CHAUFFER'S DINNER TO A JAG. ~ Profitable Mistake for One Mr. Nichols in Police Holdover.

January 31, 1908

Profitable Mistake for One Mr. Nichols
in Police Holdover.

T. Edward Lickiss, former chauffeur for Dr. J. D. Griffith, 201 East Armour boulevard, was yesterday released from the workhouse and turned over to his brother, G. A. Lickiss, of Percy, Ill., who arrived here in the morning. The young chauffeur was fined $500 in police court Tuesday on a charge of exceeding the speed limit, and given a stay on all but $50.

An amusing incident happened while Lickiss was being held in the holdover. A young woman went down and asked permission to send him a "swell meal, as I know he's hungry." She was given permission and ordered the following from a restaurant in the city market:

Porterhouse steak with mushrooms.
German fried potatoes.
Apple pie.

Not bad for a prisoner in the holdover who would have gotten a "plain chuck with the juice knocked out," a hunk of bread and a tin of inky coffee.

But Lickiss must have been born under an unlucky star. Soujourning in the holdover with him was a man named Nichols. No Nichols was a "safe keeper." He had been on a rip roaring time and had reached the stage where he could have eaten a stewed boot heel or a boiled mink muff. When the woman said to the jailer the food was "for Mr. Lickiss," he understood the woman to say "for Mr. Nichols"

The swell spread arrived promptly and the jailer ushered the big platter into the cell of Nichols, the jag.

"A lady sent this to you," said the jailer. "Didn't leave her name."

"Thanks, awfully, old chap," replied Nichols after he had rubbed his eyes and pinched himself a few times "Didn't know I had a friend on earth"

Nichols then fell to. Lickiss and the others, who had dined on "jail grub" looked on and envied the fortunate man. They all wished that they, too, had a ministering angel as Nichols had -- and Lickiss had a lurking suspicion that he did have. She had been down to see him and had said she would send him a "swell meal" but it had not arrived.

Later in the day it was discovered that Lickiss was "out a meal" and Nichols was "in a meal," but it was too late to remedy it then. Nichols was fast asleep, a calm, satisfied smile playing over his placid features.

HE ASSOCIATED WITH NEGROES. ~ Harry Hopkins Makes Out a Poor Case Against His Comrades.

January 31, 1908

Harry Hopkins Makes Out a Poor
Case Against His Comrades.

The negroes charged with throwing Harry Hopkins, 18 years old, over a twenty-foot embankment after assaulting and cutting him, at 919 Oak street, Nov. 16, were discharged yesterday by Justice Shoemaker. They were Dave Foster and Cleve Penn.

Hopkins worked under his father at the postoffice in the special delivery department. Foster, the negro, had also been employed at that work, and there was evidence that they had been very intimate, even spending nights together in the basement of the Keith and Perry Building, where special delivery boys gathered to gamble and drink.

The two boys, the afternoon of Nov 16, were locked in a room at 919 Oak street with two negro women where there was drinking and card playing. The evidence upon which the judge ordered a discharge was coroborated by five witnesses. It was that Cleve Penn, regular attendant of one of the girls, came from work in the barber shop in the Long Building, rapped, told who he was and Hopkins, evidently under the influence of liquor and fright, jumped through a window, ran around two houses and at full sped plunged into Oak street, twenty feet below. Here he was found by strangers, both wrists cut, his left ankle, right leg and right arm broken. He was treated at the Emergency hospital and taken to the German Hospital, where his life was several times despaired of.

Hopkin's testimony was that he had gone to the place to collect $2 from "Cyclone Dave" Foster, who, he asserted, ruled over a number of the special delivery boys, caling himself the "Invincible King." "Bull of the Mill," a professional pugilist, making them at times pay him money. "Cyclone Dave," however, had a witness to prove that Hopkins that morning got $2 of his money on a note sent to a tailor on Twelfth street. This, he said, was spent for candy and liquor for the girls.

TELEGRAPH GIRL READS SIGNS. ~ And Says There's Winter Weather Coming -- How She Knows.

January 31, 1908

And Says There's Winter Weather
Coming -- How She Knows.

"I predict a long and severe winter," remarked the telegraph girl at the Savoy Hotel yesterday. "How do I know? Oh, by reading the weather signs.

"When I was a wee little girl and lived out on a farm I always could tell what the winter would be like by noting how thick the bark was on the new twigs and observing how large were the supplies of nuts the squirrels stowed away It took me a long while to find out the meaning of the signs in the city where there are no trees or squirrels. But I'm on now. What's the secret?

"Why, there have been three policemen standing in here for two days bundled up in their overcoats and leaning against the radiators."

MARKED HIM WITH WET CHALK. ~ An Independence Bridegroom Bears Away Brands of the Cutups.

January 31, 1908

An Independence Bridegroom Bears
Away Brands of the Cutups.

Walter Erickson of Independence, bridegroom, lost a third of his temper at the Union depot last night when the cutups marked with chalk on the back of his black overcoat.

"I don't mind their marking me," he said, "but they wet the chalk and I shall never be able to brush the marks off."

The bride was Miss Mabel Warnky, daughter of F. C. Warnky of 2424 Wabash avenue. The wedding was at the Warnky home. The couple went to Chicago last night and will ramble East from there during their honeymoon.

BUILDINGS BURN AT SUGAR CREEK. ~ Saloon and Pool Hall Destroyed.

January 30, 1908

Saloon and Pool Hall Destroyed.

The explosion of an oil lamp in Rodman's saloon at Sugar Creek early last night set fire to the building. A call was sent to Independence for assistance but the fire department was not sent out as it was not considered that a water supply could be had sufficient to warrant the services of the department.

The fire department from the Standard Oil refinery worked on the blaze but the building was destroyed. The flames spread to a pool hall next door and this building also was a total loss. The damage is estimated at about $7,000.

MORE MEN ARE VACCINATED. ~ Health Officers Caught 157 in North End Rooming Houses.

January 30, 1908

Health Officers Caught 157 in North
End Rooming Houses.

An impromptu vaccinating expedition was organized at the office of the board of health last night. Drs. H. A. Lane and George Dagg, Harry Heaton, a druggist; Victor Ringolsky, an inspector; and Charles H. Cook, chief clerk at the board of health, constituted the raiders.

The marauders paid their first visit to the Helping Hand annex at 308 Main street, where ninety-two men were cornered and successfully vaccinated. From there they made a rapid flank movement and succeeded in corralling sixty-five more "suspects" in 301 Main street. Patrolman Peter Campbell went along in blue and brass to represent the majesty of the law. One suspicious case was found at 308 Main street. The man is now isolated in the detention room at the emergency hospital until his case can be investigated.

Last Saturday night over 350 men were vaccinated in the North End rooming houses. It is the intention of Dr. Sanders to keep up this gait until every man in that section of the city has been rendered immune -- as far as possible. Few objected last night, and a poke in the ribs by Campbell helped them to make up their minds.

BABY LOST NEAR HOME. ~ Lela Weldon Enjoyed Her Ride to the Police Station.

January 30, 1908

Lela Weldon Enjoyed Her Ride to the
Police Station.

A little girl, almost a baby, pushing an empty go-cart up and down Holmes, Charlotte, and Campbell streets in the vicinity of Fifth street late yesterday afternoon attracted some attention. The little one seemed to be in search of some place, but she kept steadily on, asking no questions.

After two hours of tiresome walking the tot pulled up at a grocery store at Fifth and Holmes streets and announced that she had "lost her mamma and home." She was given a cracker box to rest upon while the police were notified. The tired little one was carried to police headquarters and place in charge of Mrs. Joan Moran, matron.

