July 31, 1909


Had Been Ill at Home About Ten
Days, but Fatal Termination
Was Not Expected by
P. D. Ridenour, Pioneer Kansas City Grocer.

Peter D. Ridenour, pioneer wholesale grocer of Kansas City, died suddenly of heart disease at 11:00 last night at his home, 1416 East Eighth street. He was 78 years old, and as the result of complications due to old age has been kept home from the store at 933 Mulberry street, in the West Bottoms, for over a week. His fatal illness is believed to have begun ten days ago when he first complained of shooting pains in the vicinity of his heart.

At his bedside when he died were his wife, Mrs. Sarah L. Ridenour and his son, Edward M. Ridenour. The family physician, Dr. Lester Hall, and Dr. R. T. Sloane, who had been called in, were in attendance, but neither believed death would result from the indisposition.


Besides the widow and the son, Mr. Ridenour is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Catherine Lester, Mrs. Alice Raymond and Miss Ethel Ridenour, all of this city, the last named living at home. Four brothers are living, T. M. Ridenour in Colorado, Irving W. in Richmond, Ind.; Elisha at Liberal, Mo., and Samuel Ridenour, who through the death of his brother will become president of the Ridenour Baker Grocery Company, lives at the Washington hotel.

Funeral arrangements have not been made.

Peter D. Ridenour was born May 5, 1831, on a farm of one half mile south of the village of College Corner, O. His parents were of Dutch extraction and pioneers of the state. The town received its name form its location in the northwest corner of the land donated to the Miami university. In 1837 his father bought a store in the town and in it for the next seven or eight years young Ridenour gleaned the knowledge of the grocery business so useful to him in after years.

At the age of 26, Mr. Ridenour married Miss Sarah Louise Beatty at Xenia, O., and moved to Lawrence, Kas. Part of the trip was made in boats because there was no railroad leading into Kansas City or in fact any other town in the vicinity of the Sunflower state.


With his brother, Samuel, who also had left the old home in Ohio to come West, Mr. Ridenour started a small grocery store at Lawrence taking as partners in the business Harlow W. Baker of that city and later his three brothers. This was in 1858.

By the death of Mr. Ridenour last night Samuel Ridenour became the sole survivor of the original Ridenour Baker Grocer Company. This firm was incorporated thirty-one years ago when having grown to dignified proportions it was moved from Lawrence to its present ho me on Mulberry street. Such has been its progress in Kansas City that it has been able to establish branch stores at several points. Both Peter and Samuel Ridenour grew wealthy. P. D. Ridenour's estate probably amounts to about $300,000.

Mr. Ridenour was known as a public spirited citizen. Three years ago he was vice president of the Commercial Club and was offered the presidency but he refused because of his advanced age. He maintained a large farm near Dallas, twelve miles from Kansas City, where he had intended to spend the remainder of his life.


July 31, 1909


With a smile and a "Good-by everybody," Claud Brooks stepped into eternity. He made the scaffold his stage, and for a few brief seconds seemed to enjoy being enough of a spectacle to cause fifty men and boys, all white, to crowd to see him.

In fourteen minutes after 9:15, when Marshal Joel B. Mayes sprang the trap, he had been pronounced dead. The law had taken its vengeance for the death of Sidney Herndon, struck down in cold blood eighteen months ago.

Brooks taunted one of the deputies with being nervous and asked another not to tie him so tight, as he would not attempt to resist. A few moments later he dropped to his death.

With appetite Brooks at breakfast ate the catfish which had been provided for him according to his wish. Then he asked for whisky, which also was given him. And then for two hours the Rev. E. S. Willett, Rev. J. W. Hurst, Rev. S. W. Bacote and Rev. J. C. Dickson prayed and sang with him. Half an hour before the execution he was given the sacrament. And then the nervousness, if he previously felt any, vanished.

Into the room where the gallows stand there was admitted a motley crowd of some fifty. There were policemen by the fives. There were boys who looked barely over 17. There were men of many types, not to mention several well known in the business life of the town.

Outside, crowds threatened to storm the jail to gain entrance. Marshal Mayes asked the police to protect the entrance into the jail wagon yard, which the crowd appeared to take by storm. Some half a hundred got into the criminal court room, from which the gallows was shut off by brick walls.

Still others stood outside, waiting to catch a fleeting glimpse of what was once a human being. Children of tender years and women with the imprint of respectability were among the number.

Eighteen months ago Brooks killed Sidney Herndon, owner of the Navarro flats at Twelfth and Baltimore, four feet of stature and crippled. He killed him with a hammer. The motive was robbery. The negro got more than $100. Out of this he bought a suit of clothes and hired a carriage to take him to the Union depot so he could escape. The rest he lost gambling and gave away. He was tried, convicted, his sentence affirmed by the supreme court and not considered otherwise than proper by the governor.


July 31, 1909


Confirmation at the Hands of the
Upper House of the Council
Is Expected Monday
Cornelius Murphy, New Workhouse Superintendent.
Appointed Superintendent of the Workhouse to Succeed Patrick O'Hearn.

Cornelius Murphy was yesterday appointed superintendent of the workhouse by Mayor Crittenden to succeed Patrick O'Hearn, whose resignation has been demanded and accepted. Mr. Murphy will have to be confirmed by the upper house of the council, and it is thought that this will be done at the meeting Monday night.

Mr. Murphy is a man of good judgment, a fine disciplinarian and thoroughly understands the handling and treatment of prisoners of the stripe that are confined in the workhouse," was the statement given out by the mayor.

For fifty-two years Mr. Murphy has been a resident of Kansas City and during that time has been active in Democratic politics. In the earlier days he was identified with the Marcy K. Brown wing of the party, and later when "the rabbits," under the generalship of J. B. Shannon, put Brown off the political map Murphy cast his lot with the Shannon bunch. He is a brother of Daniel Murphy, a former presiding judge of the county court.

During his political career Mr. Murphy served two terms as county marshal, was superintendent of mails when George M. Shelley was postmaster and for two years was inspector of detectives while Colonel L. E. Irwin was chief of police. In recent years Mr. Murphy has been conducting a livery and sales stable.

PIONEER BLACKSMITH DIES LEAVING $150,000 ESTATE. ~ Henry Nevins Came to Kansas City in 1869, and Opened Shop on Third Street.

July 30, 1909

Henry Nevins Came to Kansas City
in 1869, and Opened Shop
on Third Street.

Henry Nevins, pioneer horseshoer of Kansas City and in the early days a fair prototype of Longfellow's "Village Blacksmith," died at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 1032 Olive street. He was 70 years old.

He was born in Tipperary county, Ireland, and came to this country when a young man, spending some years in Canada, where he learned the blacksmith trade and where he married. Later he crossed the line into the United States, settling first in Burlington, Ia., and from there removing to Kansas City in 1869.

He first opened a shop at Third street and Grand avenue and for twenty years Nevins's blacksmith shop was a landmark.

In those early days when railroads were in their infancy and mules and horses were yet the main standby for transportation, the blacksmith was a most important person.

Nevins met the situation with an energy that never seemed to tire, and it is on record that during rush seasons he has been known to stand in the smith forty-eight hours at a stretch, without sleep, eating in the shop meals brought to him by his wife.

Early in his career in Kansas City Mr. Nevins began to put his savings into real estate, and this policy he continued throughout his career. But once in his life did he part with real estate he had purchased, and that was about eight years ago, when he sold to the Armour Packing Company the property at 306 West Eighth street for $10,000, and for which he had paid $900 in early days. For an other property next to the Gillis opera house, which cost him $800 he recently refused an offer of $800 a foot.

