NO CASE AGAINST HARPOLE. ~ Negro Did Not Shoot Three White Men -- Is Discharged.

May 1, 1908

Negro Did Not Shoot Three White
Men -- Is Discharged.

Judge U. S. Guyer of the North city court, Kansas City, Kas., yesterday discharged Reuben Harpole, being tried for the shooting of Joshua Wells, Charles Johns and M. U. Martinson at Fifth street and Oakland avenue on the night of April 10. He said there was not enough evidence against the negro to convict him. The state's attorney expressed himself as satisfied with teh decision.

The three men named had been drinking according to their own statements made to the chief of police, and had quarreled with a party of negroes about a couple of small girls. A negro bystander then drew a revolver and commenced firing. Martinson, who was shot first, drew his revolver, but it would not work and he tossed it over an adjacent signboard into a vacant lot. Harpole was arrested a few days later and identified by the two girls as the man wanted for the shooting.

Joshua Wells is now in Bethany hospital, where he underwent an operation for the removal of a bullet, which is said to have lodged in the vicinity of the right lung. He will die.

WANT FORTY MORE POLICEMEN. ~ Commissioners Petition Board for Money to Maintain Them.

April 30, 1908

Commissioners Petition Board for
Money to Maintain Them.

The police commissioners petitioned the council last night to appropriate $400,339.84 to the police department for the fiscal year for maintenance of the department. Forty additional patrolmen are asked. The request was referred to the finance committee. The expense of maintaining the present force is $371,539.84 a year, and the salaries of the proposed extra forty police are estimated at $28,800 additional for the first year of service.

WHEN THE WIFE WEPT. ~ Husband, Who Is Being Sued for Divorce, Comforted Her in Court.

April 29, 1908

Husband, Who Is Being Sued for Di-
vorce, Comforted Her in Court.

During the progress of the trial of Mrs. Nellie Muschietty's suit for divorce from Louis Muschietty in Judge H. L. McCune's court yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Muschietty fell to weeping and her husband, after watching for a while, walked over to her chair and comforted her. Then, while witnesses went on telling what cruel things each had done to the other, husband and wife went outside the court room and had a quiet talk. There was a rumor last evening that when the case is called in court this morning, announcement will be made that the suit has been settled out of court.

Muschietty is president of the Woodlawn Granite Company at 4509 East Fifteenth street.

DR. M'COY DIES OF TETANUS. ~ Independence Physician Had Been Ill Several Months.

April 30, 1908

Independence Physician Had Been Ill
Several Months.

Dr. Charles D. McCoy, a well known physician of Independence, died yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock after a short illness from tetanus. Dr. McCoy had been in ill health several months but his condition was not considered serious until last Tuesday when he began to fail rapidly. He is survived by a widow and several children, as well as three brothers, L. F. McCoy, clerk of the court of appeals of Kansas City, and John and William McCoy of Independence.

The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the first Presbyterian church, Independence.


April 29, 1908


He Wants the Rinks Closed -- Sends
Deputies Out to Get Names of
Offenders -- The Philoso-
phy of Kimbrell.

"Thou shalt not upon a Sunday move thy feet with a gliding motion when thou hast roller skates attached to thy shoes!"

This commandment has been handed down by Judge W. H. Wallace to his twelve tried and true grand jurors, passed on to the deputy marshals and was read with a thud yesterday afternoon by County Prosecutor I. B. Kimbrell, who was signing indictments against theater folk, in the form of an indictment against S. Waterman, charged with managing "a place of amusement for pay, otherwise known as the Coliseum roller skating rink at Thirty-ninth and Main streets, Kansas City, Mo."

After reading the missive three times, the prosecutor, who some weeks ago swore off smoking, was so excited that he absent-mindedly lighted a cigar presented to him a week or two since by a voter who had called for free legal advice. When Mr. Kimbrell had coughed the rancid smoke out of his lungs he recovered composure, threw the cigar away and remarked:

"Well, it's not a matter of great importance at this time of year, anyhow, as very soon the boys will be going barefoot and can't wear roller skates. Besides, next Sunday they can go to the baseball game."

The prosecutor picked up his pen and started to sign his name to the indictment. He hesitated. He said:

"I believe I'll talk this over with the grand jury first."

"I wouldn't write anything about it," suggested Charles Riehl, deputy prosecutor, to reporters. "We don't know for sure yet whether the jury will return the indictment against the rink."

Joseph Stewart, veteran bailiff of the criminal court, and Henry Miller, custodian of the criminal court building, were the trusted men, who Sunday went forth and searched the city for roller skating rinks. They were told to report to the prosecutor's office the keepers, ticket sellers and employes of all rinks found. After tramping all day they could locate only one rink, the one at Thirty-ninth and Main streets.

"Waterman was exceedingly kind to us," Miller says. "He offered to have a boy strap skates on our feet and let us use the skates all afternoon free. I was tempted. There were about 200 people in the rink, boys and girls, young men and women and all were laughing and happy. I wanted to jump in and skate, but Joe advised me not to and I didn't.

"We saw many kids skating on the sidewalks and streets over town Sunday, but we hadn't any orders to take their names. They weren't indoors and, so far as we knew, didn't buy or rent their skates on Sunday."

The Sunday skating question will come before the grand jury this afternoon. The usual 140 theater indictments will also be returned by the jury today.


April 29, 1908


Editor of Art Book Fined Nominal
Sum and Escapes Payment.
Other Federal Offend-
ers Sentenced.

It was sentencing day in the United States district court yesterday. Judge Pollock of Kansas was on the bench. Alfred Friend, formerly a clerk in the New England National bank had stolen out-of-town remittances by means of juggling accounts in the bank. The government prosecuted him for getting only $5, but he was supposed to have got about $2,000. After everything in the case was told Judge Pollock undertook to examine the prisoner on his own account.

"What made you do it?" he inquired.

"This made me do it, sir," Friend replied, displaying a small packet of letters and holding them out towards the bench. "Would your honor read them, please?"


Judge Pollock scanned some of them, interrupting his perusal to ask:

"And did you send the money to this sick brother of yours?"

"I have the money order receipt for it," Friend then said, at the same time producing another paper and handing it to Judge Pollock.

After reflecting a minute the court announced that as Friend had been confined to jail for six months, had lost his employment and had not profited by his thievery, he would be let off with a fine of $500, which means only thirty days in jail. The United States government never holds a prisoner longer than thirty days in liquidation of a fine, no matter how bit it may be.


Julius Planca, a Frenchman, who was surprised to know that it is contrary to the laws of this country to sell liquor without a license, was fined $10 and costs for bootlegging in a railroad camp east of the city. Arthur Anderson, a 14-year-old boy from the southeast part of the county, was given the same punishment for stealing stamps and coppers from rural free delivery boxes.

A week ago William Soper robbed the little postoffice at Mount Washington, just outside Kansas City's eastern limits, and got $2.50. Yesterday he got a year and a half in the government prison at Fort Leavenworth. He pleaded guilty, saying to Judge Pollock that he would not have broken into the store where the postoffice was had he known it was a postoffice.

"You would rather have broken the state than the federal laws, would you?" the court remarked, adding, dryly, "Either is wrong."


