drawing a chair with which to reply to Mr. Hardin, Mr. Mathis flanked the chair movement and landed one behind Mr. Buckner's ear, where he would hear it and pay attention.

Judge Seehorn, as official referee, fined Hardin and Mathis $50 each for contempt of court, but is holding the fine till the case is over. Meantime both men are prisoners of the court -- on their own recognizance.

It all happened while a panel of jurors was being called. Court was in session, but Judge Seehorn was not on the bench. Pending the bringing up of the panel from the floor below he was stretching his judicial legs by walking about on the court room floor. A dispute began among the lawyers regarding the disappearance of certain papers in the case of A. Cole against the Metropolitan Street Railway Company which was then called for trial. The dispute grew warmer and finally Buckner said:

"It seems as if you are trying to keep the records of this case out of this court."

"If you say that," said Hardin, "you say what is a falsehood."

Here the testimony differs. Hardin says Buckner directed his charge unmistakably at him. Buckner says he did not. At any rate--


Hardin, who is more than 6 feet tall, had landed with his open hand on the left side of Buckner's face. The two men weigh about the same, though Hardin is much the taller. Both of them are older than they were a few years ago. Buckner accumulated a chair and was trying to impress it on Hardin when Mathis boarded it with one hand and struck Buckner in the back of the head with the other.

By this time Judge Seehorn, who was standing close to the two men, and the court deputy sheriff got into the game and stopped the fight. While this was going on the jury was coming in to take its place for the trial.

"This panel will be excused," said Judge Seehorn, "and another will be called. I will fine Mr. Hardin and Mr. Mathis $50 each for contempt of court."

A new jury was brought and the lawyers went on with the case.

When court was over for the day Judge Seehorn suspended the fine till the case is finished, which will be sometime today.
January 24, 1907

School Teacher from Nebraska
Must Wait Here for Father.

Wilma Frazier, a pretty 19-year old school teacher, who disappeared from Scribner, Neb., last Thanksgiving, at the same time as did Louis Roy Whitman, a barber and railroad employe, was found by the police yesterday morning at 706 Wyandotte street, and is being detained in the matron's room at police headquarters, waiting instructions from her father.
The girl is the daughter of Joseph H. Frazier, of Des Moines, Ia. When she left Scribner it was with the understanding that she ws going to visit relatives in Fremont, Neb. Howeever, both she and Whitman joined an aggregation of barnstormers, which toured the gasoline circuit until the light fund was exhausted. It was in LeRoy, Kas., that the footlights, after one consvulsive sputter, went out and jewelry, baggage and everything not required in the lightest of light marching order went by the board to satisfy cash due on meal tickets. Barely enough was saved to allow Miss Frazier to reach Kansas City. She went to work here in a candy factory, but Whitman stuck to the stage.
The girl said last night that she barely knew Whitman and that their simultaneous disappearance was only a coincidence. The last time she saw him, she says, was in LeRoy, when "The Runaway Tramp" came to a halt.
January 21, 1907


For Some Time Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Adams
Have Been Trying to Secure Them From the Courts

Probate Judge Van B. Prather, who is also judge of the juvenile court in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday ordered that the four children of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Adams, who were taken away from their parents by Judge Freeman last summer, be returned to them. It was alleged last summer that Adams had deserted his family and that Mrs. Adams was not a fit person to have charge of them. The children, who range in age from 8 to 13 years, were placed in charitable institutions for adoption, and all of them except the eldest child, Daisy, were adopted. Daisy was sent to the Soldiers' Orphan home in Atchison, Kas. and was in court yesterday.

It was proved yesterday that Mrs. Adams is a woman of good character and that Adams did not desert his family. He is now employed at the Swift packing house and went to Fort Worth, Tex., to enter the employ of that company last summer. The Adams family lives in Armourdale.

Last summer Adams went to Texas to work. During his absence, Festus Foster, Humane officer, found the four children in what he claimed was a filthy house in Armourdale, suffering for lack of food, and took them in charge. They were taken before Judge Winfield Freeman, of the juvenile court. Judge Freeman awarded the custody of the children to the Kansas Orphan society at Topeka to be placed in adoption.

October 8 Adams returned from Texas and immediately asked the juvenile court to give him back his children. During the course of the hearing, Adams became very angry and exclaimed: "Freeman, I'll have my children, if I have to get them at a point of a gun!"

After this outbreak Judge Freeman refused to listen to Adams further, and denied his application for the custody of his children.

Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Adams appeared before the court, and proved to the satisfaction of the judge that they were able and willing to take charge of their children again. Both husband and wife denied that Adams' trip to Texas had been a desertion of the family, saying that he had simply gone there to make a living for them.
January 19, 1907


Asks That Organization of "Hadley for Governor"
Clubs be Discontinued.

JEFFERSON CITY --(Special) Herbert S. Hadley, attorney general, sent a reply to a letter received by him some days ago from Messrs. John T. Hope, William P. Wolf and Frank C. Peck, of Kansas City. The letter, which follows, explains itself. He says:

"I am in receipt of your letter of January 16, notifying me that it is the intention of a number of my friends in Kansas City to organize a club to advocate my nomination for governor in 1908. Since then nothing has occurred to cause me to change my position.

"During the two years that I have to serve in the office of attorney general there is much important work that I hope to be able to accomplish. I desire that I should be entirely free in the performance of my official duties from the embarrassments and complications that would result if during that time efforts were being made to secure my political advancement.

"While I thank you for and appreciate most sincerely this expression of confidence and approval, coming as it does from those with whom I have I have been intimately associated during my entire active life, I request that you discontinue the
proposed organization."

January 19, 1907


Samples That Contain Coal Tar and
Are Flavored With Peppermint.

Maraschino cherries -- Dyed with coal tar and flavored with peppermint.
Maraschino cherries -- Flavored with extract of wild cherry and dyed with nitric
Confectioners' Paste -- Colored with coal tar.

When the man with a thirst and 15 cents stands on the outside of the bar and wants a luscious red cherry in his cocktail he will hereafter say to the mixiologist: "A little coal tar flavored with peppermint."

Again when the demure miss strays into the ice cream parlor and orders a dish of cream made tempting by a little bouquet of cherries, she will murmur to the waiter, "Those of wild cherry flavor and doctored with amyl." If she doesn't eat more than two or three of the cherries, she will not experience any disagreeable results, but if she goes over three there is every likelihood that she'll feel like summoning the doctor. Amyl will be the cause.

The inspectors of the staff of Dr. W. P. Cutler, city pure food inspector, were out yesterday selecting promiscuously bottled and canned goods from diver stores, among the lot the alleged Maraschino cherries, which were labeled as such and the confectioners' paste. Maraschino is a pure and exquisite preservent, and when added to cherries makes it tempting and sought after by high livers. It is a tasteful and soothing adjunct to mixed drinks, and large quantities of it are used. Therefore the temptation to adulterate and impose on gullible humanity.

City Chemist Cross made an analysis of the Maraschino cherries and brought forth the shams described.

"What are you going to do about it?" Dr. Cutler was asked.

"If the dealer from whose place these samples were taken has any more in stock he will have to paste on the label the word 'adulterated,' together with the names of the adulterations contained. The pure food law does not forbid the adulterating of food stuffs when the adulterant is not down right poisonous."

January 17, 1907




In the Darkness of the Eight Street Tunnel a
Free-for-All Fight Started When Tough
Youth Pulled an Old Man's Beard.

In the dark cavern of the Eight street tunnel, without light or heat, to all purposes a thousand miles from the Union depot, fifty passengers were held prisoners last night on an Independence avenue car. Outside were explosions too numerous to count, occurring with such force as to make the noise within the car almost deafening. Outside, well, outside no one ventured to look. The very air seemed to be exploding, and none knew but what a foot placed on the icy ground might mean instant electrocution. The explosions no one was able to explain, not even the motorman.

When the car rolled into the tunnel it carried fifty persons, each one anxious to reach the Union depot to board outgoing trains. As the car reached a point perhaps 500 feet from the exit to the tunnel, the car was plunged in darkness and in a moment there were twelve distinct and powerful explosions. With the reports came a fierce electrical display.

The car was brought to a stop and all was quiet for a moment, but at intervals the explosions continued. It was finally discovered that the trolley wire had broken in front of the car and had wound itself around the trolley wheel. Every time the end of the wire came in contact with the rail or any part of the car, there was a loud detonation.

Fortunately but three of the passengers were women. Some of them were panic stricken, but the fierce explosions and electrical display from the outside kept them inside the car. The flagman from Washington street station in the tunnel came running behind the car, his lantern giving the only light obtainable. He escaped death, which it was feared he would meet by electrocution.

It was decided to send a man back through the tunnel to notify headquarters and in the meantime a bright thought came to the flagman.

