SEEKS HUSBAND FOR "MAMMA" ~ Girl of 12 Writes to the Kansas Farmers, Who Have Left Town.

March 31, 1908

Girl of 12 Writes to the Kansas
Farmers, Who Have Left Town.

If the fat and lean farmers from "away out" in Kansas had shown up at the matron's room yesterday they might have been entertained again. There were no marriagable women to look them over, but there were numerous telephone calls and many letters.

It having been stated in yesterday's papers that the 250-pound, good-natured man with the thin hair had picked his wife Sunday afternoon at the matron's reception, most of the calls yesterday were for the lean one with six children.

"I'll take him," said one of the many women over the 'phone', "and be glad to get him, too. I am 35 years old, 5 feet 4 inches tall and weigh 183 pounds. I have only one handicap -- a glass eye, but I can see good out of the other one and have two good hands to work. My name is Hannah. By the way, if I get him, he can keep chewing tobacco. I wouldn't mind a little thing like that if I got a home."

"Hanna" gave her address. She said she was in "dead earnest" and would either "call for, send for, or come and get the lean one."

A little girl of 12 wrote to ask for a husband for her mother. She said: "My mamma has been a widow for five years. She is 46 years old and a good honest woman. I know she would like to have a good home, for she seems so lonesome, and I would not be much trouble. I will soon be able to look out for myself. I want to get a good husband for mamma and not let her know that I did it." The little maid tells where she may be found.

Among the letters was one from a man who wants the matron's assistance in securing a wife. "I am a lonely man of 27," he writes, "of good moral character, with no bad habits and do not drink or use tobacco. At present I am working as a janitor at ----- and get fairly good wages. The woman I marry must not be over 26 and a good, honest girl with dark hair and eyes. Such a girl I could love with all my might. I have a $300 piano and a $60 talking machine and everything to make a home bright and cheerful as possible.

The two farmers never showed up at all yesterday, and it is believed that they made tracks for home.


March 31, 1908


Mrs. Morasch Feared Prosecution for
Death of Hughes's Foundling.
Grieved to Hear of Ruth
Miller's Death.

In low, even tones, Blanche Morasch, 17-year-old daughter of Mrs. Sarah Morasch, now being tried in the Wyandotte county district court, Kansas City, Kas., told the jury of the flight of Mrs. Morasch and herself to Harrisonville Mo., subsequent to the poisoning of Ruth Miller. While talking, Blanche seldom withdrew her eyes from those of County Attorney Taggart, except to cast them down toward the thin, nervous fingers of her left hand, which kept continually twisting at the folds of her skirt. he turned states' evidence upon the charge against her being dismissed.

"We were three days and as many nights on the way to Harrisonville," said the girl. "The first night we were at Peculiar, Mo., the second at Belton, the third half way between Belton and Harrisonville. We went all the way afoot, except one short ride in a farm wagon. There was snow on the round.

"Mother and I left Kansas City, Mo, about the morning of February 13. Mother was worried about something and insisted we leave at once for Wichita, Kas., She wanted to stop over a few days with friends at Harrisonville, Mo. We had a little money, which I had earned working at a laundry, and I turned this all over to mother, for I knew very well she could manage the expenses of the trip much better than I could.

"If mother knew anything of the poisoning she told me nothing about it and indicated in no way any knowledge of it. When we were talking over the walk to Harrisonville, the previous night, she told me she that she had just met County Attorney Taggart near our rooms at Eighth and Locust streets. She described him as having his hat pulled down over his eyes.

" 'The county attorney is following me everywhere,' she explained as a reason for our hasty departure from Kansas City. 'I've just got to go somewhere to get away from him. He thinks I killed the baby, which I adopted from the Hughes home If we don't pack up and leave the city he's going to get me sure. I can't stand his following me all the time.

"We set out on the trip about dawn. Both of us had new shoes and the walk to Peculiar, which consumed the greater part of the day, went off nicely. We stayed at a private home that night.

"The next morning, early, we got up, dressed and started out. Both of us were very tired yet from our tramp of the day before, but by noon the stiffness disappeared. Our shoes gave out in the uppers for the slag on the railroad grade was sharp as knives The center of the railroad track was filled with water and snow.

"We did not stop long at Belton, but passed through to a farm house a few miles beyond Before we left there the following morning the farmer's wife brought out a pair of shoes for mother, old ones, which she had thrown away.

""When we got to Harrisonville our feet were very sore and we were a sorry sight. Mother was completely exhausted."


