June 26, 1908



He Has Seven, One of Them Being
Boaz, Last Remaining of Trip-
lets -- Mother of Chil-
dren Dead.

Martin Curry, father of the much advertised Curry triplets, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant issued out of the juvenile court, Kansas City, Kas., charging him with neglecting his children. He was locked up in the county jail and will be arraigned in the juvenile court today The arrest of Curry was caused by numerous complaints made by neighbors. He has six children beside the one remaining triplet, Boaz, the two others having recently died. It is the older children that he is accused of neglecting. He stated last night that he had in no way neglected his family as far as he knows. He proposes to hire an attorney and fight the case. Under the juvenile court law neglect of children by their parents is punishable by a fine and jail sentence.

On Sunday afternoon December 22 last, triplets were born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Curry, 2543 Alden avenue, Kansas City, Kas. The babies, two boys and a girl, were all perfectly formed and unusually healthy. Curry is a laborer and, owning to his poor financial circumstances, the people of the two Kansas Citys became deeply interested in his family, especially the triplets, and hundreds of dollars were contributed by the public that the little ones and their mother should not need for anything in the way of care and attention.

The speedy and generous response of the public lifted a load of worry from the father and all went well until the death of Mrs. Curry, which occurred five weeks after the birth of the triplets. The little ones were doing splendidly at that time and the prospects for them to live were pronounced good by the family physician. At the time of Mrs. Curry's death an effort was made to have the triplets placed in a nursery where they might receive the best of care, but the father decided to trust the rearing of the babies to his 17-year-old daughter Bertha.

Ten days ago the babies were taken ill from having been fed sour milk. Ruth died on Wednesday, June 17, followed by the death of David last Sunday. Boaz, the last of the triplets, still lives, but is not in the best of health. Dr. T. C. Benson stated last night that the child was much better than it was a few days ago, and expressed the belief that it would live if properly cared for. It was Dr. Benson that named the triplets, christening them as they were born.

DID SPOT PROVIDE THE FEAST? ~ Court House Clerks Believe They Know About McClanahan's Fowls.

June 26, 1908

Court House Clerks Believe They
Know About McClanahan's Fowls.

Every clerk in the circuit court of Jackson county dined on spring chicken at the home of David McClanahan in Independence last night. About the chickens which supplied the feast there was a veiled mystery, which added greatly to the sweetness of the meat. Arthur Kelly is positive he has found the solution to the mystery.

It runs this wise: About two months ago the county court secured two fox terriers for use in the basement of the court house. These dogs were warranted champion rat catchers, and they willingly lived up to their reputations. When the rats had become exhausted and the dogs had nothing more to do at the court house James Fernald, one of the clerks, spirited one of the dogs to his home. But the dog insisted on catching the neighbors' chickens, bringing them to the Fernald homestead and then and there killing them. Mr. Fernald, at his wife's earnest suggestion, brought the dog back to the court house.

Then it was that Dave McClanahan took the dog home. One week ago he told the clerks in the court house that he was planning a chicken dinner for them. Nice, fine, fat, spring chickens. Arthur Kelly smiled and kept still. He knew the story of Fernald, the dog and the chickens. Spike Henessy, champion chicken eater of the court house, began a starvation diet at once.

Yesterday morning Kelly and Fernald, guarding their secret well, called a meeting of the clerks and presented Dave McClanahan with a brand new dog collar. On the silver plate of the collar was inscribed these words: "To Spot, in recognition of his services." When McClanahan read the inscription he turned red in the face.

"Stung," whispered Kelly to Fernald; "that blush is the blush of guilt. Now for our dress suits that we may partake of the sweets."


June 26, 1908




Home Where Ceremony Was Being
Held Set on Fire Accidentally.
The "Cutups" Find New
Source of Torment.

Jokers made an attempt to fumigate the residence of Mrs. N. P. Maupin, 3609 Wyandotte street, Wednesday night while Mrs. Maupin's daughter was being married in the parlor to Harry Pierce, a furnishing goods dealer. As a result of the prank Robert Maupin, brother of the bride, may have an injured left hand the rest of his life, and J. J. Foster, a wedding guest, is still confined at his home, 2001 Woodland avenue, ill from inhaling deadly sulphur fumes.
The wedding ceremony was just performed and the formalities of bride-greeting were on, when Robert Maupin left the room to investigate the source of sulphur fumes, which had annoyed the guests during the last few minutes of the wedding service. He entered a rear room and was almost overcome by the fume before he discovered the tray on which the sulphur was burning.
The jokers who placed the sulphur inside had closed the window again and Mr. Maupin was forced to raise the sash with one hand while he held the tray of burning sulphur in the other. The window "stuck," he jerked impatiently, and the tray was overturned. The burning mass ran over Mr. Maupin's left hand and he screamed in pain.
In the meantime, J. J. Foster, who had gone in search of Maupin, heard the latter's startled cry and rushed into the room. The window curtains were ablaze and the carpet was burning. The deadly fumes prostrated Mr. Foster beore he could get out of the room, after putting out the fire and aiding Mr. Maupin with the window and the sulphur tray.
Dr. Allen L. Porter was called from his residence at 3001 Central street. He revived Mr. Foster and treated Mr. Maupin's hand. Mr. Foster was then taken to his home and later another physician was called in consultation. Last night Mr. Foster was unable to leave his house. He insisted last night on going to the telephone and talking to Maupin. He had intended offering a reward for the detection of the jokers who caused his injury. Mr. Maupin, however, said he would prefer not to prosecute because he is sure the fumigating method was taken by friends, who merely tried to frighten the bride and groom.
The flesh was burned from Maupin's hand, and the attending physician stated that some of the finger joints may remain stiff. Mr. Pierce and his bride, who was Miss L. Maupin, will leave tonight for a honeymoon tour of California and the Pacific coast. Their departure was postponed on account of the serious injury to the bride's brother and their guest.

PATSY SAVED A GIRL'S LIFE. ~ In Recognition of His Bravery, the Neighbors Give Him Clothes.

June 26, 1908

In Recognition of His Bravery, the
Neighbors Give Him Clothes.

As a reward for his heroism in rescuing a little girl from drowning last Monday, Patsy Burrey, the 13-year-old son of Patrick Burkrey of 1956 Hallock avenue, Kansas City, Kas., was yesterday presented with a new suit of clothes by people living in the vicinity of Fifth street and New Jersey avenue.

While playing on the banks of Jersey creek near Fifth street, Anna Tate, an 8-year-old girl, fell into the water. Young Burkrey plunged in after her, grabbed her by one foot and pulled her out upon the bank. The rescue was witnessed by several men who were standing on the street above the creek. They look up a collection with which to reward the young hero.

THEY SWAM TO PUT OUT A FIRE. ~ Firemen in East Bottoms Followed Through Flood by Team.

June 26, 1907

Firemen in East Bottoms Followed
Through Flood by Team.

When hose company No 20, Guinotte and Montgall avenues, responded to an alarm of fire from the Park grain elevator, East Lynne street and Nicholson avenue, at 8 o'clock last night, the firemen found the burning structure surrounded by at least five feet of water, surrounded by at least five feet of water. Near the elevator was a fire plug, just barely covered with water. The team followed them. The wagon floated and the horses seemed to pull it with ease while swimming. When the wagon reached a depth where the wheels touched the ground and the bed with the hose was above water the firemen reeled off a section and the hydrant man made the attachment. The line was crried into the elevator and the fire put out. When it was all over the men, horses and wagon went back the way they had come.