The car was stranded and the tunnel passage cut off, but if a connection in the broken wire was made, other cars along the line could move and there would be light and heat. Perhaps an hour was taken up in accomplishing a joining of the broken wires.

The cars to the rear were then started and more than four cars came down to join in the last hour's vigil in the tunnel. First came a Leavenworth car, sounding the whistle which gives notice that it has the right of way over everything on the track. But for once its authority was in dispute. The broken cable defied all published or unpublished rules of the road.

Next came the Grand View car well filled. It approached a near as possible and then began a weary wait.

On this car were a large number of women, but by some prank of fate they were mostly in the extreme front or rear of the car. There was something ominous in the air and before the car again saw the outside air there was excitement enough to suit the most blase.

Two boys of perhaps 15 years, en route to Kansas City, Kas., were on the car. The larger number of the passengers were somewhat afraid that something might happen, but the seriousness of it all never occurred to the boys.

One of them, to use a passenger's words, "was a typical tough of the city." The two first began ringing constantly the signal bell. This was annoying, but endured in silence for fifteen minutes and then the people in the car began to suffer. Profanity was hurled at the passengers and even addressed to the unescorted women. The conductor was outside looking over the situation.

Perhaps every man in the car wanted to treat the youngsters to a sound thrashing, but the tunnel removed from them all the help of the law and in the fear that the scene would be only more disgraceful, the passengers suffered in silence.

It remained for an old man, perhaps 75 or more, to lean forward from the seat behind and request the boys to desist. One of them, who is described as a typical tough, reached for the old man's whiskers and gave them a yank. No sooner than he did so was he met with a sharp cuff on the ears and a blow in the face from a man on an opposite seat, whose wife had been obliged to withstand the indignities offered to the passengers generally.

With that cuff there was something moving. One elderly gentleman who appeared to know the boy rushed to his rescue, proclaiming that nobody was going to hit a little boy while he was around Before he could reach the principles in the encounter he was assailed by a passenger near at hand and within three minutes nearly every man on the car was mixed up in the fight. The women were crowded to the ends and the fight was swift around the center of the car when the conductor and motorman came in and quelled the disturbance after much effort.

The boy had received in the interim, however, several sad knocks and the remainder of the wait was passed without a single word from him or his companion.

Finally help arrived, the cable was repaired and the tunnel blockade was lifted after nearly two hours' wait.
January 15, 1907


Young Woman, Believed to Be
Demented, Surprised Physician

A young woman, believed to be demented, entered the reception room of Dr. J. D. Griffith, 520 Rialto building, about 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon and removed most of her clothing. She was found there by Dr. Walter C. Klein, Dr. Griffith's assistant. He did not know that any one was in the room and was preparing to leave when he found her.

The woman was taken to the general hospital She gave the name of Myrtle Moore and her home on Washington street. Dr. J. P. Henderson, assistant city physician, diagnosed her case as emotional insanity.
January 14, 1907



Gained and Entrance by Prying Open a Window in the Dining Room.
Maid Asleep on an Upper Floor Was Not Disturbed.

When R. S. Crohn, public administrator, 100 East Twenty-ninth street, returned home from the theater with his wife and two daughters about 11:30 o'clock Saturday night he found the bolt on the front door had been set in such manner as to make it impossible to open the door excepting from the inside. He tried his night latch key in the door, but it would not open. For several minutes he fumbled about the door trying to effect an entrance. He then became convinced that some intruder had entered the house, as the bolt could only be set from the inside.

Mr. Crohn started toward the rear of the house, and on reaching the side yard saw a window into the dining room wide open. Without saying a word to his wife or daughters he climbed into the open window and went to the telephone and informed police headquarters. Then he made a search through the house, but found no one within, though there were indications on every hand of burglars having been present. After opening the front door and admitting his wife and daughters a more thorough search of the house was made.

In the dining room a pile of silverware lay on the table evidently prepared for removal. A dresser drawer in Mr. Crohn's room stood open, and a tin box in which considerable jewelry, especially heirlooms, and a collection of rare old coins was kept, was missing. The real value of the contents of the box to the family is inestimatable, but the market value is more than $1,000.

A hand shopping bag belonging to the eldest daughter, and containing $15 was taken from her room, and though there were several pieces of jewelry in the room they were not molested. In the second drawer of the dresser from which the tin box of jewelry was taken was some money, but the burglars evidently were frightened away before continuing their search of this drawer.

