February 29, 1908


But the Congregation Tefares Israel
Declares He Has Signified His
Willingness to Let Sunday
Performance Proceed.

Although the Jews of the Tefares Israel congregation, who are to present "De Boba Yochne," a dramatic opera in the Shubert theater Sunday evening, March 8, claim that they have a permit from Judge W. H. Wallace guaranteeing that they shall not be arrested or indicted. Judge Wallace says he has made no decision in the matter.

"First time I ever heard of Tefares Israel," the judge replied to a questioner. "Didn't know they were going to give a show in the Shubert theater on Sunday. I cannot say what I shall do, because I never cross bridges until I come to them."

When word of the judge's indecision was brought to a dozen Jews who were in M. Herowitz's meat market at 509 Independence avenue yesterday evening, there was a great shaking of heads. The men, all well along in years and heavily bearded, had been busy studying the lines they will have to speak in the play for it is to be a home talent performance. A man who was reading from a grayish book, grew silent and Herowitz, who was standing behind his chopping block humming the lines of a song he is to sing, snapped his jaws together. Not a word was spoken for two minutes. Then Herowitz filled and lighted his pipe and stepped from behind his counter. He took the pipe from his lips and spoke slowly through his beard:

"You bring us news. I do not understand. The judge has given us a permit, but we cannot be sure what he may yet do."


"Yes, we will charge for tickets, but we will use the money to furnish a house of worship for our congregation. We are not rich people and we do not desire to beg. Why should we not give our time and our voices for this drama? We hurt no one, and we furnish our synagogue."

Everyone paid respectful silence for a full minute after Herowitz quit speaking, for he is assistant director of the proposed performance and his daughter is to be leading lady. At last another black-bearded man spoke:

"It is the last few weeks that we bought the church at Tracy and Seventh. It is small but a nice house. We want money to furnish it for a synagogue. We cannot give the opera on Saturday, for that is our Sabbath, and we take Sunday because many of us cannot open our shops on that day because of the court."


As the reporter took his leave, five or six of the bearded men followed to the door.

"I beg of you, kindly," two or three of them said, "not to write anything to make the court go back on his word. We want the money for our synagogue."

The play, "De Boba Yochna," which the Tefares Israel Jews are rehearsing, and for which their wives and daughters are making many brightly colored gowns and robes, is a five-act drama. For fear, though, that those who attend may not receive their money's worth, half a dozen songs are to be sung by the sweetest voices of the congregation during the intermissions between the five acts.

Every word spoken will be in Hebrew. Even the judge, who closed sacred concerts in the Willis Wood theater and shut up A. Judah's playhouse on Sundays, should wish to indict the congregation of Tefares Israel, he would have to send interpreters with his deputy marshals in order to secure any evidence that a play, and not a son and prayer service, is in progress.

WHY REED WOULDN'T RUN. ~ No Financial Reward in Politics, Says Ex-Mayor.

February 29, 1908

No Financial Reward in Politics,
Says Ex-Mayor.

Does politics pay? If there be someone who has the delusion that it does, let him read this little story about James A. Reed:

When a committee waited upon Mr. Reed and asked him to accept the Democratic nomination for mayor, Mr. Reed made a little speech to that committee which set all of them to thinking. He told the story as one friend would tell a confidence to another.

"When I came to Kansas City," said Mr. Reed, "I had been practicing law for eighteen months. My first months in the law business were lucky months. I made money. With fortune smiling upon me, I succeeded in accumulating $7,000. Then I got overambitious and decided to come to a big town. I came to Kansas City.

"For eight years I struggled in the legal whirlpool in Kansas City. I made only a bare living. I got interested in politics and as you all know, finally got the appointment of county counselor. I saved a little. I was elected prosecuting attorney at a good salary, but I was getting mired in politics by this time and saved no money.

"I served four years as mayor. My salary was $3,600 per year. The ofice cost me $4,000 a year, easily. I left it poorer than when I went in. Still ambitious, I sought the gubernitorial nomination. My campaign cost me money. I made the fight and lost. I quit the contest not only without money, but with debts as well.

"I shook off political ambitions. I plunged into the practice of law on a serious basis. I have been making money and have paid my debts. I now have several retainers, which, if I should accept the nomination for mayor, would have to be returned to my clients.

"I would refuse the nomination for mayor simply because I cannot afford to accept it. No lawyer can perform the duties of mayor honestly and still practice law. He must devote his whole time to the mayor's office. Therefore, the salary to a man who has a good law practice is inadequate. I can't take the nomination because I can't afford to be elected. I am too badly in need of money."

REPUDIATED HER IN DEATH. ~ Man Claiming to Be Husband of Suicide Shows Indifference.

February 29, 1908

Man Claiming to Be Husband of Sui-
cide Shows Indifference.

Mrs. Maude Bearden was taken to the emergency hospital last night suffering from the effects of carbolic acid, which she took with suicidal intent She died within twenty minutes.

Soon after a man called at the hospital and said that he was the woman's husband.

"Where was her home?"

"Her parents live at Osceola, Mo.," said the man.

"Where did she live here?"

"I don't know and I don't care."

"Do you want to take charge of the body?"

"I do not."

And the man who said he was the husband left the station. It was learned that Mrs. Bearden had been living at 510 Central street. She was seen standing at Fifth and Central streets at 8 o'clock last night by G. E. Ritchey, a saloon man. He saw her raise a bottle to her lips. He ran toward her, but it was too late. She had swallowed about three ounces of carbolic acid. Mrs. Bearden was 28 years old.

WHEN PENSION STOPPED. ~ Mrs. Bevelle Went Out to Look for Husband Who Had Divorced Her.

February 29, 1908

Mrs. Bevelle Went Out to Look for
Husband Who Had Divorced Her.

In his suit for divorce Benjamin T. Bevelle, an old soldier, alleged that at Topeka, Kas. his wife drove him from home with a stout club and added that she was "glad to get rid of him." Mr. Bevelle fled to Independence, where he obtained a divorce by publication. Mrs. Bevelle was unaware that the matrimonial ties had been severed until she received notice from Washington, D. C., to the effect that Mr. Bevelle's pension money would all go to Mr. Bevelle thereafter. Mrs. Bevelle previously had been getting a share of the money.

Mrs. Bevelle brought an action in the circuit court at Independence to have Bevelle's divorce decree set aside. Yesterday the court held up Mr. Bevelle's end of the case.

PAINTER IS KILLED BY A FALL. ~ Judson Walsh Strikes Floor, Fracturing His Skull.

February 29, 1908

Judson Walsh Strikes Floor, Fractur-
ing His Skull.

While doing some interior decorating in a home at 803 Osage avenue, Armourdale, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Judson Walsh, a painter, fell from his stepladder, striking his head violently on the floor. Other laborers in the building heard the noise and ran to the spot to find Walsh unconscious gasping in the throes of death. The police ambulance was called. Police surgeon D. E. Smith was quick in arriving, but found the man already dead. He was taken to the Butler undertaking rooms. Death was foud to have resulted from skull fracture.

Walsh is survived by a wife and baby. He was 52 years old and lived at 326 South Boeke street, Kansas City, Kas.

BASEBALL IN FEBRUARY. ~ First Game of Season Played in Kansas City, Kas.

February 29, 1908

First Game of Season Played in Kan-
sas City, Kas.

To Kansas City, Kas., belongs the credit for the first baseball game of the season. It was yesterday afternoon and the opposing teams were the Chelsea schol and the second team of the Kansas City university. Seven innings were played, the university team winning by a score of 13 to 11. A member of the Chelsea team reported the contest. He said: "They run in three men on us, understand, I mean men, not boys. Three men. The umpire was a little shady on a few of his decisions, too, and he ought to get his lamp wicks trimmed. Put this dope in the paper, now, for I want to send a copy over to the captain of that team of yokels. If they hadn't run in those ringers on us we would have eaten 'em up."

