February 12, 1910

Parents Supply Liquor to
Little Ones at Meals.


Doctors Say It Explains
Nervousness -- Plan to
Stop Custom.

The physicians who are empolyed in school inspection have been endeavoring of late to find out what the children ate and drank at home. This has been done with a view to finding the reason for nervousness in so many otherwise healthy children. In one school which has a large foreign attendance the information gained from but two rooms was startling. In one room of forty children it was discovered that seventeen had either beer, wine or whisky to drink with some of their meals the previous day.

In this room the teacher was making a record of what each child had to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner the previous day. The following has to do only with the beverages, or liquids, served them:

Water -- Two had it for breakfast, eighteen for lunch and five for dinner.
Milk -- Three for breakfast, two for lunch and nine for dinner.
Tea -- Four for breakfast, two for lunch and nine for dinner.
Coffee -- Twenty-three for breakfast, three for lunch and four for dinner.
Beer -- Three had it for lunch and nine drank it for dinner.
Wine -- Three drank wine for lunch and one for dinner.
Whisky -- One had it for dinner.

In another room, while no wine or whisky was given t he children, they showed up strong on the coffee and beer. The report follows:

Water -- One had it for breakfast, six for lunch and none for dinner.
Milk -- Eight for breakfast, three for lunch and nine for dinner.
Coffee -- Twenty for breakfast, two for lunch and ten for dinner.
Cocoa -- Five for breakfast and one for lunch.
Chocolate -- One for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Beer -- Five for breakfast, fourteen for lunch and fifteen for dinner.

"While people are buying $30,000 organs for churches here in this city," said the physician who inspected this school, "I think it would do more good to get a cheaperr organ and use the rest of the money in educating the parents of these children. The children of this generation will be the parents of the next and if they are reared on beer, wine and whisky, what kind of citizens will they make? This is a very serious matter and parents who see no wrong in poisoning a child's brain with alcohol and making it a nervous wreck before it is half grown must be taught better."


On account of this startling discovery it is the intention now to go further than the inspection in the school and only in the home where disease exists. Mrs. Kate E. Pierson, a member of the board of pardons and paroles and connected also with the Associated Charities, has taken an interest in the matter. An effort will be made to secure nurses who speak the foreign languages necessary in this case, to go into the homes and instruct the mothers. They especially will be warned regarding giving intoxicants to their children.

"The nurses will have to do more," said Mrs. Pearson yesterday. "They will teach the mothers what is best for a child to eat, how and where to buy the proper food and how to prepare it. They also will be taught how to care for their babies and growing children."

"We find a great many nervous children in the schools, especially in certain districts," said one of the inspectors. "There is no doubt but that the giving of intoxicants is bad for them, but the constant drinking of coffee and tea by a child is also injurious.

"A growing child going to school needs the proper kind of nourishing food to hold up its end of the game. Much of the nervousness among the children in a certain district comes from alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea. Others are permitted to eat anything they choose and at any time, and consequently are badly nourished."

February 12, 1910 ~ BANKS AGAINST NEW HOLIDAY.

February 12, 1910

Lincoln Anniversary Too Near Feb-
ruary 22, Month Short.

One hundred and one years ago today Abraham Lincoln was born, and in fifteen states the anniversary of that event is observed as a holiday. Missouri, however, is not included in that list, which comprises New York, new Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, Oklahoma, Colorado, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Nevada and Washington. Ten of these states have made February 12 a holiday since 1906.

A number of bankers yesterday expressed themselves in opposition to any more holidays, although they agreed that to the memory of Lincoln was due all the honor a republic could pay.

"As the years pass," remarked the cashier of one bank yesterday, "the figure of Abraham Lincoln looms large in history. Any honor to his memory that we could pay would be inadequate, but with Washington's birthday coming February 22, in the shortest month of the year, it seems almost too much to add another holiday."
February 11, 1910

Colonel Swope's Nephew by
Marriage Formally Accused
and Arrested.


Special Grand Jury Convenes
Saturday to Investigate
Swope Deaths.


By Dismissing Proceedings,
Dr. Hyde Avoids Giving

Dr. B. Clark Hyde, Charged with First Degree Murder.


Dr. B. Clark Hyde, whose wife is a niece of the late Colonel Thomas H. Swope, was formally charged in a warrant issued yesterday afternoon by Justice of the Peace Loar at Independence, with having caused the death of Colonel Swope by poison.

Dr. Hyde was arrested in the office of Marshal Joel Mayes at 4 o'clock and an hour later gave bond in the sum of $50,000 before Justice Loar. The hearing is set for February 17.

The surties on the bond are M. D. Scruggs, vice president of the Kansas City Live Stock Commission Company; Fernando P. Neal, president of the Southwest National bank, and Herbert F. Hall, presiden tof the Hall-Baker Grain Company. Frank P. Walsh, John M. Cleary, John H. Lucas, attorneys for Dr. Hyde, and William McLaughlin joined in signing the bond, which was twice as large as was suggested by Prosecutor Conkling.


Two hours prior to the issuance of the warrant, Judge Ralph S. Latshaw of the riminal court ordered that a special grand jury be convened to examine into the deaths of Colonel Thomas H. Swope, Chrisman Swope and other members of the Swope family who died of typhoid fever, including Moss Hunton, who died suddenly in the Swope home.

Marshal Joel Mayes was busy yesterday selecting a list of names of men who will be asked to serve on this grand jury. The jury will be convened Saturday morning when Judge Latshaw will instruct them in their duties.

The refusal of Dr. Hyde to appear at the Reed offices yesterday morning so that his deposition could be taken in his libel suits for $600,000 against the Pulitzer Publishing Company and the dismissal by the attorneys of the suit when they learned that an attachment had been issued for Dr. Hyde, precipitated the criminal proceedings.

The information was sworn to by John G. Paxton of Independence, the executor of the Swope estate. On the reverse of the warrant was a request by Prosecutor Conkling for an immediate arrest.


The scenes of activity in the Swope case yesterday were kaleidoscopic. The legal sparring began in the morning when attemts to take depositions in the offices of Atwood, Reed, Yates, Mastin & Harvey on one hand and Frank P. Walsh on the other failed because the witnesses subpoenaed were not present.

Following the issuance of an attachment by the Reed forces came the dismissal of his suit for $600,000 damages.

The dismissal of the libel suit in which the Reed forces had obtained a prior right to taking depositions was not wholly a surprise, but it roused the attorneys for the Swope estate to activity. It was shortly after 10 o'clock a. m. when the attorneys and the women witnesses in the case gathered in the Reed offices. George H. Roberts, the notary, had failed to arrive and he was found in the court house. He had not expected the case to be called. Dr. Hyde had not arrived and it was determined to ask for an attachment. This was issued and a deputy sheriff began a search for Dr. Hyde.


It did not take long for this news to reach the Walsh offices and John M. Cleary was dispatched to Independence. There the suit alleging libel against the Pulitzer Publishing Company, John G. Paxton, Dr. E. L. Stewart and Frank G. Hall was dismissed. The sheriff was notified and recalled the deputy who had been unable to find Dr. Hyde. the latter was ensconced in a private apartment of Mr. Walsh's offices. The news of the dismissal of the suit did not sit well with the attorneys for the Swope estate. There was a conference between Reed, Atwood, Maston and Paxton. It terminated at the office of Prosecutor Conknling.

It was at this juncture that Judge Ralph S. Latshaw entered the case. He went into conference with the attorneys and a quarter of an hour later declared that he would convene a special grand jury on Saturday monrning.

In the meantime Mr. Paxton had gone to Mr. Walsh's office. He said that he was sorry that he had caused the attorneys any embarrassment, but that he had a great deal of private business to attend to. He would greatly appreciate the favor of being excused until 2:30 p. m. Mr. Walsh conferred with Judge Johnson, and returning to the room, told Mr. Paxton that they would excuse him until 2:30 p. m.

Then Mr. Paxton got busy. Mr. Reed arranged for an interview with County Prosecutor Virgil Conkling. It did not take the attorneys long to arrive at a decision. This was that Mr. Paxton should swear to the information and that Prosecuting Attorney Conkling would recommend an issuance of a warrant charging Dr. Hyde with murder.

Before Prosecuting Attorney Conkling departed for Independence he called up Mr. Walsh on the telephone and asked him to have Dr. Hyde in the office of County Marshal Joel Mayes at 4 p. m. as he desired to serve a warrant on him at that time. Mr. Walsh promised to have his client there at the appointed time.

Dr. Hyde was not at the Walsh offices when this message came and caught his attorneys somewhat by surprise. They were getting ready to take the deposition of Mr. Paxton. Dr. Hyde was notifed over the telephone to come to the Walsh offices and then Mr. Cleary was given the job of finding bondsmen for Mr. Hyde. He was only a few minutes later than 4 p. m. in getting the signatures of the three businessmen to the bond which was made out in blank.

The warrant was issued at 3:30 o'clock on the application of J. G. Paxton in the office of Justice of the Peace Loar of Independence. Mr. Paxton was accompanied to the office of Justice Loar in the Jackson County Bank building by T. J. Mastin. Virgil Conkling indorsed the information. "I hereby approve of complaint and request that a warrant be issued," affixing his signature to the back of the document.

"I suggest that the bond be fixed at $25,000," said the prosecutor. "I believe that is sufficient in this case as there are certain contingencies which lead me to believe that a greater bond is not necessary." Justice Loar also was informed by the prosecutor that he could do as he pleased as to the amount of the bond, but that the state would be satisfied with that amount.