James A. Pope, editor of the Art Book, who was arrested a month ago on a complaint of a rival in business in St. Louis, got off handsomely. Pope had sent out printed post cards saying that he still owned the copyright to his journal, and that the issues being turned out by his rivals were false. He classified somebody as a "hunchback," and for that got into trouble. He would have gone to jail for the intervening nine weeks, having no bondsmen here, only for friends his tough-luck story made for him. As it turned out, District Attorney Van Valkenburgh took his personal recognizance and let him go. Yesterday the art editor, who is about 20 years of age, turned up "to take my medicine, as I said I would," he said. Judge Pollock heard his story and at the conclusion said:

"Have you $1 and the costs of this case?"

"I have not, sir," replied the editor, showing how dull business in the art journal business is just at present.

"Then if I fine you $1 you will have to go to jail, will you?" the court asked next.

"Yes, sir," the editor-prisoner replied.

"Then it will not do to try to collect it. The punishment will be a fine of $1 and costs, collectible upon execution," and slam went the judge's docket and another case was taken up. Pope did not know what was up, so he took his seat near one of the deputy marshals, supposing it was jail again in view of the fact that he had not the dollar and costs. While in the middle of the next case Judge Pollock caught sight of the little art editor's long curly hair and had to order him to freedom.

"You can get out, Pope," the court said. "That fine against you is collectible upon execution."

It took two lawyers and a deputy to explain this to Pope, who could scarcely believe all his good luck was real.

CAN YOU PREPARE FOSSILS? ~ If So, the Government Needs Your Services at $75 a Month.

April 29, 1908

If So, the Government Needs Your
Services at $75 a Month.

There is an excellent chance for somebody to get a $75 a month government job by tking a civil service examination. Notices reached here yesteday calling for a "Preparator of fossils (male)."

Nobody around the government building knows whether the fossils to be preparated are to be exclusively those of male or what the notice means. Anyhow, the examination is to be held in the federal building on May 20.


April 28, 1908


Hicks, a Spry Old Man of 62, Sues
His Rival for $5,000, and
His Spouse for a

Although William Hicks is 62 years old he is not at all willing that his wife of 45 summers should prefer another man to him and run away with the other man. Hicks filed suit in the circuit court of Wyandotte yesterday for $5,000 damages against George Jones, a retired farmer living in Armourdale, charging Jones with alienating the affections of Mrs. Hicks and inducing her to move to the Armourdale home.

Hicks, who is a mighty spry old man for his years, lives in Hamilton, Mo. Last February, he alleges, his wife up and left him, and he has been spending his pension ever since in traveling about the country and looking under sunbonnets, hoping always to catch a glimpse of her face.

He saw it Sunday, he claims, in Jones's home. But the face wasn't under a sunbonnet. Nay, far form a bonnet; it was the merriest of Merry Widows, with roses on the upper deck. And wifie, so Hicks avers in his petition, was content to stay under the Merry Widow, which Jones bought her, and not at all ready to go back to Hamilton and have half the pension.

Hicks has two little children back in Hamilton, loaned out to relatives, until he can recover his homemaker, he swears. But even when he showed his wife the latest photographs of the youngsters she continued to be indifferent.

WANT GOLF LINKS MOVED. ~ Players Are Interfered With by Sightseers at Swope.

April 28, 1908

Players Are Interfered With by
Sightseers at Swope.

A request was made to the board of park commissioners yesterday, and taken under consideration, that the location of Swope park golf links be moved from the concourse to the hill in the vicinity of the athletic field. It was represented that the present site is unfavorable to the golfers, and that it is impossible for them to pursue the game with any pleasure when the course is crowded with sightseers and visitors. Dr. Byron C. Darling urged the change, saying that with the links on the hill it would be possible to build a shelter house and fit it out with shower baths and other appliances of comfort.

HERE'S AN UNFORTUNATE MAN. ~ Teamster With an Insane Wife and Ten Children Needs Help.

April 28, 1908

Teamster With an Insane Wife and
Ten Children Needs Help.

There is a man in Kansas City too proud to ask for charity, who needs charity as much as any man who ever lived. He is a teamster, earning $10 a week with ten hungry mouths to feed. Last week his wife became violently insane and the unfortunate man was compelled to borrow $30 from his employer, a transfer man, as "the doctor must be paid every time he comes."

Yesterday the insane wife was taken to the general hospital for observation and later she will be transferred to the state hospital for the insane. This man had a wife and seven children, ranging from 4 to 20 years. The oldest, a daughter, married and has two children. Her husband left her and she came home. That made eleven mouths to feed, but as the wife is now in the hospital the struggling man with his $10 a week, is trying to make both ends meet.

Colonel Greenman, who has the case of the wife in charge, said yesterday that he would not give out the name of this man, but if persons, charitably inclined, wished to help him they could come to him in his office at the city hall where they would get the man's name.

"If there ever was a case on earth where a man needed a helping hand, it's this one."

USELESS OFFICE ABOLISHED. ~ Superintendent of Repairs Cost $2,500 a Year, Worth Nothing.

April 28, 1908

Superintendent of Repairs Cost
$2,500 a Year, Worth Nothing.

The first move toward carrying out Mayor Crittenden's campaign promises to conduct an economical administration was made by the council last night when an ordinance was passed abolishing the office of superintendent of repairs, adding the alleged "cares" of this office to the duties of superintendent of streets. This will save the taxpayers $2,500 a year, according to Alderman Pendergast.

ARE FEW UNEMPLOYED NOW. ~ Helping Hand Institute Reports Hard Times Nearly Over.

April 27, 1908

Helping Hand Institute Reports Hard
Times Nearly Over.

"Our daily statistics show that the army of the unemployed is constantly growing fewer in numbers," said E. T. Brigham of the Helping Hand institute last night. "While since last November we have helped more able bodied men than we have in any other six months of our history, the number is fast getting back to normal. Spring work is opening up and men who are able to labor are having no trouble in finding something to do.

"Until the last winter, we have been handling fewer able bodied men each year, during a period covering six years. All our other classes increased, but this class constantly decreased.

"In the last six months, out of 3,000 cases, approximately a third have been men who were able and anxious to work if they could have found jobs. They were the first to be thrown out of work at the mention of the word 'panic,' and now the fact that they area ll going back to their old places, or others just as good, is almost a sure indication of the brightness of the business outlook.

"From what we can tell from here, and the Helping Hand is one of the busiest employment agencies in town, there is going to be no lack of spring work. We are getting almost as many calls for men as we can fill."

ROLLER SKATING VICTIM DEAD. ~ Chester Caughey Fatally Injured by Fall on Sidewalk.

April 27, 1908

Chester Caughey Fatally Injured by
Fall on Sidewalk.

Chester Caughey, the 13-year-old boy, whose back was broken in a roller skate fall on the sidewalk last Thursday, died yesterday at his parents' home, 3944 Terrace street. The doctors called his trouble spinal meningitis, but ever since the accident it has been commonly understood that the little fellow's back was broken. Much of the time the boy was delirious with pain.