It is believed that the burglars were at work when Mr. Crohn was fumbling with the latch on the front door in trying to open it. Footprints in the sod below the window through which entrance to the house was had, showed distinctly the marks of two different pairs of shoes. Marks on the window showed that it had been pried open with a "jimmie."
The burglars had not been in the house a great while before Mr. Crohn's return home, as the maid who had been out during the evening, returned about an hour before, and when she entered the house, she went through the dining room, and at that time the window was closed. The made went directly to her room on the second floor and retired. She was asleep when Mr. Crohn and his family returned.

Detectives Lum Wilson and Alonzo Ghent were assigned to work on the case, but last night no arrests had been made.

Mr. Crohn has offered a reward of $250 for the return of the stolen articles.
January 11, 1907




Maggie Paul Says Clothes She is Alleged to Have Stolen Were
Given to Her -- Mrs. Moran, Medium, Tells a Different Story.

Miss Maggie Paul, the 18-year old daughter of J. J. Paul, saloonkeeper at Eighteenth and Charlotte streets, was arraigned before Justice Miller yesterday charged by Mrs. D. J. Moran, a fortune teller at 815 East Fifteenth street, with taking $91.75 worth of wearing apparel. She pleaded not guilty and her bond was fixed at $500. She was held over night in the matron's room at police headquarters and expects to give bond today.

Miss Paul said she had lived at Mrs. Moran's and played the piano during what she terms a "spirit fortune telling stunt supposed to be presided over by a defunct Indian chief, one 'White Coon.' " She also says that, had she married John Moran, the 24-year-old son of the fortune teller, she would have had none of her present troubles.

"She has been trying for a long time to get me to marry her son," said Miss Paul last night. "I went to a dance Christmas eve at 910 Campbell street with Mrs. Moran's daughter. When I got to thinking of that marrying business it was all so repulsive to me that I ran away and went to the house of a friend at 1214 East Eight street.

"When I am around where that woman is she casts a kind of spell over me and I can't but obey her every wish. It took all my courage to make up my mind to run away from it all. I got tired of playing for a lot of fake fortune telling business anyway. Often I have seen a person with money come to the seance and heard one of the Morans say: 'Trim that sucker. Don't let him get away. Make arrangements for a private seance for he's got real money.' It was all so false and shammy to one who knew and I didn't want to marry John Moran anyway."

Mrs. J. J. Paul, Maggie's mother, and George Brown, to whose house she went when she ran away from the 'White Coon' seances, went to police headquarters last night to see her daughter.

"This is all a trumped up charge which cannot be proved," said the mother. "That woman has had a hypnotic spell over my daughter for two years. We used to live in Midland court on East Sixteenth street and Mrs. Moran lived just across the street. Maggie got to going there and right then the trouble began. Maggie was made to believe that I was killing her with slow poison and she was afraid of me. Didn't I go to Mrs. Moran's house where she had Maggie locked up in the cellar and make her give her up?

"The girl fears that woman right now. You can see it. All this has been done because she ran away when engaged to John Moran. And I don't blame her for that or leaving those Indian 'White Coon' seances, either."

Miss Paul said that a sealskin cloak, valued at $50, which she is charged with taking, was stolen from the cloak room at the dance hall at 910 Campbell three weeks ago when Miss Moran was along. A skirt, valued in the complaint at $17, she was wearing yesterday. She said it cost $3.50 and was given to her by Mrs. Moran and would fit no one else in the family. In fact, she claims that all the missing clothing but the cloak was either given her previous to or at Christmas.

Miss Paul was arrested by Detective William Bates yesterday afternoon at the home of a friend at Eight street and Forest avenue. She said she had left the Brown home because she heard Mrs. Moran had found out where she was, and she was afraid she would "look at me that way again, and then I would have to go back and do anything asked -- perhaps marry John."

The girl who is afraid of the woman who gives seances controlled by the ancient Indian spirit, "White Coon," has blue eyes, blonde hair, and is petite and pretty.

Said Mrs. Moran, when asked about Miss Paul:

"On Christmas night she wore my sealskin coat to a Yoeman's ball at 910 Campbell street. She came home without the coat, and said it had been stolen. New Year's night she put on $42.25 worth of our silk clothes, jewelry and a hat and went to another Yeoman's ball with Mamie. That time she got lost from Mamie and we just found her today living at 1214 East Eighth street with the same Mrs. Brown who had her arrested the time we paid her fine. We've heard that the sealskin jacket was thrown from the window to someone and wasn't stolen. We stuck to her, even when her mother was going to have us arrested for harboring her. We thought her parents were hard on her. They have a divorce case on trial tomorrow."