"When did you first see the Kansas City papers and get your first information of the death of Ruth Miller?" asked County Attorney Taggart.

"At Belton," replied the witness. "Mother went into a hotel or some place there and got a paper. When she saw on the first page the account of the little girl's death she wrung her hands and said over and over again: 'Poor Ruth! Poor Ruth!"

After dismissing Blanche from the witness stand, Taggart recalled Coroner A. J. Davis. Ella Van Meter, to whom the candies were sent, was recalled. Her testimony was similar to that given on the stand a week ago and went to show that the slip of paper containing the address, now marked 'exhibit No. 1,' was the one originally on the package.

Thomas D. Taylor, superintendent of the mails in the Kansas City Mo., postoffice, and Postoffice Inspector John C. Koons, partially identified the stamp on the candy box wrapper, on exhibit, as the one used in Kansas City, Mo., at the time.


Judge Newhall of the Kansas City, Kas., south city court, who presided at the preliminary, is to testify this morning as to statements made by Blanche and Mrs. Morasch at the preliminary hearing.

According to County Attorney Taggart, last night, the state will rest its case tomorrow, but has another handwriting expert to introduce. The defense has announced that it will produce only a few witnesses and is even now willing for the case to go to the jury without argument.

Mrs. Morasch has borne up well since the opening of the hearing. While being returned to her cell at the county jail, after court adjournment she kept up a lively and childish conversation with her little daughter, Hattie, who has spent most of her time in her lap, asleep.

TOUGHS BEAT AN OFFICER. ~ Sheffield Policeman Is Called Into a Restaurant and Disarmed.

March 31, 1908

Sheffield Policeman Is Called Into a
Restaurant and Disarmed.

Patrolman Charles Seright of the Sheffield station was beaten and robbed of his revolver and club in a restaurant at 7208 East Fifteenth street before daylight Sunday morning.

Arthur and Harvey Leopold, Jr., and Frank Clay, who brought the officer's revolver and club to the police station, said that two other men had come across the officer jollying the divorced wife of the Leopold boys's father in the restaurant and had beaten him for it.

The officers in charge of the Sheffield station and Seright insist that Seright was called into the restaurant and set upon by five men, three of whom brought the revolver and club to the station. The assault, they claim, was for the purpose of settling an old grudge. Harvey Leopold, father of the two young men, at one time ran a saloon of Fifteenth street in Sheffield, and Seright arrested Frank Clay and Arthur Leopold on a vagrancy charge. They were released in police court Saturday morning. Seright was on duty as usual last night.

George Winkler, a dishwasher, was beaten unconscious in the fight and is in the general hospital.


March 30, 1908


Then Go Away Unsatisfied -- Wise
Police Officer Finds a Clue to
a Joke and Advances
a Theory.

Thirty-one women called at the police matron's office yesterday afternoon between the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock to look at the "fat and lean farmers" from Kansas, who came here in search of wives. Did not any of the women want a husband? Yes, they did not. They just came to look at the two men. Every woman interviewed by the reporters laughed at the idea of wanting to get married.

"I just called to see what was going on," said one. "I am a friend of the matron's," explained another. "I just came to rubber at the foolish men," a third made reply.

Twenty-eight of the thirty-one were widows or bachelor girls, of 30 -- or say 29 -- summers. Three were young girls who "just dropped in after the ball game to see the fun." Every woman but one in the crowd wore a Merry Widow hat and clothes that suggested Easter. And the one was garbed in black, "mourning for my dear husband," she sniffled and, to tell the truth, black becomes her white face and dark eyes exceedingly well.

Did any of the thirty-one condescend to speak to the two men? Well, Mrs. John Moran and Mrs. Lizzie Burns, the police matrons, do say that ten of the women went into the inner room of the office, one at a time, with each man, and "talked it all over." Was there any result? Yes, perhaps.

The fat man smiles and smiles. The lean man admits that he didn't find a woman suitable to be the future Mrs. Day -- but that is telling too much. They are coming back to the matron's office this morning, they said on leaving yesterday evening.

According to Mrs. Burns the day was at least half a success. She says:

"The fat farmer without any hair fixed it all up with one woman. She was the third who went with him into the sanctum for a heart to heart talk. What did they say? Oh, I didn't listen to them. Anyhow, I know he took her name and address and she said as she was leaving, all blushes and smiles, that it would take her all night to pack her trunk and that she could not get ready for the wedding before tomorrow.