MASONS TO BUILD TEMPLE. ~ York Rite Bodies Have Practically Raised the Money.

February 29, 1908

York Rite Bodies Have Practically
Raised the Money.

The project to build a $125,000 temple for the York Rite Masons at Ninth and Harrison streets, it is now believed, will be carried out within a year. W. F. Stine, one of those especially interested in the enterprise, said yesterday that building plans are to be taken up by early this spring. The lot is paid for and stock is being subscribed by fifteen or more local Masonic bodies, the two commanderies, the council, the two chapters, a number of the blue lodges, and the three Eastern Star organizations.

The Kansas City Masonic Building Company, the corporation which will erect the building, is composed of one representative of each of these bodies. The undertaking had its start about a year ago. The most that can be said of the plans at present is that there will be four spacious halls or lodge rooms for the various organizations' use, and a grand assembly room or auditorium, adequate for convention use, for balls, banquets and drill hall purposes, and there will be a kitchen and many cloakrooms and ante-rooms. Whether all stone or fancy brick construction will be used has not been decided.

The York Rite Masons feel that their selection of a location at the southeast corner of Ninth and Harrison streets is particularly fortunate in that it is quite removed from noise, though not far out that it is very close to five car lines, without being on any one of them, and it has for neighbors on two opposite corners the Calvary Baptist church and the Central Presbyterian church.

JUDGE WALLACE'S BIRTHDAY. ~ For Further Particulars Ask Anybody at the City Hall.

February 28, 1908

For Further Particulars Ask Anybody
at the City Hall.

A brand new "sell" has been going the rounds of the city hall and police headquarters and if there is a man down there who has not been caught his name has been supressed. It has to do with a new holiday and for that reason those hard woring city employes took the bait quickly. Here is the way Captain Snow worked the new gag on Police Judge Harry G. Kyle yesterday.

"I see we will have no court Saturday," suggested the captian.

"Is that so?" inquired his judgeship, trying to think what for.

"Yes," was the reply. "It's a new holiday."

"You don't say?" said the court, as he went clear under with the bait. "What's the occasion?"

"Judge Wallace's birthday," answered the captian gravely.

Just a dozen persons were present when the judge bit and just a dozen "good" cigars were purchased by his honor. Cigar dealers near the hall have profited on account of the "new holiday."

THREE YEARS FOR FOREST. ~ He Admitted That He Stole Gas Stove Worth $3.

February 28, 1908

He Admitted That He Stole Gas Stove
Worth $3.

Albert Forest, who stole a gas stove last Wednesday and was arrested in front of the Kansas City Missouri Gas Comany's office while he had the stove on his back, entered a plea of guilty to a burglary charge yesterday afternoon, and was sentenced to serve three years in the penitentiary. The stove was worth $3, but Forest brokeinto the Western Auction and Mercantile Company's store to get it. He also stole the padlock from the door.

THIEF HAD VARIED TASTE. ~ Whisky Alarm Clock and Pair of Scissors His Booty.

February 28, 1908

Whisky Alarm Clock and Pair of
Scissors His Booty.

Stultz Bros., wholesale liquor dealers at 618 Southwest boulevard, reported to the police yesterday that a thief had broken into their store Wednesday night and had stolen six quarts of rock and rye, three gallons of straight whisky, an alarm clock and a pair of scissors.

The variety of this booty sorely perplexed the police. It was the oddest combination ever recorded in the grand larceny department of Central station. After a closed session of the board of logical deduction, the local Sherlocks submitted the following theory as their best:

The thief probably had a bad cold, so he stole the rock and rye to cure the cold. Naturally, after effecting the cure of a bad cold, the thief wanted to celebrate properly, so he stole the three gallons of straight whisky.

This much of the strange mystery being deduced along safe and sane lines, the rest comes easy. He took the alarm clock in order to wake up the jag, and the theft of the scissors probably was for the sole purpose of "cutting it all out."

DARING COURTHOUSE ROBBERY. ~ Elevator Boy's Pocket Picked While Going Up and Down.

February 28, 1908

Elevator Boy's Pocket Picked While
Going Up and Down.

James P. Cox, elevator boy at the courthouse, yesterday won the distinction of being the first elevator operator in Kansas City to suffer at the hands of a pickpocket. Cox's purse was taken from his hip pocket during the 9 o'clock rush. In it were two pawn tickets, a dime, several receipts and a meal ticket with three meals unpunched.

This is the most daring robbery about the courthouse since the theft of a spaniel pup from the basement of the county jail last August. The pup belonged to Sheriff Charles Baldwin and was being cared for by its mother, who was owned by County Marshal Al Heslip. The thief was never captured.

WOMAN COMMITS SUICIDE. ~ Mrs. Hickey Dies at Emergency Hospital.

February 27, 1908

Mrs. Hickey Dies at Emer-
gency Hospital.

Mrs. Margaret Hickey, 41 years old, took carbolic acid with suicidal intent at 517 May street last night and died fifteen minutes later after she had been taken to the emergency hospital. She was the wife of W. D. Hickey, a bartender, who has been employed in Oklahoma. Hickey visited here a month ago. Mrs. Hickey had been living at the May street address for a year.

CHILDREN ARE ONLY SAVAGES. ~ And It's in the Blood of Grown-Ups, Too, Says Brainerd.

February 27, 1908

And It's in the Blood of Grown-Ups,
Too, Says Brainerd.

"Children are only little savages, and should be treated as such," said Frank G. Brainerd, district superintendent of the Society for the Friendless, in an address at the Linwood Boulevard Presbyterian church last night. "It is not until they have received an education and have absorbed a part of the civilizing ideas of the time that they may be considered as men."

"Because they are savages, most children, if left to themselves, will steal and fight and do other uncivilized things, for which they cannot be blamed, for it is in their nature. And the savage instinct with which we are all born can never be quite outlived."

CITY MILK INSPECTION. ~ It Has Forced the Dairies to Raise Standard of Product Sold.

February 27, 1908

It Has Forced the Dairies to Raise
Standard of Product Sold.

In discussing the work done by the department of food inspection of the board of health W. P. Cutler, the general inspector, yesterday said:

"In the last month we have secured over 500 sample of milk, every one of which prove to be up to standard in every respect as required by the city ordinances, in consequence it has been unnecessary for us to make any arrests. Kansas City is getting better milk, according to the ordinances, than ever before in its history. Milkmen who sell milk below the standard are invariably arrested. We get milk both from grocers and dairymen alike."

HE USED A NOTARY'S SEAL. ~ As Well as Several Stars to Arrest a Sober Man.

February 27, 1908

As Well as Several Stars to Arrest a
Sober Man.

Armed with a deputy marshal's star, a Missouri Pacific special policeman's badge and a notary public seal, George Miller tried to arrest a man in a saloon at Fifteenth street and Grand avenue last night. Miller walked up to the man and, showing his different badges, told him he was under arrest. Naturally the man arrested wanted to know why, and a series of questioning took place during the course of which Miller told his prisoner that he was charged with having done a "stick-up" two nights before.

Miller insisted that the man go to No. 4 police station with him and there be locked up for further investigation. When they arrived there the prisoner told his story to Lieutenant Hammill, who immediately ordered the man with the badges locked up for safe keeping and teleponed to Marshal Sam McGee at the jail to ascertain whether or not Miller was what he represented. McGee told the officer that no man whose name was George Miller had ever been commissioned by the county, but as for the special policeman's star and the notary's seal, the marshal could not say. The man whom Miller arrested was released.

