September 30, 1907





Exciting Terminus of a Race Through
the Air That Was Watched
by Hundreds of People
at Electric Park.

A collision of balloons 500 feet above solid ground was viewed by hundreds of people at Electric park last night, when the race between five balloons, which is the feature of the Corn Carnival, had only well begun. A stiff breeze was blowing out of the east, and the balloons were carried rapidly away from the park.

When the balloons reached a point nearly above Forty-third and Main streets, it was seen to be inevitable that two of them would collide. Fireworks were being set off in the air, and the people at the park could watch the course of the aeronauts clearly.

A scream of fear arose from the spectators when it was seen that a collision was almost inevitable. Just when it seemed the balloons would surely dash against one another, the two aeronauts cut their parachutes loose, and started to descend.

The parachute of Lee Planet, of one of the balloons, for some reason refused to work, and Planet fell rapidly. It seemed that he must be dashed to death, and the crowd of watchers turned away their eyes when he had disappeared from sight, believing him dead.

But luck was with Planet, and he lit upon a row of telephone wires, and from there dropped to the ground. His right hip was fractured, and he was rendered unconscious. Dr. Carl Bates, of No. 4 police station, treated him, and had him taken to his home. Planet is 24 years old, and is living at 1639 Broadway. Warren Redwine, the other aeronaut, escaped uninjured.

THOUGHT POLICE ROBBED HIM. ~ Aged Man Taken to Central Station for Safe Keeping.

September 30, 1907


Aged Man Taken to Central Station
for Safe Keeping.

"A man put his hands right in my pockets and took my money away from me. I remember that he took four $20 gold pieces, and all the time he was robbing me, a man watched him through a window and never said a word to make him stop."

Henry Mull, 70 years old, and feeble in mind and body, was telling Humane Agent McCrary yesterday afternoon in the police holdover how he believed he had been robbed. Late Saturday night he was found in the Union depot by Detective Bradley. He could not tell his name, where he came from or where he was going. He was taken to police headquarters for safekeeping. The officers took his money to keep for him, and he believed they had robbed him. He had $98 in cash, a check for $25 and a railroad ticket, which bore his name, was from Anaheim, Cal., to Springfield, Ill.

After McCrary had talked to him his memory partially returned. He has relatives in Springfield. He was taken to the Helping Hand, where he will be cared for while his relatives are communicated with.
September 29, 1907

Masked Robber Terrifies Occupants
and Gets $125 From Cash Register.

R. E. Slaughter, a clerk, and Miss Will Mowrey, cashier in the E. H. Dudley drug store, 5200 St. John avenue, were "held up" at the point of a revolver by a masked man last night at 10 o'clock and $125 was taken from the cash register. The robber escaped.

The man was driving a sorrel horse hitched to a buggy. He tied the horse in front of the drug store. He was wearing a white mask when he drove up. When he entered the store the clerk and the cashier were alone. He pointed the revolver at Slaughter and said:

"I want the money in the cash register and quick." He went behind the showcase and to the register, which he opened, while he kept Slaughter "covered" with the revolver. There was just $125 there. He took all of it. Then he backed out of the store pointing the revolver at Slaughter as he retreated. While he was untying the horse, Slaughter secured a revolver and stepped out onto the street, aimed at the robber and snapped the weapon several times. The cartridges failed to explode. The robber rode away unmolested. The police were notified immediately.

WOMAN SUES PIE COMPANY. ~ Claims Receipts Are Being Converted into Oficers' Salaries.

September 29, 1907

Claims Receipts Are Being Converted
into Oficers' Salaries.

Mary J. Cleveland, who claims to won more than thirty shares of the stock of the Smith-Yost Pie Company, sued yesterday in the circuit court to restrain B. Howard Smith and C. C. Yost from converting the receipts of the business to their own use. Mrs. Cleveland alleges that she has not received her share of the profits since April 8, 1901. Since that date, she estimates about $16,000 has been earned by the corporation.

Mrs. Cleveland alleges that Smith, who is president, and Yost, who is secretary of the company, told her they took the money for their services as officers. The by-laws of the corporation, she declares, allows the president only $1 a year for his services, and fixes the salary of the secretary at $800 a year. John Lucas, of the law firm of Johnson & Lucas, said last night that as Mrs. Cleveland's attorney he will ask the court for a restraining order and will not ask for a receiver for the corporation.

"It's just a disagreement over salaries, he said, "and we decided this suit the best way to untangle matters."

NO GUM FOR CROSSING SQUAD.~ Too Effeminate for a Copper, Says Sergeant Hogan.

September 28, 1907

Too Effeminate for a Copper, Says
Sergeant Hogan.

Sergeant James Hogan, commanding officer of the crossing squad, and the glass of fashion and mold form as far as the police force is concerned, announced positively last night that the chewing of gum by the members of his squad must cease, unless there is an exceptionally good excuse given.

"Chewing gum's too effeminate for a policeman," said Sergeant Hogan last night, pulling his freshly pressed uniform coat down a little in the front, and inspecting his immaculate white gloves. "When the order of the police board forbidding members of my squad to chew tobacco while on duty went into effect, I thought it was a good thing. When the men started to chew great wads of Pepsin and Yucatan while on duty I didn't say anything, because I realized they had to have some substitute for their daily allowance of plug cut for a little while. I didn't expect them to break off all at once. But this thing of chewing gum as a substitute for tobacco has gone far enough. The men will be turning up their trousers at the bottom next, and putting colored bands around their uniform caps. It's got to stop."

Members of the crossing squad are not allowed to use tobacco in any form while on duty, because so much of their work consists in escorting women across the congested crossings. Chewing gum was hailed as the only thing which would help the men, who had used tobacco for twenty years and more, to break themselves of the habit, and its use was adopted by most of the members of the squad.

"The idea of seeing a great six-footer with a mustache and a family tripping into a drug store and lisping to the clerk to 'please give me a package of gum,' just as if his first name was Reginald instead of Bill," said Sergeant Hogan, disgustedly.

MISTOOK IT FOR FIRE. ~ Sky in the West Had Appearance of a Conflagration.

September 28, 1907

Sky in the West Had Appearance of
a Conflagration.

"We haven't enough hose and ladders to reach that fire," remarked Fire Alarm Operator Gilpatrick last night.

"What fire is that?"

"Oh, no fire at all; just a red light in the sky over west. The wires have been hot for three hours with inquiries about the location of the blaze. This is one night I have been busy without any fires."

"Why should people be alarmed at a glowing sky?" was asked.

"The excitement has not died down from the Altman buiding and the Eighth and Delaware fires, I suppose."

And then an alamr came in from a real fire at Twenty-third and Park, which caused a further congestion of business.
September 28, 1907

Wives of Harber Brothers Die on

Same Day.

TRENTON, MO., Sept. 27. (Special.) -- Telegrams received here today told o fthe death of Mrs. J. B. Harber of Spokane, Wash. Her husband is a brother of Hon. E. M. Harber of this city, whose wife, Mrs. Lizzie D. Harber, was buried here yesterday. It appears that the brothers suffered their loss on the same day. The telegram, sent without knowledge of the Trenton brotyher's bereavement, asked the care and custody of an infant child.

HE DRANK CARBOLIC ACID. ~ Abe Friedman, 21 Years Old, Was Under Treatment for Melancholia.

September 28, 1907

Abe Friedman, 21 Years Old, Was Un-
der Treatment for Melancholia.