Justice Loar upon the receipt of complaint at once was given another paper by Virgil Conkling which proved to be a warrant for the arrest of Dr. Hyde. In the body of the warrant the wording was identical with that in the complaint, and after being signed by the justice of the peace, who ordered it delivered to the marshal of Jackson county, the prosecutor and Attorneys Mastin and Paxton left in an automobile for Kansas City with the warrant.

Prosecutor Conkling stated that he had placed in the warrant that the preliminary examination would be held February 17.

Justice Loar stated that if the defendant waived preliminary examination he would commit him to jail, but if not he would accept the bond which it was expected Dr. Hyde would give.

Shortly before 4 p. m. Mr. Walsh and Mr. Lucas took their client to the criminal court building. Dr. Hyde was smiling. They hastened to Mr. Conkling's office where they remained until they were told that Mr. Conkling and Mr. Paxton had returned from Independence and were in the marshal's office.

Prosecutor Conkling handed the warrant to Marshal Mayes and told him Dr. Hyde would be in the office in a few minutes.

"Is your name B. Clark Hyde?" inquired Marshal Mayes of Dr. Hyde a few monents later when he was brought into the office by Attorneys Walsh and Lucas.

Dr. Hyde nodded his head in reply.


"I have a warrant which I am directed to serve on you. Shall I read it?" Marshal Mayes inquired.

"We waive the reading of the warrant," spoke up Attorney Walsh and the party including Dr. Hyde smiled.

Dr. Hyde and Marshal Mayes entered into a conversation on temporal subjects. The afternoon was delightful, remarked the marshal.

Prosecuting Attorney Conkling and Attorneys Walsh and Lucas drew to one side of the room.

"I have recommended that Justice Loar take a bond of $25,000 for the appearance of Dr. Hyde at the preliminary hearing which has been set for a week from today," said Mr. Conkling.


"That is satisfactory to us," replied Mr. Walsh. "Mr. Cleary is out now and will be here very shortly with a bond that will be good for a million dollars if necessary.

"That is not necessary," replied Mr. Conkling. "I have suggested a bond which I deem sufficient."

Attorneys Conkling, Walsh and Lucas then withdrew to the outer office, leaving Dr. Hyde with Marshal Mayes.

"I am very much interested in knowing what they are going to do with me next," said Dr. Hyde to Marshal Mayes.

"Do we have to go to Independence, and will I have to stay there all night?" asked Dr. Hyde.

"If your attorneys are unable to get bond for you, you will remain with me tonight. If they do get bond, you will go to Independence with me and then go on home," said Marshal Mayes.

Dr. Hyde was inclined to be almost talkative while in the marshal's office. He talked on almost any subject not pertaining to the case, and his face, for the first time during the week, was wreathed in smiles.

About 4:30 p. m. Mr. Walsh suggested that the party depart for Independence, as he expected Mr. Cleary had already started there. Assistant Prosecutor Jost accompanied the party in the Walsh automobile, representing Mr. Conkling. A moment later they were on their way to Independence.

At 5:15 o'clock a large automobile glided up to the bank building at Independence. In it was the county marshal, having in custody Dr. Hyde. Accompanying the party were Frank P. Walsh, John Cleary and John H. Lucas. They immediately went to the office of Justice Loar.

Dr. Hyde followed his lawyers closely, and as soon as he entered stepped to one side, and motioning to a newsboy, bought an evening paper, scanning the headlines. Not once did he raise his eyes, but kept them riveted on the columns which contained the latest developments in his case. After reading the full account, he turned the paper over and reread it.


County Marshal Joel Mayes drew up his chair to the desk and signed the return, turning it over to the justice.

Dr. Hyde, who was standing near, found room on a window sill where he kept reading his paper, only looking up sufficiently long to buy another, which he read with as much eagerness as the first.

Frank Walsh left the court room, stating that he would be back in a short time. Upon his return he placed the bond before the justice of the peace for $50,000 instead of the $25,000 expected.

"I expected bond for $25,0000, but this is better still," said Justice Loar.

Mr. Walsh signed the document, then handed a pen to Dr. Hyde. Dr. Hyde wrote in a plain, bold hand, without a tremor, and his signature was affixed with as much indifference as if writing a prescription for a patient. After Dr. Hyde, John M. Cleary and John H. Lucas signed the bond.


After this preliminary Dr. Hyde, followed by his lawyers, went to their automobile and soon were out of sight.

"This is a good bond," said Justice Loar, after the crowd had left the office. "Mr. Neal is president of the Southwest National bank, and the others I am given to understand are stockyards men. I do not expet that there will be a preliminary examination here. I am confident that it will go to the criminal court at once.
February 11, 1910

Long Siege of Residence Ends
When Wife Follows At-
torney's Advice.


Cincinnati Firm to Hold
Them Pending Settlement
of Supposed Debt.

A sharp rap at her front door apprised Mrs. J. L. Woods Merrill in her home, 3200 Peery avenue, a 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon that the enemy, in force, were storming her position. Tiptoeing to the window, she peered out. Then she stepped back in sheer surprise. James Fairweather, her attorney, was in the act of looking in.

"We'll have to give up," he whispered hoarsely through the casement. "The enemy is without and will soon be within. Deputy John Whole is here, armed with an ax and an order from the sheriff to cut a cat-hole in the portcullis if it is not lifted immediately."

It was true, as Mrs. Merrill could see at a glance. Wholey, ax in hand, looking like Richard, the Lion-Hearted, in the act of advancing upon a belligerent Corsair, was moving up the concrete steps leading to the three-story brick house which sets on a terrace several feet from the sidewalk. Behind him trouped four deputies. Not far away in the offing a couple of yellow fans had cast anchor.

"Oh, very well," she assented quietly.

A moment later Mrs. Merrill opened the door a wee little bit, peeked out, received the attachment writ which four deputies had been trying two days to serve and shut it again. Silence reigned in the house after the Yale night lock snapped. On the front porch a platoon of big men were drawing long breaths. If she opened the door again a siege which had cost them a night's rest and belated meals would bear happy fruit. If the oaken panels remained staring them in the face -- hist! The night lock was turning.

"Come in," invited Mrs. Merrill with an immobile face. "If you've got to ransack the house get through it as quickly as possible."

The deputies filed into the house and began work. Beautiful paintings that had cost thousands in good money were in a few minutes more or less carefully packed, so that the Madonnas of Spain could gaze serenely down upon Flemish landscapes through clouds of excelsior and gauze paper. Big, strong hands, admirably adapted to lifting pianos and transferring semi-anthracite from a wagon to a sub-basement, were skillful in wedging painted Cupids between the best efforts of Raphael and Murrillo so the time-seasoned paint would not rub off in the journey to the safety vault of the criminal court building.

"It's a shame and an outrage and it should not be permitted," said J. L. Woods Merrill in his office in the Arlington building yesterday afternoon, in speaking of the attachment gotten out in the interests of the Gamble Soap Manufacturing Company of Cincinnati, O., to get possession of $150,000 worth of paintings to satisfy a debt of $2,800 which is claimed Mr. Merrill owes Mrs. Francisca Gamble, but which Merrill claims never existed.

"Mrs. Merrill borrowed $2,800 from Francisca N. Gamble three years ago, but neither my wife nor myself ever gave a note for the same," said Mr. Merrill. "Since the money was borrowed, $800 was paid back one time and $600 another time, leaving only $1,200 due Mrs. Gamble. I have offered several times to settle the matter and last Monday morning when A. K. Nippert of Cincinnati called at my office we decided on a settlement, but at the last minute Mr. Nippert objected, saying he 'wasn't getting enough for Cincinnati.' And that is just the matter. They want to get those paintings to Cincinnati and then what would be the chance of me getting them back? They only put up a $6,000 bond to cover the value of ninety-two paintings worth over $150,000.

"While we were talking about the matter Mr. Nippert placed some papers on my table. When he left he gathered them up, putting them in his pocket. The next morning he came back and demanded that I return them to him. He then had issued a replevin to make me give them up and later got out the attachment.

"The replevin calls for 'one written instrument acknowledging the receipt of the sum of $2,800, signed by J. L. Woods Merril.'

"Take it from me," said Mr. Merrill, "those papers never existed.

"Just before Colonel Swope died, I talked with him regarding the establishment of an Original Oil Painting Art Institute in Kansas City," said Mr. Merrill, "and I had intended to donate some of our most valuable paintings. I still intend to do so should the institute be built unless these people are allowed to cobble them.
February 11, 1910

Half of Insurance, to Be Paid for
Extraordinary Death, Overlooked.

Daniel F. Cobb, who died August 20, 1907, when he was thrown from an elevator in the Fidelity Trust building at Ninth and Walnut streets, had one of those accident insurance policies which pays double the face value of the insurance if the insured is killed in a crowd, in a train, in an elevator, a church, or under other unusual circumstances. The beneficiary was Ada M. Davis.

Yesterday in the federal court Ada M. Davis sued the Aetna Life Insurance company of Hartford, Conn., for $5,000, with interest, damages and attorney's fees. Mr. Cobb had taken out the policy May 12, 1907. The beneficiary avers in her petition that not realize the importance of a clause in the in the insurance contract guaranteeing double payment on account of the instantaneous death, applied for the face of the policy and was paid. When, in December of that year, she discovered that sh should have had $10,000, she applied for an additional $5,000, which was denied. The amount she now asks in the United States court is $7,000.