Miller, who lives at 113 West Fourteenth street, was sent to police headquarters, charged with drinking and impersonating an officer.


February 26, 1908


So Farmer Harnish Sues Members of
the Motorcycle Club for Dam-
ages Done Him Last

The Kansas City Motorcycle Club members, nineteen strong, have avoided the road to Greenwood, this county, since November 3. That day eighteen of them were waylaid by a mob of twenty-five farmers armed with stones. Only one escaped. And County Judge George J. Dodd was chief spokesman for the beseiging party.

It all came out yesterday when suit was filed in Justice Young's court by Angie Harnish against the club members for $800 damages.

Harnish, according to the papers filed, was driving in a top buggy with his wife and 2-year-old child to Greenwood, when just at the outskirts of the town the "the defendants in a body known as the Kansas City Motorcycle Club, mounted on motorcycles," bore down on his rear "at high speed," carelessly and negligently running upon and by him, the loud and explosive exhaust noises, frightening until he became unmanagable, the horse, which was "not acquainted with motorcycles."

Harnish attempted to alight to seize the horse's bits, and the lunging of the animal threw him into the rock road. The woman, busy with the lines, dropped the baby between her feet and frantically begged the cyclists to stop for the sake of hersef and the baby. Instead of this it is alleged the cyclists only laughed, and trying to outrun the maddened horses, allowing the whirr of the explosive sounds to continue until the horse and buggy smashed into a fence. The baby and Harnish were seriously bruised, the horse, formerly gentle, was ruined, its owner says, and the harness and buggy broken.

A few hours later, when the cycle club members came back that way, they were helf up with a threat of stoning Only one cyclist had the fear or the nerve to run the gauntlet. The others stopped and took their medicine in the form of threats as to what would happen if they ever came back -- and they haven't been back.

The cyclists say that udge Dodd, though an officer of the law, declared to them that he would take the law into his own hands if they did return. Nineteen of them are named, and the amount asked is $800, half of it for actual damages and half for exemplary damages. The case was set for March 3.

Those named as defendants are: R. D. Martin, president of the club; L. J. Vogel, F. J. Hahn, C. Hanson, J. B. Porter, Ned D. Bahr, O. V. Newby, J. N. Glass, Lloyd C. Shielaberger, Fred Berry, Oscar J. Plummer and Dan Patterson.

Bucknew and Houston are attorneys for the plaintiff, and they furnished the court constable with all the addresses of the defendants.

"I know the eighteen of us should have licked those two dozen farmers if the fight had really got started," said R. D. Martin, president of the club, last night, "but we are always considerate of people we meet, and we told them so then, instead of being ugly."

ADMITS HE KISSED THE WIDOW. ~ Any Other Married Man Would Have Done the Same, Says Murphy.

February 26, 1908

Any Other Married Man Would
Have Done the Same, Says Murphy.

"Everyone knows that I, or any other married man, would kiss a grass widow if he had a chance, and I do not deny that I did. In fact, I do not deny anything that my wife might say in her petition for divorce, nor do I care to confirm it," said Albert Murphy, owner of the Monarch hotel, at Twelfth and Charlotte streets, yesterday, as he leaned over the desk in his hotel. His wife filed suit for divorce, charging that he kissed a grass widow at the hotel.

"When I became of age people knew from then on that I would kiss a grass widow. What married man wouldn't? I defy any man in the city to name one that would not. My wife has sued me for divorce, and I would not walk to the door to prevent it. I do not care whether she gets a divorce or not. I never even called up an attorney about the matter.

"I do not care what she charges against me. I will not say anything more about the affair. My friends knew all about this affair long ago, and I do not care what other people hear about it. But I do want to say that I will never deny kissing grass widows."

SOCIALISTS TO NAME TICKET. ~ City Convention Is Called for Next Friday Night.

February 26, 1908

City Convention Is Called for Next
Friday Night.

The Socialists of Kansas City will hold a convention at their headquarters, 1400 Grand avenue, next Friday night and nominate a full ticket for the city election with the exception of ward aldermen.

Ex-Mayor John C. Chase of Haverhil, Mass., will lecture on socialism at the Academy of Music, 1223 McGee street, tonight at 8 o'clock. He is the only Socialist mayor ever elected in an American city and he will talk on municipal affairs from his own experience as mayor. During the past four weeks the Socialists of Kansas City have distributed 400,000 Socialist papers in the city in an effort to add strength to their ticket in the city election.

BOWDEN SOLVES A "MYSTERY". ~ He Finds That Mrs. Lawrence Robbed Herself of Jewelry.

February 26, 1908

He Finds That Mrs. Lawrence Robbed
Herself of Jewelry.

Chief of Police D. E. Bowden of Kansas City, Kas., yesterday solved the mystery surrounding the "bold robbery" of Mrs. Charles Lawrence, 837 St. Paul street, Friday afternoon. According to the report made by Mr. Lawrence, a lone robber entered her home during the afternoon and, at the point of a revolver, compelled her to submit to having her hands tied behind her while he ransacked the house for valuables. The "bold, bad robber," so Mrs. Lawrence told the police, secured the following articles:

Two gold watches, one chipped diamond ring, one emerald ring, one gold ring, one gold bracelet, a gold filled watch and a gold locket and charm.

In looking up the case yesterday, Chief Bowden called upon the husband of Mrs. Lawrence, who informed him that he found the "stolen" jewelry hidden away in his wife's room, and that he had exported the "victim" of the robbery to the home of her relatives in Western Kansas. Mr. Lawrence requested the chief to make no further efforts to apprehend the robber

DRIVEN BACK TO KANSAS. ~ East Atchisonians Won't Let Negroes Live in Missouri.

February 26, 1908

East Atchisonians Won't Let Negroes
Live in Missouri.

ATCHISON, Feb. 25. -- (Special.) Some time ago, when the saloons of Atchison were closed, a number of the proprietors moved to East Atchison, Mo., and continued the business. Wholesalers as well as retailers went across the river, taking colored help with them. The negroes drove wagons an cleaned up their places.

Yesterday a lot of Missourians got after the negroes and drove them back to Kansas They were ordered not to return. They had given no offense, but certin residents of the Missouri suburb objected to any negroes making their home there.


February 25, 1908




Two confidence men, who had fleeced J. W. Burrows, and Oklahoma ranchman, out of $1,000, were captured last night after an exciting chase, in which several shots were fired, and then, after being in the safe custody of two officers, made their escape at Eighth and Delaware streets through the alleged interference of Roy Casey, a constable of Justice Remley's court.

Both confidence men were arrested by Detective Lyngar, who captured the smaller of the swindlers as he was emerging from a Leavenworth car at the Junction. The larger of the confidence men jumped through the car window and fled down Delaware street. Lyngar, dragging the smaller prisoner with him, gave chase and finally fired at the escaping prisoner. The bullet entered the right arm and the man fell exhausted near the rear of the American Bank building.

Lyngar, determined to catch his man, turned the uninjured prisoner over to Patrolman Regan, and then grabbed the second man. The officers and prisoners then started for the call box at Eighth and Delaware streets and it is here, witnessees say, that Casey interfered.


Casey, in company with David S. Russell and C. E. Reckert of the city engineer's office, pushed through the crowd that had gathered and stopped Lyngar. Casey's explanation is that he did not know Lyngar was an officer and thought that he was going to shoot Patrolman Regan, who was marching in front with the injured prisoner. O. P. Rush of 3015 Olive street and L. R. Ronwell of 1902 East Thirty-first street witnessed the affair and told the police that they heard Lyngar tell Casey that he was an officer.