"Did Miss Paul assist in your seances?"

"Oh, she sat in them," explained Mrs. Moran's husband, "but she didn't help earn any of the clothes."
January 8, 1907


Careless Coachman Drove Over Bicycle
of a Messenger Boy.

Henry Harris, a coachman in the employ of Elmer williams, president of the Williams Realty Company, was fined $10 in police court yesterday for driving over a bicycle belonging to William Smith, a 14-year-old messenger boy, which was standing in front of the New York life building. Richard C. Patterson, president and general manager of the Union Portland Cement Company, testified in court that he saw the coachman deliberately drive over the wheel and when he asked the coachman why he was not careful was told that he had enough to look after his own business without looking after all of the bicycles in the street.

When Harris started to pay his fine, Judge Kyle ordered him to give half to the messenger boy to pay for repairing the wheel.
January 8, 1907


Sold Liquor in Their Places -- One
Ordered to Close by February 1.

W. Q. Soper, proprietor of a rooming house at 106 East Third street, was fined $100 in police court yesterday. The place was raided by the police Sunday afternon and a jug and fifty flasks of whiskey were found in one of the rooms. Fourteen men and four women, arrested in the place, were released.

Mrs. A. G. Ham, proprietress of a rooming house at 317 East Twelfth street, was fined $25 and the court ordered her to quit business before February 1.

Mrs. Ham said the license for the place had been furnished her by a brewing company. She said that breweries furnished licenses for many of the proprietors of rooming houses.

The case against J. H. Mitchell, proprietor of a saloon at 1304 Grand avenue, was continued until this morning.
January 8, 1907


Grant Stainbrook Beat a Mule With a Wagon Spoke

Grant Stainbrook, a teamster, was fined $10 in police court yesterday for beating a mule over the head with a wagon spoke. Patrolman Robert Coffey saw the man abusing the animal at Twelfth and Walnut streets and took him directly to police court.
January 8, 1907


Local Enlisting Stations Put Ban on "Hobo" Soldier

Officers in charge of the local army and navy recruiting stations have placed the ban on what is known as the "hungry" enlisters. This removes a solace of the wandering youth who strikes out to see the world in true hobo style.

Since the establishment of recruiting stations in the larger cities of the country it has been no uncommon thing to enlist "hungry" recruits who first exhausted every other means of existence and after a day or two without food appeared at a recruiting station and enlisted in the army. Many times they called for a meal before completing the examination which they are obliged to take.

Sometime the man who enlists will tell why he does it, but this is not often. If the true reason was always given and entered in the records the enlistment book would be a series of tragedies. Aside from the hungry ones who find themselves out of work, money or friends and espouse the army or navy as the only means of securing a good meal and more to follow there are those who enlist as the result of lovers' quarrels, some out of the pure desire for adventure and others to satisfy the "wanderlust." It is safe to say that but few enlist with a high idea of patriotism growing out of a desire to serve their country.

In Kansas City, however, there is a high percentage of enlistments in both army and navy. According to the officers in charge of the respective stations this city furnishes an average of seven men weekly to the navy and six to the army. Both stations turn away many applicants who come in under the "hungry" list.

In smaller cities there is still hope for the hungry man, as officers in charge of the recruiting stations want to make a showing and keep their offices open. For this reason they are not too particular about the class of recruits so long as they total up in the showing made by the station.
January 8, 1907


Delay of Ninety Days Follows Federal
Appeal for Mrs. Myers

The officers of the county jail received a telegram soon after 8 o'clock last night from the office of Governor Folk, saying that the governor, upon receipt of news from the federal court and Kansas City that Judge Phillips had granted a writ of supersedeas in the case of Mrs. Aggie Myers, had granted Frank Hottman a further respite of ninety days.

Governor Folk said to a correspondent of The Journal at Jefferson City that as Hottman is the only witness against Mrs. Myers, he should not be executed till her fate is finally determined.

Night Jailer McGee notified Hottman immediately of the respite. Hottman was in the death cell awaiting execution Thursday. It is the fifth time he has been respited and he is used to it. When the jailer told him of the respite all Hottman said was: "Well, I guess it's all right," and without a show of emotion prepared to go to sleep. He was not removed to the other part of the jail last night, but will be this morning.