About 7 o'clock the child's mother, Mrs. J. J. Pearson, 740 Locust street, called for her. She said the baby's name is Lela Neeley Weldon.

"I sent her about a block away for the baby buggy," the mother said, "and when she came out of the house she turned the wrong way. Then she got lost and began to wander about trying to find her home."

It was said by persons who saw little Lela that she was often within a half block of her home. She has lived here but six weeks, coming here with her parents from St. Louis. Most children howl like the Indians when taken in charge by the police, but Lela said she like the ride to the station on the "treet tar."

HUNT GERMS IN STREET CARS. ~ City Chemist Has Been Making Tests With Culture Plates.

January 29, 1908


City Chemist Has Been Making Tests
With Culture Plates.

Are the street cars a menace to public health, and do they carry germs that are producers of disease?

With a view of determining this point the city pure food department and City Chemist Cross have been making tests with culture plates. During the rush hours on the street cars, morning and night, these culture plates have been placed in the Brooklyn, Vine, Rockhill, Troost and Indiana cars. The plates are of glass, and floating germs adhere to their surface.

The exposures show the glasses to be completely covered with atoms of variuos descriptions, but whether these are impregnated with disease germs it will take from three to five days to develop. The plates exposed in the Vine street cars showed the greatest accumulations.

Dr. W. M Cross, the chemist, says that the air is filled with disease-carrying germs which settle on the clothing and shoes of passengers and in that way are carried into cars, and if cleanliness is not maintained that the germs enter the systems of passengers and cause fevers and illness of various degrees.


January 29, 1908


Board Issues Instructions Regarding
When a Man May or May Not
Club or Slap a Person
Under Arrest.

According to a ruling made in a case before the police commissioners at their meeting yesterday, an officer will in future take abuse from persons placed under arrest, and shall not use force to stop such abuses unless the person under arrest shows fight or refuses to be taken to the police station. Patrolman J. J. Waters was before the board charged with hitting Ray W. McMillan, a boy of 18 years old, in the face with his fist. He was suspended for three days, and told hereafter to refrain from hitting a person unless he gave more cause than abusive talk.

Officer Waters testified that McMillan called him names and told a comrade, who was arrested at the same time, not to answer questions asked by the officer. According to McMillans testimony he did these things, but Waters struck him in the mouth because he did and he wanted the officer removed from the police force. McMillan was arrested about midnight at Westport avenue and Main street not long ago.

SAYS HE IS A PICKPOCKET. ~ Man With Much Jewelry Held by Police for Investigation.

January 29, 1908


Man With Much Jewelry Held by
Police for Investigation.

"No, I'm not a burglar. Neither am I a stick-up man. I am a dip, a pickpocket, and a first-class one, too."

The man who made the foregoing remark while looking through the bars of the holdover at police headquarters gives the name of Otto Max. He is a structural ironworker and has hands which are very large, broad and calloused. The police say that a "dip," or pickpocket, always has long, slim hands as soft as a woman's, especially if he is an expert. They think Max has been in the "stick-up" business.

Max was arrested yesterday in a Cherry street boarding house. It was learned that he had given his landlady a gold watch, had given another to a roomer and one was found on him. He had also pawned a gold locket with a chain and a gold pin.

"I got all that stuff while in Fort Smith, Ark, two months ago," Max told Detectives Lyngar and Farrell, who arrested him. "And I got it by picking pockets. I am an expert."

When Max was searched at Central police station, a bunch of fine skeleton and pass keys, ordinarily used by burglars, was found.

Max said that before going to Fort Smith, he had worked at his trade in Seattle, Wash. He blamed the recent financial panic for his downfall. He said that circumstances had forced him to become what he was and that he soon found that he was adapted to that class of "work." He is being held for investigation.

PREDICTS MAYOR'S DEFEAT. ~ Alderman Groves Says He Cannot Be Re-Elected in Spring.

January 28, 1908

Alderman Groves Says He Cannot Be
Re-Elected in Spring.

The defeat of Mayor Beardsley at the polls next spring was predicted in the lower house of the council last night by Alderman Groves, a Republican. Groves objected to the passage of a resolution introduced by Alderman Woolf giving the mayor sole authority to name thirteen freeholders to be voted for at the spring election, April 7, to revise the city charter.

"It is the same resolution passed a year ago. I can see why the alderman objects to this one now," said Alderman Woolf.

"This is not Russia, this is Kansas City, and I, for one, do not propose to delegate the machinery of this whole city to the mayor," replied Groves. "The people of this city sent twenty-eight aldermen here to do the legislative work, and to have the mayor take care of the executive part of it. How do we know that the mayor will be re-elected in the spring -- in fact, I will say to you on the quiet I do not think he will be."

The resolution was passed, Groves casting the only dissenting vote.

THEY'LL FIGHT CONSUMPTION. ~ Negroes Band Together to Battle With the White Plague.

January 28, 1908

Negroes Band Together to Battle
With the White Plague.

Six hundred negroes, eager to fight the white plague, met last night at Allen chapel, Tenth and Charlotte streets, and organized a colored people's branch of the Society for the Relief and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Mayor Beardsley and Dr. R. O. Cross addressed them, explaining in part the plans of the city for a tuberculosis sanitarium.

Among the negro speakers who followed, several declared that there will be vigorous work done now to educate their own people who are living in crowded tenements as to how to fight tuberculosis. Also it was said that the negroes will contrubute their part financially to the proposed $10,000 fund to be given to the city by way of destroying the idea that it is a city charity for paupers.

The negro society's officers are Dr. J. E. Dipple, president; W. C. Houston, secretary; Professor R. W. Foster, treasurer; Rev. F. Jesse Peck, chairman of the executive committee.

Others who spoke were: Dr. E. B. Ramsey, Dr. W. L Tompkins, Dr. A. E. Walker, Dr. J. E. Perry, Nelson, Crews, and Mrs. Cora Calloway, a trained nurse.

CRUSHED BY WAGON WHEELS. ~ Miguel Condino, 5 Years Old, Killed While at Play in the Street.

January 28, 1908

Miguel Condino, 5 Years Old, Killed
While at Play in the Street.

Miguel Condino, 5 years old, was killed in Missouri avenue near Gillis street yesterday afternoon by being run down by a candy wagon. He was knocked down by the horses, the front wheels passed over his neck and the rear wheels had to be lifted from his crushed skull. The boy, a son of Dominick Condino, a laborer, lived at 725 Missouri avenue.

The wagon which crushed the child belonged to the Brown-Gibbons Candy Company, jobbers, 547 Walnut street, and was driven by W. H. Brown, senior member of the firm. Brown, who lives at 305 Walrond avenue, wept bitterly after the accident. After the boy had been taken into his home nearby Brown drove immediately to police headquarters and surrendered. He was released on his own recognizance.

"I was driving west on Missouri avenue at an ordinary gait," Brown said in his statement to police. "As I cleared an alley between Gillis and Harrison streets, four or five small boys scampered out to the south right in front of my team. I was not driving fast. I never drive fast through that district, as there are always children in the streets. I called, 'Look out there,' to the boys and one of them -- the little fellow who was killed -- turned and ran directly into my near horse. He was knocked down. To show that I was not driving very fast, I stopped my team by the time the rear wheels caught the boy. I have a little child of my own and the accident was a great shock to me. I did all I could to prevent it."

An inquest will probably be held.

WIFE WANTS PUGH'S MONEY. ~ But Finds That Suicide's Mother and Brother Have It.

January 28, 1908

But Finds That Suicide's Mother and
Brother Have It.