Abe Friedman, 21 years old, killed himself by drinking three ounces of carbolic acid at the home of his mother, Mrs. Rachel Friedman, 1512 Troost avenue, yesterday afternoon between 5 and 6 o'clock. For the past several weeks young Friedman had been an inmate of the Grandview sanitarium, a Kansas City, Kas., institution, where he had been treated, it was thought successfully, for acute melancholia.

Besides his mother he is survived by three brothers, Meyer, David and Samuel, who are associated in the grocery business.


September 27, 1907


Building and Endowing of a Tent
Colony and a Sanitarium
Among the Purposes
of Promoters.

Fresh Air, Fresh Milk and Fresh Eggs.

That's the motto of the Jackson County Society for the Relief and Prevention of Tuberculosis, organized last night. The leading men of the city -- doctors, ministers, priests, lawyers and officeholders -- attended the meeting and promised their assistance in putting the society in shape to do real work.

The programme of intentions outlined for the next few months is:

The building and endowing of a tent colony and a sanitarium near the city for the treatment of tuberculosis patients.

The employment of nurses to visit in the homes of consumptives and teach the people how to live properly when afflicted with the disease.

The enactment of laws by the city council to compel the reporting of all cases of tuberculosis, and to clean and disinfect all houses in which consumptives had lived or died.

The distribution of literature and the holding of public meetings to educate the people in healthy living -- fresh air, baths and wholesome food.

"Kansas City is twenty years behind Eastern cities in dealing with tuberculosis," said Dr. C. B. Irwin, one of the organizers of the society, last night. There is no fumigation, no reports of deaths from the disease, and practically no effort to check the spread of the plague. I know one house in this city from which there men have been carried out dead from consumption in the past five years. It's easy to know how the last two got it. As fast as one family moved out another moved in.

"Since in 1880 New York city began fumigating houses in which tuberculosis patient had died, began educating the people and commenced a systematic fight upon the disease, the death rate from it had fallen 50 per cent. The same is true of Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

"In the Western cities one death in every seven is from the white plague."

The directors of the society, chosen last night, are: Rev. Father W. J. Dalton, Dr. E. W. Schauffler, Judge H. L McCune, Mayor H. M. Beardsley, Frank P. Walsh, R. A. Long, Rev. Matt S. Hughes, Hugo Brecklein, Dr. St. Elmo Sauders, Congressman F. C. Ellis, Mrs. Robert Gillam, Ralph Swofford, Albert Bushnell, F. A. Faxon, George F. Damon and J. W. Frost.

The others are: Dr. R. O. Cross, president; Dr. C. B. Irwin, secretary, Albert Marty, treasurer; John T. Smith, Rev. Wallace M. Short, J. W. Frost and E. A. Krauthoff, vice presidents; chairman finance committee, Mrs. Kate E. Pierson; chairman soliciting committee, Mrs. E. T. Brigham; chairman legislative committee, J. V. C. Karnes, and publication committee, Dr. E. L. Stewart, chairman; Dr. E. L. Mathias and Clarance Dillon.

CROWDED INTO ONE ROOM. ~ Family of Seven Persons Taken in Charge by Authorities.

September 27, 1907

Family of Seven Persons Taken in
Charge by Authorities.

Seven persons, one a babe two days old, were found living in one room at 507 Grand avenue, yesterday morning by Edgar Warden, a deputy probation officer. Mrs. Mamie Cayton, the mother , and her infant were in the only bed in the room. On a pile of rags on the floor lay Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and their daughter, Sadie, 13 years old. Frank Stevens, 9 years old, sat at the foot of the bed. There is another Stevens boy who was not at home. There was a gasoline stove, a kettle and a few dirty pans in the room.

Sadie and Frank Stevens were taken to the Detention home. The mother and child are being cared for by the Associated Charities. The other Stevens boy, when he is locate, will be cared for by the Detention home authorities.

SHE HAS NOT GONE AWAY. ~ Wife of Missing Michael Donnelly Still in the City.

September 27, 1907

Wife of Missing Michael Donnelly
Still in the City.

Mrs. Michael Donnelly, who, it was reported, had followed in the wake of her husband, Michael Donnlly, national organizer of the Butcher Workmens' union and mysteriously disappeared from the city, is at 1810 Washington street.

She stated last night that she gave up her restaurant and boarding house at 3103 Southwest boulevard because the expense was too great. Most of the boarders that she had there will still be with her at the Washington street cottage.

She has at yet received no word from her husband and refuses to express any opinion as to what has become of him, on the ground that her fears are of too serious a nature to be given publicly.

MITCHEL SCENTS WORK. ~ Depot Master Prophesies Big Crowds at Union Station Next Week.

September 27, 1907

Depot Master Prophesies Big Crowds
at Union Station Next Week.

Crowds larger than have been handled for years are expected at the Union depot next Tuesday, when, in addition to the regular Carnival week excursions, which are at their height on the day of the Priests of Pallas parade, several homeseekers' excursions, bearing thousands of people, are also scheduled.

"I have been at this depot for fifteen years, and I have never failed to see it packed to its capacity on the day of the Priests of Pallas parade," said Lee Mitchell, the depot master, last night. "With the addition of the homeseekers' excursions, I believe the crowd will be the largest we have ever handled. It will be impossible to keep people off the platform, and I don't see now how they will even be able to get on and off their trains. However, we have always managed crowds before, and I suppose it will be done without any more friction than necessary this time."

IT'S A DISCONCERTING CLOCK. ~ Even the Dials on the Independence Timepiece Can't Agree.

September 26, 1907

Even the Dials on the Independence
Timepiece Can't Agree.

There will be a meeting of the Independence city council tonight and bids will be received to have the town clock regulated. For ten days the official timepiece of the city has been running forty-one minutes fast, and no two of the four dials tell the same tale. Factory hands get puzzled over the time of day, and the clock, instead of being a convenience, has been declared a nuisance. The other day a manufacturing concern manager found his employes walking out at 11:20 o'clock by his timepiece. When asked what was the matter they pointed to the hands of the dial indicating 12 o'clock noon.

GRAY BOUGHT HIM A BED. ~ Policeman Tickled by Sidewalk Sleeper's Explanation.

September 26, 1907

Policeman Tickled by Sidewalk
Sleeper's Explanation.

Elvin Gray, a patrolman, who walks a beat in the North end, last night found a man asleep on the sidewalk. Patrolmen have a habit of waking sidewalk sleepers by hitting the soles of their feet with their batons. Gray gave the sleeper a sound rap, and the man rose to a sitting posture with the exclamation: "Whoa, Maude."

The man's remark put the patrolman in a good humor. He took him to a rooming house and paid for a bed for him.

DISLIKES IDEAL LIFE. ~ Alta Reaves, at 18, Deserts Her Aunt's Home.

September 25, 1907

Alta Reaves, at 18, Deserts
Her Aunt's Home.
Alta Reaves, Missing 18-year-old.
Disappearance of Girl 18 Years Old Causing
an Aunt Much Distress.
Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 21, 1907
My Dear Aunt Marcia: By the time you get this I will be clear away from Kansas City. I suppose you will be surprised, but I have been thinking for some time and have come to the conclusion that I simply cannot live up to your ideal of life. I know that I have caused you a great deal of trouble and have decided not to be a cause for more. I thank you very, very much for all that you have done for me and I can probably never repay you for it; but some day I will show you that I do appreciate what you have done for me.

Please don't worry about me, for you have heard that "God helps those who help themselves," and I am not only going to try, but I am going to do it. I don't feel at all afraid of anything.