Practically all his wealth is in inside Kansas City real estate and a conservative estimate of his estate places the figure at $150,000.

Later he moved his blacksmith shop to 512 Walnut street, and when that property became too valuable for a blacksmith shop he moved once more to 512 Grand avenue, where he continued in business until five years ago, when he retired, owing to advancing age and continued ill health.

He leaves a wife and six children, three sons and three daughters. The children are: John M., James H., William J., Elinore, Catherine Marie and Rose.

The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Aloysius's church, and burial will be at St. Mary's cemetery.

ASSAULTED AN EX-MARSHAL. ~ Lewis Masterson Slashed T. N. Hughes's Throat With a Knife.

July 30, 1909

Lewis Masterson Slashed T. N.
Hughes's Throat With a Knife.

T. N. Hughes, ex-city marshal of Independence, was accosted in that city yesterday morning by Lewis Masterson, who had some words with him about a trial which had taken place in the police court the day previous. Masterson struck Hughes a glancing blow and Hughes knocked him down. Hughes knocked Masterson down a second time and was shoved into a ditch by the push of a woman. Before he could get up Masterson had his knife out, and running over where Hughes was getting up, slashed him across the throat.

It required eleven stitches to sew up the wound. The wound is not necessarily dangerous unless blood poison sets in. Warrants were sworn out for Masterson's arrest, charging him with felonious assault. Mr. Hughes was formerly superintendent of the McCune home.

SEEKS HEIRS TO AN ESTATE. ~ Fulkerson, Formerly of Kansas City, Dies in Arkansas.

July 30, 1909

Fulkerson, Formerly of Kansas City,
Dies in Arkansas.

Heirs for an estate estimated at $10,000 to $90,000 are sought in a letter to Chief of Police Frank Snow from Little Rock, Ark., in which is told the death of Z. K. Fulkerson on June 10, who left an estate.

Fulkerson was proprietor of the "K. C. Restaurant" in Little Rock, and is believed to have gone there from Kansas City. He often mentioned having a brother in Kansas City, and as he left no will, the administrator of the estate, J. L. Eastin, 1719 State street, Little Rock, would like to obtain news of the heirs.

TOO HOT FOR HER HERE. ~ Visiting Oklahoma Woman Returns to Her Home at Enid.

July 30, 1909

Visiting Oklahoma Woman Returns
to Her Home at Enid.

It was so hot in Kansas City yesterday afternoon and evening that Mrs. Anna Baker of Enid, Ok., cut short a stay which she intended to make here, and last night returned to her home..

She told officials at the Union depot that the farther north she came the hotter it got.

A NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. ~ Bell Company's New Booklet Is Replete With Information.

July 29, 1909

Bell Company's New Booklet Is Re-
plete With Information.

The July issue of the Missouri & Kansas (Bell) Telephone Company's Kansas City directory is now being delivered to subscribers. The directory appears in an entirely new form, made necessary by the large increase in the number of subscribers. The old style cover which persisted in rolling up and breaking, has been replaced by a handsome, index bristol cover. The front section of the directory contains several pages of useful information, including a page write-up of Kansas City, compiled by E. M. Clendening, Secretary of the Commercial Club, postal information, office buildings, directory of both Kansas Cities, street directory of both Kansas Cities, libraries and reading rooms, theaters, table of weights and measures, information for taxpayers, street car routings, railroad time tables, carriage and automobile rates and a two year calendar. Subscribers' names are listed double column in new style type. The classified business directory is printed on yellow paper. The listing therein now includes business addresses. This section of the directory contains a goodly showing of classified advertising of a varied nature.

In speaking of the new directory, Homer Montfort, Advertising agent of the company, said: "The telephone directory of today has many uses aside form that for which it was originally intended. Its value as a social and business directory is beyond question. We have added the new features at considerable expense, with a view of making the directory more valuable to our patrons, and we will gladly receive suggestions as to other useful features that might be added. Our Kansas City directory is used for various purposes approximately 250,000 per day or 91,000,000 times per year."

The new directory is said by telephone men to be the handsomest ever issued for the purpose. There are 30,000 directories in this issue.

PROHIBITION VOTE PROBABLE. ~ But When, in Missouri, Gov. Hadley Doesn't Know.

July 29, 1909

But When, in Missouri, Gov. Hadley
Doesn't Know.

"The question of state-wide prohibition probably will be submitted to the voters of Missouri," said Governor Herbert S. Hadley at the Union depot last evening. "Whether or not it will carry I am not prepared to say. It is also a question with the prohibition forces as to whether this is an opportune time.

"My understanding is that the members of the anti-saloon league do not favor the submission of a state-wide prohibition at this time because of the fear that it might be defeated. They are in favor of a slower, and they think surer ways of eliminating the saloons and the liquor traffic."

Governor Hadley was apprised Wednesday of the inquiry made by the prohibition chairman Charles E. Stokes of Kansas City, as to the number of petitioners necessary to secure a call for a special election under the initiative and referendum.

Governor Hadley said last evening that the law under which it is proposed to hold this election is the one which was held up in the house, and which he personally insisted should be passed by legislature.

Governor Hadley believes, however, that if the question is submitted, that the anti-saloon league people will join forces with the state-wide prohibition people.

RAINSTORM BRINGS RELIEF. ~ With Electrical Display, Comes After Day of Sweltering Heat.

July 29, 1909

With Electrical Display, Comes
After Day of Sweltering Heat.

After a day of sweltering heat, Kansas City found relief at 11 o'clock last night when an electrical storm burst over the city. Early in the evening dark and heavy clouds began to appear in the West and moved rapidly towards the northeast, seeming to roll over and over. Shortly before 11 o 'clock a strong wind sprang up surcharged with moisture, bearing a warning of the approaching thunderstorm.

Crowds which had thronged the parks began to hasten homeward and the cars were overcrowded with those who attempted to reach shelter before the storm came. Large drops of rain fell for a few minutes followed by a considerable downpour, accompanied by wind, lightning and thunder.

P. Connor, weather forecaster, had almost promised that Kansas City should have fair weather last night and this morning. Such thunderstorms as Kansas City had last night have been extremely prevalent through the Southwest this past week.

FIND MORE CHILD LABORERS. ~ Two Without Certificates Are Discovered by Factory Inspector.

July 28, 1909

Two Without Certificates Are Dis-
covered by Factory Inspector.

Two more children under the age of 14 years have been discovered working by Assistant State Factory Inspector W. J. Morgan. Their employers sent them home by order of the inspector. This makes four such cases handled by Mr. Morgan since he opened his office here last Thursday.

"Many under 16 are working without the certificate required by the law," said Mr. Morgan yesterday, "but on the whole I am agreeably surprised to find conditions better than I had been led to expect."

Assistant State Factory Inspector Elasco Green of St. Louis is working here at present, giving instruction to Assistant Inspector B. H. Darnell of St. Joseph, who is a new appointee.

NEAR TO DEATH IN POOL. ~ With Twenty Swimmers Close at Hand, Bather Goes Down Third Time at Y. M. C. A.

July 28, 1909

With Twenty Swimmers Close at
Hand, Bather Goes Down
Third Time at Y. M. C. A.

With more than a score of persons swimming within ten feet of him yesterday afternoon in the swimming pool in the Y. M. C. A. building, P. H. Hanner, a deaf mute 23 years old, living at 517 Washington, was almost drowned before he could attract the attention of anyone. Hanner struggled several minutes and had sunk for the third time before it was realized that he was drowning. It took two hours to resuscitate him.

When Hanner's limbs began to tire and he realized that he couldn't reach safety, he tried to motion for help. No one saw him. He could not cry out, and the water with its splashing bathers , made invisible his signals for help.