The suicide of W. A. Pugh at 721 East Eighth street, Saturday evening, threatens complications regarding the disposition made of his money and jewelry by the emergency hospital authorities. The brother, W. G. Pugh, went with the mother to the hospital and was given the $234 in money and diamonds amounting to several hundred more.

Yesterday the wife returned from Waterloo, Ia. She was told that W. G. Pugh had made affidavit that the suicide had never been married and had no wife, thereby obtaining the property. Dr. J. P. Neal, however, who was in charge of the hospital and after searching the body took charge of the valuables, said that W. G. Pugh gave no affidavit but only a receipt for the articles. Coroner Thompson, who, by virtue of his office, ordinarily takes charge of a victim's property, says that the custom is, where the emergency hospital people have searched a body before death, that he does not receive the property from them.

The wife insists that she and Pugh were married six years ago. She came direct from her train to Stine's morgue to view the body, and found the mother and brother present. The three conversed, the wife telling the others that she had written him she was coming back. It was later, at the emergency hospital, that she learned that his valuables had been turned over to his family.

Mrs. Pugh, before marriage, was employed in a restaurant and studied two years to be a trained nurse. W. G. Pugh, the brother, has remained single and lives with the mother at 3622 Independence avenue.

FAVOR FREE NIGHT SCHOOLS. ~ Plans Will Be Discussed by Mercantile Club Tonight.

January 27, 1908

Plans Will Be Discussed by Mer-

cantile Club Tonight.

At tonight's meetin gof the Mercantile Club of Kansas City, Kas., the esta

AUTOMOBILE RAN OVER HIM. ~ After He Had Been Assaulted by Highwayman and Robbed.

January 27, 1908

After He Had Been Assaulted by
Highwayman and Robbed.

Being slugged, robbed and run over by an automobile within the space of an hour, and coming out of it all without serious injury, is what happened to John Meyer, 2425 Locust street, last night at 12:30 o'clock while he was on his way home. As he started to walk across Gillham road at Twenty-third street he was assaulted by a man who struck him over the head. This rendered Meyer unconscious and he lay in the steret for several minutes after the assault.

An automobile happened along at that time, and the driver, not seeing the fallen man, ran completely over him. He then stopped his machine, notified the police and took the unconscious man to the hospital, where his owunds were dressed. When he was able to talk he told the officers that he had been robbed of a little over $2. A pipe, a handkerchief and some matches were found lying upon the ground where he had fallen, indicating that his pockets had been rifled.

After emergency treatment at the hospital he was taken to his home. The name of the automobile driver was not learned.

GIRLS' HOME OPENS IN NEW QUARTERS. ~ Object of the Organization Is to Afford Refuge to Friendless and Inexperienced Working Girls.

January 26, 1908

Object of the Organization Is to
Afford Refuge to Friendless
and Inexperienced
Working Girls.

After many months of enforced idleness, the Girls' Home Association, an organization for maintaining for young women a good boarding place at a moderate price, has resumed work. In a beautiful new home that fairly shies with fresh paper and paint, the association opened its doors last week to receive all who come. The home, which is located at 612-614 West Eleventh street, was bought several months ago. It was known then as the "Endicott," and was an old-fashioned three-story brick residence. It was so old-fashioned, in fact, that many a woman would have been discouraged in the attempt to make it modern and comfortable. Mrs. John W. Wagner, the president of the association, realized the possibilities of the quaint home, and after three months of untiring effort she has succeeded in making it a most attractive place.

"And the house, with its furniture, amounting to $12,000, is all paid for," Mrs. Wagner exclaimed enthusiastically as she displayed the comforts of the home.. "We can accommodate fifty girls now and more if necessary, for we are never to turn away any girl who wants to come. We are going to find a place for them all somehow. As soon as we begin to turn away, the great object of the home has failed."

The last home of the association was at 1432 Baltimore avenue. This house, which was owned by the association, was left thirty feet "in the air" when Baltimore avenue was graded and it was necessary to vacate. Thirty girls were living in the home at that time.


The present home, since it has been modernized, will prove much more cheerful than the old. On ground floor the partitions on one side of the house have been torn out to make a long living room, which extends the entire length of the house.. This room has been decorated in shades of dull blue. In one end is a fireplace with cozy corners on either side. A huge window seat with the coverings and pillows in dull blue burlap occupies the other. Several good water colors hang on the walls and pretty soft blue sanitary rugs cover the floors.

On the opposite side of the hall from the living room are the long dining rooms and kitchens, all as complete as the most fastidious housekeeper could desire. It is in this kitchen that the members of the board of the association will teach the young women how to cook. The cooking school is to be open every afternoon and any young woman may attend. Ultimately, too, the home wants to teach these girls how to become mistresses of their own homes. The two upper floors of the home are all sleeping rooms, have pretty sanitary rugs, a dresser, a bed and washstand and comfortable chairs. Each room has a large closet. Mrs. Wagner and her corps of assistants have taken a great deal of care in making the home sanitary. Everything in it is washable. A great deal of care was expended, too, in the selection of the decorations, and rugs and papers harmonize beautifully.

Every girl in the house will pay $3.75 a week for her board. Provision has also been made for the young women out of work. Two dormitory rooms have been set aside for them. They will be taken care of by the association until positions can be found for them and they are able to pay their own way. The home is only for girls of small means, and when it is found that the young woman is earning more than $10 or $12 a week she will be persuaded to go somewhere else.

The Girls' Home Association was originally founded to help the young women who come into the city from the surrounding country and villages in quest of employment, without friends and many with little or no means and with but small appreciation of their own helplessness. This will be one of the great works of the present home and in all of the depots in the city neatly framed little signs will be put up bearing the name of the house and the location. "Instructions on Cooking Every Afternoon"; "An Attractive Home for Young Women of Limited Means"; "Girls Out of Employment Temporarily Cared For," are the inducements held out to the new arrivals. A house mother will superintend the care of the home and it is expected that the girls will co-operate with her in everything. Only good behavior is required of the young women, for there are no house rules.

The Girls' Home Association is to be self-supporting as far as possible, but an income of $60 a month has been subscribed by a number of business men to met the monthly deficit.

The first home for working girls was opened in 1901 in a leased house at 805 Forest avenue. Fifteen girls lived there. The girls organized a club called the Hybho Club." They got the name by taking the first letters of the words, "Help yourselves by helping others." In June, 1902, the club bought the property at 1432 Baltimore avenue, and in August the "Girls' Home Association was formally incorporated.

WILL BE TREELESS IN FIFTY YEARS. ~ Condition Which Foresters Say Confronts Southwest.

January 26, 1908

Condition Which Foresters
Say Confronts Southwest.

Lumber dealers of Kansas City and the states of Missouri, Knasas, Arkansas and Oklahoma generally, are centering all interest upon their twentieth annual convention, which is to begin in the city Tuesday morning. Between 1,500 and 2,000 of them have notified Secretary Harry A. Gorsuch of their intention to attend. Among these, at least 500 will be women, perhaps teh largest percentage of women that ever atended a purely commercial convention in this city.

All the indications point to the most important series of meetings in the history of the association during the three days the convention will last. Matters of such weighty imporance as the government efforts at forest preservation and the institution of the parcels post will occupy a great deal of the time, and the discussions upon these are to be led by some of the most important authorities upon the subjects to be secured in the whole United States. It is expected that these will attract not only the lumbermen of the Southwestern district, but of the entire West.