CIRCUS PARADE TOMORROW. ~ The Rhoda Royal to Pass Through the Streets in the Afternoon.

February 11, 1910

The Rhoda Royal to Pass Through
the Streets in the Afternoon.

A street parade, in which will be seen the entire ensemble of the Rhoda Royal two-ring circus hippodrome and wild west, which opens in Convention hall next Monday night under the auspices of Ararat Temple, will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The pageant, which will form at Convention hall at this hour, will make a tour of the principal downtown streets, returning to Convention hall within the course of two hours. Rhoda Royal and his entire coterie of circus celebrities will appear, and in addition the Shriners themselves will be seen in circus raiment for the first time in their lives. Besides taking part in this parade the Shriners will take no further part in the series of mid-winter performances other than assist in counting the profits derived from the engagement.

LOSES EYE IN CLASS FIGHT. ~ Flapjack Thrown by William Jewell Junior Injures a Senior.

February 11, 1910

Flapjack Thrown by William Jewell
Junior Injures a Senior.

LIBERTY, MO., Feb. 10. -- This afternoon the annual class fight between the juniors and the seniors of William Jewel college culminated in the loss of an eye by Lewis Carr, a senior, the result of a flapjack thrown by a junior. The scrap started last night when the seniors placed their colors on top of the high school building. This morning a fight was waged between the two classes on top of the high school building. In the afternoon the freshmen joined the juniors and the sophomores allield themselves with the seniors. The juniors succeeded in placing their colors on the court house, but the seniors took them down and placed theirs around the statue of Liberty. Then it was that Lewis Carr met with his accident. The juniors would not let him down until the chief of police drove them off. The condition of the young man is serious.

HE RESEMBLES COL. SWOPE? ~ Elmer Swope Has Photo of Father; Is Coming Here.

February 10, 1910

Elmer Swope Has Photo of Father;
Is Coming Here.

MARTINSBURG, W. VA., Feb. 9. -- Although the story of Elmer Caryall Swope of this city, who claims he is the son of the late Colonel Thomas H. Swope, is discredited by the Kansas City relatives of the dead millionaire, Swope has engaged attorneys and has prepared to fight for the millions left by Colonel Swope.

Through his attorneys Swope is tracing the movements of his father after leaving his wife near here prior to the war. Government reports are said to bear out Swope's statement that his father served in the Union army and was promoted from the ranks to a colonel. Elmer Swope will leave with his attorneys for Kansas City wihtin a few days to confer with his Kansas City attorney. He has in his possession of picture of his father taken when he married and the photo is said to greatly resemble the late Western millionaire. He also has in his possession records of his father prior to his marriage in 1859.

JURY INFLUENCED BY HYDE'S FAILURE TO TAKE THE STAND. ~ Wanted to Question Him in Regard to Contents of Capsule.

February 10, 1910

Wanted to Question Him in
Regard to Contents of

J. W. Martin, one of the jurors in the Swope inquest case, was asked yesterday after the verdict was brought in what testimony caused the jurors to arrive at a conclusion.

"The fact that Dr. Hyde did not go on the stand and testify impressed us greatly," he said. "In the morning we had a meeting and the question of the nurses testimony as to the capsule was up for discussion. It was then that we decided that we wanted to hear what Dr. Hyde had to say as to the contents of the capsule. When we were denied this, it made an impression on me as well as the other jurors.

"Another thing which we considered carefully was the conference between the nurse and Dr. Hyde when Thomas H. Swope was stricken. It had its weight, bu the refusal of Dr. Hyde to testify, thereby shutting out all information of an explanatory nature, which he might have been able to give, impressed us deeply."

The verdict of the jury was to the effect that Thomas H. Swope came to his death from strychnine poison administered in a capsule "by direction of B. Clarke Hyde, whether with felonious intent, we, the jury, are unable to decide."

Coroner Zwart tried to get Dr. Hyde to the witness stand and testify in his own behalf, but the doctor's attorneys assumed responsibility for keeping him off the stand. They said in a statement they felt satisfied the evidence adduced at the inquest would convince the public of their client's innocence.

Dr. Hyde was apparently least interested of all in the room when the coroner's jury brought in the report of the inquest. He sat facing the jury and a shadow of a smile flitted over his features as the foreman finished reading. Coroner Zwart will certify the stenographic report of the case together with all of the evidence he has to the criminal court. This will be done immediately.

Just when a warrant will be issued by Prosecuting Attorney Conkling, if one is issued at all, is problematic. It was rumored from apparently good sources yesterday afternoon that no action would be taken until a report on the rest of the viscera, still undergoing examination in Chicago, is made to Executor John G. Paxton and Prosecuting Attorney Virgil Conkling.


After Miss Kellar was recalled to the stand, where she repeated much of the testimony she had given in the other days of the inquest, Coroner Zwart called Dr. Hyde to the stand. A hush fell over the court room and all eyes were fixed on the features of the physician. Dr. Hyde did not move a muscle. His attorney, Frank P. Walsh, leaned over the table and in a low but distinct voice announced:

"The attorneys for Dr. Hyde have advised him not to testify. We do not care for him to testify here, and therefore at our suggestion he must decline to be sworn."

"I have here a copy of a newspaper dated February 1," said Prosecuting Attorney Virgil Conkling, who rose to his feet immediately after Mr. Walsh declared his client would not testify. "It contains a signed statement by Dr. Hyde, and in the light of his refusal to testify, I desire to ---"

Coroner Zwart again re-entered the arena. He motioned to Mr. Walsh and to Mr. Conkling. Mr. Conkling, his assistant, Mr. Jost, Coroner Zwart and his assistant, Mr. Trogdon, left the room. A conference of a couple of minutes followed, and when they returned Coroner Zwart declared taht he did not know just what this legal scrimmage had to do with an unsophisticated coroner, but that he wanted Dr. Hyde to testify.

"I hold that Dr. Hyde must be sworn to take the stand," said the coroner. The words were hardly out of his mouth when Mr. Walsh rose to reply.

"I stated before that on the advice of counsel, Dr. Hyde refuses to testify," he said.


Prosecutor Conkling again offered a suggestion. "The prosecutor asks the same rule apply here as with the rest of the witnesses."

"The coroner holds that the witness who is here must be sworn and then he may or may not testify as he chooses," declared Coroner Zwart.

"Notwithstanding the stand that has been taken by the coroner, and the prosecuting attorney," said Mr. Walsh, "and not intending any disrespect to the coroner, I will simply reiterate my statement that Dr. Hyde will not testify."

"If the witness does not desire to reply to certain questions which may be asked of him, he can refuse to do so under his constitutional rights," said Coroner Zwart.

"As I have said before, Dr. Hyde will not be sworn. That is final," said Attorney Walsh.

"That is sufficient for my purpose," almost shouted Prosecutor Conkling.

Coroner Zwart turned to the attorneys and remarked that he tried to afford them all of the courtesies that he could. The attorneys smiled and seemed satisfied.


After testimony by Dr. Gayle as to the efficacy of strychnine as a poison, Coroner Zwart said to those in the courtroom:

"Does anyone present in this courtroom know anything as to the cause of the death of Colonel Swope?" There was an intense silence broken by a juror who asked that Mrs. Swope be recalled. Mr. Paxton escorted her to the witness chair from the seat on the garden bench she occupied the previous day. She was asked about the extra pay Miss Kellar received for attending Colonel Swope, adn said that this was talked over by the entire family, and it was their wish that Miss Kellar receive $35 instead of $25 a week. This she said was after the suggestion for the extra $10 a week had been made by Dr. Hyde.

As Mrs. Swope stepped from the witness chair, Coroner Zwart stepped forward. He told the jury that the evidence had been presented and that they were to retire and find a verdict. He handed them two legal forms for verdicts. The one that was used was added to by the jurors who were unable to decide as to the intent of Dr. Hyde in ordering the administration of the capsule which they said caused death.

Half an hour later the jury sent for Dr. Zwart. They wanted to know if they should insert the time and place of Colonel Swope's death on the verdict. He told them that they should, and a quarter of an hour later they reported.

FAMOUS SINGER TO BE HERE TOMORROW. ~ George Hamlin to Perform at the Willis Wood.

February 10, 1910

George Hamlin to Perform
at the Willis Wood.
George Hamlin, Famous Singer who will be Appearing at the Willis Wood.

The George Hamlin concert at the Willis Wood theater tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock will be the fifth regular attraction in the W. M. series. Mr. Hamlin is one of the famous concert singers in the country and is specially noted for his success as a lieder singer. He was the introducer of the songs of Richard Strauss to American music lovers and the programme he has arranged for tomorrow's concert is excellently chosen to illustrate his gifts as a concert recital and oratorio singer. Schubert and Schumann are represented with two numbers each; Liszt and Brahms and two Handel numbers represent the other masters. Of special local interest is Carl Busch's "The Last Tschastas," dedicated to Mr. Hamlin. Edward Schneider, the gifted accompanist, has two places on the programme and there are other interesting features.

The students' seats are placed on sale the morning of the concert. All inquiries should be addressed to Miss Myrtle Irene Mitchell at the Willis Wood theater.
February 10, 1910

Fans Fear Supreme Body in
Baseball Will Make an
Example of Him.

Will the national commission establish a precedent in organized baseball by rendering a decision unfavorable to Johnny Kling, local billiard man and Cub holdout now on the blacklist, who has applied for readmission to the fold? This is a question that is bothering the fans and judging from talk in baseball circles, the one-time Cub star is certain to encounter rough sledding before he lands back in good standing minus the black mark which now bedecks his name in the records of the court ruled over by Garry Herrmann.