"She is a nice looking young woman, tall, slender, a brunette and works in the Home telephone office. Oh, I didn't mean to tell you where she worked, so don't please don't publish that. She is a widow, she says. What is her name? I promised not to tell until the skinny man gets him a wife and we have a double wedding.

"No, the skinny man with the lovely mustache and the two farms didn't get one. I don't think he will, either, because he has six children. That many children are an awful handicap for a man looking for a wife. But he is coming back tomorrow."

The thin man said that he wasn't a bit discouraged.

"I came to Kansas City for a good time," he said, "and I've had it. You certainly have a fine lot of women here. Maybe if I didn't have all those children I might have done better, but I am proud of the children and wouldn't give them up for any woman I have seen today. I'm not going to worry over it. Its been a lot of fun sitting here and watching women come with their fine clothes to talk to Evans and me.

"He talks like he had been stung, doesn't he?" whispered Mrs. Moran.

Desk Sergeant Charles McVey, who counted the women going up and down the stairs to the matron's room, tells the story from a different angle.

"I don't believe that the men are farmers or that they want wives. I have a hunch that one of them is this Mr. Piffles, who is in Kansas city advertising a certain brand of automobile and that he comes to the station to put off a joke on the police. I've had a good look at both the fellows, and if I see them again this week, I'll pinch one or both of them on general principles.

"Why, look at this thing sensibly. Here are our two matrons, both widows, both nice looking and fairly young. If those men came here in search of wives wouldn't they steal our matrons instead of conducting a circus performance and making a lot of women put on their best clothes and come trapesing down to the city hall?"

Before the fat man without any hair on top left, he slipped one of the reporters the name and address of a woman. There was pride in his eye, when he did this, and he seemed to be attempting to keep his action from the eyes of the thin man. The reporter tried to find the address, but there is no such street number. Also there is no woman by that name listed in the city directory. The reporter doesn't know whether the woman fooled the fat man or whether the fat man tried to fool the reporter. It'll all come out in the wash today.

OUT OF WORK, TOOK POISON. ~ Jacob Kohn, Sick and Discouraged, Ends Life With Acid.

March 30, 1908

Jacob Kohn, Sick and Discouraged,
Ends Life With Acid.

A man, believed to be Jacob Kohn, committed suicide in room fourteen at the Plaza hotel, Missouri avenue and Delaware street, Saturday night, and the body was found at 9 o'clock yesterday morning by Sara Ridgeway, the housekeeper. Coroner George B. Thompson says that during his term of office no other Jew has taken his own life in Kansas city and that the crime is almost unknown among men of Jewish belief

Kohn, in a farewell note, directed that the Jewish Society of Kansas City take charge of his remains. The society will bury the body, but it cannot be laid in a Jewish cemetery.

Kohn's farewell note, which he wrote just before drinking carbolic acid, as the pencil left on the table bears witness, reads:
"To whom it may concern -- This is my second attempt at suicide. I
think I shall succeed this time. I am in poor health, am unable to get
work and have no friends and no money. Give my body to the Jewish
Society. -- Jake Kohn."

Mrs. Ridgeway says that Kohn came to the hotel Saturday night late and registered as John Johnson. She had never seen him before. He paid for his room. Shortly before 9 o'clock yesterday morning when a maid was unable to get into the room to tidy it, Mrs. Ridgeway, who was called in, was informed from a man who had spent the night in room 15 adjoining, that he had heard the man in room 14 groaning and rolling around during the night. Upon that statement Mrs. Ridgeway called the police, who forced the door and found the body.

Coroner Thompson was notified and sent the body to Freeman and Marshall's morgue. Not a penny was found in the clothes. There was nothing to identify the man, excepting the signature on the note. In the pocket were cards from business houses and factories in many Kansas and Oklahoma towns. Kohn was evidently a laborer and had been in these towns looking for employment.

TYPHOID GERMS IN SPRINGS. ~ Dr. Cross Says Al Such Sources of Water Should Be Filled.

March 29, 1908

Dr. Cross Says Al Such Sources of
Water Should Be Filled.

"They City's Drinking Water" was the subject of Dr. Walter M. Cross's talk before the City Club at its luncheon at the Sexton hotel yesterday at noon. "The danger is in springs and wells," Dr. Cross said. "Every well in the city that receives its water from the surface should be filled up. They are dangerous as breeders of typhoid germs. These springs and wells are responsible for most of the typhoid fever that exists in our city. Only two wells in the city have water that is absolutely safe and they are artesian. All others should be condemned."