I hate to leave you, Aunt Bitha, and all the folks, but I have decided that if I am ever going to do anything, now is the time. If you want to do any more for me, just pray for me.

Again thanking you for all your kindness to me I am,

Your loving niece -- ALTA. P. S. -- I would have told you that I was going and where, but I knew that you would not let me go.
When Miss Marcia Jennings, a public stenographer at 302 R. A. Long building, reached her home 608 East Thirtieth street, late Saturday evening she found the foregoing letter awaiting her. It was from her niece, Alta Reaves, and was typewritten on the paper of the Western Pump and Manufacturing Company, Ninth and Wyandotte streets, where she worked until that day. She was 18 years old July 26. She comes of one of the best families in Clay county. Her father died when she was 2 years old and her mother when she was 8. Since that time she has been reared by two aunts, Mrs. C. H. Scott, of Excelsior Springs, Mo., and Miss Marcia Jennings, of this city. Four years ago she came here and since then has been continually with Miss Jennings, who sent her to school and later educated her as a stenographer.


"I can assign no reason on earth for Alta's leaving in this manner," said Miss Jennings yesterday. "She has only recently attained her majority but has never yet kept company with young men. I am confident, however, that someone is behind this resolve of hers and that she had help in leaving."

About 4:30 Saturday afternoon Miss Alta called up her aunt and asked if she had to get anything for supper. She was told to take home some meat. She made a purchase and arrived at home about 5 o'clock. The meat was found in the ice box. She was last seen about 5:30, when she returned a book to a neighbor, but said nothing about leaving.

"The girl had no suitcase," said the aunt, "but she packed clothing for the trip that I know it would take two to carry. She must have left by the rear entrance, as had she gone any other way she would surely have been seen. She is a very strong-minded girl and may have come to the conclusion that she could do better alone, I feel sure that someone has induced her to run away. Furthermore, I do not believe that she is out of this city. She didn't have money enough to get very far."


When Miss Jennings returned home on Labor day she found that Miss Alta had packed her trunk and ordered an expressman to remove it to 1023 Campbell street, where she had engaged a room. It was her intention then to live there and take her meals in restaurants down-town. The aunt frustrated her plans and thought that the girl had become reconciled to live with her. She was to have taken a new and better position yesterday.

After finding the girl gone, Miss Jennings called the police and asked their assistance in locating the missing girl. Miss Alta is said to be an exceptionally attractive girl, 18 years old, 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighing 130 pounds. She is a decided blonde, ans light blue eyes and naturally rosy cheeks. When last seen she wore a white shirtwaist, with a tan skirt, which hangs a little below her shoetops. A large white hat trimmed with cream roses topped off her toilet.

Miss Jennings is greatly worried over the girl's disappearance and her relatives in Clay county are nearly distracted over it. The police are doing all they can to locate the girl.


September 24, 1907


He is Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's
Church, Independence, and Com-
plaintant Is Mrs. Beatrice M.

Edward P. Fitzgerald, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church in Independence, was sued for $50,000 damages yesterday in the circuit court at Kansas City by Mrs. Beatrice M. Sotomayor, a Spanish woman. She has charge of the nurses' quarters at the University hospital, 1005 Campbell street. Mrs. Sotomayor alleges that the priest slapped her on the evening of June 9, 1907, at the parish house in Independence. Both Mrs. Sotomayor and the priest last night refused to be interviewed.

Mrs. Sotomayor, in her petition, says that ever since she came to Kansas City seven years ago, she has been a frequent visitor at the convent conducted by the Sisters of Mercy adjoining St. Mary's church and the parish house in Independence, and that she has always been on friendly terms with the sisters.

Some old quarrel, about which both the priest and Mrs. Sotomayor refuse to talk, came up for discussion at the convent on the evening of June 9, and the sister urged Mrs. Sotomayor, so she asserts in her petition, to go the the priest and apologize. The petition then goes on to recite that after she knocked at the door of the parish house, Father Fitzgerald invited her into the house, shut the door and told her that the only way she would be forgiven was to permit him to throw over her a white sheet, put a bell around her neck and lead her into the church where a large congregation was assembled and be shown to the church."

She refused to do this, the petition cites, but offered to go before the sisters and ask forgiveness. Then, asserts the woman, "he became angry and commanded her to go down upon her knees before him." This, she says, she refused to do, and then, she alleges, he struck her on both cheeks with his hand.

Mrs. Sotomayor was born in Spain, but has lived most of her life in Mexico. She came to Kansas City seven years ago and for a time gave private lessons in Spanish. For the past four years she has been at the University hospital, in charge of the nurses' quarters. She is a little woman, not over five feet three inches in height, with jet black hair and eyes. She talks with a Spanish accent. She appears to be about 40 years of age.

"I have not read the allegations made by Mrs. Sotomayor in the suit she has brought against me, and at this time I prefer to make no statement," said Rev. Edward Fitzgerald. He has been pastor of St. Mary's church for three months. The priest makes his home at that of the vicar general, Rev. Father Thomas Fitzgerald, but they are not related.

Vicar General Fitzgerald said that personally he knew nothing of the assaults charged by the woman, whom he was disposed to believe was not responsible for all she says or does.

"I form this impression," said the vicar general, "from her peculiar actions of the past. She was a persistent visitor at the convent and seemed to be very much attached to one of the sisters. Mrs. Sotomayor had an apparently uncontrollable passion for visiting the convent during the class hours, and her presence had a demoralizing influence on the studies of the pupils. The annoyance eventually became intolerable, and orders were given that the woman should abandon her visits. If to enforce this order any violence was resorted to I am not aware of it, and I am disposed to believe that Mrs. Sotomayor is exaggerating the whole affair.

WILL TALK ANNEXATION. ~ Council to Confer with Argentine Officals Thursday Night.

September 24, 1907

Council to Confer with Argentine
Officals Thursday Night.

Shall Kansas City, Kas., annex Argentine? That is a question that is beign discussed by the people of this city at present. The sentiment expressed is favorable to it. The people of Argentine expressed their desire to be annexed to the larger city by their votes at a special election held several months ago. The mayor and council have made the formal application to Kansas City, Kas., council for annexation, and next Thursday night a joint session wil be held for the purpose of getting together on terms.

If the two councils agree upon an annexation ordinance, Mayor Cornell will probably call a mass meeting of the property owners in order taht the wishes of the people in general may be ascertained.

DIED IN AN AMBULANCE. ~ John P. Johnston Attacked With a Hemorrhage That Resulted Fatally.

September 23, 1907

John P. Johnston Attacked With a
Hemorrhage That Resulted Fatally.

"Boys, I'm bleeding to death," announced John P. Johnston, 35 years old, to a party of friends whom he approached at Twelfth and Highland last night. He was subject to hemorrhages from the lungs, and had just returned from a picnic held in the country. While his companions waited outside for him to return from the interior of the saloon, Twelfth and Highland, he was attacked with a hemorrhage. An ambulance was called, and in it Johnston was being conveyed to emergency hospital when he died.

Johnston lived at 1701 East Twelfth street, and was a member of the Eagles. Coroner Thompson sent the body to Raymond's morgue, Kansas City, Kas.

WOUNDED WITH TOY PISTOL. ~ Boy of Eight Shoots a Companion of Thirteen.