At any rate an arguent ensued. Patrolman Regan, who was holding his prisoner by the collar of his overcoat, turned around to ascertain what the trouble was. In an instant the inured prisoner slipped out of his overcoat and dived into the crowd. Regan pursued him, firing three shots at the criminal as he ran west on Eighth street. None of the bullets seem to have taken effect.

These shots created fresh excitement and Lyngar, furious with Casey's interruption, loosened his hold on the other man. In an instant the prisoner had jerked away from the officer and was lost in the crowd.


The only satisfaction Regan and Lyngar got was in arresting Casey. Regan rapped him twice over the head and Lynar took the constable to the Central station, where he was released on $26 bail. Casey had been attending the Republican convention.

The inured thief not alone lost his overcoat, but in plunging through the crowd lost his hat and undercoat as well. He was traced as far as Second and Wyandotte streets, where he purchased a new hat and coat. Then he ran toward the Kansas City Southern yards.


Upon the complaint of J. W. Burrows, Oklahoma ranchman, that he had been swindled out of $1,000 by the two confidence men, Detectives Lyngar and Lewis were assigned to the case. Lewis was called away, so Lyngar accompanied by Burrows, made the investigation alone. At the Junction, Burrows espied the two men inside a Leavenworth car at about 9 o'clock. Lyngar went after them. The larger of the men, finding the front entrance of the car shut off, jumped through a window. The smaller attempted to brush by Lyngar, but the detective grabbed him It was following this that the chase began, which ended in Casey's intererence and the escape of the men.

The coat lost by the injured prisoner contained a book which indicates that he lives in the vicinity of the Union stock yards in Chicago.

About 1 o'clock this morning police officers found the coat of the smaller of the two confidence men, from which he also slipped when he escaped from the officer's grasp. It was in Brannon's saloon, on Delaware street, near Eighth.

When the smaller "con" man squirmed out of the garment it fell in the crowd, which parted to allow him to pass. It is not known who took it to the saloon. It is the theory of the police that the $1,000 stolen from the ranchman was in the pocket of the little man's coat when he was captured. It wasn't there when the coat was found.

DEATH DEEPENS MYSTERY. ~ P. A. M'Millan, Blind, Was Shot in Rooming House.

February 25, 1908

P. A. M'Millan, Blind, Was Shot in
Rooming House.

P. A. McMillan, a blind man, who was found in the stairway of a rooming house at 601 Delaware street the night of January 16, suffering from two bullet wounds, died last Sunday night at the general hospital. McMillan was shot through the neck and chest. An autopsy yesterday morning deeloped that it was the neck wound that caused the man's death.

Although McMillan was shot more than a month ago, the police have been unable to uncover the mystery of the strange tragedy. Stella Arwood, keeper of the rooming house, was arrested the day following the shooting, and a charge of felonious assault was made against her. She is now out on $1,200 bail.

There were no witnesses to the shooting, as far as the police know, and the officers admit taht definite evidence against the woman is lacking McMillan was able to tell the police that someone whom he did not know led him into the stairway.

DID HE KISS A GRASS WIDOW? ~ Mrs. Murphy Says He Did, and She Is Asking for a Divorce.

February 25, 1908

Mrs. Murphy Says He Did, and She
Is Asking for a Divorce.

On the charge that her husband, Albert E Murphy of the Monarch hotel, had kissed a grass widow at the hotel, Mrs. Murphy sued yesterday for a divorce. Albert Murphy owns the Monarch hotel, at Twelfth and Charlotte streets, and the wife secured a temporary order from Judge Seehorn of the circuit court which forbids Murphy's disposing of the property until the divorce suit is settled and her application for alimony is heard.

Mr. Murphy was not in his hotel when a reporter called. The clerk howeevr, said:

"I do not believe that Mr. Murphy kissed a grass widow in the hotel. I never saw any widows here and I've been a clerk here for over a year."

Both of the night bellboys gave it as their opinion that Mr. Murphy had never kissed a grass widow in the hotel.

"I guess I would have known it if he had," admits one of the boys, whose name is Ephriam. "There's mightly little kissing going on around here, and I keeps an eye on that little."

Mr. Murphy's attorney, who was in room 124, stated that Mr. Murphy had never kissed a grass widow in the hotel.


February 24, 1908




Wife of Missing Man Believes His Is
Still Alive -- She Thinks He
Has Been Injured and
Will Return.

Every manhole, every telephone cable conduit, every underground passageway, even the Walnut street sewer; every possible hiding place into which a body could be stowed, in the neighborhood of Twelfth and Main streets, was gone through yesterday by friends of John Fayhey, who disappeared from the knowledge of his fellow men three weeks ago. No trace of the body was found by the searchers. The search underground was as futile as the body hunt of previous Sundys through the outskirts of the city and in the trenches made by men in the water works department. Fayhey was last seen at 1 o'clock on the morning of February 1, with a party of drunken men, at the corner of Twelfth and Main streets. He was a foreman in the city water works department.

Jerry Ryan, engineer at the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company's plant at Twentieth and Walnut streets, was in charge of yesterday's explorations. Jerry is a brother of Police Sergeant Al Ryan and of Mrs. Fayhey. Others in the party were Patrick O'Conner and Tom Bryan, city firemen, and City Detectives Raftery and Halvey. Jerry Ryan, geared in hip rubber boots, entered every opening on Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Main and Walnut streets in the neighborhood of the spot where Fayhey was last seen. No trace of the body was found.

Then Ryan and O'Conner entered the Walnut street sewer at Thirteenth street and explored it south to where it empties into O. K. creek at Twenty-Second street. Ryan, who led the way, was provided with a safety lamp.

This lamp was carried to guard against sewer gas. It is a device imported from the coal mining district, and is valuable in that whenever it is carried into a cloud of sewer gas it is extinguished. O'Conner, who followed with a lantern, was enabled to tell, by watching Ryan and the safety light, where there was sewer gas ahead and to avoid walking into it with his lantern. Only one body of gas was met, but if the lantern had been carried into this an explosion would have resulted which probably would have killed both men. The detectivs and firemen walked along Walnut street and opened the manhole covers ahead of the two men who were walking in the sewer.

No trace of Fayhey's body or any other body was found in the sewer. Jerry Ryan said, when he came out:

"No body could lodge in that sewer. The water, although in no place over knee deep, runs with a very swift current, and would carry any body out into O K. creek. It was not necessary to explore the entire length of the sewer but I did that to make certain that Fayhey's body was not there."

When John Fayhey's wife was told last night at her home ot 1605 Olive street that the search through the sewer and the conduits had been fruitless, she only reiterated her former belief that her husband was still alive.

"I know his is not dead" she said. "I firmly believe that he has been hurt and will come home when he is able."

Police Seargeant Al Ryan, Mrs. Fayhey's brother, holds a different theory. He says:

"There is no doubt that Fayhey was killed, and that his body is concealed somewhere. We have searched Kansas City from center to circuference, above ground and under, but without result. We have telegraphed a description of Fayhey to every town down the river as far as St. Louis. I think that the men who made way with Fayhey were drunk and did not mean to kill him. I know, however, that they had an automobile with them and when they saw what they had done, they put the body into the car and took it away. Probably they threw it in the Missouri river.

"I know that Fayhey had no money to speak of on his person the night he disappeared and I believe that the men who were with him killed him in a drunken brawl without any reasonable motive. I expect that someone who knows all about the killing will come in one of these days and tell the story."

CHARGED WITH KILLING BOY. ~ Frank Blueford, Aged 14, Is Accused of Stabbing Harry O'Bannon.

February 24, 1908

Frank Blueford, Aged 14, Is Accused
of Stabbing Harry O'Bannon.