DROWNED WHILE SWIMMING. ~ Little Henry Hall Disobeyed His Mother and Was Lost.

June 26, 1908

Little Henry Hall Disobeyed His
Mother and Was Lost.

Henry, the 12-year-old son of Joseph F. Hall, 512 Tenney avenue, Kansas City, Kas., was drowned in the backwater of the Kaw river at the foot of Reynolds avenue yesterday morning. The boy had been sent on an errand by his mother, but instead of doing his mother's bidding, he met some other boys that were going swimming in the backwater that fills the hulls in the northern part of the Cypress railroad yards. Young Hall got in over his head and was drowned in the presence of a number of young companions.

Yesterday's drowning occurred within a few hundred feet of where two other small boys met death in the water last week. The body of the Hall boy was recovered and taken to the undertaking rooms of Daniels and Comfort. Coroner J. A. Davis decided that an inquest was not necessary. Joseph F. Hall, father of the boy, is employed at the Cudahy packing house, having charge of the boiler rooms there.

ROCK PILE FOR GUN TOTERS. ~ Independence Police Judge Orders Marshal to Bring 'Em All In.

June 26, 1908

Independence Police Judge Orders
Marshal to Bring 'Em All In.

Independence has started a rock pile and the city marshal and Police Judge Peacock say they expect to pick up every "gun toter" in town to break rock for the county road connections with city streets. When Edward Howard, a negro, said in police court yesterday that he had been guilty of carrying a pistol Judge Peacock turned on the full current. The negro whineed under the fine of $150 imposed by the court.

"There will be nothing less in this court for pistol carrying offenders," said Judge Peacock. He instructed Marshal Combs to round up the pistol "toters."

The crusade against carrying concealed weapons was started by the Independence Commercial Club. The club sent a recommendation to the mayor regarding the practice and asked him to have the ordinance against concealed weapons enforced.


June 25, 1908


In 1879 He Served This City as Mayor
and Began Many Improvements.
His Experiences Here in
the Early Days.

After two weeks' illness from uraemic poisoning, Lieutenant Colonel R. H. Hunt, a former mayor of Kansas City, died at the Soldiers' Home in Leavenworth yesterday morning. Colonel Hunt was 68 years old, and up until his last illness he had been a man of marked vitality.

About one year ago Colonel Hunt was appointed from private life to the post of Quartermaster at the Soldiers' Home, and he was serving in that capacity when he died. Colonel Hunt was a widower and is survived by two nieces. They are Mrs. John Stearns of Kansas City and Miss Mamie Hunt of St. Louis.

Funeral services will be held Friday morning in the chapel at the Soldiers' Home in Leavenworth. The burial in the national cemetery will be attended with regular military honors.

Special cars will be run to the Soldiers' Home tomorrow morning to carry friends to the funeral. The cars will start from Tenth and Main streets at 8 o'clock.

Robert H. Hunt was born in Shannon, Kerry County, Ireland, in 1839, and came to America at the age of 10 with his father. Kansas City was reached even in very early days, and the spirit of individuality which all his long life afterwards made him conspicuous, asserted itself in the father and son, for they left Kansas City for Western Kansas to get where they could not see slaves. The father soon went on about his business, leaving the boy to make a living for himself.

This he first did by carrying the water pail on a section for the construction of the railroad. Twenty years later, he was working 2,000 men himself, one of the big railroad contractors of the West. Between the time of his carrying the dipper and building part of the Rock Island, the Santa Fe and the Missouri Pacific, young Hunt went to a college. He worked his passage through it, and got out in time to go into the war to serve with Rosecranz, Thomas and Grant; to join Ewing and to become chief of staff under General Samuel R. Curtis.


Most of his service with the colors was on the border between Missouri and Kansas. Hereabouts, with General Curtis, he directed the artillery movements of the fights of the Little Blue, Big Blue, Westport, Osage, Newtonia and Mine Creek. It was at this last battle that General "Pap" Price was crushed and General Marmaduke was captured.

Colonel Hunt enlisted in a Kansas regiment, but left it during the war and became a staff officer. Afterwards he got back into a Kansas regiment, the Fifteenth cavalry, of which he was Major. The regiment had two colonels, C. R. Jennison and afterwards Colonel Cloud, while George W. Hoyt, afterwards a brigadier, was the lieutenant colonel. Robert H. Hunt was the senior major of the command.

There is a book published on "The Battle of Westport" by Rev. Paul B. Jenkins, formerly of this city, in which no mention whatever, in the slightest word, is made of Colonel Hunt.

"But he was there," said Colonel Van Horn yesterday, "and directed the artillery. I was related by marriage to General Curtis, commanding the Union forces here. He appointed me to his staff and directed me to prepare fortifications for the city. In that way I located and had the rifles ready and the encroachments dug. I saw a handsome young officer riding in and about, coming frequently to general headquarters for orders or with supports, and, struck by his magnificent bearing, asked his name. I was told it was the chief of staff, Colonel Hunt. What began as an acquaintance has lasted until now. As there is no battle in which the artillery is not the objective point, and as Colonel Hunt was commanding the artillery at the Battle of Westport, as I know from my own observations then, I know that he was in the fight; yet Mr. Jenkins made no mention whatever of him in what he declared to be a record of the battle."

The obscuring of Colonel Hunt by the Jenkins book is not unique. Other leaders in the engagement were similarly treated by the local historian.


The end of the war saw Colonel Hunt located in Kansas City, to engage in contracting. When first young Hunt landed in this country the priest of the parish they settled in took him up and began training him for service on the alter.

The good priest in this way taught him Latin. To the last days of his life Colonel Hunt kept his Latin fresh and, by means of a dictionary he would read Latin books. He regarded it as an accomplishment and was proud of it. But he never boasted of it. Reading Latin, born a Catholic and Republican in politics though an Irishman. Colonel Hunt made the acquaintance of the Rev. William J. Dalton, native of St. Louis, child of Irish parents, a Latin scholar and a clergyman of the church of Rome. The two remained friends to the last.

Father Dalton is a Republican in politics. Father Dalton came to Kansas City just as Colonel Hunt was closing his term as mayor, "but I was here early enough," said Father Dalton yesterday, "to hear the whole town commending him for his tremendous strides. Energy had marked every week of his administration, and today we have substantial evidence of it. With but little to do anything at all with, Mayor Hunt did much. He was at the very forefront of everything, calculating on the future warranting all his energy."


"At the very forefront of everything," says Father Dalton, and so it would appear. There walks about town today a little old man with a scar on the back of his neck. He built the retaining wall which keeps Bluff street from sliding into the Missouri river. There was trouble one Saturday afternoon about the pay, and the men undertook to lynch the contractor. They actually got a rope around his neck and started with him to throw him over his own retaining wall.

The city hall then was where it is now, only in a one-story brick that might have been a country feed store. Mayor Hunt got word of the crisis, picked up a pamphlet he had in his scant library, jumped into a saddle that was not his own and soon was in the ob. He literally rode into it and from the back of his horse read the riot act. That constitutional performance made him a summary marshal and there was no lynching. If there had been there would have been a wholesale killing by the force of twelve marshals Kansas City then had, old "Tom" Speer their chief.