No one saw the accident and the victim was never sufficiently free from distress to describe it himself. The father, Robert C. Caughey, is manager of the Eagle Manufacturing Company.

Within a week of young Caughey's accident three other young people in the same neighborhood suffered serious bone fractures from falls taken in roller skating on sidewalks.

HAS NO TIME FOR BUSINESS. ~ Mayor Crittenden Is Kept Busy by Place Hunters.

April 26, 1908

Mayor Crittenden Is Kept Busy by
Place Hunters.
"Another week of listening and no apparent reduction in the waiting list," wearily observed Mayor Crittenden as he closed his offices in the city hall last evening. In the lobby and the corridor reaching his private offices were lines of anxious men, and as the mayor departed he told them all to come back and see him Monday. "I'll bet I'll get some relief after Monday night. I will then send a batch of nominations to the upper house, and if they are confirmed I'll have more time to give to other city business," said the mayor. "Getting tired listening?" it was suggested. "No, not tired, but I'm anxious to get down to work on many of the important issues that confront Kansas City, and it is my ambition to put them under way without any unnecessary delay," answered the mayor. This week will develop a whole lot of changes in the city hall. Already new faces can be seen in most every department, but the real transformation will begin after the mayor sends to the upper house Monday night a batch of nominations and the board of public works swings the ax, beginning probably on Tuesday. William Winsted filed a surety bond in the sum of $1,000 yesterday, and took the oath of office as sealer of weights and measures; Ed Winstanley qualified in the sum of $10,000 as city purchasing agent, and Meyer Wechsler deposited a surety company bond for $1,000 and entered upon his duties of market master.

JUDGE M'CUNE WILL RETIRE. ~ Desires to Return to His Legal Practice When Term Ends.

April 26, 1908

Desires to Return to His Legal Prac-
tice When Term Ends.

Judge H. L. McCune of the fourth division of the circuit court and judge of the children's court announced yesterday that he would not be a candidate for re-election. His term expires this year. The only other circuit judges who have had any experience handling naughty children are J. E. Goodrich, who holds over, and E. E. Porterfield, whose term expires this fall.

Judge McCune gives as his reason for wishing to leave the bench:

"I owe it to myself and family to return to my legal practice. The cash returns are much greater."

FAIRMOUNT TO OPEN MAY 10. ~ Some New Features Will Be Added to the Old.

April 26, 1908

Some New Features Will Be
Added to the Old.

There will be several new features at Fairmount park, which is to open May 10. Workmen are busy now, remodeling the bowling alley into an open air skating rink which, it is said, will be the largest outdoor rink in the city. The floor capacity of the bowing alley is being doubled. The rink will be convenient to the car lines entering Fairmount park. A nurse will be in charge of the children's playground in the park this summer and will have two assistants who will aid her in caring for the children. There will be new playthings of the kind that children like. Aside from the amusements which are being added, the ones that were in the park last year will be retained.


April 26, 1908


Wife Swears Out Warrant for For-
mer Husband or Ex-Sweetheart,
But Says Her Louis Fell
Out of an Auto.

"I do wish that someone would send me a four-leaf clover or that Louis could find a horseshoe about town somewhere," pleaded Mrs. Louis M. Nachman last evening. "But he won't be able to go out and look for horseshoes for some time now, his nose being broken, and I can't leave his bedside."

Some of the Nachmans' bad luc is known and some of it remains a mystery. It is admitted that they were wed by Justice of the Peace J. J. Shepard at 8:40 on the evening of Decemer 14, 1907, after a week's courtship, and three days later the groom was rudely jerked away to the county jail and locked up until he could explain a charge of forging his father's name to a check to pay the honeymoon hotel bill. He explained it to the satisfaction of Herman Nachman, his father, and the prosecuting attorney, and was released. Al went smooth with the couple until 10:35 yesterday morning when, at Thirteenth and Central streets, the bridegroom met with either an accident or a coincidence.

It was a coincidence in the form of Edward C. Miles, former husband or jilted sweetheart of the bride, who used to be Mrs. Grace Miles, according to the story she told Assistant County Prosecutor Bert S. Kimbrell yesterday afternoon. Miles, she said, tried to take her away from her husband and when her husband protested, Miles swung at him with his right and upper cut with his left. Nachman fell upon the sidewalk and she clung to the body to avoid being kidnapped.

When Mrs. Nachman was questioned about the trouble at the house, 320 West Thirteenth street, half an hour later, she said, "It was a most unfortunate accident and so clumsy of Louis to trip w hen stepping out of our automobile. But he is not seriously hurt. He'll be out and around in a week or so."

She was reminded of the complaint against Miles she had sworn to, and replied with a soft accent of her eyebrows:

"Oh, did I do that? Well, anyhow, please write it up as an automobile accident."


April 25, 1908

Statue of the late A. R. Meyer

After spending almost the entire day yesterday going over the boulevards and through the parks of the city, the members of the Meyer statue committee, together with Daniel Chester French, the sculptor, late yesterday agreed upon a point on the Paseo between Ninth and Tenth streets, for the location of the bronze statue to be erected of the late A. R. Meyer, first president of the park board. The statue will be near the south end of the block and will face toward the south. The immediate surroundings for the statue will be decided upon by the park board.

This will be the first public statue to be erected in Kansas City, and will be in honor of the man to whom perhaps more credit is due for the splendid park and boulevard system for which Kansas City is now noted, than any other.

The model for the monument was sent ahead by Mr. French with the request that it not be opened until his arrival. It was first opened at 10 o'clock yesterday morning in the Commercial Club rooms, in the presence of Mr. French and the members of the statue committee. The model was unanimously accepted by the committee and, on recommendation of that body, was later accepted by the city art committees. A committee composed of E. M. Clendening, H. D. Ashley and Frank A. Faxon was named to frame a suitable inscription for the base of the monument.

The monument consists of a main structure of Knoxville marble fifteen feet in height, about seven feet in width and two feet in depth from front to back, resting on a base of the same material about ten by six feet.

The monument is surrounded by an ornamental cap, and the main stone, containing the portrait of Mr. Meyer, is supported by an ornamental stone, resting on the base proper. The portrait of Mr. Meyer will be in bronze, let into the main stone of the monument, and will show a figure seven and a half feet in height. It has been the endeavor of the sculptor to suggest Mr. Meyer as the originator of the park system, and he is represented as standing out of doors with his right hand resting on an open map, which lies upon a marble Pompeian table. The left hand holds a pair of field glasses, and a tree under which he is standing is introduced at the right.

Mr. French will remain in Kansas City until tonight. He expects to have the statue finished in about a year.

WHILE HE ATE MUTTON CHOPS. ~ Harry Biaski Says Two Little Boys Robbed Him of $300.

April 25, 1908

Harry Biaski Says Two Little Boys
Robbed Him of $300.

Two lads, Harry and Henry Robinson, sons of Abram Robinson of 1818 Locust street, are being held at the detention home until Harry Biaski, a huckster, living at 1712 Euclid avenue, recovers his pocketbook and $300 which he claims he lost while eating supper in Robinson's house. The father and the older son deny that Biaski was robbed while he was their guest. The $300 represents the savings of four years, Biaski says.

