HE DRANK CARBOLIC ACID. ~ Abe Friedman, 21 Years Old, Was Under Treatment for Melancholia.

September 28, 1907

Abe Friedman, 21 Years Old, Was Un-
der Treatment for Melancholia.

Abe Friedman, 21 years old, killed himself by drinking three ounces of carbolic acid at the home of his mother, Mrs. Rachel Friedman, 1512 Troost avenue, yesterday afternoon between 5 and 6 o'clock. For the past several weeks young Friedman had been an inmate of the Grandview sanitarium, a Kansas City, Kas., institution, where he had been treated, it was thought successfully, for acute melancholia.

Besides his mother he is survived by three brothers, Meyer, David and Samuel, who are associated in the grocery business.