September 23, 1907

Boy of Eight Shoots a Companion of

A toy pistol owned by David Henry Butler, 13 years old, looked pretty and harmless to his 8-year-old guest, Alva Givens, as it lay in a drawer yesterday afternoon at the Butler home, 1520 Virginia avenue. Alva took out the weapon, looked it over curiously and pulled the trigger. A 22 BB bullet entered young Butler's abdomen. An ambulance was called and the wounded boy was removed to University hospital. The child who fired the shot, with a companion, Carl Hotzier, scampered to the latter's home, 1526 Virginia avenue.

Dr. J. M. Singleton was called and probed for the bullet, but did not locate it. No serious results are anticipated.

Young Givens is the son of Mrs. Joseph Givens, Quincy, Ill., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Hotzier.

DR. GEORGE HALLEY INJURED. ~ Also Miss Genevieve Turk, Who Was Driving With Family.

September 23, 1907

Also Miss Genevieve Turk, Who Was
Driving With Family.

Dr. George Halley, of 3540 Campbell street, was thrown from his carriage yesterday afternoon while driving down the steep hill of the extension to Spring Valley boulevard, sustaining a severely sprained ankle and numerous cuts and bruises on the head and shoulders. In the carriage with him were Mrs. Halley, their 12-year-old daughter, Eleanor, their 10-year-old niece, Dorothy Williamson, and Miss Genevieve M. Turk, a teacher in the Linwood school. Miss Turk's left wrist was broken. The other occupants of the carriage escaped unhurt.

Dr. Halley and Miss Turk were riding in the front seat of the carriage. In the rear were Mrs. Halley and the two little girls. In turning north from Valentine road and starting down the hill, the carriage ran against the horse. The animal took fright and overturned the vehicle, throwing it down the embankment on the west side of the road. Mrs. Halley and her niece succeeded in jumping out but the rest of the occupants went over with the carriage.

Dr. Halley has been in bad health for about a year.
September 22, 1907

Benjamin Clay Dies from Knife
Wounds Inflicted by Jesse Walker.

Benjamin Clay, 30 years old, a bottler, living at 2443 Penn street, died yesterday morning at his home from a stab would in the left temple inflicted by Jesse Walker, 19 years old, who lives at 2436 Washington street, the night of September 11. Dr. George B. Thompson, coroner, performed an autopsy yesterday. Walker is being held at police headquarters. Statements were taken from both the young man and his father, Albert Walker, yesterday. Should Jesse Walker be tried on a charge of murder, it is probable self-defense will be his plea. In his statement he says that Clay attacked him in a saloon at Southwest boulevard and Penn street, grabbed him by the hair and beat him on the face. He broke away from Clay and ran into a side room with Clay pursuing him, and that Clay was reaching in his pocket, apparently to draw a knife. Walker pulled out a knife and stabbed him three times, twice in the body and once on the left temple. Walker then ran and Clay chased him a block.

MEEK WHEN IN COURT. ~ Changed Attitude of a Bad Man From Oklahoma.

September 22, 1907

Changed Attitude of a Bad Man From

"I am a bad man from Texas and Oklahoma. I don't really hanker to kill anyone, but I might stick this knife into somebody and just turn it around a few times. I feel like doing that just to keep up my 'rep.' "

Martin Garrett, the man who made the foregoing remark Friday night at Sixth and Broadway, and who was later arrested with an open knife in his hand, was as meek as a lamb when he was arraigned in court yesterday.

His remarks had been directed to William Williams, an inoffensive citizen, who was eating a sandwich while Dennis Guffey tried to act as a peacemaker. All were arrested. The "bad man from Texas and Oklahoma" was fined $15 and the others discharged.

WANT TO START SOMETHING. ~ Patrolman Happens Along and Stops a Boy's Ambitions.

September 22, 1907

Patrolman Happens Along and Stops
a Boy's Ambitions.

He was 2 1/2 years old, tow-headed and brown-eyed. He was bareheaded, barefooted and wore only a little white calico slip on which were black polka dots. When Patrolman Edward McNamara found him at Tenth and Main streets yesterday morning the little fellow had mounted to the front seat of an automobile and was doing his very best to turn a crank and "start something."

"What are you doing here?" asked the patrolman.

"I wanna make it toot an' go," said the tow-head.

The little trespasser was taken to headquarters and placed in charge of Mrs. John Moran, matron. He kept her busy for two hours keeping him out of mischief. After she had placed everything beyond his reach his mother, Mrs. Inez Naylor, 1001 Wyandotte street, called for him. She said the young chauffeur's name was Harry Naylor.

TOLD TROUBLE BY SIGNS. ~ Lizzie Hatcher, a Mute, Given a Divorce for Infelicity.

September 21, 1907

Lizzie Hatcher, a Mute, Given a Di-
vorce for Infelicity.

The wheels of justice were stopped yesterday in Judge Powell's Independence division of the circuit court for a time. Lizzie Hatcher, a mute, sued Edwin Hatcher, her husband, for divorce. Neither of them being able to talk, an interpreter was secured, but the interpreter could not do justice to the sign language when Mrs. Hatcher commenced to tell her troubles. The stenographer grew worried and finally the whole business was stopped until one more expert in sign language could be secured.

The little son of Mrs. Hatcher was made interpreter and then fingers flew and expressive features told the story of domestic infelicity. The result was Mrs. Hatcher was given a divorce and the defendant was told to pay $8 each moth at a stated time.

Other divorces granted were: Emma Goldsby from John E. Goldsby; John A. McCollough from Althea McCollough; Albert E. Hill from Nora Hill; Etta C. Dunkel from George W. Dunkel.

LIE PASSED IN COURT. ~ Then Frank Lowe Apologized to Police Judge Kyle.

September 21, 1907

Then Frank Lowe Apologized to Po-
lice Judge Kyle.

The cases of Mrs. Carrie Perkins and Charles Walker, proprietors of "hotels" on Twelfth street to which the school board makes objection, were called in police court yesterday after many continuances. Frank M. Lowe, an attorney, asked for another continuance on the grounds that the complaint had just been made out and that previous to that he had never known what charge to meet.

"Continuances have been granted to a member of your law firm," said John Swenson, city attorney, "and you should be familiar with the charge."

"If you say that I am, you are an infernal liar," roared Lowe.

The attorney received no reprimand from the court until after another continuance had been granted and Swenson asked Judge Kyle if the dignity of the court could be upheld. Then Lowe apologized meekly.

"You mustn't say that any more -- talk that way, I mean," was the scathing rebuke Lowe received from the court.

AFTER AUTO SCORCHERS. ~ Chief of Police Ahern Issues Orders to His Command.

September 20, 1907

Chief of Police Ahern Issues Orders
to His Command.

Another step was taken by the police yesterday to check scorching autoists. After a consultation with W. H. Harrison, license inspector, Chief Ahern issued a special order calling attention to the fact that many automobiles are running the streets with no license number displayed. The police were ordered to arrest every owner found driving a machine without a numbered tag that can be read plainly at least fifty yards distant.

"I don't intend that any automobile shall run citizens down hereafter and escape because it has no number by which it may be readily identified. If this ordinance is strictly complied with someone should be able to see the number and report it -- even if the police are not there," said the chief after issuing the order.

"THE FALL OF FRISCO." ~ Campbell's Earthquake and Fireworks Spectacle Coming.

September 19, 1907

Campbell's Earthquake and Fire-
works Spectacle Coming.