NEW ST. TERESA'S ACADEMY. ~ It Will Be Near Fifty-Fifth and Main Streets and Will Cost $300,000.

April 25, 1908

It Will Be Near Fifty-Fifth and Main
Streets and Will Cost $300,000.

Architects Wilder and Wight are drawing plans for a new school building which is to be erected by the Sisters of St. Joseph in charge of St. Teresa's academy, near Main street and Fifty-fifth. The Sisters recently closed a deal with E. S. Yoemans for the purchase of a twenty-acre tract in this vicinity at a cost of $40,000, and will shortly begin the erection of the school building. It is understood about $300,000 will be expended on the building. St. Teresa's academy is exclusively for girls.

SMITH'S SAVING MONEY NOW. ~ He Married Mrs. McAdams and Buys No More Roses.

April 25, 1908

He Married Mrs. McAdams and Buys
No More Roses.

The mystery of why the roses ceased coming to Mrs. Helen E. McAdams, a deputy probation officer at the detention home office, was solved yesterday when the Rev. H. G. Maze of the Watt's Memorial church at Independence returned to the marriage license clerk a copy of Mrs. McAdams's certificate of marriage to W. W. Smith. Mrs. McAdams has been receiving a box of red roses daily for so long that no one remembers when the first one came. Tuesday there came for her a bushel of American Beauties and nary a rose since. Mrs. McAdam became Mrs. Smith Tuesday night. The bridegroom is an officer in the Builders' Sand Company. They will be home to friends at 3600 East Twenty-ninth street.

THREE PARKS WANT LICENSES. ~ Electric, Fairmount and Forest Desire to Sell Liquor.

April 25, 1908

Electric, Fairmount and Forest Desire
to Sell Liquor.

Petitions for county licenses to sell ber in Electric, Fairmount and Forest parks were filed yesterday with the county court. It was the last day for filing petitions to be acted on during May, and no more parks are expected to ask for licenses. The court will take the petitions up for discussion on May 1, but may continue the final hearing until later in the month. The Electric park petition was filed by Gilbert E. Martin, Fairmount by W. F. Smith and Forest by J. T. Tippett.


April 24, 1908



President of Ginger Club Asks $100,000
for Alleged Alienation of
Affections -- "Contemp-
tible, Says Humes.

Ms. Emma Richards, wife of E. J. Richards, a hatter and president of the Ginger Club in the "300" block on Twelfth street, yesterday forenoon sued for divorce and a restraining order to prevent her husband from selling their household goods or disposing of his property. The Richardses live at 3910 Walrond avenue.

In the afternoon Mr. Richards brought suit against John C. Humes, president of the J. C. Humes Crockery Company, 1009 Walnut street, for $100,000 on a charge of alienating the affections of Mrs. Richards.

Enough charges and counter charges are made to fill a book. John T. Harding, Mrs. Richards's attorney in the first suit, also represents Humes in the second. Mrs. Richards charges that her husband has abandoned her many times and as many times has begged to be taken back. He has often accused her of improper conduct, she says, and has always later denied the truth of such charges. She also alleges cruelty. Three times, in his fits of suspicion that she wanted to talk to someone he did not wish her to talk to, she charges, he has torn the telephone from the wall of their house.


According to Richards's petition Humes and Mrs. Richards became acquainted April 25, 1907. Humes loaned Richards $6,000 and became a partner in the hat store. Last summer Mr. and Mrs. Humes spent in Europe. Richards alleges that Humes wrote a letter or a postcard daily to Mrs. Richards, in which he called her by pet names, and that Mrs. Richards answered daily.

John C.Humes, when seen at his home at 4006 McGee street, talked freely and frankly, saying:

"I loaned Richards $6,000 to keep his hat store afloat. He squandered it and now owes nearly as much more to various creditors. Because I wouldn't pay his bills he brings this suit. He offered to settle the case before he filed it.

"I have known Richards for years and thought he was a nice fellow and a promising young business man. I allowed him to live in my house rent free all of last summer, while I was in Europe. He and his wife have taken Sunday dinners with me and my wife and daughter, ever Sunday almost, until two weeks ago. I can only say now that he is a contemptible cur. I am innocent of everything he charges or hints at in his suit. I could not have settled for money, but did not because I am not afraid of a trial."


Attorney John T. Harding of Brown, Harding & Brown says:

"I don't believe that Richards's suit against Humes will ever be tried. Richards came to my office last Friday at 2 o'clock and offered not to file the case. Humes was present and refused."

Battle McCardle, Richards's attorney, comes back with a flat denial of the statements that any offer has been made to settle the case.

"I talked with Harding and Humes on two afternoons of last week," McCardle says, "and urged humes to let Richards's wife alone. Humes wouldn't talk to me at all. There was nothing said about money."

Mrs. Emma Richards is living with her mother, Mrs. Martha Pursell of Indianapolis, Ind., and her 10-year-old son in the Doris apartments. All the windows were dark last night and repeated rings on the hall bell failed to bring an answer. A knock on the door, at the head of the first flight of stairs brought the troubled face of a pretty woman of about 30 years.

"You are Mrs. Richards?"


"Will you testify for or against your husband in the suit he today brought against John Humes?"

"Oh, I won't talk of that. I can not believe," she began, "I can not believe that Ed would use my name for --" Sobs finished the sentence.

VISITED BY HIS COUNTRYMEN. ~ Ekim Milcheff of Razgad, Villaye Dikilitash, Finds Friends.

April 24, 1908

Ekim Milcheff of Razgad, Villaye
Dikilitash, Finds Friends.

Ekim Milcheff, Razgad, Villaye Dikilitash, Bulgaria. That is the full name and home address of the unfortunate Bulgarian who has been in the general hospital since April 12, unable to tell anything of himself. His English vocabulary consisted of "Arkansas, sawmill" and "me much sick." His left hand had been badly injured, evidently in a sawmill, and the index and second fingers had to be amputated.

F. H. Ream, spiritual director of the Helping Hand, interested himself in the man and endeavored to talk to him. Mr. Ream speaks several languages, but was unable to make himself understood with any of them. Yesterday morning the unfortunate man's story was published, and Mr. Ream requested that some Bulgarian go and see him. Several called upon the injured man at the general hospital yesterday, and the delight of the lonely man at being able to talk with a countryman was unbounded.

They learned that Milcheff has a wife Nidela Milcheff, at home in the little Bulgarian village. His next best friend in this country -- he has no relatives here -- is Netko Ruseff of Leslie, Ark. It was learned that Milcheff had been working at a sawmill forty-six miles from Leslie, Ark., called Camp No. 7. He did not know the name of the firm. The hospital authorities will correspond with Ruseff and his Bulgarian friends said they would notify his wife. His unfortunate condition may also be taken up with the nearest Bulgarian consul.

Milcheff, after his injury, was subjected to some rude surgery. He must have been shipped here, for he was found at Union depot. The circular saw had torn its way through his left hand, between the second and third fingers, almost into the wrist. The surgeon had tied the blood vessels with silk. He must have run out of that, as part of the man's hand had been sewed together with ordinary twine string. The hand had become badly infected and Dr. J. P. Neal, who treated him here, said that his suffering could not have been told in mere words.
April 24, 1908

Ekim Milcheff of Razgad, Villaye Dikilitash, Finds Friends.

