CAN'T REMEMBER HIS NAME. ~ Memory of Mysterious City Hospital Patient Slowly Returning.

January 20, 1908

Memory of Mysterious City Hospital
Patient Slowly Returning.

The man who was taken to the general hospital the day after Christmas unable to talk or use his fingers to write, and yet showed normal intelligence and a constant desire to talk has partly regained the use of his vocal organs. But it developes that his memory is incomplete on such important points as his own nameand the town where he belongs. His first name, he thinks, is John and his town, he believes, is forty miles north of Joplin on the Kansas City Southern railway. His employment, he says, has been railroad work under a cousin of his, Mack Adams, who is a grading sub-contractor on the Kansas City Southern. So far the man Adams cannot be located.

J. S. Stevenson, a Bentonville, Ark., newspaper man who as in the city last week, talked with the man on learning that he had spoken of Bentonville. The patient recognized the names of several Bentonville people andto these the hospital authorities are going to send photographs for possible identification.

Other statements so far secured from him are that he has not worked for four months, that he came to Kansas City on a pass, being told he could get medical treatment here, and that he at one time had a partial paralysis, of one side. The hospital authorities surmise that he has a growth on t he brain due to blood poisoning. By this minds are sometimes so affected. The man was picked up unconscious in the West bottoms.