Kansas City will see something new in Campbell's earthquake and fireworks spectacle, "The Destruction of San Francisco." This production, which has never been presented here before, comes on Wednesday, the 25th, for ten nights. The exhibition will be on the circus lot at Fifteenth street and Kansas avenue. The exhibition consists of San Francisco as it was before the disaster, with 350 people on the busy streets, then the earthquake, followed by the fire, laying the city in ashes and ruins, while the people rush for the ferries in their attempt to escape from the city.

The scenic picture is 400 feet in length and is an accurate reproduction of Market street, showing, among other buildings, the city hall, the Call building and and the memorable Ferry building as they were both before and after the earthquake and fire. There are fifteen carloads of scenery and fireworks, making up this production, and counting the mechanical staff, 450 people are required in the production.

A magnificent display of fireworks fills out an evening's entertainment.

LEFT NAME OFF BOOKS. ~ Judge Kyle Friendly to Man of the Same Name.

September 19, 1907

Judge Kyle Friendly to Man of the
Same Name.

When the name of Pete Kyle was called in police court on a charge of disturbing the peace Judge Kyle "sat up and took notice." Pete was a negro, however, and there was no one present to prosecute him.

"Where'd you get that name?" asked the judge.

"Father gave it to me, I suppose," said the prisoner, grinning.

"You may go," replied the court. As Kyle left the room, the judge slowly tore up the information. Then he added:

"What's the use? There's no one here to prosecute him and it is the first Kyle to go on these books. I'll just leave it off. No harm done."

GONE WITH ANOTHER WOMAN.W. T. Blackburn Tells a Strange Story to the Police.

September 19, 1907


W. T. Blackburn Tells a Strange
Story to the Police.

W. T. Blackburn, of Sedalia, Mo., with four children ranging in age from 2 to 10 years, walked into police headquarters yesterday to ask assistance in finding his wife who, he said, had gone away two seeks ago, taking $312 of his money. He said he had saved some money which he had at his home in Sedalia. While he was away at work his wife, he alleged, took what money there was and then called in a second-hand dealer to sell the furniture. Neighbors told Blackburn that his wife left with another woman.

Blackburn came here with $30 which, he said, his wife had overlooked. He said she had written his 10-year-old daughter telling her a letter addressed "general delivery" would reach her mother.


September 19, 1907



Mack Rogers, 50 years old, a carpenter, living at a rooming house on Osage avenue, in Armourdale, Kas., was shot and almost instantly killed about 11 o'clock last night by Bert Nerling, proprietor of a saloon at 1525 Main street. The shooting occurred in an alley back of Nerling's saloon, and was witnessed by George T. Maloy, of 3335 Charlotte, a friend of Nerling. It followed a free-for-all fight in a house at 1527 Main street. Nerling at once surrendered to the police.

It seems that Rogers got into a fight at 1527 Main street in which a number of persons were involved. In the course of the disturbance beer bottles and other missiles were hurled around promiscuously, some of them striking and breaking windows in the rear of Nerling's place. Someone, presumably a woman, fired two shots with a small pistol, at which Nerling armed himself with a revolver and went out to investigate. Maloy followed him to see what the trouble was all about.

According to a statement made by Maloy, when Nerling stepped into the alley in the rear of his saloon he saw Rogers and others throwing bottles. He shouted to Rogers:

"What the hell are you doing, trying to smash up all my property?"

Rogers, it is said, immediately turned upon the saloon man and hurled a beer bottle at his head. Nerling drew his pistol and fired point blank at Rogers. Then he turned and went into the saloon. Rogers staggered some twenty or thirty feet and fell dead. A bullet from a 38-caliber pistol struck him full in the breast, almost directly over the heart.

Nerling was taken at once to the Walnut street police station, where he made a statement to Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Hogan and Police Captain Morley. Captain Morley ordered the arrest of all the people at 1527 Main street and those living in a rooming house over Nerling's saloon. Maloy made a statement to the prosecuting attorney which was substantially the same as that given by him to the police.

Coroner Thompson was notified and ordered the body removed to Eylar's morgue. An autopsy and inquest will be held this morning at 9 o'clock.

Rogers was nearly six feet tall and weighed 200 pounds.

The police this morning locked up a woman who goes by the name of Maud Nerling. She is said to occuply rooms over Nerlin's saloon, and the authorities believe she will prove a valuable witness.


September 19, 1907


Rev. Daniel McGurk, pastor of the Grand Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, accompanied by Terrance Brigham, superintendent of the Helping Hand institute, and two policemen, made a slumming tour of the North end last night. The object of the minister's visit was to see conditions there at first hand.

"Several days ago Rev. Mr. McGurk came to me and asked for information about the North end," Mr. Brigham said, before going on the trip. "I told him the only way to understand the North end was to see it at night. That is what he intends to do now."

"Last Sunday I told a number of my church people what I intended to do," said Rev. Mr. McGurk. "I am gathering material for my sunday sermon. there has been much said in the newspapers about light for the boulevards. That suggested to me the question of what is being done for light -- moral light, in the North end. All the churches in the North end have been sold out. The Helping Hand, the Salvation Army and one little chapel are all that remain.

"It has been the history of this section of the city that as the need of churches grew the churches moved away or were sold out because the property became valuable. I am told that thirteen have old out in the past few years because the church people thought they were getting a good price for their property. In the two and one-half years that I have been in Kansas City I know of five churches that have sold out because it was believed a good price was being obtained. I think that the churches are moving in the wrong direction and that more light is needed in the North end.

"I want to see conditions here that I may better understand them. I am not making this trip for publicity. I may not even mention it in my sermon. It's purpose is that I may unerstand and be sure of my facts."

Rev. Mr. McGurk made mention of the fact that within a radius of six blocks from the Junction his was the only church remaining. He expressed regrt that the tendency of the churches was to move south and east, away from the North end.

HAD FUN WITH DETECTIVE. ~ After a Long Search Boy Concludes He Did Not Steal.

September 19, 1907


After a Long Search Boy Concludes
He Did Not Steal.

Leon Harris, a negro boy, 12 years old, living in the vicinity of Twenty-third and Vine streets, was taken to the detention home yesterday by Detective Boyle charged with the theft of a finger ring.

"This is the most peculiar prisoner I have had to deal with in some time," said Detective Boyle. "When i accused him of stealing the ring he volunteered to take me to the spot where he had hidden it. After prowling around with him for some time and not finding the lost jewelry the little rascal looked me squarely in the eye and innocently remarked:

"Boss, come to think of it, I guess I did not steal the ring you were looking for."

FRANK JAMES A FARMER. ~ During Visit in City Missouri's Former Bandit Declares It Is Nonsense to Say That Quantrell Still Lives.

September 18, 1907


During Visit in City Missouri's Form-
er Bandit Declares It Is Non-
sense to Say That Quan-
trell Still Lives.

Frank James, the former Missouri bandit, who has lived a reformed life since the bank raid at Northfield, Minn., which ended so disastrously for the James and Younger boys, has turned farmer. He spent yesterday in Kansas City with his nephew, Jesse James, Jr., an attorney, and talked of his plans.

For some time James, now 64 years old, has lived on the old homestead in Clay county, thirty miles from Kansas City. He hunted in winter and in summer was employed as a starter at race tracks. Recently he purchased a farm of 160 acres in Oklahoma and will go there October 1 to make his home. Frank is a well-preserved old man, but looked rather pale yesterday and the penalties of declining years appeared not far away in his future.

"Of course Quantrell is dead!" the brother and advisor of Jesse James and the Younger crowd during their years of border ravages exclaimed when the recently published rumor that the former Guerrilla chieftain is alive was mentioned.