ONE LITTLE ENGINE BALKED. ~ And All the Cars in Town Stopped as a Consequence.

March 29, 1908

And All the Cars in Town Stopped as
a Consequence.

Just because a small engine in the power house at Thirty-first and Holmes streets went out every car line in the city was "tied up" yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. It was just at the time when traffic is the heaviest for the Metropolites, when business men and shoppers have begun to turn their faces homeward, and these unfortunate ones found themselves in a place where they had to wait an indefinite length of time, or walk the indefinite number of miles to their homes Many of them chose the latter course but were very careful to do a lot of their waling along the route of their "homegoing car."

When the engine at Thirty-first and Holmes streets got "lost" it affected the machinery in the large power house at Second street and Grand avenue. This power house, directly or indirectly, controls every line in the city and when its machines stopped, so did all of the cars throughout town. Emergency treatment was given to the engines at the power houses and within fifteen minutes the wheels began to turn and the cars started. Just how the engine in the Holmes street power house "went dead" will not be known until an examination is held today.

SAVED GREEN'S TOMATOES. ~ Even Though He Had to Call on the Police for Help.

March 28, 1908

Even Though He Had to Call on the
Police for Help.

"I want some of you fellows here to call James Green, the old man, at Twelfth and Prospect, and have him call Jimmy Green, young Jimmy, his son, at Twelfth and Montgall, and have Jimmy tell his wife to go out on the back porch and take in them tomato plants. They'll sure freeze if they stay out all night tonight."

The foregoing request was made by an aged man who strolled into police headquarters last night and announced that he was "in deep trouble and needed some help." The request was so unusual, and as it was made in a drawling tone, the police only laughed. The old man's feelings appeared to be hurt because no one would take him seriously.

"I mean just what I say," he insisted. "I have been making a garden for young Jimmy Green. A short time ago I sowed tomato seed in a box. The plants came up and today I put the box out in the sun and went away and left it. When it began to turn cold a little while ago I thought of them tomato plants and want young Jimmy's wife to take 'em in, so I do. They'll all be ruined if she don't."

When it was seen that the old gardener was serious, James Green was called over the telephone. He said he would tell "young Jimmy" and that he knew young Jimmy would tell his wife. The old man was contented at this information and kindly thanked all who had aided him in saving the tomato plants. He game the name of John Hiltbrunner, and his residence as 309 Walnut street.

"I used to own 200 acres of the best land in Iowa," he said sadly. "My children all grew up, married and left me. After that my wife died. Then I lost my homestead and have virtually been turned out upon the world to make a living at the age of 63 years. Knowing nothing but farming I have been making my way as a gardener and manage to keep the wolf away when the season is on."

When asked why he did not go to live with some of his married children the old man hung his head. "Oh , you know how children are when they marry and settle down for themselves. Sometimes they forget the old folks."

MOTORMAN KILLED IN WRECK. ~ Rex Hawkins Loses Control of His Car, Which Strikes Another.

March 28, 1908

Rex Hawkins Loses Control of His Car,
Which Strikes Another.

Rex Hawkins, the motorman on southbound Indiana car No. 643, was killed in a collision which occurred between Thirtieth and Thirty-first street on Indiana avenue at 11:15 o'clock last night. Hawkins lost control of his car as it was descending the hill toward the end of the line and the switchback at Thirty-first street. Indiana car No. 636, which was standing on the east track at the terminus, was telescoped and completely demolished by the southbound car when it jumped the track.

Hawkins was caught in the vestibule of his car, his left leg broken and his body crushed. He was extricated from the wreck and carried into McCann & Bartell's drug store at Thirty-first and Indiana. Dr. H. A. Breyfogle attended the injured motorman, who died a few minutes after being carried into the drug store. Hawkins lived at 2424 Tracy avenue. Isaac Pate and William Lamar, the trainmen on the car that was telescoped, were bruised and shaken up but sustained no dangerous injuries. E. J. Hanson, the conductor on the runaway car, was uninjured. Hawkins's body was taken to Eylar Brothers' undertaking rooms.

WAS THE OPERATOR'S FRIEND. ~ Mrs. Mary Jane Lambert, Honorary Member of Union, Dies.

March 28, 1908

Mrs. Mary Jane Lambert, Honorary
Member of Union, Dies.