Yesterday the attorneys for Aggie Myers filed an appeal to the supreme court of the United States from the decision of Judge Philips, refusing an application for a writ of habeas corpus. The attorneys declared Mrs. Myers is held illegally by the state authorities. She also was to hang Thursday for the murder of her late husband. The mere taking of the appeal acted as an arrest of judgment in the instance of Mrs. Myers, postponing the date of execution till the higher court can pass upon the case.
January 7, 1907




Clues Seem to Have Given Out and Force is More
in the Dark Than Ever -- Two Men "Sweated," but Developed Nothing.
City Detective Thomas Hayde, who is trying to solve the Fanning murder mystery, yesterday received the following letter from a woman who evidently takes a deep interest in aiding the detective department out of the dumps:
"Dear Mr. Hayde: I cut the murdered man's picture out of the paper and
took the Jack of Clubs out of a deck of cards. Then I placed Mr.
Fanning and the Jack of Clubs under my pillow and dreamed for three
nights. In the third night the murdered man, with all the cuts in his
head, appeared before me. He told me everything. Now if you want to
know the name of the man who killed Thomas Fanning just call on me."
"Are you going to call on the woman?" Hayde was asked.

"Not much," he said firmly.

A week has passed and the murderer of Thomas Fanning is still at large. Seven days ago yesterday the bruised and lifeless remains of Fanning were found in his home, 1818 Olive street by a nephew who called to pay him a Sunday afternoon visit. The police seem totally helpless in the emergency. They have followed many clues, but not one of them has brought forth any substantial results.

So far only two men have been sweated by Chief Hayes and Prosecutor Kimbrell. One of them, a close friend of Fanning, who visited his home almost daily, could not be connected in any way with the murder. The other one had an airtight alibi. He was able to show where he, as a watchman in an institution, had registered his name each hour during the day the old man is supposed to have been killed. The police have settled upon the theory, from Fanning being dressed and other suggestive features, that the murder was committed in the daytime, most likely Saturday, December 29.

Chief Hayes said yesterday that he had seen investigated the story about the man seen on the Holmes street car at 6 o'clock last Sunday morning with the bag of money, who said he was a Metropolitan employe bring the receipts in from the car barn at Eighteenth and Olive streets and that he was told it was no unusual custom. But the chief's statement does not agree with those of Metropolitan officials who say money is never carried in that way. The conductor said the man appeared nervous because the bag of money attracted attention and explained that he was taking it to Metropolitan headquarters. The conductor said he doubted the man's story, as he knew that all cash was transported in the daytime in locked boxes and under the watchful eyes of armed guards. The man, he said, alighted at Fifteenth and Walnut and stood for a moment as if undecided which way to go. Then he walked east on Fifteenth toward Metropolitan headquarters.

When the man at the car barn at Eighteenth and Olive streets was called up last night and asked if it was the custom to send money down at 6 in the morning in a bag with only one man, he would not answer.

Night Superintendent Kelly at Metropolitan headquarters, said:
"So far as I know money is transported from the various car barns to Fifteenth and Grand about 8 or 9 o'clock each morning. The division superintendent and one trusted man generally accompanies it. It is generally in an iron box. I have known it to be taken down on cars, but it is always in the box and two men accompany it. I never heard of one man being sent alone."
January 5, 1907


Negro Reserves Right to Return Ward "If Not Satisfactory."

A good old negro named Matthew Anderson from Westport was in the juvenile court yesterday to take home with him a 15-year-old negro boy for whom the court was seeking a home where he could go to school.

"Ah'll take him, jedge," said Anderson, "but ah'll take him conditional. Ah done raised three sets o' children an' they aint none of 'em evah ben in the penitentiary nor none of 'em evah ben in jail. Ah nevah ben in jail myself an' Ah aint never ben drunk. What Ah want is if Ah can't raise this boy that-a-way Ah wants to bring 'im back."

Judge McCune assured the old man that he might and he went away with the boy.
January 5, 1907



Members of the Missouri-Kansas Hotel Men's Association
Relate Their Grievance Because of
Souvenir Collecting Guests.

It was late yesterday afternoon. The Kansas-Missouri Hotel Men's Association was nearing the close of its annual session at the Midland hotel. Discussions of various kinds, following papers, were had.

"Any unfinished business?" asked Charles Wood, of Topeka, proprietor of the National hotel.

