Elmer Swope Has Photo of Father;
Is Coming Here.
MARTINSBURG, W. VA., Feb. 9. -- Although the story of Elmer Caryall Swope of this city, who claims he is the son of the late Colonel Thomas H. Swope, is discredited by the Kansas City relatives of the dead millionaire, Swope has engaged attorneys and has prepared to fight for the millions left by Colonel Swope.
Through his attorneys Swope is tracing the movements of his father after leaving his wife near here prior to the war. Government reports are said to bear out Swope's statement that his father served in the Union army and was promoted from the ranks to a colonel. Elmer Swope will leave with his attorneys for Kansas City wihtin a few days to confer with his Kansas City attorney. He has in his possession of picture of his father taken when he married and the photo is said to greatly resemble the late Western millionaire. He also has in his possession records of his father prior to his marriage in 1859.