During Colonel Hunt's administration Kansas City was the head of the Fenian movement. "No. 1," a mysterious Irish patriot, and Captain "Tom" Phelan, well remembered here and today alive in a home somewhere, were to fight a duel with broadswords over the troubles of Ireland. Colonel John Moore and Colonel John Edwards, both newspapermen, were to act as seconds. The principals went into training in rooms in a store on West Twelfth street. The morning the duel was to have been fought Colonel Hunt personally smashed in the doors of the training rooms and arrested the belligerents. There was an encounter, but he mayor, being a peace officer and a fighter himself, won. There was no duel.


The forum of Kansas City in those days was Turner hall, afterwards Kumpf's hall, standing as late as 1886 where Boley's clothing store now stands. A political row there sent Mayor Hunt to that place with his copy of the riot act. He would tolerate no mob law while he was mayor. He always asserted his authority to the utmost.

When the figures are all totaled up it will not be found that Colonel Hunt left much of an estate. He married a Miss Hoyne of Chicago. In the '70s Colonel Hunt was worth so much money that he was able to borrow $50,000 from the late Thomas Corrigan for a period of ten months. He was able to pay it back within two weeks. He might have been worth $200,000 or $500,000. Estimates made yesterday ran from one to the other of these figures. He built a mansion at Independence and Highland. The house is there now, a pastel in dull red of what it once was. The plot has been nibbled down to next to nothing.


Colonel Hunt's father had been a small farmer in Ireland. All of his days in this country had been spent in railroad camps or in the field with troops. When Colonel Hunt opened his mansion on Independence avenue he did so with the brilliance of an hereditary aristocrat. Handsome in person, he had handsome ways. There was a wine cellar where it ought to be, and the drawing room, and from one to the other of the Hunt mansion was complete. Kansas City has never seen brighter scenes than those witnessed while Colonel and Mrs. Hunt kept open house on Independence avenue.

Nobody knows where Colonel Hunt's fortune went. It went like the summer wind that sinks with the sun. There was no speculation, no wheat end to the story, no boom collapse, no expensive household bills. The fortune simply disappeared, though Colonel Hunt always, to his intimates, lately insisted that he held valuable securities which would in a few years put him on his feet. But he did not get on his feet.

Times did not prosper fast enough Colonel Hunt stood in need of a billet and Senator Warner gave it to him. He had him appointed quartermaster at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, near Leavenworth, a position he held for about a year. Within a year of three score and ten, Colonel Hunt walked like a youth. Almost six feet in height, no man in his forties and of similar physique walked straighter, faster nor further. His hair and long beard were merely turning gray. He could pass for a man of 55. He lived as he moved, energetically. He liked young people; old people with old stories troubled him. The young people would not take him up because they did not know about the things he knew most of, and the old ones -- his own years -- were too old to take anybody up. So Colonel Hunt was neither here nor there. That was why he had to ask an asylum at the hands of his old military, political, professional and personal friend, Senator Warner.


"It killed him," said Father Dalton. "The life was too dull for him. He wanted to beat sixty times to the minute and he found himself in a clock which had a pendulum going twenty to the minute.

"Where he was accustomed to moving cannon, they set him buying buttons, and able to move troops all up and down the border with the celerity of Forest, they put him to watching veterans crawl across their parade ground. Mops and counting cases of blouses to the tune of a droning beat made Colonel Hunt settle back in a chair that most men look for at sixty, and conserve themselves till riper in years, and so he collapsed. I saw him on Monday, and then he showed he was going away.

"He entered the army at Leavenworth in his young life, left the Fort and the army in his middle age, and went back to Leavenworth and the army to die in his old age. May his soul rest in peace."

And so he is to be buried in Leavenworth, in the military grounds there. Only members of the home may be buried in the military cemetery, excepting by express permission, and that permission is granted sometimes in the instance of officers. Yesterday application was made to Senator Warner, one of the board of managers and it was promptly given. Internment is to be made on Friday, at ten o'clock. Those desiring to attend the funeral will have to leave Kansas City by the 8 o'clock trolley car. President C. F. Holmes has arranged to run a special car at 8:01 Friday for the accommodation of Senator Warner, Surveyor C. W. Clarke, General H. F. Devol, Brevet Brigadier General L. H. Waters and a number of other high officers of the civil war.

DOG ATTACKS LITTLE GIRL. ~ Florence Myers Bitten on Face While Playing at Her Home.

June 25, 1908

Florence Myers Bitten on Face While
Playing at Her Home.

Florence, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Myers, 3015 Cherry street, was bitten by a dog belonging to O. S. Bone of Roanoke, who formerly lived at the Elizabeth flats, Thirtieth and Cherry streets, while at play in the yard in front of her home yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock. The dog is a black and tan mongrel and was captured at once. It is not believed to be affected by rabies. The little girl was bitten over the left eye, and Drs. J. W. Kyger and Fred Kyger were summoned at once to dress the wound.

After biting the little girl, the dog ran north to Twenty-eighth street, where he attacked another dog. Police were summoned after the dog's capture and requested to kill him, but stated that this could not be done without the owner's consent, unless the dog be affected by rabies.

TRAIN'S FAMOUS PACER DEAD. ~ Major McKinley Fell in His Tracks at Elm Ridge Yesterday.

June 25, 1908

Major McKinley Fell in His Tracks
at Elm Ridge Yesterday.

Harry Train's famous bay horse, Major McKinley, with a mark of 2:05 1/4, pacing, dropped dead yesterday while doing an easy mile on the track at Elm Ridge. The horse cost $2,500 two years ago in New York, and was held by its owner to be the fastest pacer in the world working without anything on him, meaning toe weights or straps. Trainer John McKinney had the horse in harness and was finishing a three-mile workout. The horse was 8 years old, a marvelously beautiful creature, gentle to handle, graceful in his step and did his work without displaying much energy.

ARMY GETS $5,000 BEQUEST. ~ Mrs. Mary Greenland, the Donor, Was a Colorado Colonist.

June 25, 1908

Mrs. Mary Greenand, the Donor, Was
a Colorado Colonist.

Colonel Thomas Holland, national colonization secretary for the Salvation Army, was in Kansas City yesterday. He is on his way home from St. Joseph, where he went to arrange a bequest of $5,000, left by Mrs. Mary Greenand of Amity, Col., to the Salvation Army. Mrs. Greenand was a settler at the Salvation Army colony at Amity.

"Besides the colony at Amity," said Col. Holland, "we have also a colony at Fort Romie, Cal. At Amity we have 300 persons and at Fort Romie 200. We have been established ten years and are meeting with success. Our plan is to take penniless people, mostly from the cities, and furnish them land, rent free, and allow them to pay for it as they wish. They are allowed twenty years to pay for their land. Each family receives from twenty to forty acres. It is irrigated land and the settlers have been uniformly successful. Mrs. Greenand, who was a widow, became interested in the movement and bought a farm in the settlement. When she died several days ago she left us this handsome bequest."

A SHOCK TO MODESTY. ~ "Fine Example of Journalistic Enterprise" Rebuked.

June 25, 1908

"Fine Example of Journalistic Enter-
prise" Rebuked.