Overton Price, chief assistant forester of the department of the interior, will be the chief speaker upon the matter of forest preservation. His talk will be particularly interesting in view of the recent statistics compiled about the forests of Arkansas, one of the most important to the Southwestern district. It has been ascertained that there are about 100,000,000,000 feet of standing timber in that state, of which 20,000,000,000 is pine. In the year 1906 the total cut in that state was 2,000,000,000 feet, the largest in history. It is estimated that at this rate, in fifty years this will all be cut, assuming that growth will be offset by the deforestation and waste.

In Mr. Overton's address he will outline the plan whereby the government proposes to eliminate the extravagant wastes with which the forests in that state have been slaughtered. A large delegation from Arkansas will be present to learn the plans proposed and to secure hastiest cooperation with the government.

MUCH MONEY GOING ABROAD. ~ Foreigners Are Emigrating Back to Native Countries.

January 25, 1908

Foreigners Are Emigrating Back to
Native Countries.

Postmaster J. H. Harris's reports show that more money orders are being bought to transmit money abroad than ever before in the history of Kansas City, the presumption being that the business is part of a general move of the immigrants back to their native lands during the current period when there is little work going on in the way of railroad construction. The local labor fields do not show the loss of any men, but that is accounted for by the labor agents who say that while their countrymen are going home steadily their places here are being filled by immgrants working their way from the West to the seaboard.

HE STRUCK MANAGER WILSON. ~ Policeman Malloy Objected to Testimony Before Judge Kyle.

January 25, 1908

Policeman Malloy Objected to Testi-
mony Before Judge Kyle.

James Malloy, a special policeman, yesterday attacked Clinton Wilson, manager of the Majestic theater, in the lobby of the playhouse, striking Wilson with his club. Maloy had complained about a dance given by some of the women in Wilson's theater. Wilson was in police court yesterday, but Malloy did not appear to prosecute and the case was dismissed.

Malloy objected to the testimony given by Wilson, as reported in an evening newspaper, and the assault on the manager followed. Charges have been preferred against Malloy and Manager Wilson will ask his dismissal from the force.

RULES FOR SANITARY DRINKING. ~ As Practiced by the Redcaps at Union Station.

January 25, 1908

As Practiced by the Redcaps at Union

If you have frequented the Union depot and have ever noticed one of the redcaps drinking from a cup in the waiting room, you have observed that he lifted the cup in his left hand. A guard caught drinking this way was asked about it yesterday.

"No, I am not left-handed," he replied, "but practically everybody is right-handed. So when I lift the cup to my lips and with my left hand, I can use the side of the cup which has not been in a hundred mouths in the course of the previous hour. See?"

DEAF MUTE FUNERAL SERVICE. ~ Body of James Jarrett Buried in Elmwood Cemetery.

January 25, 1908

Body of James Jarrett Buried in Elm-
wood Cemetery.

A deaf mute funeral service was held at Stine's chapel yesterday afternoon. It was for James Jarrett, a shoemaker, who lived at 3615 Independence avenue with his wife, who is also a mute, and a son almost grown. Rev. Jensen of the German Lutheran church officiated, delivering his sermon audibly at the same time as with the sign language of deaf mutes. About forty of them attended and a number of other friends. A deaf mute congregation worships every other Sunday afternoon at a church at Sixteenth and Cherry streets. The body of Mr. Jarrett was buried in Elmwood cemetery.

SNOW STORM HERE TODAY. ~ Connor Says White Flakes Are Due in Kansas City.

January 25, 1908

Connor Says White Flakes Are Due in
Kansas City.

A snowstorm is promised by P. Connor, the local weather observer, for Kansas City and vicinity for today.

"There ought to be some here before morning," said Mr. Connor yesterday. "All the indications point to a fall of flakes, and if Kansas City gets left out it will be because of some unexpected change. Anyway, you'll be safe in getting out your overshoes."

WILL SEARCH FOR GOLD. ~ Ginger Club Gives Citizens a Chance to Find Money.

January 25, 1908

Ginger Club Gives Citizens a Chance
to Find Money.

An order for $10 and two others for $5 each will be among the 2,000 slips of paper to be hidden in every available place no Twelfth street from McGee to Oak today by the Ginger Club, and improvement association. The orders when presented to members of the association named on the slip will be paid in gold. The hunt for the pieces of paper, which is open to everybody, will begin at 1 o'clock.

The Ginger Club is taking this novel means to advertise the "300" block on East Twelfth street, which is being improved by the club, Ginger snaps and coffee will be served to the participants in the hunt.


January 24, 1908


Edward Horliss Killed His Mother-
in-Law Because She Protected
His Wife -- Baby in
Court Room.

The appearance of a 7-months-old babe, daughter of Edward Horliss, in its mother's arms in the criminal court room yesterday afternoon, probably saved Horliss from being sentenced to hang. He was on trial for the murder of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Susan Selby, in her home at 542 North Prospect avenue, in June of 1907. Prosecuting Attorney Isaac B. Kimbrell was ready to appear before the jury in behalf of the state and urge that Horliss be given the extreme penalty for his crime, which was most brutal. But when he saw the child in its mother's arms, realizing the disgrace it would bring upon it in after years, he recommended, after talking with the witnesses for the state, that the court accept the plea of guilty which Horliss was ready to enter in order to escape the gallows. Judge Wallace accepted the plea, and Horliss was sentenced to life imprisonment.

His eyes were glaring, his teeth set firmly, showing no sign of emotion. Horliss entered the court room about 1 o'clock to await his fate. Beside him was his mother, Mrs. Mary Tribe of Randolph, Mo., a little, bent woman, who showed signs of months of worry because of the disgrace brought upon her by her son, yet standing by him and giving every evidence of a mother's love.

Before consenting to have the court accept the plea of guilty, Prosecutor Kimbrell called the state's witnesses into private consultation and asked what they wished done in the matter. Most of the asked that Horliss be given the prison sentence and stated that the dying request of Mrs. Selby was that her son-in-law not be hanged. Mr. Kimbrell then talked with the wife of the murderer, who was carrying the infant in her arms, and she, too asked that the court accept the plea of guilty and not hang her husband, although she was a strong witness for the state and not willing for him to have less than a life sentence.

Horliss then stood before the court and was asked if he and anything to say before he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He bent his head and answered "no." When the sentence had been imposed he seemed much more cheerful than before and smiled. He later expressed himself as being satisfied that he had escaped the gallows. Not once during the time he was in the court room did he even glance toward his wife and child.

The murder of Mrs. Susan Selby resulted from a quarrel between Horliss and his wife. Horliss was a hard drinker. He was married to Mrs. Horliss eight years ago. They had five children, three of whom are dead. Some time before the murder Horliss began to abuse his wife and would not support her. Mrs. Horliss left her husband and went to live with her mother, the latter not allowing her to return to him. This angered Horliss. He went to the home of his mother in law and fired three shots into her body, two of them after she had fallen to the floor. The infant which saved its father from hanging was born the day after the murder.

SHE WANTED TO JOIN ARMY. ~ But Changed Her Mind When It Came to Final Test.

January 24, 1908

But Changed Her Mind When It Came
to Final Test.

While the sergeant at the local recruiting station yesterday was busy at his desk there came a timid rap at the office door. "Come in," called he as he turned about in his chair. The door opened and a young man dressed in stylish clothes, and who had wavy chestnut hair under a rakish had, advanced towards the sergeant, blushing profusely.

"Is this the army station?" asked he. "Well, I would like to join the army if I can be stationed at St. Louis." This sounded a little strange to the sergeant, so he inquired why he was so particular about going to St. Louis. Again the blush mounted on the applicant's cheeks, and he stammered an unintelligible reply.