Upon identification of Castor and John O'Bannon, Officers McCall and Good arrested Frank Blueford, a 14-year-old negro boy, in the Gilliss theater yesterday afternoon for the killing of Harry O'Bannon, a 10-year-old negro boy. On the night of November 3 Harry O'Bannon quarreled with a boy said to be Blueford over a cup of water at the Gilliss. Harry was stabbed in the abdomen with a pocket knife. He was in the general hospital two months, and was then taken to his home at 1007 Pacific street, where he died at 8 o'clock Saturday night. The Blueford boy, who lives in Kansas City, Kas., denies that he stabbed O'Bannon and lays the crime to a brother of his. He was held by the police last night, and will be turned over to the children's court today.

ZOO COLLECTION FOR SALE. ~ Call Made Upon Citizens to Assist in Purchase.

February 23, 1908

Call Made Upon Citizens to Assist in

According to a circular issued yesterday by W. V. Lippincott, president, and H. R. Walmsley, secretary of the Zoological Society, a collection of animals costing $9,000 and consisting of 2 elephants, 6 lions, 2 gray wolves, 2 camels, 10 Shetland ponies, and elk, buffalo and other rare specimens can be bought. The society believes that this collection would serve as a nuclues for the zoo it is proposed to establish at Swope park and liberal citizen are called upon to contribue towards the purchase of the animals indicated. The active membership dues are $5, and honorary members can contribute any sum they want.

PICTURES ARE FREE TODAY. ~ That Is, to Look Upon, At Art Exhibit, 909 Grand Avenue.

February 23, 1908

That Is, to Look Upon, At Art Ex-
hibit, 909 Grand Avenue.

No admission charge will be made today at the art exhibit of the Fine Arts Institute, 909 Grand avenue, it having been decided to keep the exhibit open one more day than was first agreed upon for the purpose of throwing it open to the general public.

Yesterday was to have been the last day. It is not known yet whether a similar exhibit will be held next year. If it is found that the paid admissions have netted money enough to pay the larger part of the expenses, another exhibition will be given next year.


February 23, 1907





Even After Being Strapped to Her Bed
She Makes Her Escape For
The Second Time --
Finally Subdued.

Attendants at the emergency hospital have had lively times with insane people, but the most strenuous time so far was Friday night and yesterday morning with Mrs. Emma Lucas, a demented woman, en route from Los Angeles, Cal., to Toledo, O. The woman was acting suspiciously at the Grand Central depot, Second and Wyandotte streets, and was taken to Central station late Friday night for investigation. When it was seen that she was demented she was transferred to the emercency hospital.

Mrs. Lucas, who is 27 years old, is a large woman and strong. She was confined in the women's ward but in a short while some one discovered her ponderous form climbing over the fence surrounding City Hall park. She had escaped through a window.

Dr. Ralph A. Shiras, who is not large, sallied forth in pursuit He overtook the big woman on Fifth near Delaware street and grabbed hold of her. The woman shook him off with ease and in turn grabbed the doctor. Dragging him along behind as she would a toy wagon she walked nearly to the Wyandotte street depot with the struggling doctor before aid in the form of two policemen who loomed up on the horizon. Emma was subdued and again landed in the women's ward.

Early yesterday morning Mrs. Shiras, who is night nurse at the emergency hospital, was busy attending a case and did not notice Mrs. Lucas. She had entered the operating room and, from a case, secured a large surgical knife. The woman was as sly as a fox, as all insane persons generally are, and in concealing the deadly weapon under her garments she went stealthily back to her ward. Her actions were noticed, however, by a patient and the alarm given.

Mrs. Lucas was made to give up the knife and she was then placed to bed and restraining straps put on her. To this she objected very much and was continually crying to be released. When her breakfast was served yesterday morning the insane woman used the knife sent up with the meal to cut her straps.

Once more the big woman made her escape by a window and was not seen until she was climbing over the fence of City Hall park. Across the street she fairly flew into a clothing store, where she demanded the use of a telephone to call for help, she said.

The stream of doctors, attendants and board of health attaches which followed the demented person would remind one strongly of a chase seen almost weekly in the kinodrome pictures at the Orpheum theater. She was corralled and returned, a restraining strap dangling from one of her feet.

In what was thought to be a lucid interval later Mrs. Lucas told Colonel J. C. Greenman, who looks after the insane for the police, that she had hidden a sum of money in the women's wash room at the Grand Central depot. Colonel Greenman searched for it but found nothing. Mrs. Lucas said that when she arrived here the money was in a stocking and that a woman passenger had advised her to take it out. She said she did so and hid it in the washroom.


February 22, 1908




Had it not been for the contests for aldermen to the lower house of the council in the Third, Eighth, Tenth and Thirteenth wards yesterday, the Republican primaries to elect delegates to the city convention next Monday would have been pretty tame. The total vote in the fourteen wards was but 3,322, and of this total about 2,800 votes were cast in the four wards where there were contests for alderman. The result shows the renominations of Morris Green and Woolf, and the defeat of Hartman in the Thirtenth by Dr. W. E. Cary.
The outcome was no surprise, for in the Eighth, Tenth and Thirteenth wards there is a preponderance of officeholders, both city and county, and they were out in force personally working for the success of Morris, Green and Cary, and wherever and whenever necessary spending their money. A similar fight was put up in the Third against Woolf, some of the officeholders leading the insurrection, being men who owe their jobs to Woolf's personal efforts. But they found in Woolf a bulwark of strength and popularity with the rank and file of the voters, and he beat his opponent, Sommerfield, nearly three to one.
Notwithstanding the vigor of the contests, everything passed off smoothly and there were no disturbances. The workers for the respective candidates put in their best licks, and went about it with vim and without demonstration.
Alderman Hartman had been for days assailed and derided as the candidate of the corporations and street car company, but the unfairness of these attacks was demonstrated by the fact that in the precinct where the bulk of the Thirteenth ward street car employes live he lost by a 79 majority.

FORGOT TO OPEN THE POLLS. ~ Commissioners Were Slow About Sending Books to 2430 Jackson.

February 22, 1908

Commissioners Were Slow About
Sending Books to 2430 Jackson.

"Wonder what's the matter, aren't we going to vote today?"

"It don't look like it I have been waiting here for an hour or more and no one that looked like a judge or clerk has put in an appearance yet."

"It's a scheme to get ahead of Cary, that's all there is to it."

Such were the remarks which were heard in the large crowd of Republican voters of the Thirteenth ward, which was forced to wait two hours for the polls to open at 2430 Jackson avenue yesterday afternoon. By 1 o'clock, the time scheduled for the opening of the polls throughout the wards which were holding primaries, fifty or sixty men had assembled in front of 2430 Jackson avenue, to cast their votes, but no one had appeared to take charge.

At 2 o'clock, nothing having been done about opening the polls, many of those who came early went away. A messenger was sent after Cary and that candidate hurried to the scene of non-action. He called up the election commissioner's office and was told that no one had called for the ballot box or the necessary papers. A messenger was sent to the office forthwith returning within an hour with the long waited for judge, clerks and challengers. J. D. Carter was sworn in as judge.

AN EXPERIMENTAL CREMATORY. ~ Cross Believes Profits in By-Products.

February 22, 1908

Cross Believes Profits in By-Products.

The Kansas City Livestock exchange is building an experimental crematory at the stock yards for the purpose of determining if, with a large one, disposal can be made of the pen accumulations with profit. The experiment is to be made along lines recommended by Dr. W. M. Cross, city chemist, who believes that the value of the by-products from the refuse, principally ammonia, will more than reimburse the company.

USUAL THEATER INDICTMENTS. ~ Are Returned by Judge Wallace's Grand Jury.

