Lizzie Stewart Paid Sensational Visit
to Undertaking Rooms.
Lizzie Stewart, 18 years old, dropped into Carroll-Davidson's morgue yesterday afternoon through a skylight. But as if to display some charm against death she went through wonderful gyrations in her downward flight. An open stairway to the basement yawned steep and wide, squarely beneath her skylight entrance. To avoid this stair shaft Miss Stewart had to sail at an angle of 45 degrees between a long horizontal stovepipe seven and one-half feet from the floor and a guard rail along the stair opening. This was two and one-half feet above the floor. Some twist she gave; her body turned her so that, with face forward, she alighted with arms across this rail and feet on the floor.
All her limbs were somewhat bruised, but she was not seriously injured. Had she struck the stairs the fall would have been about twenty feet with an eight-foot roll to the bottom.
The young woman and her mother were hanging out washing on a back roof on the second floor. In attempting to fix a clothes pole she stepped backward upon the skylight, although it was raised above the roof.