"There is no question of his death. Why, I was at his side when he fell. In a pitched battle between the Quantrell command and Federal soldiers in Kentucky in the spring of '65, Quantrell was wounded. His command was hard pressed, but rallied around their leader. The boys wanted to take up Quantrell and make a dash for the hills, where, they told him, if escape were possible, they could nurse him back to health.

" 'No,' said Quantrell, 'I am as good as dead. Leave me and get to the hills yourselves. If I am dead, the next thing to do is save the living ones.'

"The last I saw of Quantrell he was paralyzed from the waist down and imploring his men to leave him alone. He died three hours later w here he had fallen and was left on the battlefield.

"The statement that he is still living is nonsense."

Frank James left last night for Kearney, Mo, at 5 o'clock.

POLICEMAN HELPED HIM OUT. ~ Overstudious Law Clerk Locked in Bank Building.

September 17, 1907

Overstudious Law Clerk Locked in
Bank Building.

"Send someone to let me out quick. I'm in the First National Bank buiding, and I'm afraid someone will find me and think I'm a bank robber."

This request came over the wire to police headquarters last night after midnight.

Patrolman Cumming answered the call and found a young man making futile attempts to get out of the building. He stated that he was a clerk in the offices of Lathrop, Morrow, Fox & Moore, and that he had worked later than usual, with the result that he had been locked in.

STILWELL'S LIBERAL OFFER.~ Will Bring Boston Symphony Orchestra to Kansas City.

September 17, 1907

Will Bring Boston Symphony Orches-
tra to Kansas City.

The Kansas City Oratorio Society had its first rehearsal at the Conservatory of Music auditorium last night. There were sixty voices present. Before leaving for Mexico yesterday A. E. Stilwell, president of the society, announced that he had arranged to bring to Kansas City on March 8 the well-known Symphony orchestra of Boston.

The plan was viewed with such general favor that it was later decided to make an effort to increase the voices of the society from sixty to 300 in the interim, the entire chorus to sing with the orchestra. The concert will probably be given at Convention hall.

The next rehearsal will be next Monday evening at the Conservatory auditorium.

HIS SECOND TIME IN COURT. ~ Frank Clarken Is Only 9 but He Is Making a Record.

September 17, 1907

Frank Clarken Is Only 9 but He Is
Making a Record.

Frank Clarken, 9 years old, of 1734 Locust street, was before the juvenile court yesterday for taking six sacks and selling them to a junk man at Eighteenth street and Charlotte streets.

"You were in the court before," Judge H. L. McCune said. "What had you done that time?"

"I was teasing a lady," the urchin replied.

A search through the records disclosed the fact that Frank had broken a lamp belonging to a neighbor of his mother's and when the owner of the lamp had remonstrated with him he had called her "an old witch." The court sent him back home and told him to be a good boy.

OPIUM USER TRIES SUICIDE. ~ Rivers Made Three Attempts on His Life at the Workhouse.

September 16, 1907

Rivers Made Three Attempts on His
Life at the Workhouse.

Otto Rivers, an intimate of the city workhouse who is addicted to the opium habit, and who shot John Spangler, head guard at the workhouse a few days ago in an attempt to get the guard's revolver to commit suicide with, tried three times to take hos own life yesterday morning. First he set fire to his bunk. He did not have nerve enough to let the flames envelope his clothing and the fire was extinguished before any damage was done. Later he pounded up a two-ounce glass bottle and swallowed the broken glass. A police ambulance was called and he was started to the general hospital. On the way he seized a revolver which was protruding from the officer's hip pocket and attempted to shoot himself. He was overpowered and the weapon wrested from him before he was able to discharge it.. At the general hospital last night it was said Rivers would recover. He had been given opium, the first time in several weeks, and was said to be resting easily. Rivers' dementia is entirely due to his having been deprived of the drug while confined in the workhouse. He is only 27 years old, but has been using the drug several years. He says his life becomes torture without it and is worse than death.

Rivers was sentenced to the workhouse on a technical charge of vagrancy June 17. He had been seen prowling around a number of office buildings at the time the "office building firebug" was operating.

Spangler, who was shot in the tussle with Rivers several days ago, is still in the general hospital.

ARRESTED TWICE IN ONE DAY. ~ Italian Saloonkeeper Persisted in Keeping the Lid Off.

September 16, 1907

Italian Saloonkeeper Persisted in
Keeping the Lid Off.

Twice in one day was Filippe Spalitto, an Italian saloonkeeper, arrested on a charge of "lid-lifting," in his saloon at 1027 East Fifth street.

Saturday night a woman went to police headquarters and told Lieutenant Michael J. Kennedy that the "lid" would likely be unscrewed in Spalitto's place yesterday.

Harry Arthur and John R. McCall were sent to watch the place. They avoided four lookouts who were guarding the saloon, and in one hour saw thirty men and women enter and leave. Some of the women carried away beer under their aprons. After watching two hours the officers "rushed" the place. They found seven men and two women there. Arthur went to the basement. There he saw an arm extending a bottle of beer to a customer. He caught the extended arm and drew the man attached thereto over the bar. The possessor of the "lid-lifting" arm was Spalitto. This happened in the morning.

After Spalitto was taken to the police station and released on a $51 bond reports came that the place was still doing business. Last night Sergeant Peter McCosgrove and Patrolmen Michael Mullane and Gallagher Boyd went there. They got by the lookouts and saw the Italian selling beer to three negroes. He was again taken to the police station and again released on $51 bond.

AS GOOD AS THEY PRETEND. ~ That's What "Pat Flanagan" Thinks of Men in General.

September 16, 1907

That's What "Pat Flanagan" Thinks
of Men in General.

"I believe men are just as good as they pretend to be while wearing their 'company manners' in the presence of women. I had supposed that men always tried to be nicer when they knew a women were about. I have met a good many men who did not know a woman was near and they were just as nice as they could have been had they known."

That is what Viola Reed, alias "Pat Flanagan" said about "the men" in the police matron's room yesterday and she ought to know for she has been working with men, wearing men's clothes and passing as a man for several weeks.

She was wearing men's clothes yesterday, and while she talked of men she threw one leg over the other in the most approved manly manner possible.

"Pat" will leave the police station today. She will walk over the the Helping Hand like a little man, leave there like a little woman, and go to work in a private family as a domestic.

Girls do not often patronize barbers. "Pat" just learned yesterday that her inexperience cost her about $40. That was what she paid a barber in Vinita to cut her hair when she decided to be a man. She gave the barber her hair for cutting it. She learned yesterday she could have sold her hair for $40.


September 15, 1907


Hurried Away, Promising to Report
Later on -- By Telephone Informs
the Undertaker That Gumley
Is a Lost Brother.

The murder of John W. Gumley by his wife at their home, 1319 Liberty street, Friday night, developed a mystery yesterday which the police expect to clear up today at Stine's undertaking rooms, where the body awaits burial. Gumley, 44 years old, and a teamster, may prove to be the long lost brother of a well-to-do family living in the vicinity of Nineteenth street and Troost avenue.

Late yesterday a young woman, heavily veiled, called at the undertaking rooms and asked to see the body of Gumley. The caller declined to identify herself when questioned by an attendant, but stated that her residence is near Nineteenth street and Troost avenue. The unknown woman was escorted to the undertaker's private morgue, and the body was drawn out for her inspection. Immediately she showed great agitation and asked to be taken out of the room.


"I would almost swear it," she was saying to herself as the attendant led her back to the private office of the undertaker.