"The exclusive publication this morning by The Star and The New York Times of the Republican National Platform as submitted to the Committee on Resolutions may be spoken of without the least violation of modesty, as a fine example of journalistic enterprise." -- Kansas City Star

"The modesty to which our contemporary is so careful was so well guarded in its partnership with us in the enterprise referred to that we have been, until now, quite unaware of that partnership. We suspect it was established wholly on the initiative of our contemporary about one hour after the Times had printed the platform." -- New York Times


June 24, 1908


Plans for Buildings Will Be Ready by
July 1 and Gus Pearson Is
Now Casting About for
Rare Animals.

Within a comparatively short time, probably before the end of the present summer, the Kansas City Zoological Society will have realized its ambition to install in Swope park one of the handsomest and most complete zoos in the country. Already the site has been selected and the architects have been instructed to proceed with preliminary drawings which are to be tendered for approval before the end of the month.

Yesterday afternoon the commissioners, members of the Zoological Society and others went to the park to finally decide on the site, an ideal one situated about three-quarters of a mile from the main entrance, in a beautiful hollow which is particularly well adapted to the purpose.

The first building to be erected, the one which will be the principal of a group to follow, will be patterned after other famous buildings of the kind in New York and Chicago, only it is the intention to make it more complete. Situated in the center of the ravine, the structure will be erected within twelve feet of a solid wall of rock where bears and other animals of similar species will be provided with caves and watering troughs in natural rock. This alone is an important feature of the adaptability of the site as the majority of bear pits in other cities are manufactured for the purpose.

From the beginning to a point just above the extreme height of the bear pits will be extended a series of iron gratings and the various specimens will be divided in pens probably ten feet square. The building proper will be 150 feet in length by 85 feet in breadth, in the center of which, with dimensions of 110 by 45 feet, will be a mammoth bird-flying cage and an aquarium. This cage will be 30 feet in height.

At one end of the building will be a division for the larger hay eating animals, all of which, with the possible exception of the buffalo and deers, will have to be housed during the winter months. The south side will be devoted to smaller animals and larger birds, the north side to larger animals, such as lions, tigers, leopards, wildcats and the like, while the west end will be occupied by monkey cages in which it is the intention to exhibit every species of this interesting animal procurable.

Adjacent to the building will be the thirty or more acres contributed by the city which are to be utilized as grazing grounds for herds of buffalo, deer, elk and the like. The tract will be enclosed by a woven wire fence and the various specimens can be seen in their daily habits with every advantage. The numerous trees which grow on this side will be retained, and the abundance of good sweet grass and clover growing there insures excellent feed for all captives.

The small brook which runs immediately through the center of the ravine will be made picturesque and useful. With little labor the stream can be made to run through almost all of the outside pens, thus insuring fresh, cold water all the time, while outside the pens the little stream will be artistically bridged and otherwise beautified.

Although the city thus far has contributed only $15,000 for the purpose of erecting the building, it is probable that an additional amount will be forthcoming before actual work on the structure begins. It is the intention, according to members of society, to expend $25,000 on the first building, and those which are to follow will cost nearly as much.

In the meantime the two lonely, hostile and altogether uninteresting monkeys which occupy a spacious house near the second shelter pavilion, will be provided with more adequate quarters and more companions. This was decided yesterday and it is probable that the additional monkeys will be forthcoming within another month. After the permanent monkey house is finished these specimens will be transferred to cages in which numerous others, which re now being sought, will welcome them.

It is the intention of the society to spare no expense to secure all of most rare and costly animals from every section of the world. This was the understanding when the city consented to donate land and erect the buildings. It is probable that an expert on animals will be engaged and authorized to secure the best specimens. A corps of expert animal caretakers will be brought her from the famous Central park zoo in New York and elsewhere.


June 24, 1908


Two Husbands Are Worrying Two
Faithful Wives and Piling Up
Telephone Bills by Remain-
ing Away From Home.

Mrs. Susie Poser called police headquarters by telephone from Tulsa, Ok., yesterday and asked that her husband, S. Poser, here for three weeks, be sought by the police. He is a plasterer, 30 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 145 pounds. He has light hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. Has been known to drink.

The mother of Samuel Keller, 17 years old, 913 Oak street, said her boy had left home Sunday morning and had not returned.

This report was among the lot of the missing: "Look out for George Wiley, 12 years old, blue overalls, blue blouse, barefooted and red-headed. Left home last Friday and not heard from since. Notify his mother at Independence avenue and Charlotte street, next to drug store."

Probably the most important person the police were asked to find, yesterday, on account of the fact that he was known to have had $868 and some valuable jewelry with him, was Frank Cook of Independence, Kas. His wife telephoned here and asked that he be located by the police.

Last Friday night Cook entered a hack at Fifth street and Grand avenue and asked to be driven to the Union depot to catch a 9 p. m. train. It was late and the train was missed.

"Bud" Landis, the driver, knew that Cook had with him a large sum of money. He drove slowly back uptown and at Seventh and Wyandotte streets called the attention of Patrolman J. F. Murphy and J. F. Brice, to the man in his hack. Cook was asleep. He had been drinking.

When searched at police headquarters, where he was booked as a "safe keeper," he was found to have $808, a valuable gold watch and chain and other jewelry. Cook was released Saturday morning and his money and jewelry returned to him. The missing man is 35 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighs about 140 pounds, has light hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. His wife said he might be found in a sanitarium.

A doctor at 1306 Garfield avenue asked that the police be on the lookout for W. H. Madden, a patient who took French leave. The doctor said that Madden was demented. He wanted the man detained until he could be notified.

Bert Murray, a "patient" at the city workhouse, while working in the barn there Sunday concluded to leave. He did leave. As his time is by no means up, Patrick O'Hearn, superintendent of that institution, asks the police to locate Murray and return him, not to the barn, but to the workhouse proper.

ADA LANDED ON GLASSWARE. ~ Noisy Finale of Attempted Escape From the Workhouse.

June 23, 1908

Noisy Finale of Attempted Escape
From the Workhouse.

Plumbers working in the women's ward at the workhouse yesterday cut a hole 18x24 inches in the floor. When Ada Parker, 23 years old, fat, black and dissatisfied with her environment, saw the hole on going to bed at the usual hour, she began to make plans.

At midnight she stole from her bed, taking with her the blankets and sheets. Those she tied together, securing one end to the leg of her bed, dropping the other into the hole in the floor. Ada chuckled as she contemplated the blackness below. It was of the same complexion as Twenty-third and Vine. She could already feel the night wind tugging at her skirts as she skipped, in fancy, up the dark street to liberty.

She dropped through the hole and slid down her blanket rope and landed in a little pantry packed with workhouse china, glassware, tin pans and cutlery. The noise Ada made in connection with the pans and things was sufficient to rouse even the workhouse guards. She was rescued, bleeding in many soft parts of her anatomy. Dr. George R. Dagg, workhouse surgeon, patched her up. Today the plumbers will nail up the hole in the floor.

SAVE THEM FOR THE FOURTH. ~ Police Will Arrest Premature Shooters of Noisy Fireworks.

June 23, 1908

Police Will Arrest Premature Shoot-
ers of Noisy Fireworks.

On account of so many complaints going to Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., about the discharge of firearms and the use of explosives and fireworks in the city previous to July 4, Daniel Ahern, chief of police, yesterday sent a special order to all commanding officers in the city, drawing their attention to city ordinance 24883, governing the use of firearms and explosives in the city limits.