Text of Article

Text of Article

CAUGHT POSTOFFICE ROBBER. ~ Mount Washington Men Chased Him With Guns Through the Fields.

April 24, 1908

Mount Washington Men Chased Him
With Guns Through the Fields.

After discovering a burglar in the postoffice at Mount Washington at 1 o'clock this morning, Orin Shaw, who runs a poolhall next door, armed himself with a Winchester rifle, and with W. H. Chitwood, a grocer, scared the man from the building and chased him across fields for nearly half a mile, finally making a capture just as the fugitive ran into a barb wire fence.

"I saw some one in the postoffice striking a match," Shaw told Sergeant James of the Sheffield station, who later took charge of the marauder. "I armed myself, and then went to Chitwood's house to get assistance. Together we went to the postoffice, but the man evidently heard us coming, for just as we got to the front door he broke from the house and ran past us. We called upon him several times to stop, but he ran on north across the fields.

"After we had chased him for about half a mile I fired at him, but missed. We had been gaining steadily, and just at that time he became tangled in a barb wire fence and we got him."

At the Sheffield station the man gave the name of William Soper. He said he was traveling from Oklahoma to his home in Illinois. A search showed that he had $2.75 in silver, and 45 cents in pennies. This money he confessed having taken from the postoffice.

HE'LL LEAVE HER HIS MONEY. ~ Rich August Muller Wants to Adopt a Neighbor's Child.

April 25, 1908

Rich August Muller Wants to Adopt
a Neighbor's Child.

August Muller, Seventh street and Northrup avenue, Kansas City, Kas., created some little stir in the Wyandotte probate court room yesterday forenoon, when he appeared there leading Helen Ries, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ries of the same vicinity, by the hand, declaring that he would adopt her for the sole purpose of leaving his money and property to her. Muller is considered wealthy. He is now, he said, advanced in years and himself and wife are lonely for younger company. Ries, he has known since childhood and Helen played on his knee when but a baby. Both Reis and Muller are well known in Kansas City, Kas. The court will investigate further.

HE SANG TO JAIL PRISONERS. ~ Mrs. W. H. Wallace Was in Charge of Religious Service.

April 24, 1908

Mrs. W. H. Wallace Was in Charge
of Religious Service.

Mrs. W. H. Wallace held a song and prayer service in the county jail yesterday afternoon for the benefit of the prisoners, and the judge of the criminal court accompanied his wife and sat through the service. The chief singer was Frank H. Wright, a fullblood Indian evangelist and soloist. He was assisted by the choir of the Eastminster Presbyterian church. Mrs. Wallace had a church organ taken to the jail from an uptown music store, brought the party into the jail and had charge of the service.

No better singing has ever been heard in the jail, it is said by Isaac Wagner, day jailer. Wright's voice in sacred song penetrated from the first floor to the fourth and poured into every corridor and cell. After he had sung two words, silence fell upon the prisoners and guards alike and all listened with attention and pleasure.

A song by Wright opened the programme. Then the choir, composed of six women's voices, sang. Wright led in prayer He sang again and the service was at an end. Despite the brevity of the meeting it had much impression upon both the confined and unconfined portions of the audience.

"I hope they come again," said a trusty inside the main door.

"He didn't need to preach none," remarked another. "Those songs did me more good than any preaching."

County Marshal Al Heslip shook Mrs. Wallace by the hand after the service, thanked her and told her to bring the singers again soon. A trusty then escorted the visitors through the jail and let them talk with prisoners.

Evangelist Wright is not certain whether or not he could come again to the jail and sing. He is busy, singing and preaching twice a day at the Eastminster church.


April 23, 1908


No One Has Been Found Who Can
Talk With Him and Learn
His Home -- Bouquet
Brings Tears.

If any one in Kansas City can talk the Bulgarian language, he will do an act of charity if he will call upon F. H. Ream, religious director of the Helping Hand institute, and assist him in learning the identity of a Bulgarian now at the general hospital.

The unfortunate man has been tried with Polish, Slav, Russian, German and many other European tongues, but to all he is dumb. He has indicated that he can speak Bulgarian. On April 12 the man was found at the Union depot, suffering from a badly injured left hand. He was taken to the general hospital, where it was discovered that a circular saw had ploughed its way into his left hand between the second and ring fingers. It became necessary to amputate both the index and second fingers. The saw tore through almost to the man's wrist.

All day long the poor fellow sits in his ward, unable to say a thing but "Arkansas," "sawmill" and "me much sick," when spoken to.

While in the flower store of Miss J. E. Murray yesterday, Ream told the story of the melancholy Bulgarian with the injured hand.

"So far from home," he said, "badly injured, and can't speak a word of English, but the few he says all the time."

"I wonder if flowers could talk to him," Miss Murray said.

"They speak to all nations alike," said Ream, "especially to the unfortunate."

Miss Murray fixed up a bouquet f roses, bright red American Beauties, carnations of all shades and interspersed them with violets. She told Ream to take them to the injured man. He did, returning to the hospital to do so.

"It was the most pathetic scene I ever witnessed," said Ream last night. "When I went in I walked up and laid the bouquet in the man's good hand. Without looking up he said, 'Me much sick,' but when he felt the damp flowers he grasped the stems and looked up as if to say some mistake has been made. I indicated that the flower were for him and said so in Polish. His face flushed, bowed among the flowers. 'Me? Me?' he asked, excitedly, still clinging to the blossoms. I had to indicate again that they were all for him.

"Once more the poor fellow buried his face among the flowers," concluded Ream, "but when he lifted his head, big tears were streaming down his cheeks. The flowers had spoken to him."

The unfortunate is between 39 and 45 years old. From signs made by him, the nurse, who has been attending him, believes that he has two daughters somewhere. He will point to her, hold up two fingers and then pat his own breast.

It is believed that the man was injured at a sawmill somewhere in Arkansas and was sent into Kansas City to be cared for by the city.

"If I can find someone who can talk to him," said Ream, "I think we will learn where his people are."

THEY'D HAVE LAW ON SKATERS. ~ Independence People Want to Regulate the Rollers' Hours.

April 23, 1908

Independence People Want to Regu-
late the Rollers' Hours.

Roller skating after 11 o'clock at night is to be prohibited on the streets and sidewalks of Independence if an ordinance now in preparation passes the city council. The new law is proposed by men and women of the residence wards of the city, whose beauty sleep has been rudely yanked from them by gleeful skating parties of men and women, passing by on the sidewalks as late as 11 o'clock of nights. Roller skating parties are all the rage in Independence now, having put in the shade hayrack rides, barn dances and even charade parties, and old folks whose slumbers have been disturbed are many.

The proposed law will not apply to those skating in their own houses or to men skating to work in the morning. One may skate downtown as early as 4:30 o'clock, provided he has rested since 10 o'clock of the night before.

GIRL IS SCALDED TO DEATH. ~ Upsets Bucket of Water With Which Mother is Scrubbing.

April 23, 1908

Upsets Bucket of Water With Which
Mother is Scrubbing.