Then the mysterious caller, who had declined to tell her name and exact address, told those about her that she is confident Gumley was her brother, who had been lost to her family for many years.

"When I read his description in The Journal," she said, "I at once thought of the brother we have so long awaited. And there was something familiar about the name, too. He might have assumed that or it might be his own -- I would rather not say any more at present."

The mysterious caller left the undertaking establishment, saying she intended calling on friends who would know the body for sure and that she would return with them for an identification.


But the young woman -- that's the way the undertaker described her, although he said she might be of "middle age" -- did not return. Instead she telephoned Mr. Stine last night that the identification had been verified and that she will call today to take charge of Gumley's body. She stated that Gumley's mother is in town, and that the aged woman will accompany her to the undertaker's morgue today -- but still the woman who is sure she is Gumley's sister declined to state her name. The police and the undertaker are confident the mystery will be cleared up this morning.


Gumley was shot by his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Gumley, at 8:13 o'clock Friday night in his own home. The wife told the police her husband deserted her a week ago, and that he returned during the afternoon. In the evening, according to Mrs. Gumley and various witnesses to the tragedy, a quarrel growing out of Gumley's uncomplimentary remarks about a boarder led to a fight. As the husband started toward his wife with an upraised chair, the witnesses say, Mrs. Gumley fired two sots. The second lodged in Gumley's head and he died later at the emergency hospital.

After her arrest Mrs. Gumley did not deny the shooting but said: "I did it in self-defense."

BUTTER UP FIVE CENTS. ~ Creamery Trust Boosts Price From 30 to 35 Cents a Pound.

September 15, 1907

Creamery Trust Boosts Price From 30
to 35 Cents a Pound.

"What! Creamery butter at 35 cents a pound!" exclaimed a woman at the city market last night. "Well, you had better just give me half pound, instead of a pound."

"You had better take two pounds, madam," said the clerk. "A half pound will cost you 20 cents, while you can get two pounds for 65 cents."

"When did butter go up?" asked the shopper, after she had decided that it would be a matter of economy to buy two pounds.

"Today," said the clerk. "We got notice from the creameries today that the best butter would be advanced today. We have been selling it for 20 cents, you know."

"What is the cause of it going up?" asked the shopper.

"Can't say," said the clerk. "More money for the creameries, I s'pose. They claimed to us that cream was scarce, and blamed it all on the dairymen, and the dairymen lay it on the cows."

"It's a shame the way these trusts are putting up the prices," said the woman, indignantly. "You might give me a dozen eggs. How are you selling them?"

"Twenty-five cents a dozen, two dozen for 45 cents," said the clerk.

"Eggs have gone up too, then?" asked the woman.

"Yes," said the clerk. Went up today. The commission men blame it all on the helpful hen. They say she's getting lazy, and the supply of eggs is short."

"Well, I think I'll look at another place and see how they are selling eggs," said the shopper. "I can't afford to pay these high prices."

She visited all the other stalls at the market, pricing butter and eggs, but she found the prices the same everywhere.

"And you'd better buy here, too, madam," said one clerk. "Because your grocer won't give you the benefit of two cents off if you buy two pounds of butter, or two dozen eggs."

THINKS ESTIMATE TOO HIGH. ~ Mr. Greenwood Says Only 15 Per Cent of Children are "Defective."

September 14, 1907

Mr. Greenwood Says Only 15 Per Cent
of Children are "Defective."

Superintendent J. M. Greenwood, of the Kansas City schools, vigorously challenges the estimate of Assistant City Physician Eugene Carbaugh that 67 per cent of the pupils in the Kansas City schools have their faculties impaired or are afflicted with disease of any kind. He thinks the estimate should be divided by 4.

"I do not believe that there are more than 15 per cent of the pupils in the schools who have anything at all the matter with them," said Mr. Greenwood yesterday. "This would cover all the ailments, impairment of vision, sore throat and disease of every sort. As to what we call 'defectives,' or those mentally deficient, there are only a very few. But Dr. Carbaugh's estimate included all manner of ailments, bad teeth, sore throat and the numerous troubles of children. Even then his figures are entirely too high. The records which we have kept for many years bear out my figures and utterly refute the estimate of Dr. Carbaugh. He must have got into a particularly afflicted district, if his estimate was based on experience and is not a mere generalization."

Mr. Greenwood sent out requests to all teachers for a report of the number in each room suffering from sickness, disability or any trouble whatever that would be classed as a defect, impairment of faculties or ailment.

WHAT CAUSES DEATH RATTLE. ~ Emergency Physician Explains While Working on Dying Man.

September 14, 1907

Emergency Physician Explains While
Working on Dying Man.

It was while William Montgomery, of Joy and Liberty streets, who was fatally shot by his wife, lay dying in the emergency hospital last night, that one of the physicians was asked what caused the "death rattle."

"There are two possible causes," the physician replied. "One is the lodgement of saliva in the throat and the other is the flabbiness of the throat muscles just before the approach of death. the relaxation of the throat muscles, along with the falling of the tongue into the throat, is the most common cause of the rattle. If a dying man was turned over on his stomach, there would be no rattle to his throat.

GAVE HIM SIGN AND GRIP. ~ Also $12 Which Arley Merteller Will Never See Again.

September 14, 1907

Also $12 Which Arley Merteller Will
Never See Again.

Arley Merteller, of Rollins, Wyo., is looser just $12 by his visit to Kansas City Thursday.

"I met a stranger at the Union depot," Merteller told the police later. "He apporached me, gave a Masonic sign and handed me the correct grip. Being a brother, I didn't hesitate to go with him to the New England National bank. When he needed $12 to get some things I gave it to him readily. He told me to wait there, that he would be back in a minute. After waiting several hundred minutes I realized that I had been buncoed. We all learn by experience. Moral: 'Trust no man further than you can trouw a brick and then don't throw it around a corner.' "


September 13, 1907



In a Spirit of Playfulness He
Pulled Trigger and Bullet Passed
Through Miss Callaway's Brain.
Mother Accompanying Body
Home for Burial.
Edna Callaway, Kansas City Girl Shot and Killed in Denver, Co.

Death at the hands of a cousin of her fiance was the tragic ending of a summer vacation to Miss Edna Callaway, a young Kansas City society woman, at Denver, Col., Wednesday night. Witte Ellis, formerly of Kansas City, accidentally shot and killed her with an automatic pistol at the home of his mother in the presence of her sweetheart, W. Lysle Alderson, who with his mother and Miss Callaway were visiting at the Ellis home. The tragedy occurred on the evening Miss Callaway was to start upon her return trip to Kansas City.

The shooting occurred after the return of the party, composed of Mrs. J. M. Ellis, of Denver, the hostess; Mrs. D. P. Alderson, of Kansas City; W. Lysle Alderson, Miss Callaway, and young Ellis, from a dinner at the Shirley hotel.


It seems that for a prank the two women had gone into their sons' bedrooms and concealed some of their night clothing. When the boys discovered the joke they decided upon a reprisal which would turn the laugh the other way. Accordingly young Alderson produced an automatic pistol with which it was proposed to scare Miss Callaway, whom they believed responsible for the original joke.

The pistol was arranged to be loaded by placing a "clip" full of cartridges in a place provided for the insertion so that the top shell would be in position for firing. Ellis took the pistol and removed the "clip" containing the bullets.