The orders are to arrest all persons violating the order but boys. Where those are found the police are to give them a warning and tell their parents. Then if the same boys persist in celebrating prematurely, they are to be arrested and taken before the juvenile court. All those who are old enough to know better anyway, are to be arrested and arraigned in police court.

CASTLE IN PENN VALLEY PARK. ~ Is to Be Built by Park Board on Highest Point.

June 23, 1908

Is to Be Built by Park Board on
Highest Point.

When Penn Valley park is completed, a castle is to be built on the crest of the hill east of the present lake, overlooking Twenty-sixth street, the Union depot and the West bottoms. It will be the highest elevation in the city park system. George E. Kessler, park landscape engineer, is now planning the structure.

J. C. Ford, 201 New England Life building, yesterday asked the board to consider his suggestion that a building to cost not less than $5,000 be erected on the high elevation. He wanted the building to have a restaurant and a roof garden with a flag polie above to distinguish it. It was after hearing Mr. Ford's suggestion that the members of the board let out the secret that just about such a structure is to be built and that the plans are now being made for it.

HER LOVER WAS NOT THERE. ~ Keen Disappointment of a Young Woman Who Came From Italy.

June 22, 1908

Keen Disappointment of a Young
Woman Who Came From Italy.

After Peter Angello, a young Italian, had accumulated sufficient money to defray the expense of his transportation to the home of his youth, where a sweetheart awaited him, he bought a tickeet to New York and started Saturday evening. He expected to take the steamer to Italy, Wednesday. In the meantime, friends and relatives of the young man sent money to the girl in Italy to bring her here, they thinking it would be an agreeable surprise to Angello. When the young woman arrived at the Union depot yesterday she learned that Peter had started East.

"Where is he? Where is he?" she demanded after scanning the faces of the delegation sent to meet her, and when informed of the true facts she broke down and wept bittterly in spite of efforts of her friends to pacify her.

After the young woman had sobbed out her grief for several minutes she was taken to the home of friends in the Italian section where she wil stay pending the return of her lover, who, it is thought, will be intercepted before his arrival at New York.

MINISTERS CALL ON BROWN. ~ Says He Expects to Go to Prison for His Misdeeds.

June 22, 1908

Says He Expects to Go to Prison for
His Misdeeds.

Since his arrest last Friday night on a charge of issuing worthless checks the Rev. C. S. L. Brown has made his peace with his Diety and is now calmly awaiting the outcome of his trial. Last night Mr. Brown said he expected to receive a penitentiary sentence. He was arraigned Saturday afternoon before Justice Michael Ross and held under a bond of $750. He has made no attempt to secure his release, and said that he did not care to ask his friends for help. If it is possible Brown intends to keep his mother in ignorance of his trouble until he is a free man. He said last night that he did not want his child to see him until he was out of jail.

In the same cell with the minister is Antonio W. Martin, the young Italian adventurer, who has gained some notoriety by his recent escapades. The two men had figured out the amount owed by the minister on account of the worthless checks he had passed.

That the unfrocked pastor still has friends who are willing to stick by him was shown yesterday by the number of persons who called at the county jail to see him. Among the visitors were four Christian ministers. Mr. Brown said last night that since he had resigned from his charge at Lee's Summit six weeks ago he had spent his time in drinking and gambling, but that he had now mastered these passions and believed when he got out of jail he would go forth a stronger man. He wants a place where he can be busy and not have time to think about the allurements of gambling.


June 22, 1908




Worry Over Business Affairs Caused
by Inactivity of Trade During
the High Water Is Given
as the Cause.

Awakened by a pistol shot at 6 o'clock yesterday morning, Mrs. Charlotte Little rushed into the adjoining room of her home in Bristol, a suburb of Kansas City, where she found her husband, Charles H. Little, lying on the floor unconscious with a bullet wound in the right temple. Mrs. Little ran next door to the residence of Dr. C. W. Martin who hurried to the ho use. After a hasty examination Dr. Martin summoned Dr. P. M. Agee of Independence, and the two physicians remained with the wounded man until he breathed his last, three hours later. From the position of the body on the floor Mr. Little had evidently stood in front of the bureau mirror and directed the aim of the weapon. A thorough search of the room revealed no note or message that he might have left explaining why he shot himself.

His wife and friends said yesterday that the dead man had never mentioned committing suicide and they could not give any reason for his doing so. Mr. Little's home life was pleasant and there was no family reasons which would cause him to want to take his life.

Mr. Little was 34 years old and was born at Des Moines, Ia., He came to Kansas City, Kas., when a small boy and was reared in that city. For a number of years he held a responsible position in the executive department of the Armour Packing Company at the local plant, resigning his position there to become associated with the E. S. Nixon Live Stock Commission Company at the stock yards. About two months ago he quit the employ of the Nixon company to engage in business for himself as a speculator at the yards. He had been fairly successful as a speculator, but was caught with a good sized bunch of cattle on his hands when the present high water destroyed the market and stopped trading at the yards. He took these cattle to his home near Bristol and placed them in a pasture which he had leased.

He was of a very nervous temperament, and ever since business at the yards was suspended he worried. His friends at the yards state that he was almost a physical wreck when he let the employ of the Nixon firm, and, instead of taking a vacation for the purpose of recuperation, he plunged into hard work again.

Mr. Little was a thirty-second degree Mason and past master of Wyandotte lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M. He was also a member of the Shrine lodge at Leavenworth, a charter member of Wyandotte lodge No. 440, B. P. O. E., and belonged to Granite camp, Modern Woodmen of America. Besides his wife and child he is survived by his mother, one brother and two sisters. The body will be taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Ladd, 654 Washington avenue, Kansas City, Kas., today. The funeral will be held from there tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.


June 21, 1908


Had Been Buried Alive in Louisville
and Wanted to Be Cremated in
a Wideawake Town -- Copy
of Will Here.

One of the most extraordinary documents ever sent to Kansas City for recording was received in the probate court yesterday from Louisville, Ky., to be made part of the abstract of the site and property at the southwest corner of Eighth and Woodland, the site and property at the southwest corner of Eighth and Woodland, the old Woodland hotel. The document is a copy of the will of the late William F. Norton, Jr., executed August 6, 1902, while the maker was residing in Louisville. He has since died. The Eighth and Woodland property is being sold and in order to complete the record of the title the buyer has called for a copy of the Norton will. The document sent here for filing is a typewritten copy. It begins with verse from Prior, Byron and Shakespeare, and after identifying itself, it reads:

In case I die in Louisville, in which dead town I have been buried for so many years, I wish a special Pullman car to be engaged to carry my body to Cincinnati for incineration in that city, taking the receptacle that will be found in my rooms, Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22 Norton block, in which my ashes are to be placed.

I wish the buffet of the Pullman car to be well stocked with nice things to eat and to drink, so that my friends who will do me the honor to see me started on that long journey may not want for anything to ease their hunger or slack their thirst.

"As it takes about two hours to cremate a body, I wish my executors to engage the Bellstedt band, the best band in Cincinnati, of forty musicians, at $200, to render a fine concert composed of my favorite musical selections, a copy of the programme to be found in the same envelope containing my will.

"It will be noticed that there are two intermissions of fifteen minutes each indicated on the programme. During those intermissions I wish my friends who will be witnesses to my incineration to invite the musicians to drink with them to my 'bon voyage; in Montebello brut champagne, several cases of which will be sent from the Pullman car to the crematory."