The fat that the national commission is without opposition in the world of baseball at the present time makes it appear certain that it will make use of its authority when the time comes to pass upon the Kling case. Up to this year there existed on the Pacific coast the "outlaw" league, which seriously hampered the work of the commission, and a practice of granting concessions to players who had kicked the traces was followed by those in charge of the affairs of organized baseball.

This was exemplified in the case of Hal Chase, who committed a most flagrant offense by jumping from the New York Americans to the California League, only to be restored to good standing a short time after, none the worse for his rash act. This was done with the one hope of eventually wearing down the opposition to the national agreement and finally proved effectual, as last fall the "outlaws" were taken into the fold, leaving the jurisdiction of the great national game under one tribunal, the national commission.


"Since Kling sent in his request to Garry Herrmann for a consideration of his case with the purpose of seeking the good graces of the high tribunal, stories have sprung up regarding the Chase and Mike Kelley incidents in which the commission fought a losing battle. Chase was out on a charge of contract jumping in the middle of the 1908 season, when he left the Highlanders to play with the California outlaw league. Mike Kelley was in the same boat as Kling at the present time, and his restoration was due more to an error of the St. Louis club than anything else. Kelley refused to report to the St. Louis American in 1905, and as a result was kept out of organized baseball for two seasons, returning when the Mound City club failed to place his name on the reserve list through oversight, practically relinquishing claim to him.

In the face of these two verdicts, principally, it has been stated that the commission is hardly liable to turn around and refuse concessions to Kling that were granted to the others. Conditions have changed since then, however, and apparently this has been overlooked, as the national agreement is now absolute and its power, and for this reason the commission will no longer be forced to take a conciliatory attitude towards violators of the rules that govern baseball.


In the event of Kling being turned down in his request for reinstatement, it will be the first case of this nature in which the commission has won out, due to the fact that opposition to organized ball is a thing of the past, and the trio now headed by Garry Herrman are in a position to govern, absolutely without the wayward players having "outlaw" leagues to fall back upon.

The fate of Kling will probably be known February 23. Mystery surrounds the purpose of the gathering, as Herrmann failed to state anything in detail, but it is taken to mean that the application of Kling will be the principal business to come up for disposal.

The date of the meeting is four days before the departure of the Club squad on their spring training trip to New Orleans and in the event of the commission giving out a decision of the case Kling would know his fate in time to prepare to accompany his old teammates, provided the act of the commission is favorable. There is a possibility, however, of the supreme court of baseball acting upon the case and then withholding their final decision until near the opening of the season.

GIRL ELOPES WITH SALESMAN. ~ Parents Informed of Wedding by Telegram From Nebraska Town.

February 10, 1910

Parents Informed of Wedding by
Telegram From Nebraska Town.

Having first removed all her clothing and personal property from the premises, Miss Carrie Ann Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans, 2610 East Tenth street, yesterday forenoon told her mother she was going to a matinee. Instead, she eloped with Bert Snider, a traveling salesman. They were married at the court house.

The first intimation the parents had that their daughter had left their fireside for one more exclusively her own was a telegram from a small town in Nebraska. It said they were on their way to Omaha, where Mr. Snider is representative of a Cincinnati pump house.

The father of the bride is manager of Barklow Bros.' News Company. The mother said last night that the parents had no particular objection to Mr. Snider, but that he was scarcely known to them.

"Besides," Mrs. Evans continued, "my daughter is only 25 and I believe Mr. Snider is over 40, although he gives his age as 31. I do not, however, consider their runaway marriage in the light of an elopement. We did not actively object, only criticised it as rather hasty. Carrie told me as lately as day before yesterday that she was going to be married soon. I guess she thought she would just run away to do it in order to save father and I the pain of watching the ceremony be performed."

Mrs. Evans would not admit that she would readily forgive the couple, but evaded answering directly any question on the subject. "Oh, it will have to suit us now," was her invariable reply.

HOW DR. HYDE APPEARED. ~ Or Seemed to Appear, While Miss Kellar Was Testifying.

February 9, 1910

Or Seemed to Appear, While Miss
Kellar Was Testifying.

When this testimony was given, Dr. Hyde gazed pensively out of the window, as though the proceedings were boring to him. -- From the routine report of the Swope inquest in yesterday's Kansas City Post.

Over behind his attorneys Dr Hyde was listening to the testimony. His eyes were half closed andhis head was bowed. Then he raised his head and watched the nurse closely. His eyes were wide open now and his lips parted just a little. -- From the Kansas City Star's report of the Swope inquest.

Dr. Hyde's pale face flushed under the sudden battery of scrutiny, turned upon him as a searchlight falls upon the just and the unjust -- under the hands of a skilfull operator. His shrewd, clever, calculating face set hard and his brilliant eyes glittered, but his long slim fingers lay quietly on the table in front of him and he smiled back at Mr. Walsh's interest and friendly attempt to reassure his embarrassment. -- From the Sob Squad's report of the Swope inquest in the Kansas City Post.


February 9, 1910



Artificial Cause of Death Suspected
by Pathologist.
Mrs. Maggie C. Swope, Sister-in-Law of the Colonel.

After the testimony of Dr. Hektoen yesterday in the coroner's inquiry into the death of Colonel Thomas Swope, Dr. Frank J. Hall, a patholigist, testified that he was requested by Mr. Paxton to get permission from Coroner Zwart to perform the post mortem examination of the colonel's body. He acted as an assistant to Dr. Hektoen, and dictated the report to Dr. Stewart. His report was a repetition of that of Dr. Hektoen, except that it was more explicit. It was filled with techincal terms and called for frequent explanations by Dr. Zwart to the jury.

After a recess, Dr. Hall was asked several questions suggested by Mr. Reed. He said that if strychnine had been taken in quantities sufficient to have caused death it would not have been noticeable in the post mortem. He also said that some artificial cause for death was suggested as a result of the examination.

After Dr Hall testified, Dr. Hoektoen was recalled, and was asked whether strychnine affected the old people more than it did the young, and he replied that he did not know. He also said that there was nothing in the post mortem examination to indicate the cause of death, and that a chemical analysis was indicated.

Overton H. Gentry, a pharmacist of Independence, testified as to the nature of the tonic mixture which Colonel Swope took. He said that it was made up of quinine, iron, pepsin and minor drugs and that each dose, a teaspoonful, contained one-hundred-and-eightieth grain of strychnine. He put the tonic up in six ounce bottles, which would give a little more than a quarter of a grain of strychnine to the bottle.


"This tonic was an extemporaneous mixture," said Mr. Gentry. "It was put up for and sold to Mr. Hunton although I understood that Colonel Swope used it several times."

Mrs. Maggie C. Swope, widow of L. O. Swope, and a sister-in-law of Colonel Thomas Swope, at whose home he died, was the next witness. Mrs. Swope was dressed in mourning. A closely woven black veil with a heavy border dropped loosely from her hat to her chin. She spoke clearly.

"I have lived in Independence for fifty-four years," said Mrs. Swope. "Colonel Tom was my brother-in-law and he lived at my house for the last ten years or almost since the death of my husband. My husband was Colonel Tom's favorite brother. I have six children living and there were four at home during the last illness of Colonel Swope.

"Dr. and Mrs. Hyde came to the house Friday evening, October 1, the evening of Mr. Hunton's death. I sent for Dr. Hyde.

"Colonel Swope was very averse to taking medicines. 'Medicines don't do anyone any good,' he would say when it was suggested that he take something for his indigestion, or a tonic. He did take some medicines occasionally and took the tonic that Mr. Hunton got for him. He took two bottles of this tonic in a year. It was only at rare intervals that he would take the medicine. He also took charcoal tablets for his dyspepsia. He was only ill twice in the last two years. Both Drs. Twyman and Hyde prescribed for him then. Dr. Twyman prescribed a tonic for him a year ago and last summer Dr. Hyde prescribed some laxative pills.


"Colonel Swope fell Sunday, September 4. He did not want to get up and we had some trouble getting him upstairs. We sent for Dr. Twyman, but he could not come and sent his son, Elmer. He put his shoulder in a sling and said that he did not need any medicines.

"The following Sunday Dr. Hyde and his wife come out for a visit and Dr. Hyde called on Colonel Swope. He was smiling when he came downstairs. 'I have solved the question,' he declared. "Colonel Swope has agreed to have a nurse.' We all agreed that this was an excellent thing, for it was hard to care for Colonel Swope. He did not want anyone around and we could not handle him as well as a nurse would. He did not take any medicine, and the only thing we know that he took was those pink pills. Monday Dr. Hyde brought Miss Kellar.

"When Mr. Hunton was taken ill we sent for Dr. Hyde. His wife came with him, and when she asked if I wanted them to remain at the house I told them that I did. I was glad to have her there. They remained until Monday after the Swope funeral. Saturday morning Dr. and Mrs. Hyde went to the cemetery to get a burial lot. I asked my daughter to do this for me.

"Sunday morning Miss Kellar and I were alone at the breakfast table. Miss Keller had told me that Colonel Swope had spent an unusually good night and then Dr. Hyde came in. Dr. Hyde asked if Colonel Swope had had his breakfast, and when told by Miss Kellar that he had, he remarked to her, 'Please come and give him this digestive tablet.' They were not gone long, and when they returned Miss Kellar said that Colonel Swope had refused to take the medicine.