He sank for the first time and rose to the surface; a moment later his lungs filled with water. In desperation he waved his hands. The second time he sank he began to think that the end was near.

"That's a pretty good diver," said someone. "See how he stays under water."

Just as he was sinking for the third time, one of his companions noticed the agonized expression on his face. The attention of several others was called, and he was pulled to safety. The ambulance from police headquarters was called and Dr. F. R. Berry induced artificial respiration until he recovered consciousness.

BODY FOUND IN PASTURE. ~ Dead Man About 55 -- No Clue as to Identity.

July 28, 1909

Dead Man About 55 -- No Clue as to

The partly decomposed body of an unidentified man about 55 years old was found yesterday afternoon in the middle of a wooded pasture on the farm of John Davidson, three miles northeast of Independence. Nothing was found in his clothes to identify him. Several German newspapers were in his pockets. He was about 5 feet 6 inches tall and had dark brown hair, tinged with gray. Two coats, a pair of boots and two shirts clothed the body, which was taken to Ott's undertaking rooms in Independence about 8 o'clock last night. The coroner's office was notified.

PINS HER TWINS TOGETHER. ~ Clever Idea of Woman to Be Sure of the Pair.

July 28, 1909

Clever Idea of Woman to Be Sure of
the Pair.

A huge safety pin was used by Mrs. E. B. Morris of Chillicothe, Mo., yesterday morning to pin her twin boys, Ben and Eddie, 3 years old, together, so that they could not get lost.

Carrying a babe in her left arm and a grip in her right, with Ben's chubby fist grasping her dress, and his twin brother, Eddie, pinned to him, the quartette attracted no little attention as they passed through the Union depot yesterday. They were on their way home from a few weeks in Kansas.

Ben, his mother said, has a habit of clinging to her clothes, while Eddie has a penchant for wandering. So that she would not have to watch Eddie while traveling, she conceived the idea of pinning his clothes to Ben.


July 27, 1909


Pardon Board in Charge of Institu-
tion Today -- Crittenden Not
Ready to Announce Suc-
cessor -- Board's Report.

The resignation of Patrick O'Hearn as superintendent of the workhouse, effective this morning, was demanded by Mayor Crittenden in a letter to O'Hearn mailed last night. The letter should be in the hands of O'Hearn when he reports at the institution today. The action of the mayor was based on the official report of the board of pardons and paroles, and the demand that the superintendent be removed without further ceremony.

"I have mailed a letter to Mr. O'Hearn asking for his immediate resignation. He should receive it by the early mails tomorrow," said the mayor.

"But suppose he does not resign?"

"I have no fears in that direction. It will be safe to say that Mr. O'Hearn will not be superintendent of the workhouse after tomorrow morning. The whole thing is a closed incident. Officially I asked the board to investigate workhouse conditions. It has done so, and its verdict is in my hands.


"The workhouse has been a source of much annoyance and tribulation to every administration. Naturally my administration came in for the share of odium and criticism that springs up regularly year in and year out. I am glad I had the investigation made. It was the means of disclosing conditions at the city's penal institution that should and will be corrected."

"Who is to be O'Hearn's successor?"

"I have several men of integrity and sound judgment who are good disciplinarians under consideration, but I do not know if any of them would accept the position for the salary, which is $150 a month. A man possessed of the requirements to make a satisfactory superintendent of the workhouse is not looking for $150 a month job. He is better employes and better paid."

The mayor said that possibly by tonight or tomorrow he will be able to announce the name of the new superintendent, and that in the meantime the board of pardons and paroles will exercise jurisdiction over the workhouse.


It is thought that most of the guards under the O'Hearn regime will be discharged.

There was talk in political circles last night that Edward Winstanly, city purchasing agent was being considered as O'Hearn's successor, but the report was not taken seriously. It was argued that the man who will be appointed must have had some experience in handling prisoners.

"Everything that belongs to the city will be returned," declared the mayor.

This means an effort will be made to recover the two calves and a black mare, claimed by the city, which testimony at the hearing showed had been sent from the workhouse during O'Hearn's administration.

O'Hearn was appointed superintendent in April, 1908. His wife is matron of the institution, but whether she will be asked to resign has not been determined.

The report of the board of pardons and paroles deals with conditions past and present at the workhouse, and contains many recommendations for improvements.

SEPARATE CHUTE FOR WOMEN. ~ Central Station Holdover to Be Remodeled Along Modern Lines.

July 27, 1909

Central Station Holdover to Be Re-
modeled Along Modern Lines.

If the plans of Walter C. Root, a member of the tenement commission, are carried out, the holdover and "chute" will not be so uninhabitable in the future. Accompanied by Commissioner Thomas R. Marks, Mr. Root visited the holdover yesterday. He will superintend its remodeling.

The plans call for a separate chute for female prisoners while police court is in session and they are awaiting trial.

SHE DIDN'T INTEND TO KILL. ~ Mary O'Neill Pleads Not Guilty to Charge of Husband.

July 27, 1909

Mary O'Neill Pleads Not Guilty to
Charge of Husband.

Mary O'Neill, who took a shot at her husband, Frank P. O'Neill, in the general office of the Muehleback Brewing Company at Eighteenth and Main streets Monday evening, was arraigned in the justice court of James B. Shoemaker yesterday afternoon.

She pleaded "not guilty" to the charge of assault with intent to kill preferred against her by her husband. Hearing was set for 2 o'clock in the afternoon of August 5.

The defendant was released on $700 bond.


July 27, 1909

1857, IS DEAD.

Held Many Positions of Trust and
equipped First Horse Car Line
in the City -- Was 85
Years Old.

In the death last night of Byron Judd, a pioneer resident of Kansas City, Kas., the city was deprived of perhaps its most widely known and lovable characters. He was a man of rare ability, and was noted for his keen, incisive mind. Every enterprise of worth which marked the early transition of a straggling Indian village into the metropolis of the state is closely interwoven with the name and personality of Byron Judd. Although his advanced age of late years prevented his active participation in the affairs of the city, his mind retained the vigor of youth and his counsel upon questions of moment was highly valued and eagerly sought.


Byron Judd was born August 13, 1824, at Otis , Berkshire county, Mass. His parents were farmers and pointed with pride that their ancestry could be clearly traced to the landing of the Mayflower. He received his education at the state normal and at Southwick academy. As a young man in his ho me town he held many minor offices, among which were school commissioner, township assessor and selectman.

In 1855 he left his native state and journeyed westward to Iowa, being made deputy land recorder at Des Moines, a position he held until his removal in 1857 to Kansas City, Kas., or, as it was then known, Wyandotte. In 1869 he was elected a member of the board of aldermen of the city. In 1863 he was elected county treasurer of Wyandotte county. He was married in 1865 to Mrs. Mary Louise Bartlett.

During the early days of Wyandotte he engaged in the banking and land business which he carried on for many years, having been the first land agent in the city. He was president of the council in 1868 and was elected mayor in 1869. This administration was remarkable for the spirit of enterprise displayed and was in fact the beginning of that civic pride which has since characterized the city.


Mr. Judd was made United States commissioner in 1870. In 1871 he organized the First National bank of that city and served as president and cashier of the institution. He remained a director in the bank for many years. In connection with W. P. Overton and Luther Wood he went to St. Louis and purchased the material and equipment for the first horse car line in the city.

He was elected state senator in 1872 and served in that capacity until 1876. Although a staunch Democrat, he was not in sympathy with the border warfare and many of the outrages committed during that period were fearlessly denounced by him.

His is survived by his only daughter, Mrs. Sarah Judd Greenman, public librarian of Kansas City, Kas.