From this point the will becomes normal, providing that the ashes of the remains go in a bronze urn, which should be placed on top of a monument in the grave yard at Russellville, Ky., and peremptorily directing that there be no religious service or other service whatever. No bond was to be required of the executors, no sale made, no proceedings excepting statutory ones in the probate court and no inventory taken. The document then shows that Norton willed to "my faithful old servant, Eugene Hines, the sum of $3,000 which will be enough to last him, with care;" to Miss Augusta Savage $10,000 provided she be unmarried at the time of the testator's death and to Dr. M. Sweeney, for services, $13,000. The residue was left to Mrs. Ann E. Norton, mother, "unless I should marry and be survived by a wife," in which event the widow would get one-fourth the net income of the estate, the remaining three-fourths to go to the children, if any.

There is nothing accompanying the official copy of the will to signify whether or not the extraordinary provisions were complied with, but G. W. Norton, a cousin, and M. W. Brower, a life-long friend, are named as executors and enjoined to carry out its provisions in every particular.

The estate is worth about $4,000,000.


June 21, 1908




Sudden Demise Reveals Fact That
He Had Saved $15,000 -- His
Boat's Cabin Finished
in Mahogany.

Although N. N. Pushkareff, a Russian, up until his death a few weeks ago is in the vicinity of his little houseboat near Harlem, was always considered among his associates a man of little means, it has developed that the man had a balance of $15,000 to his credit in a local bank and possessed considerable property in various sections of the city.

After his death his body was encased in a casket priced by the undertaker at $700 and placed in a vault pending the arrival of his family at present en route from their home to this country, none of the members of which is aware of the husband and father's death.

Pushkareff, when a comparatively young man, left his home in Russia to seek his fortune in this country, declaring at the time that he would not return nor send for his family until he had accumulated $25,000.

Arriving in America, accompanied by his eldest son, whom he had brought with him, the two launched in the caviare business in the East. Later they came to this section and several years ago located permanently in this city. Since then Pushkareff prospered and saved the money beyond the knowledge of his son.

Several weeks ago, although he had not realized his ambition in accumulating $25,000, he determined to send to the old country where his wife and children patiently waited him and ask them to come. The family immediately began preparations for the journey. Since then the husband and father died from heart failure, his body being found in his characteristic garb, rags, with a short distance of the little houseboat on the north side of the river.

Upon the coroner's investigation into the man's death considerable money was found on his clothing and in the little houseboat, the interior of which was furnished wholly in mahogany and ebony furniture, and at the bidding of friends the body was placed in one of the most expensive caskets in the city, and later stored in a vault to await the arrival of the wife with instructions as to its disposition. It is probable the body will be shipped to Russia.

Pushkareff, although few knew it, was a member of several of the more important fraternities in the city. He is said to have been an ardent Elk and spent much of his time at the Elks' Club, although there were none who knew him there as Pushkareff the Caviare man. At times he is said to have spent much money.

After his death the little houseboat, which was anchored to the river bottoms, narrowly escaped becoming swamped when the flood came, and had it not been for Dr. Elliott Smith of this city, it undoubtedly would have gone to the bottom. Dr. Smith rescued the craft and took it to the Blue river, where it is now moored.

The boat, although small, is said to be a marvel of beauty within and represents a lavish expenditure of money. Finished in mahogany and ebony, the interior is otherwise decorated in a costly yet peculiar manner. During the owner's life no one was known to have entered the boat save himself. The doors were always locked, and the man would not permit anybody approaching, much less examining it. Nothing within the little craft has been molested and neither will it be until after the arrival of the family of the deceased.

Pushkareff's son did not live on the houseboat with him, but boarded in the city, where he attended school.

TAFT TO CARRY MISSOURI. ~ C. S. Jobes Back from Chicago Thinks Republican Candidate Has a Chance.

June 21, 1908

C. S. Jobes Back from Chicago Thinks
Republican Candidate Has a Chance.

Kansas City's contingent to the Chicago convention returned yesterday, all of them enthusiastic over the results.

"It was not a great convention from a numerical point of view," said Mr. C. S. Jobes, one of the alternates from this district, "but it was a great one, in the work it did. We all know Mr. Taft and we all know him to fill the specifications for president. Congressman Sherman is fully up to the standard. About Mr. Taft's age, or perhaps a year or two older. Mr. Sherman is an ideal running mate. He is not an orator, but he is a forceful speaker, logical in his deductions, of splendid physique and has great endurance. The men are right and so is the platform. Missouri went into the convention in excellent shape, the delegation being on good terms within itself, and with the enthusiasm the Chicago convention warrants, we will carry the state. There is nothing the Democrats can do to beat us. They could not make a ticket so good that they could get Missouri from Taft and the Taft men."

Senator William Warner, who attended the convention and who was put on the notification committee, will not arrive here till about Wednesday or Thursday. I will be a month before the campaign begins by the start at organizing. Senator Warner will not take an active part in it further than making speeches at large central points, his health being too precarious.

"WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR IS HARD.". ~ Rev. Brown, Under Liquor, Is Arrested. Says He Has Passed Worthless Checks and Played in Some Stiff Games.

June 20, 1908

Rev. Brown, Under Liquor, Is Ar-
rested. Says He Has Passed
Worthless Checks and Played
in Some Stiff Games.

"The way of the transgressor is hard." This was the text of a sermon preached by the Rev. C. S. L. Brown at the West Side Christian church, Twentieth street and Pennsylvania avenue, on Sunday night, October 7, 1906. His subject was "Lights and Shadows of Life, or Positive and Negative Teachings."

Since that memorable night when the Rev. Mr. Brown, who six years before had worked as a porter at the Hotel Baltimore, preached before a large congregation, many of whom were his personal friends, glad of his success, he has found out the hard truth of his text -- "The way of the transgressor is hard."

Last night the Rev. Mr. Brown was arrested at Sixth and Walnut streets by Patrolman Harry Arthur. He was locked up for investigation and spent the night in a cell at Central station. When arrested he was in the street. He had thrown away his hat, his coat was off and he had all but stripped the upper portion of his body of clothing.

It was the same Rev. Mr. Brown who a few months ago stood boldly before his congregation at Lee's Summit, Mo., and acknowledged that he had been gambling and drinking. He was drinking last night. When he occupied the pulpit of Rev. W. O. Thomas here in October, 1906, Rev. Mr. Brown then was pastor of a Christian church at Washington, Kas. His mother, a woman of wealth and culture, lives there now. His wife and four small children are with his mother. He is 30 years old.

The minister admitted last night he had been drinking and gambling in Kansas City almost ever since his downfall at Lee's Summit. He said he had passed about $60 worth of worthless checks. He could recall one for $12.50 on C. J. Mees, a saloonkeeper, Sixth and Walnut; one for $15 on James Riddle, saloon, Independence avenue and McGee street, and two at Lee's Summit.

"I can trace my downfall to the love of a woman," he said, with tears in his eyes. "Then the gamblers got hold of me here and what they have left you see now -- a wreck, beaten, down and out. I am willing to take my medicine like a man and serve my five or ten years, but before God I will not divulge the name of the woman. Her name must be protected, as I alone am to blame.

"When I got in my trouble and had to leave my church and Lee's Summit," he continued, "a minister friend down there went to my mother at Washington, Kas., and got $400 to square things. She told him he could have ten times that amount. With part of that I even paid gambling debts to men here who since have refused to give me 10 cents to buy a dish of chile.