February 22, 1908

Are Returned by Judge Wallace's
Grand Jury.

About 150 theater indictments were returned by the grand jury yesterday. The managers were indicted on some sixty counts for "work" done last Sunday by their employes and by actors playing in their houses. They will appear in court today, give bond for their employes and refuse to furnish bond on the multitude of cases against themselves.

The circuit judges will meet en banc this morning and hear arguments in the habeas corpus cases of four managers, growing out of last Saturday's indictments against them on sixty-six counts.


February 21, 1908




Ella Miller Says She Wrote Her
Address, as on Candy Box, for
Mrs. Morash Three
Months Ago.

The first arrest in the murder case of Ruth Miller, poisoned by eating candy containing strychnine at the home of her father, Charles Miller, 634 Cheyenne avenue, Armourdale, Wednesday noon, February 12, was made at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon on state warrant by Sheriff Fred J. Hamilton of Cass county at Harrisonville, Mo. It was that of Mrs. Albert Morash, sister-in-law of Charles Miller. Sheriff Hamilton acted under orders of Attorney Joseph Taggart of Wyandotte county, who telephoned him to the effect that Mrs. Morash was wanted in Kansas City, Kas., on a murder charge, Wednesday and again Thursday. One-half hour after the telephone message, Hamilton had her in the county jail of Cass county. Chief Bowden of the Kansas City, Kas., police department and Detective Harry Anderson returned with the accused woman to Kansas City, Kas., early this morning and she was lodged in the city jail.
Sheriff Hamilton said last night over the telephone that the woman and her daughter, Blanche, had arrived in that city last Sunday afternoon, after having walked fifty-eight miles, all the way from Kansas City. They were jaded and their shoes worn through in many places Sunday. They stopped at the home of a farmer a mile outside the city limits that night, but Monday and Tuesday nights stayed at local hotels.
Chief Bowden and Captain U. G. Snyder have expended every resource to find her, on accoun of information it was thought she might be able to give concerning the poisoning. Yesterday morning they arrested Blanche Moran, the daughter, and compelled her to tell where she and her mother had gone after quitting Kansas City. Blanche had returned on a train to the home of her sister, Mrs. May Gillin, 634 Armstrong avenue, Tuesday afternoon.
County Attorney Taggart says he has discovered that the sender of the poisoned candy did not write all of the inscription on the wrapper. He says that Ella Miller, to whom the bonbons were addressed, wrote the words, "Ella Miller, 634 Cheyenne ave. Corner Packard and Cheyenne ave." appearing on the wrapper for Mrs. Morash, three months ago, and writing of the little girl corresonds exactly with the writing on the package. He says Ella has denied writing the rest of the inscription, "From S. S. Girls."
Blanche Morash cried when questioned by Captain U. G. Snyder, captain of police, at headquarters. She said she thought her mother was wanted by police in connection with an ocurrence of a month ago when Mrs. Morash was found guilty of mistreating and neglecting an infant taken from the Hughes maternity home.
Blanche furthermore said she was willing to make a statement regarding the sending of the box of bonbons, but did not say whether or not her statement would be in in the form of a denial of any knowledge concerning them.


February 21, 1908


Was Guest of Honor at Marriage of
Rose Mandelcorn, bot Offended
Parents by Failing to
Drink Her Health.

Judge William H. Wallace was the guest of honor at a wedding feast last night, and a Jewish wedding feast at that. That is he was the guest of honor for a little while, until he refused to drink from the wedding cup. Then he rememered that he had an "important engagement" and unceremoniously departed.

It happened this way: Rose Mandelcorn, daughter of a grocer at 1029 Independence avenue, who lives at 510 Harrison street, was to be married to Dr. Adolph Miller of Nashville, Tenn. Much time had been spent in decorting the bride's home, many anxious hours had been passed by the bride's good mother in working out the details of what she had dreamed of since Rose was a tiny bud of feminity -- her daughter's wedding, the event of her life. Father Mandelcorn, too, had his concern in the affair. Besides the thousand dollars he had laid aside as his daughter's dowry, he had spent much on the feast, but it seemed to him that something lacked to raise it all above the sluggish swirl of lower Harrison street society.

Father Mandelcorn accordingly consulted Mother Mandelcorn. Their Rose was to be clipped from the parental stem. It was up to the Mandelcorn family to make it a noteworthy event.

"Judge Wallace!" said Father Mandelcorn.

"He is a hard and cruel man," said Mother Mandelcorn.

"He has had me indicted by his grand jury because I did not keep the Christian Sabbath, I know," admitted Father Mandelcorn, "but we shall now heap coals of fire upon his head. We shall invite him to the wedding of our daughter, to the marriage of our Rose."

So, he was invited; the guests were assembled, the feast was spread, the marriage cup was filled; he came. Rabbi S. J. Shapiro read the ceremony and the father gave away the bride. Then after she had been kissed by kinsmen and guests, the marriage cup was passed. It was brimming with wine, and when it reached Judge Wallace he refused to drink.

To refuse to drink form a Jewish wedding cup when offered is an insult to bride and parents and groom. If Judge Wallace didn't know it before he shortly found it out form the clouded countenances which hedged him like the threat of a storm. Then he made his plea of anohter engagement and departed.

There was some gloom and considerable heat among the crowd which gathered around the festal board. J. R. Shapiro arose to make a speech, in which he scored Judge Wallace and his political ambitions.

Shapiro said that this reform wave of the judge's was merely a business move. He illustrated in this way: "When my business is run down and my shop becomes unattractive, I start out in a new way to boom the business and I paint my shop a new color and put out new signs. When Judge Wallace ran for congress some time ago, he lost the race. This time, he has come out with a new platform, one which he has built from this make-believe reforom of his. This is his way of booming business and painting his shop and putting out new signs."

Dr. Miller and wife left on an early train for a tour of the Southern states, after which the couple will go to Nashville, Tenn., which is to be their home. The bride was the recipient of many handsome gifts.

BUSCH MAY BE INDICTED. ~ Orchestra Leader and His Men Liable to Suffer for Sacred Concert.

February 21, 1908

Orchestra Leader and His Men Liable
to Suffer for Sacred Concert.

The grand jury will meet at 1 o'clock this aftrnoon and return indictments against theater managers, actors and others who will be charged with working last Sunday. The names of Carl Busch and his orchestra have been reported to the prosecutor's office by a deputy marshal, who heard them giving a sacred concert last Sunday at the Willis Wood theater. T. F. Willis, foreman of the jury, declined last night to state whether or not the jury would indict Busch and the orchestra for violation of the Sunday labor law. At least three of the four membes of the jury, who were absent last week, will attend today. The jury, therefore, may take up the Merchants' Refrigerating Company's tangle over warehouse receipts.

The second batch of habeas corpus cases, growing out of the release from jail last Saturday of four theater managers, who refused to give bond in sixty-six cases to Judge W. H. Wallace, was assigned yesterday by Presiding Judge T. J. Seehorn to Judge J. E. Goodrich's division of the circuit court. Judge Goodrich has asked the other judges to meet with him Saturday morning and hear evidence in the cases. Agreements of attorneys on both sides was necesary to this call, as Saturday is a legal holiday.

IN HONOR OF NEW POTENTATE. ~ Ararat Temple Holds Reception forJudge E. E. Porterfield.

February 21, 1908

Ararat Temple Holds Reception for
Judge E. E. Porterfield.

A reception in honor of E. E. Porterfield, the newly elected illustrious potentate, and his divan was given at the Coates house last night by ararat Temple of the Mystic Shrine. There was dancing and music by a male quartette.