"It was not long afterward when we received word that Colonel Swope had been stricken. I met Dr. Hyde in the hall afterward and he said: 'It is just a matter of time. He is going just like Mr. Hunton.' I stepped into Colonel Swope's room about 3 o'clock. He was unconscious then."

Mrs. Swope said that she had been told about the will which Colonel Swope had made but that she did not know its contents or any thing about any of the bequests until after his death. She said that she had been told that her children had been liberally provided for in the will. This was natural, she said, "as they were the children of his favorite brother.

"Mr. Swope was inclined to talk about his wealth to those whom he knew well. He frequently boasted to me that he was a millionaire. Dr. Hyde told me that Colonel Swope told him that he had a million and a half dollars that he intended to devote to charity. This was about the time he was taken sick.

"Dr. Hyde was aware that my children, one of whom is is wife, would be the biggest beneficiaries. They, however, did not know to what extent they had been provided for, although he told them that he had so arranged his estate that none should ever want for anything. He also talked of making a new will. He expected to do this when he got down town after he got well. Dr. Hyde understood that if Colonel Swope made a new will that the million and a half residuary estate would not go to the children.

"Dr. Hyde did not tell me that he wanted to be an executor of the estate of Colonel Swope but recently Miss Kellar told me that Dr. Hyde asked her to use her influence with Colonel Swope.


"I saw Dr. Hyde go into Colonel Swope's room when he was called by Miss Kellar and it was Dr. Hyde who told me that it was all over, referring to Colonel Swope's death. I only saw Colonel Swope once on the day he died. This was between 3 and 4 p. m.

"The children were all a little afraid of Colonel Swope. He did not like children and young folks seemed to bother him. That is the reason that the children did not go into his room during his last illness.

"I knew that his will was in his vest pocket. He told Moss that it was there the afternoon that he fill in the library. He told moss that if anything happened to him that he could find his will there."

Mrs. Swope was then questioned about the medicine which she threw away after the death of Colonel Swope and Mr. Hunton. She said that about a week after the funeral she cleared away a quantity of medicines which stood on an open shelf in Mr. Hunton's room. Some of these medicines, she said, were strychnine preparations or contained strychnine. Efforts were made by Coroner Zwart to get Mrs. Swope to tell just what all of the bottles and boxes contained and the colors of the boxes. Her testimony was apparently unsatisfactory in this respect. These medicines, she said, had accumulated for a couple of years.

"There was no possibility of Colonel Swope getting hold of these medicines, for he never entered Mr. Hunton's room," she said. "Colonel Swope had a well-beaten path from the library to his room and he never deviated.

"For the last twenty-five or thirty years Colonel Swope would tell me he did not expect to live much longer. He made the statement a couple of years ago while Dr. and Mrs. Hyde were here that 'You are talking to a dead man now. I am just walking around to save funeral expenses.'

"In the early part of his last illness he said that he was going to die. A week before he died he declared that he was going to get well and that he was going to change his will as soon as he got downtown. This was the first thing he said that he was going to do."

Subpoenas were served on Dr. Ludwig Hektoen yesterday in the libel suit of Dr. Hyde vs. the St. Louis Post-Dispatch an in the suit for libel by Dr. Hyde against Mr. Paxton.

CONVULSIONS TOLD OF BY THE NURSE. ~ Testifies That Capsule Was Given on Order of Dr. Hyde.

February 9, 1910

Testifies That Capsule Was
Given on Order of Dr. Hyde.


Hypodermic Injections Made
When Philanthropist
Was Unconscious.

That Colonel Swope's death was not due to cerebral hemorrhage or any organic cause and that more of the deadly poison was indicated by the examination of the contents of the stomach, was testified to by Dr. Ludwig Hektoen, a Chicago pathologist at the inquest at Independence yesterday afternoon.

Dr. Hektoen followed Miss Kellar, the nurse who said that Colonel Swope suffered convulsions, following the administration of a capsule. She also testified that Dr. Hyde asked her to interest herself in having Colonel Swope appoint him executor in the place of Mr. Hunton.

Mrs. Maggie C. Swope was the last witness of the day and told of the will of Colonel Swope and that he had said that as soon as he was able he would go downtown to change it.

Whether Dr. Hyde will be put on the stand today is a question that was not settled yesterday. Dr. Hyde attended Colonel Swope in his last illness and certified the cause of death as cerebral hemorrhage or apoplexy.

Whether Colonel Swope's death was due to strychnine poisoning will be a hard fought question. That the symptoms are described by the nurse in her testimony yesterday were not those of strychnine poisoning, was the assertion of a chemist who was in attendance at the inquest.


The report as presented by Dr. Hektoen as to the findings of the analysis of the liver of Colonel Swope and his report on the post mortem together with expert testimony on the effects of strychnine poisoning, will be the principal points to be considered by the jury in determining the cause of death. That the jury will ask for some expert witnesses is the general belief of those who have heard the testimony and the questions which the jurors have asked.

Dr. Hektoen and Mrs. Swope were the centers of attraction yesterday. Mrs. Swope was present at the morning session. In the afternoon she was attended by three of her daughters who stood behind a garden bench on which she sat.

She was greatly interested in listening to the testimony of Dr. Hektoen and raised her veil during this time.

Dr. Hyde seemed to evince more interest in the testimony of Miss Kellar than in any other witness. He frequently talked to his counsel, Mr. Walsh, and later smiled at portions of Dr. Hektoen's testimony.

Miss Kellar's testimony, which preceded that of Dr. Hektoen, told of Colonel Swope's last day. She said she gave him a capsule at the request of Dr. Hyde. She told of the convulsions which followed 20 minutes later and which lasted for 10 minutes of his lapsing into unconsciousness and of giving him two or three, she did not remember the number, of hypodermic injections of strychnine by order of Dr. Hyde.


She said that Colonel Swope was unconscious during the entire day and breathed hard. His legs shook convulsively, he had a high pulse, and finally died.

It was 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon when Miss Kellar, the last witness Monday, was called to the stand. A part of the questions and answers she had made were read to her and she was questioned about the food that was given Colonel Swope during his last illness.

Miss Kellar said that no one other than she gave Colonel Swope food during his last illness. The most of this food was part of the regular menu for the balance of the family and occasionally she personally prepared light foods, such as rice. She obtained the raw materials from the supply pantry next to the kitchen. The regular meals were prepared by the negro cook. Miss Kellar described the house and the location of the various rooms.

"Dr. Hyde told me h e wanted a private talk as soon as I got through with the preparation of Mr. Hunton's body," said Miss Kellar. "This was a half an hour after Mr. Hunton's death. A couple of hours later I saw him in the sitting room upstairs.


" 'Isn't it awful?' he asked me, referring to the death. Then he told me he wanted to do something for him. He said that I had a good deal of influence with Colonel Swope and he wanted me to suggest to Colonel Swope that he select Dr. Hyde as one of the executors to succeed Mr. Hunton. He said that he understood Colonel Swope favored another whom he did not like.

" 'The minute I begin to interfere with the private affairs of Colonel Swope I will overstep my bounds.' I told Dr. Hyde and I left the room. Mrs. Hyde entered the room while we were talking, but stepped out. We all retired immediately after that conversation."

Miss Kellar testified again about telling the story of Mr. Hunton's death to Colonel Swope. She ate breakfast with Dr. Hyde, but had no conversation with him. Dr. Hyde came to Colonel Swope's room and Colonel Swope greeted him. Later, she said, Dr. and Mrs. Hyde went to Kansas City. In the afternoon Colonel Swope remarked that he would have enjoyed a ride had it not been for the death of Mr. Hunton.

"Colonel Swope ate well Saturday," said Miss Kellar. "I took his food off the stove, in the kitchen. Dr. and Mrs. Hyde returned about 10 or 10:30 p. m.

Dr. Hyde asked me if I had talked to Colonel Swope about the executor matter, and I said I had not. I don't think that Dr. Hyde went to Colonel Swope's room, as Colonel Swope always kept the door bolted.


"Sunday morning Colonel Swope remarked, to my surprise, that he had spent a better night than usual. I gave him his bath and then prepared his breakfast. I presume he had toast, breakfast bacon and eggs, and probably some fruit. We had breakfast about 8 o'clock or a little after, and I had hardly gotten started when Dr. Hyde came down. After greeting me Dr. Hyde asked if Colonel Swope had had his breakfast. I said he had, and Dr. Hyde asked me to go with him. He said he had those digestive tablets and that he had promised to bring to Colonel Swope and wanted him to have one now. We went upstairs to Colonel Swope's room. Then I remembered there was no cooler on that floor and returned to the first floor for a drink of fresh water. Dr. Hyde was standing in the middle of the room. Colonel Swope was lying in his usual position in the bed with his head at the foot. He always said that he could rest better upside down. Dr. Hyde handed me what I supposed was a three-quarter grain capsule. It was not dark and I suppose it contained either white or gray matter. He took it from a pink colored box.

" 'Here is your digestive tablet,' I told Colonel Swope. He showed antagonism to taking this capsule and I finally laid it on the table and looked at Dr. Hyde with a nod which indicated that I would induce the Colonel to take the medicine later. We returned to the breakfast table and then I went back to my charge.

"Mrs. Swope handed me two Independence dailies and The Journal and the Times of Kansas City. I took them to Colonel Swope's room and he adjusted his eyeglasses. He said that he would look over the Independence papers while I found the articles in the city papers concerning the death of Mr. Hunton.