"Gambling! Gambling!" he almost shrieked. "Is there much gambling here? Yes. I could lead you to some of the stiffest games you ever saw and they seem to be running with ease. Of course most of them are in hotels and hard to catch. Yes, I have been before the grand jury with it."

The Rev. Mr. Brown refused to divulge the names of the men who had "trimmed" him here. He said "Their time will come later. He said that he went through the Boer war in the service of England. Then he was a soldier of fortune.

"It was there I contracted the drinking and gambling habits," he admitted with bowed head. "I felt the craving for the old habits returning and battled with them as long as I could. At a weak moment, other troubles begetting me, I fell 'as the angels fell from Heaven to the blackest depths of Hell.' Since then the course has been down, down, down with an awful rush."


June 20, 1908



Forced Her Into Chair and Drilled
Out Gold Crowns and Fillings.
He is Fined $25
in Police court.

A remarkable experience with a dental firm was narrated in police court yesterday by Mrs. L. H. Watkins of 928 Penn stret. Her story was told in connection with the arrest of Dr. James Farrell, who said he was an operator with the Union Dental Company, 1019 Main street.

According to Mrs. Watkins the firm, some time ago, contracted to fix her teeth for $30, the money to be paid on payments -- the last one to be paid on the day the work was finished. When she went to the office Thursday afternoon to have a bridge set on two teeth she paid Dr. Farrell $5, having previously paid $20.

"He demanded the other $5," said Mrs. Watkins., "As a crown was loose on one tooth and there was other work to be done, I hadn't considered the work on my teeth completed and did not bring the balance."

Mrs. Watkins said the dentist insisted on having all of the money then and there. She told the doctor to call her husband, who was at the bottom of the stairs, and that he would settle the bill. Farrell, however, according to Mrs. Watkins, called in another man, forced her to get into a chair and, with instruments and drills, took out most of the work which had been put in. She said the pain was excruciating. Her mouth was still very sore yesterday.

Farrell admitted taking out two crowns, a saddle plate and a filling or two. He said he was held responsible for the work and must be paid for it. He said Mrs, Watkins consented to have the bridge work taken out. When asked why he didn't call Mr. Watkins, the dentist said he didn't know he was downstairs, and didn't know he would pay the $5 if he was.

Mr. Watkins said he had $30 with him and gladly would have paid the bill twice over rather than have his wife subjected to such treatment. Mrs. Watkins is 50 years old.

Justice Festus O. Miller, sitting for Judge Harry G. Kyle, fined Dr. Farrell only $25. The fine was quickly paid.

Mrs. Watkins said that the firm kept the $0 she had originally paid on the contract. Dr. H. H. Hall, manager of the concern, admitted that the money had been kept, as work to cover that sum had already been done and was left in the woman's mouth. This she denied.

Justice Miller scorned the firm for the manner of treating its patients. He advised that when such cases arise in the future to take the matter to the civil courts. Clif Langsdale, city attorney, said that other complaints had been made against the same firm.

SHE'S AS COLD AS STONE. ~ Hugh Hyromus Says He Is Unable to Warm His Wife.

June 20, 1908

Hugh Hyromus Says He Is Unable to
Warm His Wife.

Hugh and Lizzie Hyromus were married on November 29, 1908. Yesterday Mr. Hyrmus filed suit, through his attorney, Samuel Miller, for divorce charging his wife with having a mania for staying out nights attending parties and dances . She is also charged with being possessed with a temper that she cannot control. In Mr. Hyroums's petition he alleges:

"When not from home and not giving vent to her temper she sits in my company, but is as mute and cold as a statue of stone . The treatment thus received by the plaintiff from the defendant renders his life miserable in the extreme and causes him to suffer almost constant mental pain and anguish, and by his constant fretting has impaired him physically and filled his home with sorrow and gloom instead of mirth and sunshine; that he has exhausted his persuasive powers in attempting to change career, but all words of kindness had no more effect on her than the few drops of water from a passing cloud would have upon the sands of a desert.

The plaintiff asks for and disillusion decree of divorce and the custody of their 19-months-old child.

POLICE OFFER A CHIP AS EVIDENCE AGAINST WIX. ~ Bit of Wood With Message on It Is Placed in Hands of the Grand Jury.

June 19, 1908

Bit of Wood With Message on It Is
Placed in Hands of the
Grand Jury.

With a charge of murder in the first degree against him, Clark Wix was taken before the grand jury yesterday to testify in the investigation into the death of John Mason, a horse trader, who police claim was murdered by Wix on January 26. Mason's body was found in the Missouri river near Camden on May 31.

At a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace Mike Ross a few days ago, Wix was released on a $10,000 bond. Yesterday afternoon Wix was held in the witness room of the grand jury, but was not called to testify. He will be called again this morning. It is unusual for a grand jury to summon as a witness any person charged with the crime being investigated, and the attorneys for Wix believe the grand jury doubts whether the police have sufficient evidence to indict him.

According to the attorneys the grand jury probably intends to work along altogether different lines than the police have been working on. The police interested in the case were at the court house yesterday with their evidence against Wix. A small chip of wood was in the hands of the grand jury yesterday as evidence. The chip was found on Santa Fe street near Fifteenth by a man who desires the chip returned to him. Upon one side of the chip of wood was the word "Help" and "over," On the opposite side was the following: "Help -- I am in prison on an island one mile north of Quindaro. Was brought here by Clark Wix." The police believe the handwriting on the chip is that of John Mason, the murdered man.
June 19, 1908

John Costello Puts in a Claim for the
Prize of the Season.

The largest gooseberry raised in Kansas City this year, according to gooseberry experts, was picked yesterday from a bush in John Costello's yard at No. 3522 Bell street. Mr. Costello, a Roanoke line conductor, spends his spare time with his garden and caring for his small fruit, so the vine may get more attention than those in other yards. The sample brought to town by Mr. Costello is an inch long, three-quarters of an inch in diameter and a trifle over two inches in circumference. The vines are two years old and loaded with the berries.

WARNING TO HARVEST HANDS. ~ State Employment Agent Says "Avoid Advertised Localities."

June 19, 1908

State Employment Agent Says
"Avoid Advertised Localities."

"We are directing about 150 applicants where to go to get the harvest every day," said K. F. Schweiser, superintendent of the state free employment bureau, yesterday. "Since we can not transport the men out ourselves our usefulness is limited to some extent this year. We cannot tell how many are actually going to the fields. Up to date we have directed 1,017 men. We expect to handle 2,000 men between the 20th and the 25th of June. I have received more than 150 letters from groups of men in the East, particularly college students, asking about the harvest, and I directed them all to come to Kansas City about June 20.

"Right here I would like to say a word of warning against a certain class of private employment agencies. A man who runs a Union avenue agency came into my office yesterday and asked me to tell him where to send men to reach the harvest. He explained that he could make a very neat sum in fees by retailing the information to the workingmen who frequented the district where his office is located. In other words he was going to make the workingmen pay for information we dispense for nothing.

"I would like also to warn men intending to go to the fields from communities which advertise. Last year the mayor of one Kansas town came here, and by advertising induced many to go to his part of the country. He sent many more than were needed and the farmers were then able to squeeze down wages very low. If you want to go to the fields come to the state employment bureau and I will direct you to the best place, for I have the latest and best information, and it's free."