"Well, yes," he said slowly. "I guess that we can take you on and send you to St. Louis, too. You look like a good man and I think that you could bear up under hard drilling which will be given you for the first three or four months. Just step into the other room there and let the corporal examine you."

Falteringly the applicant entered the ante-room where the physical examinations are held. The corporal tested eyes, hearing and length of arms. They were all satisfactory. "Just walk back there and remove your clothes, please," said he.

This was too much for the applicant and he began to cry. The astonished corporal could not understand, but the hard-hearted sergeant was standing in the doorway, laughing.

"I can't do that," sobbed the girl, "because, because I am n-not a man; I am a girl. I didn't think that I would have to go through all of this to get in the army. I wanted to go to St. Louis to see my sweetheart who enlisted a month ago. I thought that this would be the only way," and she ran from the room, crying as if her heart would break.

NEGROES DON'T WANT TO MOVE. ~ Firemen Object to Going to Even Eighteenth and Vine Streets.

January 24, 1908

Firemen Object to Going to Even
Eighteenth and Vine Streets.

An old row has broken out in the fire department over the color scheme, through the building of a double fire house facing the old baseball grounds on Independence avenue. No. 11, a negro company, has been in this district for many years. Now that a new station with facilities for two companies is being completed, preparations are being made to transfer this negro company to Eighteenth and Vine streets, where No. 10, a white company, now is, and send that company to Independence avenue to share the new station with some other white company.

The negroes do not want to go to the Vine street station and wire pulling has started. Property owners have got into the fight and the alderman, Lapp, is in all sorts of trouble.

"But the change will be made," said an official yesterday. "The chief runs the department and he has the right to change companies about. He knows that the district on Independence avenue has built up, and that there are flats built close to the fire station. He knows that a white and a negro company could not get along as well together in the same headquarters as two white companies, and all of us know that the negro firemen will find more of their people at Eighteenth and Vine streets than they have now in Independence avenue."

VALUABLE MAN FOR THE ARMY. ~ Might Enlist if They'd Go to Silver Lake and See Him.

January 24, 1908

Might Enlist if They'd Go to Silver
Lake and See Him.

"Talking about peculiar letters," siad a corporal in the army recruiting station yesterday, "Here are two which we got this morning. Did you ever see anything so funny?"
Dear Recruiting Man: I see that you want to get some new fellows to
join the army and thought that I would write to tell you that if you needed me
you could run out here to Silver Lake and talk to me about it. Maybe I
would join.

The letter was signed, Robert Frankle, Silver Lake, Kas.

"Here's the other letter, I'll read it to you," continued the corporal.
Dear Gentlemen: Another boy and I have been reading the papers every
day and we have thought it over and if him or I had any thing to do with the war
we said that we would have Germany to come over here and fight on land and let
the U. S. fight on water. Because I don't think that America could hold
her place because the Japs are pretty good on water and I think that they are on
land two. But I don't think that they could last very long with U. S.
Because they have just had a fight with Russia and I thought that they had lost
an enormous amount of men. If Germany would come over here and help
America and if they brought their balloons with them we thought that there would
not be many Japs left for America to lick. Well I think that they ought to
be run off the world. And somebody ought to rub their name off the
map. If the U. S. do have War I hope them (Seccess). Answer and tell
us if we have the right idea. Very truly yours, Harold J. Meyer, Armours
Packing co.

"How's that for patriotism, eh?"

WANTED ROOMS WITH DRAFTS. ~ Alaskans Were Looking for Cold, Italians for Warmth.

January 24, 1908

Alaskans Were Looking for Cold,
Italians for Warmth.

"Five nice cold rooms, please, with a draft in each."

The keeper of the register in the Savoy hotel dropped his pen and straightened to face ten men in double fur coats standing by the counter.

"Yes, we want cold rooms," resumed the spokesman. "We're the basketball team from Nome, Alaska. At the athletic club tonight, you know."

"All right," says the clerk, "and if the row on the top floor facing north doesn't suit, I'll have beds made up in the roof garden."

The next comers were members of the Italian grand opera company, which sings at the Willis Wood this week's end.

"It iss so cold here," said a little miss with her chin drawn down into her fur boa. "You have the very warm rooms for us, is it not?"

"Yes," said the clerk.

COURT TAKES SIX CHILDREN. ~ From the Hughes Maternity Hospital on Washington Avenue.

January 23, 1908

From the Hughes Maternity Hospital
on Washington Avenue.

Probate Judge Van B. Prather of Kansas City, Kas., who also presides over the juvenile court, yesterday held a session of his court at the maternity hospital on Washington avenue, conducted by Dr. U. S. G. Hughes. Six babies recently born at the institution were declared wards of the court on the grounds that they were neglected and dependent.

These infants must now be adopted through legal process of the juvenile court Heretofore the babies have been given away without the adoption being made a matter of public record. A short time ago Judge Prather decided that all children born in and offered for adoption at any maternity hospital should first be declared wards of the court, and all adoptions be made legal.


January 23, 1908


Promising Work at Clay Center,
Kas., at Good Wages -- Some
of Them Gave Their
Last Dollar.

After waiting in the Union station for more than three hours last night for the appearance of a new employer, more than forty laborers and masons discovered that they had been cleverly swindled out of about $40 in cash. The matter was reported to the police.

A party of Italian laborers also waited at the station last night for a new employer to take them out on a train and he, too, failed to put in an appearance.

Advertisments were placed in several saloons in the downtown districts a few days ago for fifty laborers to go to Clay Center, Kas., to work in excavating and wall building for a new telephone exchange, and also some city work. Applicants were told to apply to the Missouri saloon, 803 Delaware street yesterday. When the purported agent appeared there were at least 200 laborers in front of the saloon looking for work. Each man was required to deposit $1 to guarantee that the laborers would appear at the Union depot at 5 o'clock last night, ready to take a Rock Island train for Clay Center. They were told they would get the $1 back when they had worked a week, and also that the agent would pay their railroad fare.

About forty men went to the Union station last night as directed. The new employer did not appear and about 7 o'clock they returned to the Missouri saloon in search of him, but he could not be found. A. P. T. Wilson, Jr., proprietor of the Missouri saloon, telephoned to the sheriff at Clay Center last night and was informed that there was no work of any kind there that would require the shipment of any laborers from Kansas City, and the work described by the agent was not in process, or contemplated. The laborers had been promised 20 cents an hour and the stonemasons 45 cents an hour. All of the men who gave him the money were out of work and many of them gave their last dollar in hope of securing employment. Many of the men have families and are in poor circumstances.

TRAMPLED OLD MAN IN PANIC. ~ Passengers Rushed From Vine Street Car Over His Prostrate Body.

January 22, 1908

Passengers Rushed From Vine Street
Car Over His Prostrate Body.

The burning out of the controller of a Vine street car at Nineteenth and Vine streets last night, at 8 o'clock, resulted in a severe trampling for A. T. Gehn, 60 years old. He was on the front platform. The passengers were stampeded by the burst of flame and sound, and knocked Geha from the car to the ground. Then all stumbled over him. His face was tramped and cut and his back severely sprained. A police ambulance was called and took him to his home, 2310 Vine street, where later in the evening he was able to sit up. It was impossible last night to determine the extent of his injuries.

DOG CALLED CENTRAL; POLICEMAN RESPONDED. ~ Joyful Bowwows When Officer Entered the Home.

January 22, 1908

Joyful Bowwows When Officer
Entered the Home.

Nakomis is a dog, he is a beautiful Scotch Collie with almost human intelligence, consequently he gets very lonesome when left by himself. He lives at 1721 McGee street with Robert Stoll and his wife. When it happens that both Stoll and his wife are away from home, a little girl who lives next door keeps Nakomis company in her home.