Funeral arrangements have not been made.


July 26, 1909


Johnny and Tommy, 10 and 8 Years
Old, Respectively, Had High
Time While Folks Had
Visions of Kidnaping.


Without permission of their respective parents, Johnny Sinclair, 10, and Tommy Beels, 8 years old, took a day off from home and spent the whole of Saturday night and Sunday in wandering about the towns and parks surrounding Kansas City, much to the consternation, grief and anxiety of their families.

When the boys were missed Saturday night it was learned that they had gone with an employe of Electric park. Mont Shirley, 29 years of age, who has a longing for the companionship of small boys, being evidenced by his having led other urchins on several days' tours of the surrounding country on previous occasions.

Johnny Sinclair is the only son of Aaron Sinclair, janitor of the Boston flats, 3808 Main street. Johnny's father gave him a dollar Saturday noon and told him to do what as he wanted with the money.


Barefooted and without his coat, Johnny looked up his younger friend, Tommy, youngest son of H. T. Beels, 107 East Thirty-ninth street, and proposed a trip to Electric park. Tommy was willing and thought it best not to go into the house for his hat and coat, for his mother might thwart their schemes. So the boys left the Beels home about 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.

When 5 o'clock came Mrs. Beels missed her son. Within a few minutes, however, he telephoned his mother that they were at Electric park and were going to take a boat ride with a man whom they had found congenial. Mrs. Beels told the boy to come home immediately.

Tommy had other views in the matter and when Shirley suggested an extensive tour of the city, to include Kansas City, Kas., Lansing, Leavenworth, Forest, Fairmount, Swope and Budd parks and all at his own expense, the boy readily fell in with the plan. Mothers were not interviewed.

Dire thoughts of drowning, kidnaping and disaster beset Mrs. Beels when her boy did not materialize at supper time. Persons in charge of the park were questioned and it was learned that the two boys had gone away from the park with Shirley. None knew where.


Mrs. Beels, at midnight, went to the Sinclair home and inquired there for her son and learned that Johnny Sinclair was also missing. That was the first idea of Johnny's whereabouts which the Sinclairs had. Search parties were organized and the park secured.

Yesterday morning a young man went to the Sinclair home and told that he had seen the two boys and Shirley at the Union depot and that they were going to St. Joseph and H. L. Ashton, a friend of the Beels family, who is well acquainted with the mayor of that city, called him over long distance 'phone and had the town searched for the runaways. Then came a telegram that the three had been seen early Sunday in Leavenworth.

Meanwhile Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Beels were beside themselves with fear and anxiety for their children. They secured the promise of the park authorities to drag the lake in the park this morning, and the search for the missing increased in strength and vigilance each hour.

Shirley's family had been notified of the disappearance, and Charles J. Blevins, Shirley's brother-in-law, hastened to Leavenworth, hot on the trail. He returned empty-handed.


About 11 o'clock last night the boys returned home, dusty, wet and tired. They had a wonderful story to tell of their trip and adventures. They had been through every park in the city, and seen the National cemetery and Soldiers' home at Leavenworth from a car and had a jolly time in general. Saturday night was spent in Kansas City, so Tommy Beels says, and the three went to a rooming house. He did not know the location. Late last night Shirley gave the two boys their carfare and put them on a Rockhill car at Eighth and Walnut streets and left them.

Shirley is said to have a habit of giving young boys a good time at his own expense. Two years ago, it is claimed, he took two boys to Leavenworth and stayed there for three days, after which the boys returned safe and sound.

Shirley works in the park and every Saturday he has been in the habit of spending his week's wages upon some boys whom he might meet. His brother-in-0law, Mr. Blevins, said that Shirley is nothing but a boy himself. When he was 4 years of age, according to relatives, Shirley fell upon his head, and he has remained stunted, mentally, ever since. Shirley longs for the companionship of children, and he is attractive to them since he plays with them and talks with them as though he were 9 rather than 29 years of age.


Johnny Sinclair, nervous, excited, scared and tired, last night told a clear and fairly consistent story of how Shirley and Tommy Beels and he passed the time between Saturday at 2 p. m. and 11 o'clock last night, when the boys returned home.

In the main details Johnny clung to his story. He fell asleep while being questioned by his father, and that ended the questioning. In substance, he says:

"Shirley invited Tommy and me to go to Swope park, while were were at Electric park, where he was working. We went to Swope park with him and in the evening we went down town and went to several nickel shows.

"Then we went out to Swope park again, but late that night. Shirley wanted to go down town to cash a check. When we got down town the saloons were all closed, and we finally went to bed at a place near Eighth and Main streets.


"The next morning we had a nice breakfast of beefsteak and potatoes and coffee, and then we went over to Kansas City, Kas., and there we took a car for Leavenworth. We saw the penitentiary and the Soldiers' Home from the car, and the National cemetery, but we didn't stop there.

We went to Leavenworth and spent the time just running around. That's all we did. I was never there before, and it was fun. We had a dinner of bologna sausage and cheese, and about 8 o'clock we started for home."

Besides the fright which was occasioned the two families of the boys no harm was done, except one of the boys was forced to take a hot bath and swallow a dose of quinine after he reached home. Johnny's original $1, which started the trouble, remains intact. Shirley stood the expense on his pay of $12, which he drew from the park on Saturday afternoon.

Shirley lives one block southeast of the park.


July 26, 1909


Wife Says She Was Nervous and
Excited, and That Shooting in
Muehleback Brewery Was
Only to Frighten Him.

A daintily dressed woman talking through the grate of the cashier's window in the general office of the Muehlebach Brewing Company to her husband, a bookkeeper, at 7:30 o'clock last night, attracted little attention from the beer wagon drivers who happened to be about. Sharp words between members of the opposite sexes in the vicinity of Eighteenth and Main streets even at such an early hour in the evening are not unusual.

Suddenly the woman, Mrs. Mary O'Neill of 431 Ann avenue, Kansas City, Kas., opened her chatelaine bag and inserted her hand.

"Mary, what are you going to do?" asked her husband, Frank P. O'Neill, of 3719 Woodland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill have been separated since January 1.

The woman drew a small revolver from the bag and fired at close range, the bullet grazing Mr. O'Neill's neck beneath his right ear and lodging inside the neck band of his shirt. Mrs. O'Neill then dropped the weapon and gave herself up to John Glenn, night watchman of the brewery.


At No. 4 police station Mrs. O'Neill occupied a cell but a few feet from the operating table where Dr. J. M. McKamey was dressing her husband's wound. She was highly excited, nervous and penitent.

"I did not mean to kill him at all," she said, "but he has mistreated me every time I have approached him for money for my support, and I could not help but be on my guard all the time. When he told me to get out of the office tonight I got excited and fired when I only wanted to frighten him.

"My husband and I were married in a Catholic church two years ago," Mrs. O'Neill went on. "He married me without letting me know that he had been married twice before, and that both of these former wives are still living. During the last days of December last year I was sick and somewhat of a burden to him. On the evening of the New Year he left me sick in bed and never came back.

"I have since kept house for my brother, John Semen, at my home on Ann avenue, Kansas City, Kas. The two trips I have taken to see my husband and ask for money from him to buy clothes for myself have not been successful.


Frank O'Neill was not sure last night that he would prosecute his wife. His father, Sergeant F. P. O'Neill of No. 6 police station, however, said he would prosecute.

"I have never mistreated my wife," said the son. "It is true that I have been married before. Mary's shooting at me without warning from her, although my mother called me over the telephone half an hour before, and said Mary was on the way to the brewery to kill me."

Dr. McKamey said that O'Neill's would would easily heal.

