Confirmation at the Hands of the
Upper House of the Council
Is Expected Monday

Appointed Superintendent of the Workhouse to Succeed Patrick O'Hearn.
Cornelius Murphy was yesterday appointed superintendent of the workhouse by Mayor Crittenden to succeed Patrick O'Hearn, whose resignation has been demanded and accepted. Mr. Murphy will have to be confirmed by the upper house of the council, and it is thought that this will be done at the meeting Monday night.
Mr. Murphy is a man of good judgment, a fine disciplinarian and thoroughly understands the handling and treatment of prisoners of the stripe that are confined in the workhouse," was the statement given out by the mayor.
For fifty-two years Mr. Murphy has been a resident of Kansas City and during that time has been active in Democratic politics. In the earlier days he was identified with the Marcy K. Brown wing of the party, and later when "the rabbits," under the generalship of J. B. Shannon, put Brown off the political map Murphy cast his lot with the Shannon bunch. He is a brother of Daniel Murphy, a former presiding judge of the county court.
During his political career Mr. Murphy served two terms as county marshal, was superintendent of mails when George M. Shelley was postmaster and for two years was inspector of detectives while Colonel L. E. Irwin was chief of police. In recent years Mr. Murphy has been conducting a livery and sales stable.