WITH THE ADMINISTRATION. ~ Charles I. Lorber Issues a Letter Defining His Position.

February 20, 1908

Charles I. Lorber Issues a Letter De-
fining His Position.

Charles I. Lorber, who is seeking the Republican nomination for alderman to the lower house of the council from the Eight ward, has sent letters to every voter outlining whaat he stands for. Mr Lorber is with the administration on public policies now pending and to be presented. He favors a utility commission, a west trafficway and a Union passenger station and frieght terminal.

If elected Mr. Lorber says he can be depended upon to get better lighted streets in the Eighth ward and to help secure prompt provisions and best possible quarters and apliance for the general hospital and workhouse. He also favors the application of strict business methods to the employment and compensation of city employes, and the adoption in all departments of the most rigid system to avoid extravagance and waste.

"On all imporant questions I pledge myself to use every practicable way to ascertain the wishes of my ward and the ward shall be the lamp by which my feet are guided, says Mr. Lorber.

HONOR FOR "GINGER" PEARSON. ~ He Is Newest Member and Mascot of the Ginger Club.

February 20, 1908

He Is Newest Member and Mascot of
the Ginger Club.

A mascot in the shape of a wee baby boy is the latest addition to the Ginger Club. Somtime in the night, between Saturday and Sunday, the exact time is not known, the stork entered the home of Robert Pearson. As the Pearsons live in the "300" block on East Twelfth street, the home of the Ginger Club, the parents of the infant decided to name it "Ginger." Thus a distinctly honorary member was taken into the Ginger Club.

The merchants in the block are preparing to give a handsome present to the little one. Exactly what it will be has not yet been decided. The Ginger Club announced yesterday that its large "300" signs will be up and in working order Saturday. These signs consist of the figure "300" done in incandescent lamps, and each figure will be about two and a half feet high and about one and a half feet tall. There will be two of the signs.

On Saturday the members of the Ginger Club will pllace two or three barrels of ginger snaps, their insignia, around in their block. They promise that these snaps will be entirely edible and the bet brand which can be bought. This is their treat to the public in honor of their infant mascot.

COSBY IS RELEASED ON BOND. ~ Neither Hayes Nor O'Donnell, Shot By Him, May Die.

February 20, 1908

Neither Hayes Nor O'Donnell, Shot
By Him, May Die.

J. D. Cosby, proprietor of the Cosby hotel, Ninth and Baltimore avenue, was arraigned before Judge Festus O Miller yesterday afternoon, charged with felonious assault. Two informations were filed against Cosby, one for shooting J. F. O'Donnell and the other for shooting J. P. Hayes. He was released for $1000 bond in the O'Donnell case and $2,000 in the Hayes case, and his preliminary hearing is set for Tuesday next.

At St. Joseph's hospital last night it was said that O'Donnell was considered completely out of danger, and that Hayes was doing much better. Both bullets remained in Hayes's chest. An X-ray photograph will be taken today in an effort to locate them. If Hayes does not contract pneumonia from his injuries his chances for recovery are said to be good.

William Murray, the clerk who was cut several times about the head and face and bruised on the body in a tussle with one of the men, was released from the emergency hospital yesterday. He had been held for investigation since Monday night. Murray fell down the stairs and through a glass door.


February 19, 1908



After Giving Him Liquor, Murderer
Says They Induced Him to
Sign Confession -- Case
to Jury Today.

Denying that he ever made a confession to police that he murdered Sidney Herndon in the Navarro flats, Twelfth street and Baltimore avenue, on January 12, and claiming that he signed a confession fixed up by the police when he was intoxicated and under fear, due to threats made by the officers, Claude Brooks, negro, was on trial for the murder of Herndon or knew anything of the killing until he was placed in the county jail and the confession was in the hands of the prosecuting attorney. He denied ever owning the hammer which lay on the table in the courtroom, and which was the weapon used to kill Herndon, and also disputed all of the testimony of witnesses who claimed they saw him in the Nararro building the night of the tragedy.

Brooks claimed that while on the train, detectives who arrested him at his father's home and brought him back to Kansas City threatened to take him off the train at a bridge crossing the Missouri River and "string him up" if he did not "come through" and tell about killing Herndon. He also stated that the officers gave him whisksey in Sheffield and before they reached that place, and that he was in an intoxicated condition at the time the statement, said to be his confession, was made and signed by him.
Inspector of Detectives Ryan testified that he gave Brooks one drink of whiskey, which Brooks asked for, but that he did not have any other liquor, and no threats were made. He stated that Brooks made the confession of his own free will, and seemed perfectly willing to tell of the murder at the time of his arrest. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney John W. Hogan, testified to obtaining the confession, and stated that no one threatened Brooks. Other officers were put on the stand and bore out the statements of inspector Ryan.
The most damaging testimony against Brooks was that of Amel Jones, a negro boy, who said he saw Brooks hiding in the Navarro building late the night of the murder, and that he had a paper in his hand, which is described in Brooks's confession as containing the hammer in which he killed Herndon. Robert Webb, a negro at whose house Brooks lived, identified the hammer as exactly similar to the one he saw in Brooks's room. Charles Herndon, brother of the murdered man; Burtner Jones, negro elevator boy; Dr. O. H. Parker, deputy coroner, and others gave testimony.
The case was not finished last night, although most of the testimony, including the confession of Brooks, the night of his arrest, was introduced. It will be continued today and will probably go to the jury by noon.


February 19, 1908


Now Mecum Is Trailing Them, Very
Leisurely, in a Covered Wagon.

Esta Mecum and John Mellinger, each aged 12 years, were yesterday ordered detained by Judge H. L. McCune, sitting in the juvenile court, until homes can be found for them with relatives or others able to provide for them. This will enable Esta's father to continue the hunt for the boy's mother "and that there outlaw Tom Hopkins," as old man Mecum designated a former friend.

"He is an outlaw, is he?" inquired Judge McCune of the witness, Mecum, who was before the bar to explain why he was making the boy sell silver polish while he himself was buying beer.

"I think he is," said the rustic Sherlock Holmes. "I had 20 acres up in Michigan and he and my woman sat fire to the house and barn and said that the Indians had done it. Then he ran away with this boy's mother, and I set out to trial them."

"Indians up there?" Judge McCune inquired.

"There's a reservation; yes sir."

Sherlock's account of his trail was touching. He had been overhauled with a man named John Mellinger, father of a boy named likewise, the boy being then before the court.

"They tell me you and Mellinger were making these boys sell the silver polish while you and he drank up the proceeds. What is Mellinger to you?"

"Nothin' much, I kinder suspect him."

"More of your detective work?" the court asked.

"I reckon you'd call it that. He knows where my wife and Tom Hopkins are."

Humane officer McCrary said that if the ametuer detective would take a peep in the holdover, he would see his friend there, safe and sound, awaiting investigation.

The court took charge of the two boys until permanent homes can be found for them. Mecum said that he was a stone mason by trade but admitted he did not want a job -- "Not just now, anyway." He added, "I want to follow my wife and that outlaw, Tom Hopkins. They's gone north again."

He is following in a covered wagon. He explained that when Mrs. Mecum decamped she shipped the boy before the court to "Busy Bee Arizona." He meant Bisby.

AMBULANCES RACE FOR A "DEAD" MAN. ~ Floater Taken From River Turns Out to Be Alive.

February 19, 1908

Floater Taken From River
Turns Out to Be Alive.

A real "live" floater caused a neck and neck race along the river front yesterday afternoon between the emergency hospital ambulance and an undertaker's "dead wagon." The race attracted a great deal of attention and caused no end of excitement in the North End. The ambulance is painted gray and the dead wagon, of course, was black. It brought to mind the famous race between the "bob-tailed horse and the gray", but this time the "gray ambulance" won by a hame string.