Mrs. O'Neill is 28 years old.

NORTH END BEATS TAME NOW. ~ Clean Up's and Better Lighting Fatal to Police Excitement.

July 26, 1909

Clean Up's and Better Lighting
Fatal to Police Excitement.

So many years ago that the oldest member of the police department scarcely remembers it, No. 2 police station in the West Bottoms was a busy point and the number of arrests there for a single night ranged from five to forty-five. Now it is a back number and the happy patrolman walking beats in the No. 2 district has a snap equal to that of being a line man for the Marconi system. This is the result of a forgotten clean-up in the early '90s. Such a clean-up is now relegating No. 4 district to an unimportant one in the city.

Captain Thomas Flahive, lately removed to No. 5 station in Westport, used to book all the way from five to twenty-five "drunks" and "vag" at the Walnut street holdover, and Lieutenant C. DeWitt Stone on his advent there promised to increase the average so that no safe limit could be ascribed to it.

"But now there is a slump in crime there," Stone said last night. "We still make arrests but they are invariably tame ones and the time is about here when there will be practically none at all. Drag nets and the brilliant lighting of McGee street, formerly as wicked as any place in the North End, has wrought a change for the better, fatal to the excitement attendant on being an officer."

THOUGHT SHE HAD A MILLION. ~ Miss Jessie Pomfret, Writer and Pomfret Estate Claimant, Dies.

July 26, 1909

Miss Jessie Pomfret, Writer and
Pomfret Estate Claimant, Dies.

Miss Jessie Pomfret died yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in Independence from consumption. She had been ill for the last two years.

No arrangements have been made for the funeral, but the body will be taken to her home in Daviess county. Miss Pomfret, while a resident of Independence, was engaged in newspaper work. She went to Rock Island, Ill., and then to Chicago, afterwards to Cincinnati, where she became interested as one of the heirs of an English estate of $17,000,000. She spent considerable money in investigating the Pomfret millions of which she expected to get a share of $1,000,000.

The Pomfret estate consists of an establishment in Red Lion street, London, and cash in the Bank of England. With it goes either a coloneley in the British army or a seat in the house of commons.

Lemuel Pomfret, brother of William Pomfret's father, induced the family to change the spelling of the name from Pomfrey to Pomfret. William Pomfret was the lineal descendant of Colonel Pomfrey, w ho held a commission from King George. He deserted the British army and joined Washington's forces.

The estate reverted to the crown, but was afterward restored to the family.

FOUR JOY RIDERS ARRESTED. ~ Dale Gardner Just Strolling Around When He Found Rig.

July 26, 1909

Dale Gardner Just Strolling Around
When He Found Rig.

"Strolling around" was the reason given by Dale Gardner to the police yesterday for being up at 2 o'clock a. m. At Thirteenth street and Baltimore avenue his eyes fell upon a horse and buggy. The buggy did not belong to him but he got in and drove around the city. Later he invited three companions to drive with him. Eylar Brothers, to whom the horse and buggy belonged, missed it and made a report to the police.

Patrolmen Thomas Eads and Edward Matteson arrested Gardner and his friends at Sixth and May streets just as the sun was rising.

All were charged with disturbing the peace, and their bonds fixed at $26.


July 25, 1909


Embankment Undermined by Missouri River, Near Orrick, and East Bound Train Slid Into the Water --- Trainmen Buried Under their Engine -- Passengers Reported Missing.

A washout made by the recent floods which had washed away practically all the support of the tracks, caused a part of Wabash train No. 4, out of Kansas City, to plunge into the Missouri river at Hull's Point, Mo., two miles east of Orrick about 10:15 o'clock last night. Orrick is thirty miles east of Kansas City.

Four are known to be dead and thirty-nine injured, some seriously.

The engine, baggage and express cars are in the river, almost entirely covered by water and the bodies of the engineer and fireman, a baggageman and a baby are buried in the wreckage.

The train consisting of engine and nine coaches left Kansas City for St. Louis at 9 o'clock last night in charge of Conductor W. M. Frye of St. Louis.

There were four sleepers on the train, one of them for Des Moines and according to Conductor Frye's story he carried sixty-eight passengers.


In the baggage and express car was Harry Eckhert, Pacific express messenger, who had charge of between $30,000 and $40,000 consigned to St. Louis.

Immediately after the news of the wreck reached Kansas City a relief train was sent out and all of the injured were brought to Kansas City.

The train bearing the injured and other passengers arrived at the Union depot at 2:30 o'clock this morning. Seven ambulances with surgeons were in waiting and the injured were given temporary treatment in the main waiting room before being taken to the hospitals.

An hour after the wrecked passengers reached Kansas City, a new train was secured and the uninjured passengers were sent on to their destination.


The train was running at 35 miles an hour when it reached the line of track, a quarter of a mile in extent, which had been undermined and washed away by the Missouri river. Into this space the train suddenly plunged, though passengers say that they felt the shock of the grinding brakes. At the point where the derailment occurred the track is practically straight and the river makes no perceptible curve.

The river had eaten its way fifty feet beyond the inmost rail so no vestige of track remained visible. When the engine struck the water it hurled itself forward carrying the baggage and mail car and sleeper with it. The baggage car crashed on top of the engine and the two were forced beneath the water, the engine being completely submerged and the baggage car standing on end in the water. The mail car overturned in the water and the clerks were forced to climb over the wreckage before they could get to safety. Every one of them was injured in some degree by the force of the shock.

The washout occurred after 6:30 o'clock, for at that time another Wabash passenger train, eastbound, went over the track in safety and no danger was noticed.


Engineer Flowers and Fireman Bond both went into the river with their engine and were drowned. It is thought that the escaping steam would have scalded them to death even had they not been held under the water by the weight of the engine. Baggageman Harry Eckert was caught in his car which sank to the bottom of the stream and he was drowned like a rat in a trap.

The death of little Donald King, the infant who was thrown from his father's arms into the river, was particularly sad. The child was but 2 years old and both parents were with him and his two little sisters, but little older than himself. Just before the train was precipitated into the river his father took him forward to the toilet room. When Mr. King got to the front of the coach the first shock came and he lurched heavily. The child was forced from his arms in some way and, it is thought, fell into the stream through one of the open windows. When the parents were seen at the Union depot last night they were both so dazed they could hardly give a coherent account of the accident.

Ten or twelve people who were only slightly injured left the train at the scene of the accident and went back to Orrick, Mo. Their names could not be learned this morning.


News of the wreck was not long in reaching the depot and long before the relief train arrived the platform resembled the ward of a hospital. Along track No. 1 on which the train was scheduled to come in, was a long line of cots, while emergency surgeons in shirt sleeves strolled up and down or sat on the cots awaiting the arrival.

At about ten minutes past 2 o'clock there was a stir in the crowd of those waiting, the crowd having steadily increased as the news of the wreck filtered through the early morning air. A "flash" was received that the train had reached Randolph, just across the river, and would be at the station in ten minutes. Policemen showed up from apparently nowhere and took up their station along the track.

Ten minutes, twenty, thirty minutes passed and when shortly after the half-hour the train backed in. The crowd was so dense it was with difficulty the police made a passageway for the surgeons and stretchers.


Conductor Frye was the first man off the train. As soon as his lantern flashed its signal to the waiting hospital attendants, a line of white cots came into view, while the police had a difficult time keeping back the morbidly curious.

"A man in the sleeper is badly hurt," said Frye.

Men carried in a cot and because of the crowd it was necessary to pass the cot holding the injured man through a car window.

Others were carried or helped out by trainmen, hospital attendants and uninjured passengers, some bleeding and dazed, with temporary bandages wrapped about heads, arms and bodies.