Mit Wilhite, famous in Kansas because he runs the Mitway hotel at Emporia, and because he is one of the biggest baseball fans in North America, and usually runs a team of his own during the summer to entertain himself, caught the chair. "There is a question that I want to ask of this convention," he said. "My wife has asked me to solve it. I can't. What do you do when guests at your house swipe towels? We have lost just an even six dozen since October 1. What in the name of Charles Cominskey do you do to get them back or get some sort of redress?"

There was a shout of laughter from all over the hall. The 100 or more dellegates appreciated the situation. They just threw back their heads and shouted.

Allen J. Dean of htis city is president of the association. "I can give you a dead certain relief," he said. Name it, shouted Wilhite. "I'll pay you for the prescription."

"Buy six dozen more," answered Dean. Then there was more merriment.

It's a funny proposition," said Dean, "a mighty funny one. Just last week I got a big package from a town in Wisconsin. I opened it and found a sugar bowl, of an old colonial style that we used about six years ago. Accompanying was a letter but unsigned. The writer said: "I have been attending revival meetings, and have experienced a change of heart. I herewith return to you a sugar bowl which I took from your hotel when a guest there a number of years ago. It is with me a matter of principle."

"But over at the Hotel Baltimore we had a strange experience. A guest there bought a new trunk, had it taken to his room, filled it with all the stuff from the room that he could cram into it, blankets, carpet, rugs, dresser scarfs and knick-knacks and he got away."

"The Bellvue-Stratford hotel has a remedy," said a member. "On every floor is a glass lookout. A young lady is placed in each one of these day and night, and can see, without being seen, all persons who come and go. When a guest leaves a room an inventory is immediately made of the room, and if anything is missing, the guest can be caught before he gets his bill paid at the office."

"In my hotel at St. Joe," said George Boone, "I had some gas stoves. One day I missed the silver ornament from one in room 11. I found that the occupant had just checked out, but that his grip was still at the check stand. It was not locked. I opened it, took out my ornament, but it back on the stove and closed up the grip. That guest never stopped at my hotel again."

"I got an envelope here a few days ago," said Frank Miller, of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas eating houses. "It contained $5. The note was unsigned, but the writer said he owed me that much for something he had taken. I never knew what it was or who took it."

And so they related experience after experience, but the final verdict was in harmony with that of A. J. Dean: "Go out and buy; six dozen more. That is the only sure remedy."

The meeting opened yesterday morning. Mayor H. M. Beardsley made the welcoming address. Reports of officers and a great deal of routine business was transacted. Frank Miller and D. C. Smith, of Kansas City, read papers. A number of other papers were read from members on the programme, who were unable to attend. The delegates will be here over tomorrow, and are down on the programme, as printed, "For good fellowship."

The banquet was held last night at the Savoy hotel. James A. Reed was the principal speaker. A programme of vaudeville from local theaters was put on.
January 5, 1907


Former Stage Robber and Man Slayer
Passes Through City

A bad man from Texas was at the Union depot last night. His name was L. A. Potter. Today it will be changed to a number, for he will be enrolled at the federaly prison at Leavenworth, where he went to spend the balance of his life. Taciturn, morose, he sat apart from the twenty other prisoners who were being transferred in a prison car to the federal prison. All efforts to draw him into conversation failed. Twenty-five years ago Potter was a terror of the Texas plains and of the Panhandle country. He robbed stage coaches and he killed those who opposed him. He shot Hal Gosling, a deputy United States marshal, to death in 1885. He has spent twenty-two years in prison and will round out his life there for the crime.

In the same prison car, on the way to the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, from the Illinois state prison at Chester, were thirteen others. James Ryan, a post-office robber, was one of them. He sent his regards to Chief Hayes.

Edward E. Watts, chief deputy United States marshall of the East district of Illinois, with six deputies, was in charge of the car. He left on the Missouri Pacific at 10:10 p.m., expecting to turn his charges over to the prison authourities before midnight.
January 5, 1907


McGowan, Morgan and Small
Comply With Requirements

The $50,000 in cash deposited with the city by Mssrs. McGowan, Morgan and Small, grantees of the natural gas franchinse, as a guarantee that they would be furnishing natural gas to consumers through seventy-five miles of mains before January 1, was paid back to James B. McGowan, representing the grantees, by order of the board of public works yesterday. The company reported that it had more than complied with its part of the arrangement, as early in December it was furnishing consumers through 84.92 miles of mains, or nearly nine more miles than required by the provisions of the franchise. S. F. Scott, city gas inspector, who conducted the inspection to determine the correctness of the gas company's statement, reported that it was practically correct, and that all gas lamps throughout the district served with natural gas were equipped with mantles and the light was satisfactory.