The cause of the race was John Reich, 45 years old, a laborer of 1011 Cherry street. Reich was taken out of the river for dead. The emergency hospital was notified. Secretary Ebert called Coroner Thompson and the coroner detailed an undertaker to get the "dead man."

In about 20 minutes the telephone at the emergency rang again, and a trembling voice said, "Say feller, that floater ain't no floater 'tall. He's come to. That is, he's turned over onct. Better send the avalance and a doctor 'stead 'o the coroner."

It was then that the ambulance was dispatched and it was too late to call off the undertaker. That was the reason both vehicles met on the way to the river. The first one noticed of the other's presence. They were neck and neck on the river's sands and were "going some" to the east.

Undertakers have been known to race before and it may have been that this one thought a rival was after the body. The driver of the police amulance took up the race in a spirit of fun.

First one would forge ahead, then the other would come up fast and pass at a gallop. The police had the better team, however as it does nothing but run, and the driver was sport enough to win only by a hame string, when he could easily have outdistanced the dead wagon.

Lying on the bank, blue and cold, was Reich. When the undertaker's man saw the "floater" squirm and kick, he said things in "dead languages," reversed his team and slowly drove back home.

Reich was taken to the emergency hospital, where he was pumped out and artificial respiration used to get his lungs into working order. He was put to bed amid a bevy of hot water bottles and bags. In a couple of hours the "dead one" was in a condition to talk.

Reich recalled taking a drink a place down near the Winner piers. After that he said that he just "passed on" He did not know where he got into the water, how he got there, how long he was in, who got him out or where he was taken out.

"All I know is that I can't swim no more than a rock, and I got the derndest coldest duckin' a man ever got -- at least that I ever got. When I get out of this I'm goin' down there to look that ground -- or water -- over."

While Reich appears to be recuperating rapidly, Dr. W. L. Gist, who resuscitated him at the emergency hospital, said that the great danger now was pneumonia.


February 18, 1908




Wounded Men Had Gone Back to Ho-
tel to Apologize for a Row Ear-
lier in the Evening -- Shot
From Behind.

As a result of a quarrel in the Cosby hotel, West Ninth street and Baltimore avenue, at 8 o'clock last night, James P. Hayes, agent of the Traders' Dispatch, and John F. O'Donnell, cigar manufacturer, are in a dangerous condition in St. Joseph's hospital from bullet wounds in their bodis, and J. D. Cosby, owner of the hotel, who shot the men, is in the city jail and will probably answer to a charge of murder, in case the men may die. Hayes cannot recover, according to the attending physician, but O'Donnell's chances are even.

While Cosby is making an appeal to the police that he shot O'Donnell and Hayes in self-defense, the evidence shows that both men where shot in the back as they were retreating from the hotel. Cosby was not assaulted in any way or een mixed up in the quarrel until he grabbed a revolver and began shooting. The police arrested Cosby and his brothe, Wiliam Cosby; his clerk, William Murray, and a negro porter, Moses Butcher. They will be held until police make a thorough investigation.

The shooting was the result of a quarrel between Hayes, O'Donnell and William Murray, because the former two asked to see a friend of the name of A. Drake from Salt Lake City, U., who was staying at the hotel. Hayes and O'Donnell went to the hotel about 8 o'clock and inquired for Drake and H. L. Davis, who was registered from Hutchinson, Kas. Murray informed them that their friends had left. Hayes then made a remark which led Murray, the clerk, to believe Hayes was doubting his word and Murray struck him in the face. A fist fight followed in which Hayes, O'Donnell, Murray, and Cosby, brother of the proprietor, were implicated. Hayes used a bell and a bottle to defend himself with and Murray's head was badly cut as a result.
Hayes and O'Donnell managed to get out of the hotel and went to the Senate saloon, where they talked with several men about the fight. They stated that the clerk was in the wrong and that they ol defended themselves until they could get out of the place. Hayes then proposed to O'Donnell that they go back to the hotel and apologize for the wrong they had done and try to make the matter right with the proprietor They then went to the hotel and as they reached the top of the stairs J. D. Cosby called upon Clerk Murray, his brother and others to keep Hayes and O'Donnell in the place until he could summon the police and have them arrested.

Hayes and O'Donnell tried to escape from the hotel and Murray and Williaim Cosby again attacked them. While the men were engaged in a fight J. D. Cosby, the proprietor, came from behind the counter with a revolver in his hand and shot Hayes twice through the back as he was running down the stairs. J. D. Cosby was not assaulted and had no hand in the row except to do the shooting, according to statements of Hayes and O'Donnell and others who were there at the time of the shooting.

Hayes and O'Donnell fell when they were shot and the former lay in an unconscious condition at the top of the stairs, while O'Donnell managed to crawl into a nearby saloon and ask for help. Some one at the hotel telephoned for the police and Hayes and O'Donnell were taken immediately to St. Joseph's hospital They were in a critical condition and at midnight last night it was stated that Hayes could not survive. There were two bullet holes in his back near the right shoulder blade. The bullets had not ben located. He was in a semi-conscious condition up to midnight and was unable to recogize relatives and friends who were permitted to see him. There was one bullet in O'Donnell's shoulder which passed through his body, coming out just above the heart. It was found in his clothing and it was stated by physicians at the hospital last night that O'Donnell may recover.
Detectives R. E. Truman, J. W. Farrell, Joseph Halvey and James Ratery last night arrested J. D. Cosby, William Cosby, Moses Butcher, colored, and William Murray, together with a few guests at the hotel. The men whose names are mentioned will be held for investigation.

Asistant Prosecuting Attorney Riehl took a statement from J D. Cosby last night regarding the shooting, in which Cosby claimed self-defense. His story of the shooting is as follows:

"These two men, whom I do not now, came to the hotel and started a row with Murray and my brother (meaning William Cosby). They injured Murray and then went down out of the hotel. Later they came back, and I thought that they intended to start another row. I ordered the men in the hotel not to let these two men out of the place, as I wished to call the police and have them arrested. Then they started another row with Murray and my brother. I took a revolver I had in my hand and went to assist my brother. I grabbed hold of one and he struck at me. Then I shot him. I then shot the other man when he tried to strike me with something he had his hand. I did it in self-defense and to help my brother and Murray."

Cosby made another statement in which he said that he did not know that he had shot more than one man, but held to the story of self-defense.

The statements of all the other eye witnesses to the tragedy discredit that of Cosby. Willilam Cosby, his brother, said Cosby shot Hayes in the back when the latter was wrestling with Murray and then leaned over the railing of the stairway and shot O'Donnel as the later was descending the stairway. He also stated that he asked his brother not to shoot, but he would not listen. J. J. Carter of Garden City, Kas., and R. C. Rawlings of Chanute, Kas., made statements to the police which were about the same as that of William Cosby.


Mrs. Hayes, wife of the wound man who will probably die, called at the hosptial about 11 o'clock last night to see her husband. She was almost prostrated with grief when told of the affair and was overcome when she saw the condition of her husband. A sister and friends of Hayes also called to see him. Hayes has a baby daughter and lives at 2904 East Thirty-third street. He is about 30 years old. He is the agent for the Traders' Dispatch with offices in the board of trade.

O'Donnell is unmarried and lived at the Century hotel. He is proprietor of the J. F. O'Donnell Cigar Comany at 1801 Grand avenue. He is about 32 years of age.

It is claimed that this is not the first time that Crosby has been in shooting srapes of this kind. He is claimed to have had trouble with Joe Zigler, a saloon keeper near the Cosby hotel, in which he used a revolver but did not do any shooting.