Those who were able were left for the time being to shift for themselves, while surgeons bent over the cots of the more seriously injured to administer temporary relief.

Meanwhile uninjured passengers besieged Frye to know when they could "go on."

"Just as soon as we can get a train crew," was the invariable reply of the patient conductor.


Dr. Robert Sheetz and Dr. G. O. Moore of Orrick were the first physicians on the scene. They impressed those of the passengers who were able to assist them and gave temporary relief to most of the injured by the time the train reached Kansas City.

Miss Irene Dorton, 20, and Mrs. Sam Hackett, 40 years old, both of Orrick, were within a few miles of their home when the accident occurred. They had been visiting friends in Kansas City and were getting their luggage ready to get off the train when they were suddenly thrown out of their seats and across the aisle. Both lost consciousness and were revived by some of the passengers who were not as severely injured. They were attended by Drs. Sheet and Moore of Orrick.

"I can't tell you a thing about how the accident happened," said Miss Dorton, who was hurt the least. "I remember saying something to Mrs. Hackett about getting off the train, but that is all."


Frank Gardner, 40 years old, of Mount Vernon, was one of the worst injured. His hand was gashed and his left arm was almost crushed off. He was in the forward car and was caught beneath the wreckage.

"Our escape from death was simply miraculous," said Miss Mamie Donnelly of Mexico, Mo. "I was holding my little niece, Mary, 6 years old, in my lap, when suddenly a feeling passed through me similar to that one feels when riding a chute the chutes, then came a terrible jar and Mary was thrown clear out of my arms and her little head struck the roof of the car. I caught her dress and she fell back on me. We were both scratched a little but outside of the jar were not hurt."


Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Moore of Pueblo, Col, who were on their way to Huntsville, Mo., were both hurt. Mrs. Moore was badly bruised and cut and her back was sprained.

"We were in the chair car when the accident occurred," said Mr. Moore, "and we felt as if the earth just slipped out from beneath us. My wife was thrown against the side of the car and then into my arms. For a moment it felt as if we were to be engulfed and then all was still. Then came the cries for help. It seemed as if everyone was crying for help even though they were uninjured. Everyone was just panic stricken. I gathered my wife in my arms and we soon found ourselves outside the car. The scene was awful. The engine had bone beneath the river and was followed by several cars, we could not see how many. When I attended my wife's injuries I helped to look after the other passengers who were hurt."


Z. T. Finney, the brakeman, was on the head end of the deadhead sleeper and was pitched far out into the Missouri river when the embankment gave way beneath the train. He was half buried beneath coal from the tender and was cut and bruised. The water restored him to consciousness and he swam to shore.

"I was on the head end of the deadhead sleeper," said Brakeman Finey, "when the crash came. Just before we went into the water I felt the platform sort of sway and a sickening, falling sensation came over me. The next I remember I felt myself hurled over the top of the tender and then all was blank until I found myself swimming back to the train. The engine as it sank into the soft bank came to a sudden stop, and this jammed the cars together and threw me over the tender. That's how I happened to get hurt, although I am lucky that I was not carried beneath the cars."

Finney's injuries, while severe, are not serious.


"I'll never forget this night as long as I live," said Miss Birdie Dugan of 2829 St. Louis avenue, St. Louis, who was on the wrecked train. "It was terrible to see the injured as they were brought into our car, and to think of the others lying in the river. A man in our car lost his baby right out of his arms, and it went into the river. The poor mother was just a little distance away. There was an awful crash as the car broke in two, and the roof came down and the sides came together and caught so many people so they could not move. Everybody worked to get them out before the other half of the car fell into the river. The accident occurred shortly after 10 o'clock. We left Kansas City at 9 o'clock, right on time."


Dr. Mary Turner Loahbeck of 2829 St. Louis avenue, St. Louis, Mo., was on the train, and assisted in aiding the injured. "About all that was possible for me to do was to bandage the cuts," the doctor said. "I had no bandages with me, but we secured twenty or thirty sheets from the sleeping cars, and tore them into bandages. I attended about twenty people myself. The people of Orrick, Mo., were very kind. They gave us dry underclothing for the persons who were wet, and offered us all the assistance they were able to render."

Had it not been for the fact that the Wabash train No. 9, being the passenger train from Boston, was delayed at Moberly an hour, it would have met the fate of its sister train. If the train No. 9 had been on scheduled time it would have reached the washout before No. 4. Train No. 9 was due in Kansas City at 9:45, but arrived at 2:40, just after the relief train got into Kansas City. No. 9 was detoured over the Missouri Pacific after having been held for three hours by the wreck.


July 25, 1909


Celestial of Many Love Affairs
and Woman, Who Is Said
to Be From Kansas
City, Fine.

White women have a strange fascination for Gaw Wing, a Kansas City Chinese. Gaw has been arrested in Chicago in company with a woman who gave her name as Mrs. Ethel Gordon, also of Kansas City. The two eloped recently, it is claimed, and Chicago was the destination.

Gaw at one time, so it is said, went to Topeka where he fell love with a white school teacher. He flashed his bundle of bills and the school teacher became Mrs. Wing. She was at the police station in Kansas City yesterday looking for her recreant husband.

About a week ago, having forgotten his school teacher wife long since, it is claimed, he and Mrs. Gordon, both known to the police in the person of inspector Edward P. Boyle, left Kansas City. It was common gossip among the Chinese of West Sixth street that Gaw left a wife in Kansas City. This wife to who they refer says she was Mrs. Charles Wilson before she married the flighty Wing. She and the Mongolian also eloped to Chicago and were arrested January 26 of this year and were fined in the municipal court of that city. Mrs. Wilson has a child 2 years old.

Gaw's friends in Chicago paid his fine and he and Mrs. Wilson were released.

They came back to Kansas City and their domestic bark suddenly ran upon breakers. Mrs. Wilson Wing dropped out of sight.

Wing and Charlie Chu, a restaurant keeper at 125 West Sixth street, were fast friends and Gaw spent much of his time at the restaurant. White women came and went and from the lot Wing, it is alleged, selected Mrs. Gordon, who the police say lived at the Madison house, Independence avenue and Walnut street. Gaw, it is said, took up his abode at the Madison house and a rapid courtship followed. Gaw and his new spouse left for Chicago about two weeks ago and from that city last night came the news of their arrest.

Gaw was passing under the name of Charles Foy and Mrs. Gordon was registered as his wife. Inspector Boyle says that he is certain the eloping Chinaman is Gaw Wing. Mrs. Gordon told the Chicago police that she had been living in Chicago for over a year with her brother at 516 North Ashland avenue.

The Chinese and the woman were arrested by Chicago detectives after having been seen to enter a questionable hotel together and register as Charles Foy and wife. They were fined $200 and court costs there yesterday morning.


July 25, 1909


Too Much Mother-in Law Given as
the Trouble -- Left Here on Chi-
cago Street Car Last

After a trip of 5,270 miles in search of her husband, who she says left her on account of "too much mother-in-law," Mrs. Edward C. Sterling of Chicago located her wandering spouse in a cottage at 2912 Fairmount avenue at 12:10 o'clock yesterday morning.

"Yes, I am going to stay right here with my husband," she said, "and we are going to have no more mother-in-laws to bother us. I have the utmost confidence in my husband, and I know that he would not have deserted me of his own accord."

Mr. Sterling refused to make any statement, and regarded his wife with a pleased expression as she told about his numerous excellent qualities.

On the 16th of last February, according to Mrs. Sterling, her husband told her, as they were returning home on a street car after a visit to one of the best theaters in Chicago that the air of the theaters had affected his brain and had made him rather ill. He went back on the rear platform of a car and that was the last she saw of him until he responded to the gentle raps of Sergeant Jerry Caskey on the front door of his house yesterday morning.