June 18, 1908




Newspaper Woman, With Assistance
of Press Gang, Breaks All Rec-
ords of Continuous Cheer-
ing at Convention.
Miss Maude Neal, Kansas City girl turned Chicago reporter

CHICAGO, June 17. -- (Special.) Miss Maud Neal, a Kansas City girl, started the stampede in the national convention today which almost resulted in the nomination of President Roosevelt for a third term right on the spot. It was one of those incidents which occasionally come at the psychological moment. The delegates were thrown off their feet and pandemonium reigned for three-quarters of an hour. The Taft managers were greatly worried.

Miss Neal and her big Teddy bear did it. During the demonstration following Charmian Lodge's statement that "the president is the best abused and most popular man in America today," Miss Neal put her wits to work She was an ardent supporter of the president. "Why didn't some one bring a Roosevelt banner, or a Roosevelt picture onto the scene to enliven things still more?" she said.


Not a picture or a banner of the president showed up. So Miss Neal decided to go out and get one. She left her seat in the press section, where she was working as a reporter for a Chicago paper, went across the street from the Coliseum, and looked in vain for a Roosevelt picture. Finally she spied a big Teddy bear sitting in a chair in a plumber's shop. That was just what she wanted. She stepped inside and took possession of the big animal. A clerk came forward and remonstrated, so Miss Neal emptied her pocketbook into his hand, a total of $10, and took the bear.

Gleefully she started on a run for the Coliseum, though she could not make fast progress, for the bear was almost as large as herself. Miss Neal is 5 feet 3 inches tall, and the bear measured five feet from tip to tip. The police guards and doorkeepers swung the gates wide, and did not ask for her ticket or credentials. They hurried her into the runway into the hall. Again the guards gave her free passage.

No sooner had she gone up a short incline than a dozen eager hands grabbed for the bear. But she clung to the big animal and made her way to her seat, close to the speaker's stand. At that particular moment the Roosevelt ovation, which had been on for twenty minutes, was subsiding, and Chairman Lodge had arisen to resume his speech, but just as he began the first sentence she tossed the bear among the newspaper men and the stampede started.


In a moment a number of correspondents were aiding and abetting Miss Neal in her scheme. They held the bear up in the air. Willing hands made the animal's head nod in approval of the wild yells. Its ponderous paws led the cheering. Its big legs engaged in a fantastic dance. The effect was electrical. And in another moment the big animal was hurled out into the air, off the platform and shot with flaring arms and legs into the Wisconsin delegation.

Tonight the plumber presented an additional bill of $15 to the owner of the newspaper whose girl reporter had appropriated the bear. The plumber claimed it was worth $25. The editor gladly paid the balance due.

Miss Neal is the daughter of Assistant District Attorney Neal of Kansas City. She left Kansas City four years ago. The first two years she spent in New York in school and newspaper work. She came to Chicago two years ago to work on Hearst's paper but recently changed to the Inter Ocean. She is regarded as one of the brightest newspaper women in Chicago.

MAN FROM DEADWOOD WAS AN EASY MARK. ~ Went for Ride With a Stranger, Who Borrowed His Money and Also His Purse to Hold It.

June 18, 1908

Went for Ride With a Stranger, Who
Borrowed His Money and Also
His Purse to Hold It.

John Martin, a young farmer who arrived here yesterday from Deadwood, S. D., bound for Voland, Kas., is the easiest picking a confidence man ever had. He was not only "trimmed to a finish" by a "con" man yesterday, but was left at Thirty-fifth street and Troost avenue with a broken buggy belonging to E. Landis, 415 Wyandotte street. After "holding the bag" from 4 until 8 o'clock waiting for his new found friend to appear in another rig, John walked clear to police headquarters and led the horse.

Martin is 33 years old. When he arrived here he had $11.70 and a ticket to his Kansas home. While wandering about in the North End, he met a man who told him he was a horse trader, with a valuable string of ponies and he hired Martin to work for him. The man gave martin the lovable name of "Darling Smith," but said that he used the name of Milligan, after his stepfather.

After hiring Martin, "Darling's first move was to take his railroad ticket and leave it. John did not know where -- "but I was to get the money on it next week," he said. Just before noon Smith borrowed $5 of Martin's $11.70. After lunch they met by appointment and Smith had a rig in which he invited Martin for a ride, saying that it was "one of many." They drove to Electric park and on the way Smith informed Martin that he would have to use another $5 bill until tomorrow. That left Martin $1.70. In the park they took in all the concessions and John Martin was introduced to wonders he never believed existed -- the merry-go-round, shoot-the-chutes, the tickler, scenic railway and all.

Before they had proceeded far, in fact, just after they had had their pictures taken with "Darling Smith" on a burro and Martin by his side, Smith touched Martin for $1 more, leaving him with 70 cents.

"After he'd done that," said John Martin at police headquarters last night, "He borrowed my pocketbook with the 70 cents in it, saying he wanted to use it to carry his change. He was afraid he'd lose it, he said."

That last touch left John Martin of Deadwood, bound for Voland, completely strapped.

"And," Martin said, "I had a quart of good whisky, which I bought in Deadwood to take home to Pa -- paid $1.25 for it, too -- and when that feller Smith found I had it he said we'd better drink it. We did, or rather, he did, as he got the most of it."

On the way home from the park Smith was giving Martin an exhibition of fancy driving with one of his "trained" horses. He collided with a large wagon and smashed the right front wheel. Martin was left to watch the rig, while Smith returned to the city to get another vehicle. It was not until he had held the bag or rather the nag four hours that Martin began to wake up and take notice. He put the buggy by the roadside and started to town, asking all whom he met if they knew "Darling Smith."

The police have a good description of Mr. Smith and are looking for him. Mr. Landis, whose rig the "con" man had, took pity on Martin last night, and took him to his barn where he was given a bunk for the night. Landis said he might give Martin a job "until he gets on his feet and becomes a little wiser."

CITY IN MOVING PICTURES. ~ Films Will Be Exposed in the Retail Section Today.

June 18, 1908

Films Will Be Exposed in the Retail
Section Today.

If your wife's new directoire is finished, dress her up and parade her in the downtown district this afternoon. That is a duty a good citizen owes Kansas City today, of all days in the year, for today the town goes on the motion picture films to be exhibited all over the world. A special street car carrying the phenomenal machine which puts you and your smile on the films will start at 1:30 o'clock from Thirteenth street and Grand avenue. If you chance to be strolling from the postoffice about this time the face you turn toward the machine will be exhibited in Hale's Tours in amusement places in many countries. Here is the route of the car: From the start at Thirteenth street and Grand avenue the first run will be on Grand avenue to Fifth street, west on Fifth street to Walnut street. The car will start south on Walnut street at 1:45, 2 o'clock it will run north on Main street to the city hall and at 2:30 o'clock it will run from Wyandotte and Eighth streets east to Oak street. This will end the first day's film making. Of course this is going to be done only provided the weather is clear. Next week, probably Saturday or Sunday, the machine will be placed on an automobile and pictures made of the boulevards. When the flood waters recede pictures will be made of the manufacturing district in the West Bottoms and later interior views of the banks and other large institutions will be made. The films are made in sections. As the Kansas City film will appear it will show Kansas City from an inbound Wabash passenger train, giving a glimpse of the intercity viaduct. The pictures will be made and exhibited by the International Publicity Company.