Yesterday morning Mrs. Stoll left her home to go shopping. Forgetting that the dog was in the house, she locked the doors and went on her way. Soon Nakomis had a strong desire for caresses and scampered about the house to find his mistress. No one answered to his pleading barks and no human was in the house. The feeling of lonesomeness began to grow upon him.

Now, as has been said, Nakomis is a dog of almost human intelligence. He had been taught to bark through the telephone to his master at his place of business. Thought he had been taught to talk through the instrument, no one had shown him how to take the receiver off the hook. This did not long disturb him, however, and he soon knocked the receiver down with his paws, barking all the while.

"Number, please. What number," called the gentle voice of the operator over the wire. "Hello-hello."

But no answer came back to her, save the barking of a dog. Believing that something was wrong in the house, the operator called up the Walnut street police station and told the officers that there was trouble of some kind at 1721 McGee street, it was murder from the way it sounded. Officer Robert Dunlop was detailed to see what the matter was at that address. When he neared the house he, too, heard the loud barking on the inside.

Drawing his revolver he forced his way into the house and was greeted with joyful barks and playful leaps from Nakomis. He had someone to play with at last. The officer went to the phone and found the instrument lying upon the floor.

HER HUSBAND TOOK THE BOY. ~ And Mrs. Mary E. Brown Tried to End Her Life With Poison.

January 21, 1908

And Mrs. Mary E. Brown Tried to
End Her Life With Poison.

More than a week ago Silas Brown, a driver for the American Butter Company, 540 Walnut street, left his wife, Mary E. Brown, and went to live with his mother at Seventh and Oak streets, taking with him a 2-year-old adopted boy. The wife continued living alone at 1214 East Eighth street, pining for the child. Last night she visited her husband and his mother, and begged them to let her have the boy . It is said they received her coldly, and refused her request.

Returning to her home Mrs. Brown took poison, and notified a friend of her act. She was removed to emergency hospital, where the physicians worked over her until 1 o'clock this morning, at which time she revived sufficiently to tell them what drove her to the attempt upon her life. She did not say w hat kind of poison she had taken, but the doctors believed it to be strychnine. It is thought that she will recover.

Mrs. Brown in 23 years of age, and comely.

BECAUSE DEFENDANT IS NEGRO. ~ Two Jurymen Declare They Could Not Give Him a Fair Trial.

January 21, 1908

Two Jurymen Declare They Could Not
Give Him a Fair Trial.

The state's attorneys had secured a jury of twelve in the criminal court yesterday to try Charles McKenzie for the murder of Everett Washington only after much difficulty. Ten of the panel of fifty-seven were excused because they had scruples against the infliction of the death penalty, and two because they said they were prejudiced against McKenzie because he is a negro.

"I have been reading so much about crimes of negroes recently," said one of the two, Alvis H. Gonnelly, a lumberman, "that I am much prejudiced against them. It will take a lot of evidence, I fear, to prove to me that a negro was not guilty."


January 20, 1908



"Do Not Trifle With a Man as If He
Were a Dog," the Last
Words by Lem-
Earl Lemmon.

Because Nellie Hickey, 2521 Myrtle avenue, had broken her engagement to marry him, Earl Lemmon, 24 years old, killed himself in his room at Twenty-sixth and Mersington streets yesterday afternoon. Less than two hours after he had bed Miss Hickey a cheerful adieu, his body was found lying across a bed in his room, a 38 caliber pistol lying beside it and a wound in the head revealing the course of the bullet. Upon a table near by the coroner found the following letter:

To All of My Friends. Please forgive me for what I am about to do. I have suffered as no one knows in the last four or five months, but cannot stand it any longer. You will find my plicey at Mrs. Hanifin's. One deed to a lot at Thirty-third and Brighton, a deed to two lots on Leeds road in that box also. If hell is any worse than what I have went through with, I am willing to welcome it.Mr. Cook, you will find a few bills unpaid. If my brothers care for me, they owe me enough to pay all my bills. Give my watch to Mr. Cook and my ring to Nellie. You don't konw what I went through with for you, and you shall never know. But be square next time. Do not trifle with a man as if he was a dog, because they bite back. I must stop now. God bless you. Love and best wishes to Nellie. (Signed) EARL.
(P. S.) God forgive me for this. Goodby all. What money I had I lost some six or seven months ago in a freind-turn-you-down-style.


Beside this letter was found a souvenir postcard with the photograph of a girl upon it. Upon this card, scrawled in the dead man's handwriting, were the words: "Twenty kisses; goodby, Nellie. Be a good girl."

Young Lemmon was employed by Clayton E. Cook of the Home Produce Company at 2446 Cleveland. He roomed in the home of Clarence Stumpff, a fellow employe, in a cottage near Twenty-sixth and Mersington streets. During the eighteen months he had been in the employ of Mr. Cook he was said to have been a sober, industrious, hard working young man. He had managed to save a little money which he had invested in real estate.

Early yesterday morning he called at the home of Miss Hickey. About n oon he returned to his room and ended his life.

Miss Hickey is the daughter of Lawrence Hickey, a Missouri Pacific switchman. She was very much distressed at the news. When she was seen at her home several hours after the suicide, her eyes were swollen with weeping.

Miss Nellie Hickey, Lost Love of Earl Lemmon.
For the Loss of Whose Love Earl Lemmon Ended His Life.

"Earl and I have been sweethearts from childhood," she said. "We have been betrothed for several years. But he was insanely jealous of me, and several months ago I broke off the engagement on that account. At that time he threatened to kill himself, but I never thought he would do it. He seemed very much grieved because I had received attentions from other young men, but I didn't think ghe took it so much to heart. This morning he called upon me and we chatted pleasantly. When he started home, he called out, 'Goodby Nell,' very cheerfully. There was nothing in his manner that indicated he was thinking of killing himself.

The story was corroborated by Mr. and Mrs. Hickey. Both said there had never been any parental objections to the affair between their daughter and Lemmon, and that ever since the engagement was broken off the young man had been on terms of close friendship with the family.

Lemmon has a brother, bert Lemmon, who lives at the home of a Mrs. Hanifin at 3315 East Twenty-second street. He has four other brothers, a foster sister, who lives in Armourdale, and his father, who lives in California.

RAN AROUND IN SCANT ATTIRE. ~ Peter Mettlach Raced the Streets in Unseasonable Raiment.

January 20, 1908

Peter Mettlach Raced the Streets in
Unseasonable Raiment.

Running races with automobiles and street cars in his underclothes was the strange pastime of Peter Mettlach of 901 East Eighteenth street last night. Mettlach was placed in a sanitarium at Thirty-first street and Euclid avenue about two weeks ago.

Last night about 7 o'clock he told a nurse that he wanted to go home. She refused to give him his clothes, telling him that he was not in condition to go home yet. Mettlach, however, took a different view of the situation and went on back into his room on the second floor of the house, opened up a window and climbed down the fire escape and to freedom. He then entered his wild gambols over the southeast part of the city.

Patrolmen from No. 9 and No. 5 police stations were detailed to pick him up. After several hours he was seen by the motorman of a Swope park car, running by the side fo the car. Seeing the man in his underclothes, bareheaded and barefooted, the motorman stopped the car and urged the man to get in the car. When the car arrived at Forty-eighth and Harrison streets two policemen took the man on up to Thirty-first and Troost avenue, where his relatives met him with some clothes and took him home.

FIERCE ENCOUNTER WITH DOG. ~ Frank Warren, After Being Bitten, Quited Beast With a Brick.