Arrangements for connecting up other districts of the city with natural gas are being pushed, and it is thought that early in February another large area will be served.
January 5, 1907


Extension Will Not Take It to the
Swope Park Connection

With the announcement that in extending the Prospect avenue line this year the Metropolitan Street Railway Company will take it no further south than Thrity-seventh street, there will be disappointment along Troost avenue. The expectation that big crowds will go to Electric park every night, and many thousands on Sunday, most of them using the Troose avenue line, has distrubed Troost residents for a long time. In addition, the Troost avenue people realize that there will be thousands going over their line to Swope park. A negro park was started last summer just beyond the new Electric park and hundreds of negroes went nightly out on Troost aveune.

The negroes will still have to use the Troost avenue line to reach their new park. The Woodland avenue line is to be extended to Electric park, but will go no further south than Forty-fifth street. General Manager C. N. Black said yesterday that the Metropolitan would make ample arrangements for handling the crowds which will patronize Electric and Swope parks. "They will have," he said, "the Rockhill, the Troost, and the Woodland avenue lines. This will be good service. I do not think it will crowd the Troost avenue line."
January 5, 1907

Edward Taylor, Fiance of "Girl Burglar,"
Released on Condition

On the condition that he use a marriage license which he had secured and marry Miss Cassie Pope, Edward W. Taylor, fined $100 in police court yesterday for vagrancy, was given a stay on the fine. He had to promise to leave the city.

Cassie Pope was arrested about a year ago in company with a man named Phillips. She confessed that together they had robbed at least a dozen houses here in the city. A great deal of the stolen property was recovered and Phillips sent to the penitentiary.

Taylor and Miss Pope met at the home of the former's sister two weeks ago. They planned marriage and Thursday the sicense was secured. The police arrested Taylor on suspicion, however, and he was yesterday convicted of vagrancy. He has been working as a railroad check clerk.

January 3, 1907


Teamster's Wife Ends Her Life --
Two Other Women Try Self-Destruction

The first day of the new year was marked on the surgeons' "blood book" at police headquarters with the record of one suicide and two attempted suicides, all women. All used carbolic acid.

In a tiny room above an Italian grocery store at 507 Grand avenue, Mrs. Mabel Goin, 25 years old, after kissing her 3-year old baby boy goodbye and writing a note requesting that he be cared for by friends, swallowed a quantity of carbolic acid about 9 o'clock last night and died a few moments later. The cause for her act is said to have been a quarrel that she and her husband had earlier in the evening. Her husband, Tod Goin, is a teamster, employed by the Clinton Transfer Company.

Mary Maxwell, 22 years old, 407 Independence avenue, swallowed carbolic acid an hour later, because of despondency, she said. She, also, had quarreled with her husband, she said. Assistant Police Surgeon D. E. Wilhelm received her.

Mrs. Helen Wright, wife of a saloonkeeper, also swallowed carbolic acid in her room at a boarding house at 1112 Locust street, about 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning. She was taken to the general hospital, where, last night, she was reported as having good chances for recovery.

January 1, 1907


At Least 1,000 in Costume Welcome New Year

There were many spokes in Kansas City's New Year's wheel last night, but the hub was at Convention Hall, where there was held the first annual New Year's ball of the Convention Hall directors. In point of attendance it was not a great success, for there were more people in costumes on the floor than there were spectators in the balconies. There were at least a thousand on the floor in costume. There were
senoritas and Hottentots, princes and minstrels, cowboys and cowgirls, the Gold Dust Twins and Sunny Jim, ballet girls and a rooster. A dozen funny clowns played "crack the whip" and one of the real features was the young man who had himself
made up as a "Seeing Kansas City" trolley car with one passenger.

A new feature last night was the placing of the band in the center of the dancing floor and it was fully
satisfactory. The band was put on an elevated platform.

The spectacular effort of the evening was in the speeding of the old year and the welcoming of the new. At 1:30 o'clock high up at the north end of the hall suddenly appeared as the music stopped a dance, the

"1906 Good Bye."

There was then nearly thirty minutes of intermission, towards the last of which the blue lights that traced this farewell grew gradually dim. Then the band played "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot," and just as the big dial in the south end of the hall showed 12 o'clock the dying lights in the big all went almost out, and the lettering at the north end of the auditorium suddenly changed to

"Welcome, 1907."

The maskers and the audience cheered and the lights went up again. Then came the unmasking.