While her mother was preparing to scrub the kitchen Tuesday afternoon, 2-year-old Helen Horton was playing on the floor. She caught the rim of a bucket of scalding suds which stood near, pulling it over and scalding her body from shoulders to feet. She died in the South Side hospital yesterday afternoon.

The accident occurred at 3496 Harrison street, the home of H. L. Courtwright, father of Mrs. Horton, with whom the Hortons reside. The child's father is Henry Horton.

WANT PASTOR IN THEIR JAIL. ~ Fitt's Congregation Ask That He Be Incarcerated at Home.

April 23, 1908

Fitt's Congregation Ask That He Be
Incarcerated at Home.

Now that Judge W. H. Wallace has commuted the sentence of the Rev. Joseph Fitts from two years in the penitentiary to one year in jail, members of his church, the Macedonian Baptist of Independence, are asking that he be incarcerated in the Independence jail, rather than the county jail at Kansas City. They want to have him near so that they can call with dainty food and sympathy.

Fits, despite his conviction on the charge of attempting to assault a 14-year-old girl who belonged to his congregation, is still a favorite with his negro flock, and probably will resume his duties as pastor when he leaves the jail.


April 22, 1908


W. W. Williams, Husband of the
Young Woman, Calls on the
Mother and Sets Her
Yearnings at Rest.

One woman was made happy in Kansas City yesterday. That woman was Mrs. Florence Scott, 1303 Wabash avenue, who for ten years has made a fruitless search for her daughter, Susie, given away in 1898. If all goes well she will in a few days see her daughter, now 17 years old, alive, well and happily married.

W. W. Williams, a mining engineer of Salt Lake City, called to see Mrs. Scott yesterday. He said that he had seen in The Journal where Mrs. Scott was looking for her daughter, Susie, who had been given to Mr. and Mrs. R. L Martin, then supposed to be from Maryville, Mo.

"As soon as I read the story," said Mr. Williams, "I figured out that your lost daughter was y wife. I married her in Denver fourteen months ago. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L . Martin."

Mrs. Scott was beside herself with joy at the news. Williams told her that the Martins had given Susie a good education and had always been kind to her. He said his wife, who was 7 years old when given to the Martins, recalled her mother, often spoke of her, but could not recall her name. This, it is presumed, her foster parents kept from her.

Williams also told Mrs. Scott that he had a good home in Salt Lake City and that he and his wife were happy. He is on his way to Chicago to attend to some business, but expects to return here soon. He wired his wife last night to come on here and meet him. He intends to surprise her by introducing her to her own mother. Williams told Mrs. Scott that he wanted her to get ready to go back and live with them. At present Mrs. Scott is working as nurse at the home of J. Baker, 1303 Wabash avenue.

It was by mere chance that Williams saw the story of Mrs. Scott's search for her daughter. Sitting in his hotel yesterday he picked up a week-old paper which contained the story. The name of R. L. Martin attracted his eye and he read the story through. He at once came to the conclusion that Susie Martin had once been Susie Scott, so he sought the distressed mother and broke the news to her. Mrs. Scott called up Mrs. Lizzie Burns, police matron, who has been assisting her, and told her the good news, saying: "I guess the long search is over." Mrs. Scott says no adoption papers were ever made out for her child.

HORSEWHIPPINGS COME HIGH. ~ One Cost Farmer Klapmeyer $7,000 in Independence Yesterday.

April 22, 1908

One Cost Farmer Klapmeyer $7,000
in Independence Yesterday.

Benjamin D. Kerr was awarded $4,000 actual and $3,000 punitive damages against James M. Klapmeyer, a wealthy farmer living near Little Santa Fe, in the circuit court at Independence yesterday, on account of a horsewhipping.

The testimony showed that the defendant met Kerr near the residence of William Short, another farmer. Klapmeyer stopped Kerr and they engaged in a conversation about trouble with another man. Klapmeyer admitted striking Kerr with a whip but stated that the matter was settled between them before any real injury was inflicted. Kerr alleged that the cracker of the whip struck him in the eye, injuring it.

BABY ADOPTED BY ACTRESS. ~ Iola, Kas., Woman's Child Given to Burlesque Performers.

April 22, 1908

Iola, Kas., Woman's Child Given to
Burlesque Performers.

Dorothy Evaline Mack is the name which the baby of Mrs. Emma Ingledue of Iola, Kas., will carry through life. The infant was yesterday adopted by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mack, who are here this week with the Trans-Atlantic Burlesquers at the Majestic theater. Last Friday Mrs. Ingledue left her baby with the police matron, Mrs. Joan Moran.

"I am too ill to care for her," she said. "I know that I could not give the child the advantages in life she deserves, I would rather some good couple had her."

"We only have two more weeks on the stage," said Mrs. Mack, "and then we will be back at our Philadelphia home. And by the way, that little home will soon be paid for. Next season I will stay at home and be mamma to Dorothy Evaline while J. C. Mack rustles around and makes a living for all three of us."

Mrs. Mack said that for three years she had been trying to adopt a baby.

NEGRO POLICEMAN NOT GUILTY. ~ County Attorney Taggart Dismisses Case of Press Younger.

April 22, 1908

County Attorney Taggart Dismisses
Case of Press Younger.

County Attorney Joseph Taggart in the north city court yesterday noon dismissed the case of Press Younger, a negro policeman, who was accused of shooting three ex-street car men at Fifth street and Oakland avenue in Kansas City, Kas. M. E. Martinson, one of the men shot, said on the witness stand that he knew Younger well and that it was not he who did the shooting. Following this the accused officer proved an alibi.

The day before the arrest of Younger by the county authorities, the police arrested Reuben Harpole, another negro, on the same charge. Later, two little negro girls who saw the affair and are said to have been the cause of the shooting, positively identified Harpole as the one guilty of the shooting. His preliminary trial has been set for April 29.

It is held by the police that Joshua Wells, Charles Johns and M. E. Martinson had been drinking on the night of April 10 and met the two negro girls, to whom they made some insulting advances. Negro bystanders joined in the row and blows followed. Both parties drew revolvers. Martinson received a slight wound on the right leg, but Wells and Johns were shot through the breast and are still in critical condition at Bethany hospital.


April 21, 1908




Kimbrell Acts on His Own Initiative
as Soon as the Cases Are All
Transferred to Porter-
field's Court.

Over 3,000 theater cases were dismissed by County Prosecutor I. B. Kimbrell yesterday shortly after Judge W. H. Wallace had transferred all of the Sunday closing cases of all kinds to Judge E. E. Porterfield's division of the criminal court. Every Sunday labor case against theater managers, house employes and actors, filed after grand jury indictments, from the beginning of the crusade last September until the indictments returned April 3, was dismissed.

Mr. Kimbrell stepped to Judge Porterfield's bench during a five-minute recess in the trial of a shooting case and said quietly to the judge:

"I want to make a world record at clearing a docket. The state asks that all theater cases numbered 5,337 to 8,849 be dismissed."

