THIEF HAD VARIED TASTE. ~ Whisky Alarm Clock and Pair of Scissors His Booty.

February 28, 1908

Whisky Alarm Clock and Pair of
Scissors His Booty.

Stultz Bros., wholesale liquor dealers at 618 Southwest boulevard, reported to the police yesterday that a thief had broken into their store Wednesday night and had stolen six quarts of rock and rye, three gallons of straight whisky, an alarm clock and a pair of scissors.

The variety of this booty sorely perplexed the police. It was the oddest combination ever recorded in the grand larceny department of Central station. After a closed session of the board of logical deduction, the local Sherlocks submitted the following theory as their best:

The thief probably had a bad cold, so he stole the rock and rye to cure the cold. Naturally, after effecting the cure of a bad cold, the thief wanted to celebrate properly, so he stole the three gallons of straight whisky.

This much of the strange mystery being deduced along safe and sane lines, the rest comes easy. He took the alarm clock in order to wake up the jag, and the theft of the scissors probably was for the sole purpose of "cutting it all out."