"Before I handed him the papers I gave him the capsule. It was 8:30 a. m. I noted the time for his big gold watch was on the table. He began reading the Independence papers and I had found the articles in the Kansas City papers when I noticed him breathing hard, as if blowing. His eyes were set toward the west window and as I ran to his side and called to him 'What's the matter, Colonel Swope?' he made no reply but went into convulsions.

"It was then 10 minutes of 9 a. m., or twenty minutes after I gave him the capsule. His eyes then fixed upward and the pupils dilated and his face became cyanosed. He quivered all over. His eyes assumed an expressionless appearance.

"I called for help. I cried down stairs: 'Tell Dr. Hyde to come quickly.' I returned to Colonel Swope's side. He was not groaning, but the sound was that of an 'ah-ah.' Dr. Hyde did not come quickly enough and I called him for the second time. Mrs. Hyde came up before her husband. She said he would be up in a moment. He was in his shirt sleeves when he got up to the room. Miss Margaret Swope came to the door for an instant and Mrs. Hyde came inside. Dr. Hyde looked anxious. He felt Colonel Swope's pulse and in a few minutes declared 'Apoplexy, probably brought on by Mr. Hunton's death.'


"I don't remember just what Dr. Hyde was doing meanwhile. I was busy noting Colonel Swope's condition. In ten minutes he recovered from the convulsion and cried: 'Take it away, take it away.' I moved my hands as if removing an object, and he was satiated. Dr. Hyde then ordered me to give him a hypodermic injection of strychnine, one-sixtieth of a grain. As Colonel Swope slowly composed himself he said: 'Oh my God, I wish I had not taken that medicine. I wish I were dead.'

'This was a perfectly rational expression, I thought. He was very restless and Dr. Hyde ordered me to give him another hypodermic injection. I then looked for the pink box from which Dr. Hyde had taken the capsule. There was nothing in Dr. Hyde's actions which would have caused me to question anything he ordered me to do. Colonel Swope's pulse was very rapid. It was 140 and rapid and bounding. I don't remember whether I gave him two or three injections of strychnine. Shortly after the last one he lapsed into a state of coma.

"He never recovered from this condition. His eyes half closed and became fixed and the heavy breathing continued. His knees and legs twitched and once when I pulled the covers over him I noticed that his lower limbs were bluish in color. I called Dr. Hyde's attention to this. Dr. Hyde went to dinner first and when he returned I went downstairs. About 3 p. m. Dr. Hyde told me I might go outside for a bit of fresh air. I was glad of the opportunity to get outside and I chatted for a few moments with visitors.

"When I got back Colonel Swope's condition was the same. I noticed his legs and they were purple to the knee. He lay on his back and his limbs jerked. Dr. Hyde looked at the purple limbs but made no reply."

"Shortly afterward Colonel Swope seemed to rally slightly. As he did I turned to Dr. Hyde and remarked, 'I would hate to answer for the consequences when Colonel Swope recovers.' He asked why and I told him 'Because you know that he will connect his attack of illness with the taking of that medicine.' Dr. Hyde made no reply.


"It was not long afterward when Dr. Hyde, who was on the left side of the bed, declared that Colonel Swope was sinking. I had hold of his right wrist and said that I did not think so. I could not see that there was much change and told Dr. Hyde so. He then came over to my side of the bed and took the pulse there. He reiterated his assertion that Colonel Swope was failing rapidly. I don't remember what the count was , but I held his pulse the greater part of the day.

"The hypodermic injection was given with my instrument and the drugs were taken from my case. Dr. Hyde broke his while in Kansas City, he told me, and that was the reason I used mine.

"Shortly before 7 p. m. I was called to supper. Dr. Hyde said that he would remain with Colonel Swope. The family gathered round me in the dining room and asked as to Colonel Swope's condition. I told them that he might last until midnight, that he might last for a couple of days or that he might recover. I had been downstairs about twenty minutes, it seemed to me, when I was called. Mrs. Hyde was the first to meet me.

" 'All is over,' she said. 'Uncle Tom just passed away. He died so easily.' This was about 7 or 7:15 p. m.

"I hastened up to the room to prepare the body for the undertaker. I was left in the room alone and had scarcely finished when Dr. Hyde and Mr. Paxton came upstairs. They asked me for his vest and said that Colonel Swope had said that in the event of an emergency, his will would always be found in his vest pocket. Mr. Paxton got the will, and had me swear that I saw him take it.

"Colonel Swope told me many times about the will. He said that he kept it in his vest pocket, so that it would be easily found in an emergency. He also was fond of using the expression that he had just ninety more days to live.

"Dr. Hyde predicted early in the last illness of Colonel Swope that he would never go to Kansas City again. The symptoms of Colonel Swope's death were entirely different from those of Mr. Hunton.

"Shortly after Dr. Hyde and Mr. Paxton left the room, I happened to think of a check for $5,000 which Mr. Spangler had brought him a couple of days before and which I put in a puffbox. I grabbed the puffbox and hastened to Dr. Hyde and Mr. Paxton, telling them that I forgot about it when they were in the room.

" 'Present your bill to Mr. Paxton, the executor of the estate,' said Mr. Hyde later in the evening. 'Make it $35 a week, as we think that you were of much service to Colonel Swope and he was a wealthy man and left a large estate, and it was worth that much.' I told Dr. Hyde that I would only charge $25 and that was all my bill would be for. Later Mrs. Swope talked with me about it, and said that the family desired to make me a little present, and that this was the only way that it could be done. I assented when she insisted and put in my bill for $35 a week."

Dr. Ludwig Hektoen, who conducted the autopsy and carried the viscera of Colonel Swope to Chicago for a pathological examination and chemical analysis, was the first witness after the noon recess. Dr. Hektoen arrived in the morning, but spent the time in Mr. Paxton's office. He was the guest of Mr. Paxton at dinner, and then returned to his office, getting his grip and arriving at the court house at 1:30.


The jury was ready, but Coroner Zwart had not decided whether to put Mrs. Swope or Dr. Hektoen on the stand first. Dr. Hektoen's face was slightly flushed when he entered the court room, and was called to take the stand. He was a bit nervous and sometimes repeated questions which were asked him. He carried his notes in manuscript, which he had fastened together.

Dr. Hektoen said that he was 45 years old, and that he was a pathologist. He defined the word for the jurors' benefit. He said that on January 21, at the request of Mr. Paxton, he conducted a post-mortem examination and autopsy on the body of Colonel Swope. With him at the time were Coroner Zwart, Drs. Hall, Stewart, Twyman and Adkins. Dr. Hall assisted him and Dr. Steward took notes. His description was technial and he was asked several times to explain the technical phrases and descriptions to the jurors so that they could understand just what he was talking about.

Dr. Hektoen, in his testimony, said:

"The body was that of an old but apparently well nourished man. It was frozen solid, and showed no signs of decomposition. It was naked, and my attention was first called to marks on the wrists and ankles. I was told that these were undertakers bands, and had been made after death. We tried to thaw out the body, and then made an incision. I noticed that there were two incisions in the body, one in the arm and the other in the abdomen. Both were made by the undertaker, I was told.


There was no difficulty in making the examination, only in removing the organs from the body. There were some changes in the lower part of the aorta. Portions of this had degenerated and hardened. there were slight chronic changes in the kidneys and a tumor growth on the left kidney. This was an encapsulated tumor of about two inches diameter. It was yellow on the opened side.

The brain was divided into pieces and subsequently subdivided into smaller pieces in my laboratory in Chicago. This was done to inspect it for evidence of cerebral hemorrhage. There was no evidence in the brain or about the lining of the brain of any blood clot, hemorrhage or of the blood current carrying a clot into the brain. Neither was there any evidence of any disease. Had there been a clot or hemorrhage, the embalming fluid would not have carried it away or disturbed it.

A careful examination was made of the internal capsule or ventricles for evidence of a minute hemorrhage. Sometimes a hemorrhage in this section of the brain is minute, or it may be extensive. If the hemorrhage was so minute that it could not be detected by the naked eye it would not have been sufficient to have caused death. A hemorrhage in this section of the brain would be termed cerebral apoplexy.

A very thorough examination was made of the heart. It was normal, although it was filled with blood. The aorta was smooth to the part that runs down the chest wall. Here it was thick and showed calcified areas. This is common in old age. It was not extensive, and there were also indications of degeneration. Degeneration of a blood vessel is a softening of the tissues. The calcification is a hardening through a limy deposit. The blood in the heart was due to the efforts of the undertaker to force embalming fluid through the body. The clot was formed after death. There was no evidence of an ante-mortem clot.

The lungs were practically normal, although there was some congestion in the lower left lobe, but no condition which would be sufficient to have caused death.

The stomach was found to have been punctured by the undertaker. The puncture was not so much of a consequence. The organ was small and did not appear to contain much material. It appeared considerably contracted at the end which joins the small intestine. I ligated the stomach above and below and transferred it intact to one of the glass jars. On the gross examination I found nothing to account for this.

The small and large intestines were normal. In the descending colon were found a small polypoid growth wich hung free. This was not of a serious nature and co uld not have caused any gastric or digestive disturbances.

The pelvic organs were normal. In the lower half of the left kidney there was an encapsulated growth which I referred to before. This did not interfere with any vital organ. The spleen and the liver were of normal structure and size. The bladder and prostate were also normal.

After the post mortem examination was made I could not arrive at any conclusion as to the cause of death. There was nothing in the examination we had made which would have indicated a cause for death. I then put the organs I desired for chemical analysis into four half gallon glass jars and placed them in my suit case. I put the brain in one jar, the liver in another, stomach in another and kidneys in another. I took a small section of the heart for microscopic examination.