Mrs. Sterling in her search visited most of the Western cities. At Los Angeles she was told by her husband's mother that the missing man probably could be located in Kansas City. Accordingly she came here.

Some how Mrs. Sterling imagined that her husband might be a victim of the "affinity" habit, and she was more than overjoyed to find that her fears were groundless.

"I'm going to stay with him," she declared.

HEAT RUINS 12 CARS OF EGGS. ~ Fire at Independence Ice Plant Causes $25,000 Loss.

July 24, 1909

Fire at Independence Ice Plant
Causes $25,000 Loss.

Fire at the ice plant in Independence yesterday morning destroyed the greater part of the product in the cold storage rooms. The machinery of the ice plant was not damaged. Mr. Hatton, one of the owners, stated yesterday that the loss probably would reach $25,000 on the storage goods, but the building could be restored for about $8,000.

Twelve cars of eggs probably will be lost on account of the high temperature, caused by the flames. The origin of the fire is not known.

VULCANIZER IS WRECKED. ~ Dr. A. S. Kaulbauch, Dentist, Has Narrow Escape in Office.

July 24, 1909

Dr. A. S. Kaulbauch, Dentist, Has
Narrow Escape in Office.

Carrying a pressure of 250 pounds to the square inch, a vulcanizer gave way in the work room of Dr. A. S. Kaulbach, a dentist, at Twelfth and Main street, yesterday afternoon. The vulcanizer was wrecked, several sections narrowly missing Dr. Kaulbach. He was splattered with debris from the room, and two windows were blown out.

W. B. Clark, the crossing policeman, was under the impression that an amateur safe cracker was at work, so loud was the noise of the explosion.

STRUCK BY OUTLAW HORSE. ~ Former Cowboy Is Injured in Attempting to Quiet Animal.

July 24, 1909

Former Cowboy Is Injured in
Attempting to Quiet Animal.

George Peterson, 435 Hardesty avenue, attempted to quiet an outlaw horse whch had gotten beyond control of his driver at the corner of Eighth street and Grand avenue yesterday afternoon and received a kick on the upper lip. The wound is not serious.

The horse, with its mate, was hitched to a delivery wagon when it became fractious and tangled the harness. The driver was compelled to loosen it from the wagon and then it furnished amusement for several hundred people. Peterson, who has had considerable experience with outlaw horses, grabbed the reins, but the animal reared and struck him on the face.

"JOY RIDES" FOR CHILDREN. ~ Youngsters Will Be Given Treat by Kansas City, Kas., Citizens.

July 24, 1904

Youngsters Will Be Given Treat by
Kansas City, Kas., Citizens.

Joy riding will be engaged in next Saturday by 100 children living in Kansas City, Kas., and the automobiles will be furnished by private citizens. The Salvation Army is behind the movement to take the little ones away from the dirt and smoke for several hours and whisk them around the boulevards and parks.

Max Holzmark, a Kansas City, Kas., furniture dealer, has undertaken the task of securing the automobiles for the Army. His friends will be asked to loan machines and drivers for the afternoon. If there are not sufficient automobiles to hold all of the children it is believed some will be given a long street car ride. The Metropolitan has been asked, and tentatively has agreed to furnish two street cars for the occasion.


July 23, 1909


Fails to Recall Alleged Whipping of
Negro Girl for Insulting Wife.
Investigating Treatment
of Prisoners.

That men and women prisoners have been kept in the dungeon at the workhouse for periods ranging from eleven to forty-three hours at a stretch is a part of the prison records being investigated by the board of pardons and paroles.

The investigation which Mayor Crittenden requested should be made into affairs at the workhouse was begun yesterday morning in the lower house council chamber. Superintendent Patrick O'Hearn was on the stand both morning and afternoon.

When the afternoon session opened, Frank P. Walsh, attorney for the board, who is conducting the inquiry, asked O'Hearn how many prisoners had been given sentences in the dungeon for stealing food from the dining room table.

"I don't know of any," said O'Hearn, "that was most always used as a threat. When a prisoner was sent to the dungeon it was generally for something else."

"I will read from your own records," said Mr. Walsh. "Do you remember Ed Cox, who was placed in the dungeon on September 2, 1908, for stealing bread from the table and carrying it away in his trousers leg?"

"I remember him," replied O'Hearn. "He fought the guards. I saw that myself."

Walsh -- "Do you recall Paul Tillman, Alice Stark, Sadie Shepherd, Hattie Newton, who served thirteen hours each in there, and Charles Meredith, who served an hour and a half? The records show that each was confined for stealing bread."

O'Hearn -- "I don't recall them in particular; there were so many of them put in there."

Dropping the subject for a moment, Mr. Walsh asked O'Hearn if he had ever sent prisoners out to drive city sprinkling wagons at night, if he had had his own wagons repaired at the expense of the city or if he had shod horses belonging to Mr. Cartright, former guard at Leeds, at the city's expense.


Frank M. Lowe, attorney for O'Hearn, objected. He demanded that he be given a copy of the charges against O'Hearn. He was told that there was none.

"Mr. O'Hearn is not on trial here," explained Mr. Walsh. "Things may crop out which may reflect on Kipple, head guard, some of the other guards or Mr. O'Hearn himself. There have been no specific charges filed. This board is simply making a most searching investigation with a view to bettering conditions at the workhouse. Information has been secured from prisoners, former guards and others. Even rumors are being looked into. What Mr. Lowe asks for we cannot give as we haven't it."

Mr. Lowe was told he would be furnished with copies of the evidence from day to day for his information.

"Do you keep a record of the number of days each prisoner works?" asked Mr. Walsh, resuming the inquiry.

"No," replied O'Hearn, "only the names of the guards were kept. We worked some prisoners one day and another lot the next."


Walsh -- Do you make a report to the city comptroller showing the number of days each man works?"

O'Hearn -- "No, I'm not required to. Every day excepting Sundays and holidays is credited as a working day whether the prisoner works or not.

Mr. Walsh tried to get from O'Hearn what his duties were about the institution, but they seemed so varied and even vague that he asked him to describe a typical day's work for himself.

O'Hearn -- Well, I get up early to begin with. On my way to the workhouse I may stop at the quarry for a time. Then I look after the food and general cleaning. I make trips about the yards, the stable, laundry, quarry and spend the rest of the time in my office. I may have to make trips down town after requisitions and see after men working at places on the outside. I always put in a busy day."

Walsh -- Do prisoners gamble in the cell room?

O'Hearn -- I don't think so. That is, I have never seen them.

O'Hearn explained that Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are visiting days at the workhouse. Fifteen minutes is the time limit set on visitors but they often remain longer when overlooked, he said.


During the morning session Mr. Walsh asked of Superintendent O'Hearn: Did you ever whip a negro girl for insulting your wife?"

"I don't remember," replied O'Hearn.

Walsh -- "Did Mr. Burger make a hose for you to do the whipping with?"

O'Hearn -- "I can't remember."

Walsh -- "Well, if you ever did a thing like that you surely ought to recall it. Did you or did you not whip the negro girl as I asked?"

O'Hearn -- "I just can't remember whether I did or not."


Edward L. Kipple, head guard at the workhouse, was questioned about prisoners being sent to the dungeon.

Walsh -- "Ever know of prisoners being sent to the dungeon?"

Kipple -- "Y-e-s, sometimes, when they got unruly they were sent there for ten or twelve hours."

Walsh -- "Ever sent a woman there?"

Kipple -- "Believe I sent one. In all I guess I've sent four or five to the dungeon."