January 20, 1908

Frank Warren, After Being Bitten,
Quited Beast With a Brick.
The neighborhood of bright new cottages and freshly cut streets surrounding the corner of Twenty-second street and Lister avenue was all agog for two hours last night because of an encounter between a watchdog and a carpenter.

Frank Warren, the carpenter, was walking south and nearing Twenty-second street on the new Lister avenue cement walk, when the dog leaped out at him and seized both coat tails in his mouth. Warren shook the beast loose only to find him around in front, snapping at his hands. The dog finally made a leap for Warren's throat and the latter seized him by the neck and tried to strangle him. A hand to tooth encounter ensued, which drew heads to every window in the block. It was only after Warren's hands had been scratched and torn, that he choked the venom out of the dog.

Then Warren carried the animal into a lot where a house was being buit and threw teh animal on the freshly turned clay and hammered his head with a new brick with sharp corners. He left the dog for dead and walked across Twenty-second street to the Luce-Weed drug store. The pharmacist boud up his bleeding hands, called a physician and sent Warren to his room at the corner of Fifteenth street and Lawn avenue in a carriage.

A mounted policeman from No. 6 station arrived shortly and, after looking the dog over, decided not to shoot it.

"He has had puunishment enough," said the policeman.

Two hours later, at 11:00, someone telephoned in from the corner that the dog had revived and crawled to a cottage, where he is alleged to regularly reside.

CAN'T REMEMBER HIS NAME. ~ Memory of Mysterious City Hospital Patient Slowly Returning.

January 20, 1908

Memory of Mysterious City Hospital
Patient Slowly Returning.

The man who was taken to the general hospital the day after Christmas unable to talk or use his fingers to write, and yet showed normal intelligence and a constant desire to talk has partly regained the use of his vocal organs. But it developes that his memory is incomplete on such important points as his own nameand the town where he belongs. His first name, he thinks, is John and his town, he believes, is forty miles north of Joplin on the Kansas City Southern railway. His employment, he says, has been railroad work under a cousin of his, Mack Adams, who is a grading sub-contractor on the Kansas City Southern. So far the man Adams cannot be located.

J. S. Stevenson, a Bentonville, Ark., newspaper man who as in the city last week, talked with the man on learning that he had spoken of Bentonville. The patient recognized the names of several Bentonville people andto these the hospital authorities are going to send photographs for possible identification.

Other statements so far secured from him are that he has not worked for four months, that he came to Kansas City on a pass, being told he could get medical treatment here, and that he at one time had a partial paralysis, of one side. The hospital authorities surmise that he has a growth on t he brain due to blood poisoning. By this minds are sometimes so affected. The man was picked up unconscious in the West bottoms.

PLAN TO "GINGER UP" ~ Improvement Spreads West; Baseball Club Formed.

January 19, 1908

Improvement Spreads West; Baseball
Club Formed.

Not satisfied with its work in gingering up the 300 block of East Twelfth street, from McGee to Oak streets, the Ginger Club has now decided to begin a campaign to improve all of Twelfth street in the downtown district, hang flaming arc lights on artistic brackets from each trolley pole, and call it "The Great White Way.

The merchants on Eleventh street, from Main to Walnut have an advantage in that they are located on Petticoat Lane, a name that everybody recognizes," said E. J. Richards, president of the Ginger Club yesterday. "We want the women to know that ours is the cleanest block on the city, and the brightest at night."

"Even the negro porters in the block are getting interested. Several of them have been to me today to know what they can do to help. 'We want to do our best,' they said."


Last night the Ginger Club organized a baseball club at the office of the secretary, L. J. Galbert, 309 East Twelfth street, and has issued a challenge to the Kansas City Athletic Club to play a game of indoor baseball on Washington's birthday. The Ginger Club has secured some of the best semi-professional baseball talent in the city, including men from Iowa and Kansas state leagues.

LODGED BETWEEN THE TIES. ~ And That Fact Saved Iowa Man's Life on "L" Road.

January 19, 1908

And That Fact Saved Iowa Man's
Life on "L" Road.

Scott Lewis, who says his home is at Osceola, Ia., was struck by a car on the "L" road at the State line station last night at about 9 o'clock, sustaining serious injuries. He had been taking in the "Wet Block" just east of the State line on the Missouri side and was standing on the elevated structure waiting for a car when the accident occurred. He was removed to No. 1 police station in Kansas City, Kas., where his injuries were dressed by Police Surgeon Tenney.

While Lewis's injuries, which consist of several wounds on the head, are not considered dangerous, his escape from instant death is regarded almost miraculous. The car struck him while he was standing on the trestle which is about thirty feet above the street level. He lodged between the ties.

HE SAYS A WOMAN SHOT HIM. ~ Blind man May Not Recover From His Wounds.

January 18, 1907

Blind man May Not Recover From
His Wounds.

T. A. McMillen, the blind man who was found in a stairway at 601 Delaware street late Thursday night bleeding from a bullet hole in his neck and another in his chest, lies at the emergency hospital in critical condition. He insists that he was shot by a woman as he ascended that stairway. Stella Arwood, a woman who runs a rooming house at 601 Delaware,who was arrested soon after McMillen was taken from the hallway, was arraigned late yesterday afternoon before Justice Shepard on a charge of assault with intent to kill. Her plea was not guilty and she was released on a bond of $1,200 to appear in the same court next Wednesday for a preliminary hearing. The shooting still remains a mysterdy to the police. McMillen is said to have been seen in a saloon in company of an unknown man shortly before he was shot.

James Gibson and William Bulger of 1031 Cherry street, who formerly lived in Harrison county, where they knew McMillen, saw in The Journal yesterday an account of his accident, and called on him at the emergency hospital. From them it was learned that the blind man had been married twice. His first wife is dead, but a son, Albert McMillen, now lives in Gentryville, Mo. . Ten years ago he married Miss Jennie Strong in Harrison county, but they soon separated. They had a son, Winford, now 9 years old, who is with his mother in Washington, where she is married to a railroad engineer named Crosby. George Strong, a brother-in-law of McMillen, used to live at 341 Haskell avenue, Kansas City, Kas. McMillen, has been blind about five years. He was formerly a painter, but since he lost his eyesight he has been a book canvasser.

If McMillen does not die from his injuries he may become paralyzed in part of his upper extremities.

THREE BIG FINES FOR THREE BAD MEN. ~ Judge Kyle Has a Session With Wife Abusers.

January 18, 1908

Judge Kyle Has a Session
With Wife Abusers.

"I wish I had before me this morning every man within my jurisdiction who abuses or in any manner mistreats his wife. I am just in the mood to give such men the limit. There are many more in this city and I wish they all could be apprehended," said Harry G. Kyle, police judge, yesterday morning just after he had fined three husbands $500 each.

The first one to come to bat was John Forest of 1311 1/2 Washington street. He was charged with disturbing the peace of his wife.

Frank Andrews of 417 East Eighteenth street was charged with non-support. He is a stock cutter for the Caton Printing company. Mrs. Andrews said that her husband came only only two or three nights in the week and that the rent and grocery bills were unpaid. He makes good wages. Andrews fondled his 6-year-old boy while the trial was in progress, and Judge Kyle said:

"You seem to think a lot of that boy now, but you certainly did not when you remained away from home over half the time. Five hundred dollars for you, too."

Andrews's mother and his wife both appeared against him.

In the trial of Clyde DeLapp, a bartender, charged with disturbing the peace of his wife, there was evidence hinting that an abortive attempt had been made to railroad Mrs. Helen DeLapp, the wife, to an asylum.