I personally carried this suit case to my laboratory in Chicago. There after a conference with Mr. Paxton I got Dr. Walter S. Haines, professor of toxicology in the Rush Medical College, to make the chemical analysis.

On February 5 I received a reports that indicated that the liver contained about a grain of strychnine. The circumstances under which the poison was found indicate positively that the introduction of the strychnine was during the life of the subject. The liver and other organs would absorb strychine if it were injected into the body after death, but the strychnine would have to be in solution and would be in all parts of the body.

"There is no way of telling by chmical analysis whether the strychnine reached the liver by means of hypodermic injection or through the mouth and stomach. If there was an unusually large amount of the poison in the stomach nd a small amount in the other vital organs it would indicate that the poison was administered thorugh the mouth. Still we might find a greater amount of the poson in the other organs than in the stomach and it would have been administered through the mouth during life.

"The examination on the contents of the stomach are still uncompleted. I have received no written report, but have received a verbal report that the examinations are being prosecuted. The report on the liver is not final, as the examinations now being made are to confirm the findings heretofore made. I have been informed verbally that there are indications that strycnine will be found in the stomach contents.


"The use of strychnine in medicinal doses could not cause death as a sufficient quantity could not be stored up in the organs. I don't know how fast it is absorbed and eliminated, but if the drug is given three times a day there is no danger of poisoning. One might find minute tracaes of the strychnine but not in such quantities as one grain. A fatal dose is generally believed to be half a grain. Smaller doses have caused death in many instances. A man might live several hours or he might die in one-half hour after he took a fatal dose. This would depend on the contents of the stomach and whether the drug was combined with some other drug."

DEAF MUTES AT DANCE.~ They Feel Music, Floor Carrying Vibrations to Their Feet.

February 9, 1910

They Feel Music, Floor Carrying
Vibrations to Their Feet.

Deaf and dumb people are "like the rest of us" except that they dwell apart in a world where there is eternal silence. Just because their language is not ours it does not mean that they do not have a good time occasionally, a truism which was demonstrated last night when seventy of them had a genuine masked ball in the A. O. U. W. hall at Ninth street and Michigan avenue.

The few visitors who attended the hop saw exactly what anyone sees at a function of this kind -- men and women gaily disporting themselves in all kinds of ludicrous costumes. There were smiles and laughter, perhaps, even, flirtations. The eyes behind the ashen mask of the clown sparked brightly through the peep holes at the lustrous orbs of the queen of spades or the kilted chorus girl. Only the hands, quick, sentient members that fluttered constantly, telling stories the tongue was intended to convey. Outside of this slight difference it was all that could be expected of a masked ball.

Miss Mary Annett was the funniest girl on the floor. The three judges decided this with a single gesticulation apiece. She was petite and pretty. An outsider would not have said "funny" but "interesting" in describing her.

She was tricked out in a blue gingham union suit of enormous proportions. As she glided easily to the tune of a waltz, her feet answering in some occult fashion the vibration of the music conducted to them by the floor boards, she was often applauded, but never laughed at. Mary got a hand-painted cracker bowl as a trophy.

Mary had two sisters present who rivaled her for grace and dress. They were Elda and Edna Arnett, both older than she and able to talk.

Leslie B. Honien, dressed as Happy Hooligan, was the funniest man. Honien is a printer. He had "pied" his costume. "Pied," by the way, is a technical term meaning "generally mixed up, presumably by accident."

Others who shared in the prizes awarded were C. O. Duffield and Leonora McGinnis. Goldie Marksbury played the piano.

The remarkable thing about the dance was that everyone knew how and followed the music, despite the fact that they were unable to hear a single note. The floor carried the vibrations to their feet.

The dance was a benefit given under the auspices of the Association of the Deaf. The returns, amounting to $60, are to go to the education of the deaf and dumb.

The judges were the Rev. J. Koehler, Charles Minor and Frank Laughlin.

LIBRARY CHARTS SHOW POSITION OF PLANETS. ~ Saves People Interested in Special Stars Delving Into Technical Books.

February 9, 1910

Saves People Interested in Special
Stars Delving Into Techni-
cal Books.

Persons interested in astronomy, who formerly went to the public library, looked through many books and contended with the technical terms of that science in order to find out the position of a planet, the route of Halley's comet or other astronomical data, will be pleased at the innovation of the librarian.

She has prepared two charts of the heavens, each one for a month, showing the position of the planets and other heavenly bodies. One is for January and shows the route of Halley's comet. The other is for February. Both have been placed against one of the big columns on the first floor of the library building, facing the door.

"A great many people have lately come to the library asking for books on astronomy," said Mrs. Carrie Westlake Whitney, the librarian, yesterday.

"Their interest probably has been aroused by Halley's comet. They don't want theoretical treatise nor books with scientific terms, but books in simple language, easily understood. Because of this I devised the plan of putting up these charts and referring people to them. Most people find all they wish to know by looking at them. The create a good deal of interest.

NEW PLAN TO OUTWIT THIEVES. ~ Traveler Tears Ticket to Bits and Scatters Them Over His Person.

February 9, 1910

Traveler Tears Ticket to Bits and
Scatters Them Over His Person.

Joe Lamford, who claims Seattle, Wash., as his residence, spent several hours yesterday trying to pass through the Union depot gates on a tattered ticket. He explained that on his arrival here last Friday he had torn his ticket for Oklahoma City into small pieces and placed them in different pockets to prevent "lifting." Then according to his story he took in Union avenue. After a few days in the workhouse, he tried to get his ticket together. When he presented the various portions in an envelope yesterday, he was given the option of buying another ticket or counting the ties to Oklahoma City.


February 8, 1910


Doctors and Nurses Testify
at Independence.

The coroner's inquest into the death of Colonel Thomas C. Swope got underway in Independence yesterday, and it was brought out that Colonel Swope, tried a number of tonics and remedies, and that he worried over his will in the weeks before his death, and wanted the poor of the city to benefit by the income from his residuary estate, valued at $1,000,000.

Harry S. Cook, superintendent of the Forest Hill cemetery, told the story of the removal of the body of Colonel Swope at dead of night from the catacombs where it was at rest. He said that secrecy was observed and that a blanket was hung on the grillwork of the tomb, so that no one could look in, had anyone had an inkling of what was going on.

The casket, he said, had not been touched and the body was frozen and in a good state of preservation.

The autopsy was conducted at Ott's undertaking rooms at Independence. Coroner Zwart, Drs. Hektoen, Twyman, Stewart, Hall, and a younger docter were among those who attended the post-mortem, it was testified. The body was still frozen, and coal oil lamps and stoves were lighted to thaw it. Bottles were filled with hot water and laid on the body, and then all was covered with blankets.

The post mortem began at 2 p. m. After the doctors finished the autopsy, in which they removed all of Colonel Swope's internal organs and his brain, the body was sewed up, dressed and put back in the casket and removed to the third floor of the undertaking establishment, where it was hidden. It was taken back to the vault the following day. This was done in the day time, as the story of the autopsy had leaked out and there was no further reason for secrecy.

Dr. E. L. Stewart, who graduated seven years ago, and specializes in microscopy, took notes for the doctors who conducted the post mortem. Dr. Steward did not remember all of the details of the autopsy. He declaired that he was too busy taking the dictation by Drs. Hall and Hektoen to observe their operations as closely as he would have liked to. He said that so far as he could see, there was nothing about the appearance of any of the organs removed by the doctors which would indicate that they were other than in a normal condition.

Dr. Stewart turned his findings over to Dr. Hektoen, he said. Dr. Hektoen also took charge of Colonel Swope's viscera. Dr. Stewart remarked about the frozen condition of the body, which he said was rather frail. The brain, he said, after removal, was cut into thin slices so that the doctors could ascertain if there had been a hemorrhage. No blood clot was found either in the brain or in the lining.


The clothing had been removed from the body when he first saw it and he noticed an undertaker's mark on the arm. He also noticed a small dark mark on the left wrist and the undertake's mark on the abdomen. He told of pulling off the scalp, sawing the cranium and removing the skull cap and then taking out the brain. This he said was sliced, but he did not remember into how many sections nor their thickness. The brain was then placed in one of the big half gallon fruit jars and was sealed.

Dr. Stewart said that the brain was taken out whole, as he remembered it. There was no hemorrhage, at least none that was visible to the naked eye, he said. Dr. Stewart did not know whether Dr. Hektoen took the kidneys. He said that to the best of his recollection several of the blood vessels near the heart were hardened. He said that neither he, nor any of the doctors who performed the autopsy, could attribute Colonel Swope's death to any unusual condition found in his vital organs.

He said that one kidney seemed to be slightly enlarged, but this fact, he added, might have been natural. The liver, he said, was of the ordinary gray color and was in good condition. Dr. Stewart said that had there been a hemorrhage of the brain that the embalming fluid wich is used would not have reduced it.

Dr. G. T. Twyman, the Swope family physician, was present at the autopsy, which he said was conducted by Drs. Hektoen and Hall. The body was very well preserved, but was frozen hard. the fluids in the body had all turned to ice. Efforts to thaw it were without avail. There was but one abnormal condition of any consequence, he said, and that was a thickening of the walls of the stomach.