"Certainly," replied Judge Porterfield. He then directed James Gilday, the clerk, to make the order on the record. None of the theater attorneys nor Attorney R. R. Field was present. Kimbrell's action came as a surprise. When Judge Wallace was asked about it in the afternoon he said:

"That's news to me, but I knew that Mr Kimbrell intended to dismiss all of the old cases sometime. He talked with me about the matter some days ago and I told him that I was in favor of dismissing the older cases, if Judge Porterfield insisted upon trying them in the order of filing."

These are the cases in which Judge Wallace recently said he had no evidence. They would have been dismissed in his own court eventually. His talk with Kimbrell shows that he was aware of this.

"There is no possibility of all the theater cases being tried," Mr. Kimbrell said. "If the state secures convictions in cases of this nature it will be only in those recently filed and while deputy marshals still remember what they saw in each theater on certain Sundays, Judge Wallace himself has said, that the state has no evidence in the old cases.

The dismissal of the old cases is a help both to Judge Wallace and to the theater managers. The state is now in a position to secure convictions and the managers are freed from their burden of bonds. Enough cases remain to use as a test of every phase of the Sunday labor statute, which Judge Wallace is attempting to enforce. There are about 300 cases left, a hundred or so each week since the return of indictments on April 3. It will take us all summer to try that many."


April 21, 1908



The Ceremonies Were Witnessed by a
Large Gathering of Men and
Women in Lower House
of the Council.

Two years of municipal rule under the Democratic party became operative at 12:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when Mayor-Elect Crittenden took the oath of office as administered by City Clerk Clough, and Mayor Beardslehy took formal leave of his two years' stewardship of the city's affairs.

The inaugural ceremony was held in the lower house of the council chamber. It was preceded at the noon hour by the firing of minute guns on the outside of the hall. The chambers were decorated with the national colors, palms, ferns, plants and blossoms. The desks of the aldermen, speakers' rostrum and reading clerk stand were particularly lavishly decorated. Many of the aldermen were recipients of special floral offerings from their admiring friends, the most noticeable set pieces being a pyramid bouquet at the station of Alderman Pendergast; an immense floral horse shoe on the desk of Alderman O'Hearn from the Second Ward Democratic Club; a vase of American Beauty roses on the desk of Alderman Woolf, and a tree trimmed with lemons which were calculated to describe what had been handed the individuals and interests that had so desperately fought Woolf in the Third ward; a four leaf floral shamrock, seven feet high, was the gift to Alderman Bulger from his Fourth ward admirers.


Led by Aldermen Bulger and Bunker, Mayor-Elect Crittenden and Mayor Beardsley were escorted into the chambers. Their appearance was the signal for an outburst of applause which continued for many minutes. Mayor Beardsley's valedictory was short. He said that he had tried to discharge the duties of mayor for two years to the best of his ability and judgement, an d impressed upon his successor that he was not the mayor of any one man, faction or party, but the mayor of the whole city and wished for him abundant success. Mr. Crittenden relied that he fully realized all that his predecessor had said, that he would try to be mayor for all the people and when in doubt would seek their advice.

"Possibly, Mr. Beardsley, during my term of office I may have to go to you for advice, and I feel sure you will be pleased to extend to me the courtesies you have heretofore granted me," replied Mr. Crittenden, who then delivered his inaugural address.

SHE FELL THROUGH THE SKYLIGHT. ~ Lizzie Stewart Paid Sensational Visit to Undertaking Rooms.

April 21, 1908

Lizzie Stewart Paid Sensational Visit
to Undertaking Rooms.

Lizzie Stewart, 18 years old, dropped into Carroll-Davidson's morgue yesterday afternoon through a skylight. But as if to display some charm against death she went through wonderful gyrations in her downward flight. An open stairway to the basement yawned steep and wide, squarely beneath her skylight entrance. To avoid this stair shaft Miss Stewart had to sail at an angle of 45 degrees between a long horizontal stovepipe seven and one-half feet from the floor and a guard rail along the stair opening. This was two and one-half feet above the floor. Some twist she gave; her body turned her so that, with face forward, she alighted with arms across this rail and feet on the floor.

All her limbs were somewhat bruised, but she was not seriously injured. Had she struck the stairs the fall would have been about twenty feet with an eight-foot roll to the bottom.

The young woman and her mother were hanging out washing on a back roof on the second floor. In attempting to fix a clothes pole she stepped backward upon the skylight, although it was raised above the roof.

INTERESTED THE WOMEN. ~ An Inspection Trip to the Handsome Rooms of the Eastman Sanitarium.

April 21, 1908

An Inspection Trip to the Handsome
Rooms of the Eastman Sanitarium.

A large number of men and women inspected in detail all the various rooms and departments of the new Eastman sanitarium for women, which was opened yesterday at 1316 Harrison street.

On the first floor is the reception room, furnished in mission style, and adjoining it, the consultation rooms of Dr. B. L. Eastman, with the modern equipment of a specialist in this line Beyond this is the dining room, and in the rear the kitchen and pantry, fitted with special appliances for sanitary hospital cookery.

On the second floor are the patients' rooms, and here the visitors, especially the women, were surprised and delighted. The furnishings of these rooms are an innovation in hospital regime. Prettily decorated walls, elegant brass beds, polished oak floors and meal service of silver and Haviland china at the bedside, give the luxury of the finest home, rather than the plainness usual in hospitals.

The operating room is all in white, and with its polished nickel, plate glass and porcelain equipment, shows the most scientific developments in surgical appliances and instruments.

The third floor, used for nurses' rooms, is comfortable, airy, and pleasant.

On the whole, the impression given by the new institution was very favorable. While it is not large, the new Eastman Sanitarium for Women is complete, modern to the minute, and affords comforts and luxuries for its women patients not to be had elsewhere in the West.

Limiting its patients to women, and excluding all contagious, infections and maternity cases, this sanitarium is in a class by itself, and is well worthy a visit from every woman in Kansas City.


April 21, 1908


His Widow, Who Married Another
Between Pat's First and
Second Death, Wants the
Property Settled.

Two tragedies are recalled by the petition filed in the probate court yesterday by C. W Prince, attorney for Mrs. Mary F. McGuire, calling upon William Moore, administrator of the estate of Patrick McGuire, to make a partial division of the estate.

On March 29, 1903, McGuire, then living under the name of Oscar W. Ramsey, was married to Mrs. Mary Cochran, a widow, the present petitioner. When the flood of May, 1903, came, McGuire, then known as Ramsey, went out to engage in rescue work. He never returned. The wife advertised for him in the daily papers, when such advertisements were printed free after the flood subsided, but could get no reply or trace of him. On June 30, 1904, she married John W. Ballard, a point tucker.

The Ballards lived happily for over two years, when, in October, 1906, the Chamber of Commerce building in Kansas City, Kas., burned. Mrs. Ramsey-Ballard read that Patrick McGuire was among the missing tenants of the building, and that Mrs. Donald Logan, a friend of his, had escaped. Mrs. Logan's description of McGuire, printed in the papers, tallied to the dot with the missing Ramsey's appearance. Mrs. Ballard also recalled that the husband, known to her as Ramsey, had roomed at Mrs. Logan's house before she met him, and that friends who came to visit, after her marriage, called for Pat McGuire. Putting two and two together, Mrs. Ballard decided that the McGuire who was burned in the fire was none other than her husband. She talked to Mrs. Logan, and saw among the effects of McGuire, saved from the fire, a handkerchief which she had given Ramsey, and into which she had embroidered the initials, "O. W. R."