The DeLapps lived at 2625 Wabash avenue when most of the trouble occurred. After Mrs. DeLapp left her husband, on January 7, however, she had been staying with Mrs. R. A. Shiras at 1406 East Tenth street. Mrs. DeLapp's testimony, which was corroborated by Mrs. Shiras and by Mrs. J. H. Morse of 2622 Wabash avenue, was to the effect that DeLapp had dragged her from her home by her hair, choked her and beaten her.

Mrs. DeLapp said that an effort had been made to send her to an asylum by the certificate of two doctors, only one of whom she had ever seen, and that one had not examined her as to her sanity. DeLapp was fined $500.

TO JOIN IN TAFT RECEPTION. ~ Yale Alumni Association to Confer With Young Republicans.

January 18, 1908

Yale Alumni Association to Confer
With Young Republicans.

The Yale Alumni Association held its annual meeting last night in the University Club rooms. The evening was devoted to singing college songs and once more going over the old Yale cheers. A committee was apopinted to confer with the Young Men's Republican Club in regard to the advisability of giving a reception for Secretary Taft upon the occasion of his visit in this city next month.

Taft is a Yale alumnus and most of the committee which will have charge of the arrangements for the reception are college mates of the secretary. The committee is composed of T. W. Mulford, '01, chairman; Thomas W. Morrow, '80; W. R. Clarke, '80; Charles R. Pence, '79; H. H. Strait, '90; O. C. Mosman, '94; Judge David D. Hoag, '73, Joplin, Mo., and C. M. Crawford, '94, Topeka, Kas.

HE LIKED MURDER STORIES. Grant Figs Delighted in the Reading of Crimes of Blood.

January 17, 1908

Grant Figs Delighted in the Reading
of Crimes of Blood.

Ellis Mitchell, a son of Israel Mitchell, at whose house at 2211 Lydia avenue Grant Figgs, confessed murderer of two people, lived for a while before his arrest, was examined by Deputy Prosecutor John W. Hogan yesterday afternoon and his statement was taken in short-hand, transcribed and signed. He repeated his first story, that Figs frequently asked him to read newspaper accounts of murders and other crimes. Figs seemed excited at hearing the details of killings and often sat with his eyes on the door for some time afterwards.

When the officers went to Mitchell's house yesterday they found the entire family hidden in the basement. It was only after repeated knocking that there was a response. The negroes said that they feared some of Figg's friends had come to kill them for telling on him. The police promised to protect them in the future.

Israel Mitchell told Hogan that Figs had a habit of hiding in the basement whenever anyone knocked at the door. Both the Mitchells identified the hammer found in Woodman's store, at 1112 East Eighteenth street as their hammer, which Figs had secured possession of before the murder of Woodman.

Figs was arraigned in Justice Mike Ross's court yesterday afternoon on two murder charges, one for the killing of H. O Woodman at 1112 East Eighteenth street, August 28, 1907, and one for the beating to death of Edward Landman of 1107 East Eighteenth street, on November 25. Figs declined to plead in either case, and the hearing in both was set for Saturday afternoon. James A. Dyer, George Burgman and Deputy Prosecutor Hogan escorted him from the county jail to the justice court and back.

The arraignment was held in the justice court, instead of direct in the criminal court, says John George, clerk of the justice court, because Figs wants all the time possible. Figs has no attorney yet, and no money.

Claude Brooks was taken from the county jail to police headquarters for a few minutes yesterday afternoon, photographed, measured and his fingerprints made. He will be arraigned either in the criminal court or in a justice court this afternoon for the murder of his benefactor, Sid Herndon, at the Navarro flats.

BOGUS NOBLEMAN FREED. ~ "I Am Being Hounded by the Police," Complained Spaulding.

January 17, 1908

"I Am Being Hounded by the Police,"
Complained Spaulding.

J. R. Spaulding, alias George Frederick Spate, alias Oscar F. Spate, who recently set Pittsburg agog by playing the English nobleman and promising to introduce several millionaires to the King of England, was released by the police after being held until 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The three-named man was arrested near Twelfth street and Walnut streets Wednesday while in company with a woman. Before being released, he admitted that his name was Spaulding and that he had "flurried" Pittsburg.

Spaulding told Inspector Ryan that he had really come here for the purpose of opening up a confectioners business, but now that the police had been so "sassy" he might go somewhere else.

"I did think of remaining here," he said, "and now that I have seen how easy it is I thought I would like to become a detective. I think I would make a good one, all right."

Spate or Spaulding said that he was being hounded and not given a chance. He thought that a "little mistake" like he made in Pittsburg ought to be overlooked. Instead of that, he said, he was being pursued wherever he went. He said that he was advised by influential relatives to go West. His half brother in Chicago, he said, would back any enterprise he began.

"Out here," the inspector told him, "we expect every man to have some occupation. No one here is so rich that he doesn't have to work at something, and no one out here wants to be introduced into ultra-exclusive English society."

Spate shed a few tears when the inspector spoke of every person being expected to work. It appeared to hurt his feelings.

"Well, after all," he said finally, "I believe I'll stay here. You must not be surprised some day in the near future if you find me holding down the job of society editor of one of your local papers. I think I am well fitted for that."

Inspector Ryan told him that such positions here were held by women so far as he knew but he added: "If you succeed in getting on, come around and interview me." Spate promised and left the station.

LIVE WIRE CREATES A FURORE. ~ Endangers Lives as It Swings in Street at Eighth and McGee.

January 17, 1907

Endangers Lives as It Swings in
Street at Eighth and McGee.

Fast running under a circuit breaker caused a break in the trolley wire at Eighth and McGee streets last night. This was followed by a brilliant electrical display as the fallen wire touched the trucks, and a heavy roar which almost deafened those who were passing in the street at that time.

A policeman who was walking on Grand avenue near Ninth street hurried in the direction of the flashes, thinking that a bomb had been thrown at the post office building. Persons as far away as Eighth and Campbell streets saw the electrical display and heard the reports which the wire made as it swung back and forth over the tracks. Persons walking on Eighth street near the break at the time flagged the cars, and also passersby who started to walk across the street.

The wire was broken by the trolley pole of an eastbound Independence avenue car, which passed under the circuit breaker so rapidly that it jerked the wire from its hangings. The car passed on with undiminished speed, the crew not seeming to realize that a death-trap had been left behind unguarded. A Metropolitan division superintendent was summoned and soon captured the live wire, allowing the blockaded cars to drift under the gap and continue on their way.

JUST RAN INTO BULLET. ~ Detective Explains Why He Shot Through a Citizen's Coat.

January 16, 1908

Detective Explains Why He Shot
Through a Citizen's Coat.

"That man just ran against my bullet. I saw him before I fired and he was sixteen feet away, but he just ran into it."

Thus did Detective Charles Lewis explain to the police board yesterday how it happened that a bullet fired by him at Frank Elliott, an escaping prisoner arrested on Christmas day on a robbery charge, went through the coat and overcoat of J. N. Downing, a lumberman living at 707 Oak street. Downing lodged a complaint against the detective December 31.

"Well, he certaily must have been going some," commented Mayor Beardsley.

"Better be a little more careful next time," said Commissioner Jones.

Lewis was exonerated. The board at a previous meeting decided to pay Downing for his damaged coats.

The police board decided yesterday that Kansas City is to have the best shooting police force in the country. That is to say, its police are to be the best marksmen with their revolvers. Orders were given for regular target practice by the force. D. C. Stone has been appointed instructor in shooting and inspection of firearms. The indoor target range at the Third regiment armory will be used. Regualr practice is to be required of all policemen, and records will be kept of their marksmanship.