Dr. Twyman said that Colonel Swope was not anxious to take medicines or tonics. He last saw him professionaly on April 28, 1909. He had seen him at various times since then and there was nothing in his condition to lead him to the belief that he would die suddenly, he said. Dr. Twyman said that he knew nothing about Colonel Swope's last illness or death. He did not know what caused Colonel Swope's death and he declared that there was nothing in the post mortem which could lead him to form an opinion as to the cause of death.

Sylvester W. Spangler, who since 1903 has had charge of Colonel Swope's real estate, told of Colonel Swope's penchant for taking medicines of various sorts which might be recommended to him by friends, including a tonic which contained strychnine, quinine and iron. He also told of the oft-repeated wich of Colonel Swope just prior to his death that he could arrange in some way to so place his residuary estate that the revenue could be used for the benefit of the poor.

"The last time I saw Colonel Swope alive was the Saturday preceding his death," said Mr. Spangler. "I came down on account of the death of the night previous of his cousin and also to attend to any business matters which he might indicate he wanted closed. I was with him for about an hour and he was in bed all of this time. About the close of our converstaion Colonel Swope addressed me: 'So far as pain is concerned,' he said, 'I have none and never felt better in my life, but I realize that I am a weak man and can't live long.' I cheered him up as best I could.


"Colonel Swope kept a tonic in his office, which, according to the label, contained strychnine, quinine and iron and was put up in Independence. He took the contents of two of these bottles, to my knowledge. He would take the medicine for a couple of days and then would not take any for several days, or a week. He took a teaspoonful at a dose. The medicine was orange colored. He also took tablets, some of a white sort and some bromo-quinine tablets. He took Pape's Diapepsin for his stomach trouble. In fact, he took a great many medicnes which were recommended to him by friends as good for his particular case. Two years ago he took some acid phosphates.

"He often told me about some new remedy he had purchased and which he said he would give a trial, as it was harmless, and if it did no good it would do no harm. He had a vest pocket memorandum book in which he kept a record of the medicines recommended to him and which he tried. He would invariably return to me and tell me that the medicines were fakes. The elixir, he said, was prescribed by an Independence, Mo., doctor and was to give him strength.

"Colonel Swope rewrote his will while I was in his employ. He did not discuss the bequests with me and I knew nothing of the amounts until after his death and the publication of the instrument.

"The reason he gave me for rewriting the will was that some of his property had greatly increased in value and that some had decreased. He wanted the proportions of his bequests to be as he first intended. After providing for all of his heirs he still had a good deal of property that he wanted to dispose of in a charitable way. This residuary estate was worth, he told me, about $1,000,000. He wanted the revenue from the estate to be applied to the benefit of the poor, regardless of their former conditions in life.


"He was endeavoring to find a way to dispose of this property so that the revenue would be used for the purpose intended. He could transfer it, he said, so that it would not be necessary for him to make a new will and the old would could not be broken. He was worried over the disposition of the residuary estate. He told me that if he deeded it to the city that the revenue, and possible the principle, might be wasted, while if he deeded it to loyal citizen friends, that he feared they were too busy hustling after the almighty dollar to give the property and the revenue the proper attention.

"About six weeks before he died he went to the vault and got his will. After keeping it in his office for a week he told me one Saturday that he would take it home and spend Saturday and Sunday on it. Monday morning he brought it back and said that he had looked it over carefully and that it was as nearly perfect as he could make it. He said that he could not betteer it if he wrote it 100 times.

"Colonel Swope's effects, such as clothing which he kept in the office, were given to the Salvation army after his death. I never heard of an enemy of Colonel Swope and knew of no one that he ever entertained any malice against.

"Colonel Swope claimed Wooford county, Ky., as his home until he gave Kansas City Swope park in 1903. He lived in Independence except for a few months, about 1904 or 1905, when he roomed at the Orient hotel.

"Colonel Swope voted but once in his life, he told me, and that was when McKinley made the first race for the presidency. Colonel Swope made a special trip to Wooford county, Kentucky, to cast his vote for McKinley."

Miss Pearl Virginia Kellar, 36 years old, a trained nurse of five years' experinece, was the witness of the day. Miss Kellar attended Colonel Swope during his last illness and was employed by Dr. B. Clark Hyde, three weeks prior to that event. For several weeks Miss Kellar has been virtually one of the members of the Swope household in Independence. She said that she had only a passing acquaintance with Dr. Hyde, prior to the time that he employed her to go to the Swope home.


"Dr. Hyde called me over the telephone Sunday night, September 12. He asked me to meet him Monday at 7:30 a. m. and go to Independence. On the way he told me that Colonel Swope was not really ill; that he had fallen and slightly injured his left shoulder, but to make him feel that I was doing something for him and to massage the injured shoulder. Mrs. Swope and the four daughters met us at the threshold and after donning my uniform I was escorted to Colonel Swope's room where we shook hands and he said he was glad to seee me. The injury I found to be very slight. I was with him three weeks, except one day when I went to the dentist.

" 'Here are some "Pinkle's Pink Pills and some tonic,' said Dr. Hyde to me. 'Let him have the pills and also the tonic as he has been in the habit of taking them.' I found the tonic to contain strychnine, iron and quinine and peptomangan. It was put up by Pendleton & Gentry of Independence. Colonel Swope told me that Obe Gentry had given Mr. Hunton the prescription and that it was very good.

" I kept a nurse's record of Colonel Swope for two weeks, or a week longer than he thought I kept it. He objected to the keeping of the record and when I told Dr. Hyde that I had kept it a week longer than Colonel Swope was aware, and that there was no good reason for keeping it longer, Dr. Hyde suggested that I discontinue it. Colonel Swope objected to me taking his temperature. I made up his bed and straghtened him around, then gave him a bath, an alcohol rub and massage and later another alcohol rub and massage."


Miss Kellar here produced her notes and read off her daily notations as to the treatment the patient received and his condition. She said that he ate very full dinners, including cabbage at one meal which she said Dr. Hyde told her he could have as he had been accustomed to it. She gave him occasional drinks containing wine or brandy. She said that Colonel Swope and Dr. Hyde were on perfectly friendly terms.

Her records showed that he took several doses of the pink pills, varying the number from time to time. Monday, September 20, she said that he sat up for an hour in an adjoining room where he looked over the grounds. Wednesday she said that he began taking the tonic, which heretofore he had not touched. She said that Mr. Hunton suggested taht now as he was better that he could take the tonic and get well sooner. Miss Keller also testified to the frequency that Colonel Swope vomited and said that these attacks were without the slightest warning and usually at meal times.
"On Wednesday, September 29 Colonel Swope and I went out riding. We drove out the Lexinton road past the Swope farm which he had not seen in nine years. We were out for two hours and he stood the trip splendidly. Thrusday we drove almost to Kansas City. Friday we started to Blue Springs, but failed to take the right road and had a rough ride.

"After putting Mr. Swope to bed, I came down stairs and Mr. Hunton called me. He was eating dinner and suggested that I eat with him. We had almost finished when Mrs. Swope and Miss Margaret came in. Mr. Hunton looked at me and said that he felt queer. Mildred and a girl friend entered the room at this time and Mr. Hunton tried to pick up a glass of water. He half raised it and then it fell from his hands. I ran to his side and discovered that his left leg was helpless. A negro boy helped me carry him to the library and we summoned doctors.


"By the time Dr. Twyman came Mr. Hunton had lapsed into unconsciousness. He had vomited profusely. The boys got an ironing board and we laid Mr. Hunton on this and carried him upstairs. Colonel Swope meanwhile had called, and one of the servants failing to pacify him, I told him that Mr. Hunton was seriously ill. After Dr. Hyde came they decided to bleed Mr. Hunton.

"I did not tell Colonel Swope about the death of Mr. Hunton until Saturday morning. When I told him that Mr. Hunton ws dead, he grasped the bed clothes, and hiding his head, cried, 'Poor Moss.' For a moment he sort of sobbed, and then he asked me to tell him all about it. He th en told me he wanted to be very quiet. He wanted to see no one but Mr. Spangler. He first said taht he did not want to see Dr. Hyde for fear that the doctor might think that he needed him professionally. Colonel Swope did not go across the hall to see Mr. Hunton, and I read to him. The news of Mr. Fleming's wife's death came at noon. Mr. Spangler ws the only visitor. He came about noon."

As Miss Kellar reached this part of her narrative, Deputy Coroner Trogdon conferred with Coroner Zwart and Attorney Reed and announcement was made of adjournment until 10 o'clock this morning.


Miss Kellar, the trained nurse who was with Colonel Swope the last three weeks of his life, arrive at the court house shortly before 4 p. m. with Mrs. L. O. Swope and a woman companion. They were driven to the court house in an automobile and were escorted by Attorney John Mastin. They were taken in the witness room, which was kept locked. Miss Kellar, her companion and Mr. Atwood shielded Mrs. Swope from the gaze of the curious. Mrs. Swope was attired was attired in black and wore a heavy veil.

The array of legal talent in the case yesterday was probably the largest in the history of the court house. The Swope heirs and Mr. Paxton, the executor of the estate, were represented by Messrs. Reed, Atwood and Mastin. Virgil Conkling, the prosecuting attorney, represented the state, while Dr. Hyde was represented by Attorneys Walsh, Cleary and Johnson. Coroner Zwart wsa represented by Deputy Coroner Trugdon.

"Can we come in and listen to the case?" inquired Mesdames William Young and Cliff Morrow, neighbors of the Swopes, of J. A. Brown, superintendent of the court house building. "Certainly," he replied and secured them a seat immedately behind the attorneys. There were a score of women at the inquest in the afternoon.