She was then positive that her husband had not been drowned in the flood, but was burned to death. She went into mourning again. Her marriage to Ballard was, by effect of her discovery, annulled.

McGuire left an estate in Wyandotte worth something over $20,000. The probate court of Jackson county, at Mrs. Ramsey-Ballard-McGuire's request, took charge of it, and William Moore was appointed administrator in December, 1906.

A few weeks ago a Mrs. Patrick O'Neal of Chicago sent a representative to Kansas City to secure a share in the estate, claiming that she was a sister of McGuire. This claim she has proven to the satisfaction of the probate court.

McGuire's wife's petition of yesterday is to have the administrator divide the estate between herself and Mrs. O'Neal. Mrs. McGuire's attorney hopes to secure practically all of the property for her under a Missouri statute which provides that estates lying outside the state shall be administered according to the law of the state which they be, and a Kansas statute, which gives all of an estate to the widow, if there are no children.

Mrs. McGuire lives at 2812 Spruce avenue.

ARRESTED FOR "GUN PLAY." ~ Former Policeman and Saloon Owner Threaten Kansas City Kas., Detective.

April 20, 1908

Ex-Policeman and Saloon Owner Threaten
Kansas City Kas., Detective.

George Mohar, an ex-policeman, and John Miller, a former saloon man of Kansas City, Kas., were arrested yesterday by Detective McKnight in front of No. 2 fire station, after a quarrel and a gun play. Miller and Mohar engaged in unfriendly words with the detective, and when the latter attempted to place them under arrest, it is claimed, that a gun play was made. The men finally submitted to arrest, and were taken to the police station, where they gave a cash bond, and were released to appear in court this morning.

BURNED BY ELECTRIC WIRE. ~ Carroll Freeman, Argentine, Was Unconscious From the Shock.

April 20, 1908

Carroll Freeman, Argentine, Was Un-
conscious From the Shock.

While twenty children were playing at the foot of Ash street at Argentine yesterday morning one of them, Carroll Freeman, caught hold of a guy wire, which extends across the tops of two telephone poles, and down to a stake in the ground, and before his comrades could pull him free of the wire, he was seriously burned. Clyde Foster was the first lad to rescue and his quickness probably saved Carroll's life.

Carroll's left hand was burned to the bone, and the toes on both his feet were scorched. His rescuer was slightly burned on the hands from taking hold of Carroll's garments and clinging while he pulled the helpless boy from the wire.

Walter Freeman, Carroll's father, who lives at 202 North Eleventh street, said last night that the boy would recover. After being brought home in the morning the lad remained unconscious until six o'clock in the evening, when he came to himself and rallied rapidly. The Foster boy lives on Ruby street, a block west from Ash. He is 13 and Carroll is of about the same age.

Walter Freeman explains the accident by saying that an electric light wire, carrying a heavy voltage, sagged and touched the guy wire, where it crossed from one telephone pole to the other. The end of the guy wire, which ran toward the ground, being attached to a dry post, had no opportunity to ground the electric wire current. When the lad took hold of the wire, the current grounded through his body, Freeman says. That explanation would account for the boy's toes being burned.


April 20, 1908


Three Arrests Were Made Yesterday,
and the News Caused Other
Blind Tiger Operators
to Close.

The police of Kansas City, Kas., are prosecuting the crusade against the keepers of "blind tigers," and individual "drunks" vigorously. Between midnight Saturday night and sunup yesterday morning three "blind tigers" were raided, in which the alleged proprietors and eleven patrons were taken into custody and locked up at No. 3 police station. In addition to the arrests made in these raids twenty-six individuals were arrested and locked up at the different police stations on the charge of drunkenness. All of these offenders will be arraigned before Judge J. T. Sims in police court this morning, an it is more than probable that the court will follow out the administration's policy in its efforts to rid the city of this particular class of lawbreakers.

"I propose to make it my personal duty to see to the elimination of all 'blind tigers,' petit gambling games, and the like, which now infest the city," said Chief of Police Bowden last night. "I was out until 1 o'clock yesterday morning with a squad of patrolmen in plain clothes, and I propose to keep the good work up until the town is cleaned up of this class of offenders. Police Judge Sims is tendering material assistance to the department in showing those convicted but little mercy, and we hope to put a stop to the illegal sale of 'booze' on the Kansas side of the state line."

The chief says he will work every night for an indefinite length of time with the plain clothes squad, and visit every section of the city. In the raids made early yesterday morning, Jim Pullum was arrested in his place of business, across Kansas avenue from the Swift Packing Company's plant. Seven male frequenters and two women were taken into custody, the men being taken to jail and the women allowed to go home. Nealie Butler, who conducts a restaurant near Kansas and Packard, was taken in tow along with four frequenters.

The raids of Saturday night and early yesterday morning were noised around the city yesterday, and many of the proprietors of "blind tigers" closed. The crusade, however, is being kept up, so the chief states, and those who shut their doors yesterday figuring that the closing would only be a temporary move, may expect trouble the minute they resume business.

A HOME FOR LITTLE "PAT". ~ Tracy Avenue Couple May Adopt the Little Foundling.

April 19, 1908

Tracy Avenue Couple May Adopt the
Little Foundling.

If everything goes well today a good home may be secured for the foundling who was discovered in a dark hallway at 584 Harrison street late on the night of March 17 and later christened "Little Pat" by Mrs. Lizzie Burns, police matron , in honor of St. Patrick's day. Seeing in the news yesterday that a baby girl had been left with the matron for adoption Friday, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Kelly of 1403 Tracy avenue, called to see the little one. They were told that it had been taken to the detention home and were just about to leave when Eugene Burns, a son of the matron said: "What's the matter with 'Little Pat?' Why can't you take him and adopt him? He's a boy, you know." 

Mrs. Kelly said she thought that Patrick had long ago been given a home, but when informed that illness had kept him at St. Anthony's home, though now he had thoroughly recovered, she at once spoke for "Little Pat." "Yes, Mrs. Kelly was out here with Eugene Burns," said Sister Cecilia at the home. "She is coming back tomorrow with her husband. It looks very much like Pat is to secure a good home at last." Mr. Kelly is a traveling salesman. He and his wife have no children.

HE BEGAN SMOKING AT 5. ~ But This Boy Didn't Take a Chew Until He Was 6.

April 19, 1908

But This Boy Didn't Take a Chew
Until He Was 6.

When Harry Kersey, a runaway boy from Quincy, Ill., was brought to the detention home yesterday afternoon and admitted to being 16 years old, Superintendent J. K. Ellwood looked him over and said:

"You look like 12 to me. Why didn't you take off a few days and spend it in growing?"

"Too busy," replied Harry.

Ellwood then chanced to glance at the boy's fingers and, seeing cigarette stains, remarked:

"No wonder you didn't grow. You have been smoking."

"That hadn't nothin' to do with it," retorted the midget. "I never smoked a cigarette until I was 5 years old and never chewed until I was 6."