Then the two ran into a hallway, where their mothers were awaiting the outcome of the joke. Miss Callaway,, hearing the commotion and knowing some prank was on, peeped from her door and then came out. They flourished the pistol some moments, Ellis exclaiming,

"Where's the fellow who stole my clothes? I want my clothes!"

He turned from his mother to Mrs. Alderson and then back again to his mother. At that moment Miss Callaway came out, laughing, and asked what the trouble was. Ellis told her that someone had gone into his room and stolen his night-clothes.


Then he turned to the young woman, accused her of stealing his clothes and ordered her to put up her hands. She was standing beside Mrs. Alderson, at the time, and both women raised their hands in mock terror. Ellis pulled the trigger and sent a bullet crushing into the young girl's brain. One shell had caught when the clip was removed and remained in position for its work of destruction.

Miss Callaway sank back in the arms of her sweetheart's mother. Death was instantaneous. Mrs. Alderson eased the body gently to the floor and then fainted. Mrs. Ellis also fainted, while her son stood for a moment dumbfounded. When the realization of what he had done came to him, he became frantic, sobbing and crying that he would kill himself. He was prevented from this by friends who heard the noise of the gunshot and went into the house.


When his sweetheart fell, young Alderson ran to her, took her into his arms and placed her upon a bed. It was some moments before he realized the awful truth, but when he discovered Miss Callaway was dead, his grief was pitiful In a few moments he became hysterican and had to be led away from his fiance's bedside.

Added sorrow in the tragedy comes from the fact that young Ellis' father, former Judge J. M. Ellis, perished in a hotel fire in Goldfield, Nev., less than a year ago. Mrs. Ellis' health was undermined by that occurrence and she came to Kansas City several months ago for rest and a change of climate. The visit of the party of Kansas City people to her home at this time was in return for the one Mrs. Ellis had made in Kansas City. Witte Ellis accompanied his mother while she was here in this city.


Immediately after the shooting word of the unfortunate affair was sent to Kansas City by telegraph. The first reports were badly garbled, one account having it that the shooting had been done by W. Lysle Alderson, fiance of Miss Callaway. The news created a profound sensation in social circles where both the young woman and Mr. Alderson are well known.

The body of the unfortunate young woman will be brought to Kansas City this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Alderson and her son. Mrs Robert Stone, the girl's mother, who had been spending the summer at Excelsior Springs, returned to her home at the Elsmere hotel last night. She was completely prostrated at the news of her daughter's death.

The first report was that young Alderson himself held the revolver which ended Miss Callaway's life in such a tragic manner. This report almost completely prostrated D. P. Alderson, the father of the young man, a member of the firm of Bradley-Alderson Company, but a private dispatch from young Alderson later stated that the revolver was held by Witte Ellis, the son of Mrs. J. M. Ellis, whom Mrs. Alderson and her son and Miss Callaway were visiting at the time. The knowledge that his son was not responsible for the death of his fiancee was a great relief to Mr. Alderson, and mitigated to some extent the circumstances surrounding the unfortunate affair.

Mrs. F. P. Neal, of 318 Walrond avenue, is an aunt of Miss Callaway. Mr. Neal, vice president of the Union National bank, received several telegrams during the day, one of which was from young Alderson, stating that the body of Miss Callaway would be brought to Kansas City at once. The entire party will leave Denver this morning, arriving tomorrow morning.

Mrs. L. F. Rieger, of 426 Gladstone boulevard, is a distant cousin of Miss Callaway.

Miss Callaway was the daughter of Mrs. Robert Stone, who was, before her marriage to Mr. Stone, Mrs. R. P. Callaway. The girl was 19 years old and was a graduate of the Central high school two years ago. She lived at the Elsmere hotel with her mother and stepfather, who were in Excelsior Springs yesterday when the affair occurred. Miss Callaway went to Denver last summer to visit her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Ellis. Two weeks ago young Alderson, to whom she was engaged, went to Denver with his mother to spend his vacation with his fiancee. Young Alderson is also 19 years of age and a graduate of the Central high school in the class of 1905. The two have been sweethearts for years and had been engaged for some time, though no definite time for their marriage had been set.

A specially unfortunate feature of the affair was that it occurred on the eve of the departure of the Kansas City party for home. They were expected to start last night.

D. P. Alderson received a dispatch yesterday from his son which read:

Edna shot tonight; Witte held revolver; death immediate; come at once.

Mr. Alderson had intended to leave for Denver to be with his sone but it was later decided that this would be unnecessary and the arrangements were made to bring the body to Kansas City immediately.


The coroner's inquest was held over the body of Miss Calloway in Denver yesterday. W. W. Ellis testified that he held the automatic revolver when it was discharged.

The jury decided that the killing was entirely accidental and did not recommend any disposition of young Ellis. The district attorney was present at the hearing, but gave no indication of any intention to hold Ellis for trial.

VALUABLE DOGS POISONED. ~ Wholesale Destruction of Canines in Northeast Part of Town.

September 13, 1907

Wholesale Destruction of Canines in
Northeast Part of Town.

Poisoners have been killing dogs by the wholesale in the district centering about 500 Olive street the past two days. More than thirty canines, some of them valuable, have died from what appears to be arsenic poisoning. Within one block on Minnie street three dogs were found dead yesterday morning, one of them being an imported butt terrier belonging to Frank J. Lyngr, a policeman, living at 2116 Minnie.

Most of the animals killed were valueless street curs, but a few were dogs of pedigree and breeding. One Scotch collie valued at $125 was among the victims.

DR. ZORN STOPS A FIGHT. ~ Man in His Employ and Veteran of 70 the Principals.

September 13, 1907

Man in His Employ and Veteran of
70 the Principals.

When Sergeant Jeremiah Caskey was passing the home of Dr. Louis Zorn, Ninth street and Prospect avenue, yesterday afternoon, he met Dr. Zorn, whose clothes were bespattered with blood. The doctor told him he had just interceded in a fight between J. W. Smith and ex-Confederate veteran, 70 years old, and a German named Paul P. Gorkey, employed by Dr. Zorn. Caskey went to the back yard of Zorn's home and found the two men in angry dispute. Smith had ben struck on the head with a pitchfork handle, laying open the scalp in two places. To prevent further trouble, Caskey arrested Smith. He was treated at the emergency hospital and taken to the holdover.

MISTAKEN IN THEIR GRIEF.~ Banqueters Misunderstand Toastmaster's Reference to Death.

September 13, 1907

Banqueters Misunderstand Toast-
master's Reference to Death.

When Dr. L. A. Merrillat, of Chicago, tostmaster at the banquet given at the Coates house last evening by the American Veterinary Medical Association, paid tribute to the "memory of one well known to us who has departed from our midst," and asked that the banqueters sit in bowed silence as a token of esteem to the departed, word was passed from table to table that Dr. Atvill Byrd, of Kansas City, was dead.

But Dr. Byrd is something more than a memory, despite the fact that he is lying ill at his home suffering from bruises received by the kick of a horse several days ago.

It being generally known among the delegates to the convention that Dr. Byrd had been injured, the natural conclusion was that it was he who had "departed from our midst."

"Well, I'm surprised to learn of Dr. Byrd's death, whispered one veterinarian to another after the banquet, and this was followed by "Let's ask Dr. Merillat for the particulars."

"Why, I didnt' mean Dr. Byrd," was the reply of the toastmaster, "I meant Dr. H. L. Ramacioti, of Omaha, who died today."

But many veterinarians left the banquet room believing that Dr. Byrd had died.

Dr. Byrd was reported convalescent and near complete recovery last night.