Walsh -- "Who has the authority to send a prisoner there?"

Kipple -- "Only Mr. O'Hearn or myself."

Walsh -- "What do you consider a sufficient length of time in the dungeon?"

Kipple -- "That depends on what they do."

Mr. Walsh then read a list of names from the workhouse record of men and women prisoners who had been kept in the dungeon eleven, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen and twenty-four hours. Three had been kept there for thirty-eight hours, one for forty-one and another for forty-three hours. While in the dungeon, which has only one small opening over the door for ventilation, prisoners are shackled with their hands to the wall, making it necessary for them to stand. The dungeon is said to be in a very unsanitary condition.

Kipple testified that he had never seen nor heard of a prisoner being struck with a club while in the dining room, that blankets were never used twice without washing and that he knew nothing of vermin in the cell rooms. He also swore that he had never known of liquor and drugs being secured by the prisoners or of gambling among prisoners.

Claude Marshaw, known as "Goldie," who served a term for peddling cocaine and was himself then addicted to the habit, said that the drug was often spirited into the workhouse. He said that Mike Green and "Red" Crawford, both now escaped, had gum opium and whisky most of the time.

"Who brought the stuff in?" asked Mr. Walsh.

"I don't know, only that they had it. Green would take up a collection every afternoon to get a bottle and he always got the whisky about 7 p. m."

Walsh -- "How about the food out there?"

Marshaw -- "Bad, very bad. In the morning they always had pan gravy in a rusty pan, coffee in a rusty cup, half a loaf of hard, moldy bread and a small piece of meat.


Walsh -- "Ever see a prisoner assaulted in the dining room?"

Marshaw -- "Yes. I saw Dan Mahoney beat a man in the dining room and I saw Mahoney, Foley, Gent and an Italian called Mike beat up another one."

Walsh -- "Was 'Riley, the Rat' there while you were there?"

Marshaw -- "Yes, two or three days, but he never even put on prison clothes. He wore 'cits' all the time, Riley did. He and Green and others gambled, playing 'coon-can' and 'craps.'"

Jesse Cooper, a negress who has had short sojourns at the workhouse, said there was vermin in the negro women's quarter, that blankets were not often washed and that the bread was hard and moldy. She also said she that two negro women had each spent two days and nights in the dungeon while she was there.

John Mulloy, a parole prisoner, told of an assault which he had witnessed on a negro boy in the dining room. It started, he said, because the boy did not step fast enough for Dan Mahoney who jabbed him with a club. The boy grabbed at the stick and was beaten over the head until he bled. Mulloy also condemned the meals.

The hearing will be resumed at 9 o'clock this morning. There are many witnesses to bet examined. By the ordinance, passed Wednesday noon, the board of pardons and paroles now has charge of the workhouse.

VALUABLE SPANISH COINS. ~ Two of Carlos IV Design Owned by City Employes.

July 23, 1909

Two of Carlos IV Design Owned
by City Employes.

There are two men in the city clerk's office, William Scoville, sergeant-at-arms of the lower house, and Ethelbert Allen, a deputy city clerk, each with a Spanish coin of the eighteenth century design and one of them coined during the reign of Carlos IV.

Scoville turned up with his doubloon or whatever it is about the size of a silver dollar, two days ago, having bought it from a tramp. Allen, on looking at it, dug up its mate, which he had owned for five years, but which had been in his family since his grandfather's youth, early in the last century.

The coins were alike generally, but different in detail. Allen's heirloom has on it "Carlos IV," while Scoville's coin has on it "Carolus IIII," like the numeral on a watch handle. Allen's coin is dated 1790 and Scoville's 1907.

Allen's rings like silver, and Scoville's like a piece of hard putty. This peculiarity may be explained by the small Chinese characters stamped upon the Scoville coin. Chinese like Western silver money. At present they use Mexican coins. In earlier times they used Spanish dollars.

Anything that looked like money was money. So the Spanish "dollars" of the Scoville type were coined by the ton, of pure pewter, and passed current in China. To prove them genuine, the Chinese put their own stamps on them.

Collectors regard these "phoney" coins as more valuable than the real article.

MISSOURI TO ELLIS ISLAND. ~ Immigration Bureau Will Be Established to Secure Foreigners.

July 23, 1909

Immigration Bureau Will Be Estab-
lished to Secure Foreigners.

ST. LOUIS, MO., July 22. -- After a conference here today between D. J. Keefe, United STates commissioner of immigration, and John H. Curran, chairman of the Missouri state immigraiton commisison, it was announced that this state will establish an immigration bureau on Ellis Island, N. Y.

There are 11,000,000 acres of unoccupied tillable land in Missouri, according to Mr. Curran, and the purpose of the new bureau will be to get desirable foreigners to cultivate this land.


July 22, 1909


Betrayed to Police by a Boyhood
Friend, Fines Stark of Neosho
Learns the Girl He Shot
Is Still Alive.

After hiding from justice for two years in the mountains and deserts of the West, following an attempt to kill his sweetheart on the steps of the South Methodist church at Neosho, Mo., on the night of April 3, 1907, Fines Stark, 36 years old, was captured in Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 5. Last night Stark was placed in a cell at police headquarters for safe keeping, while I. H. collier, the sheriff of Newton county, waited for a Kansas city Southern train to take both back to Neosho.

Shortly before train time last night Stark was led from the cell and waited a few minutes while the handcuffs were adjusted to his hands by the sheriff, who evidently wished to take no chances with his prisoner. He looked careworn, and his face was deeply lined. Until the time of his arrest in Salt Lake City, he imagined that his attempt to kill Zea Carnes, his sweetheart, had been successful.


"I'm mighty glad I didn't kill her," he said. "I've been wandering all over the West, thinking I was a murderer. But I'm going back to face an awful crime, that I wasn't responsible for at the time. I was so crazed with love that I didn't know what I was doing.

"She had refused to marry me and I waited for her on the steps of the South Methodist Episcopal church. As she came down the steps that night with her sister, I fired at her twice with a revolver, and if it had not been for the sister, I would have fired again.

"When the people began running out of the church, I fled into the darkness, for the first time realizing what I had done. I hid in the hills for a couple of days and then beat my way to Arizona. Since that time I've never heard a word from home, until the day of my capture."

If it hadn't been for Samuel Williamson, a boyhood friend, Stark might have still been enjoying his liberty. For the last few months, the fugitive has been a ticket seller for the Sells-Floto circus, though he realized that his constant contact with the crowds might be his undoing. Williamson, who had grown to manhood on an adjoining farm in Newton county, unknown, of course, to Stark, was working in Salt Lake City. On circus day he approached the big tent and at one of the ticket boxes was Stark.


"How are you, Stark?" he said.

That was the fugitive's first intimation that he was recognized. He smiled weakly and admitted his identity.

"For God's sake, don't give me up," he pleaded, and to conciliate his friend, refunded the money he had paid for the ticket. At the conclusion of the performance he took Williamson down town and exacted a promise from him that his secret was to be safe. But an hour later a detective placed him under arrest.

Possibly the $300 reward which was offered jointly by the governor of Missouri, the county court and the father of the injured girl, might have been instrumental in Williamson's anxiety to break his word. At any rate, he lost no time in finding the chief of police after he left Stark.

Prior to the shooting of Miss Carnes, Stark had been her devoted lover. They had become acquainted at Pierce City three years previously and when the girl moved with her parents to Neosho, Stark followed her. At last she refused his attentions and the shooting followed.

The community was extremely wrought up over the affair and and at the time there was considerable talk of lynching should the young man be captured. Will Carnes, the father of the young woman, is a contractor in Neosho.