Mrs. Mary Jane Lambert, 63 years of age, died at her home, 818 East Fourteenth street, last night, after several months' illness. Mrs. Lambert was the widow of Benjamin Lambert, who, with Charles Dickens, invented linen paper. Shortly before their marriage, Mr. Lambert was the manager of the Ottoman bank of Constantinople, Turkey.

Mrs. Lambert was born in Liverpool, England, in 1845. At the age of 28 years she married Mr. Lambert, and, on account of the failure of the Overmann & Gurney bank in Liverpool, the couple immediately came to America. For twenty-three years Mrs. Lambert had been a resident of Kansas City.

Two of her sons, G. W. and H. Y. Lambert, were telegraph operators and held positions of influence in the Telegraphers' union. On this account Mrs. Lambert became greatly interested in the work of the union and because of her interest she was made an honorary member. At the time of the strike last summer, Mrs. Lambert went among the strikers, cheering them and offering encouragement to those who needed it. When the strike had reached the stage that many of the strikers were out of money and food, they always found a welcome in Mrs. Lambert's house.

Mrs. Lambert was the mother of twelve children, four of whom are still living. They are her two sons, Mrs. R. F. Ferguson and Mrs. A. C. Preston. The funeral services will be held from the home at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burial is to be in Elmwood Cemetery.

HUSBAND GOT THE EARRINGS. ~ Wife Now Sues Company Where They Had Been Pawned.

March 28, 1908

Wife Now Sues Company Where
They Had Been Pawned.

Mrs. Marie E. Ruffner brought suit yesterday in the circuit court to recover her diamond earrings or $400 from William F. Smith, president of the William F. Smith Jewelry Company. Mrs. Ruffner says she pawned the rings on October 7, 1907, with Smith for $125, and on November 1, 1907, her husband took the rings out of pawn and left for a destination to her unknown. She thinks Smith should not have given the rings to her husband. Smith said last evening that he had no recollection of the transactions.

WILL THEIR PAY BE RAISED? ~ Question City Employes Are Asking Mayor Beardsley.

March 28, 1908

Question City Employes Are Asking
Mayor Beardsley.

"If a public utilities commission will raise the salaries of private utility corporations, as is being asserted by political orators, I hope the same commission will have the power to do likewise to underpaid employes of the city," said W. H. Applegate, emoployed as a laborer at the Turkey creek water pumping station, yesterday.

"I have lived in Kansas City for forty years," he continued, "and have been employed as laborer for a number of years at Turkey creek water pumping station at $1.75 a day. This was the salary paid in 1891, and has never been raised, although the cost of living has advanced 40 per cent.

"Some months ago, with a delegation of laborers from the pumping station, we appealed to the board of public works for a slight increase in pay, but were refused. George Hoffmann, president of the board, said to us: "Boys, you have got an easy job and 365 days to work."


March 27, 1908


R. C. Horne's insanity plea saved him from a term in the penitentiary for the killing of H. J. Groves in the office of the Kansas City Post. The jury, which heard the evidence in criminal court, bringing in a verdict last evening of acquittal on the ground that Horne was insane at the time of the homicide and is still insane. Horne spent last night in the county jail and will be sent to one of the state asylums next week, if the plan stated by Attorney L. C. Boyle last evening is followed.
When the jury cast its first ballot at 9:45 o'clock yesterday morning ten men voted for acquittal on the ground of insanity and two voted guilty. There was no change until noon, when on the seventh ballot the vote stood at eleven for acquittal and one for conviction. The men who thought Horne knew right from wrong when he shot Groves were voting for conviction on the charge of murder in the second degree. The ninth ballot stood also eleven to one. At 5 o'clock Judge W. H. Wallace called the jurors into the court room and asked them how soon they would be able to reach an agreement. E. E. Axilne, the foreman, said there was little prospect of an agreement at all. It was a half an hour later when, on the tenth ballot, all voted not guilty.

HE WAS A FAKE WILLIAMS. ~ Person Who Collected Money Here Not the Veteran Minstrel.

March 27, 1908

Person Who Collected Money Here
Not the Veteran Minstrel.

After using burnt cork on his face for thirty-eight years to appear in almost every variety of stage performances, saving a small bank roll, raising a family and being comfortably well off, Billy Williams, the old minstrel, finds than an impostor had been visiting every city in the country, using the name of Billy Williams and depending on charity for support. Billy Williams, the original and only, is at the Auditorium theater this week with "The Way of the Transgressor."

A man who claimed to be Billy Williams came to Kansas City last fall. He said illness caused principally by drink, had forced him to quit the stage, and his wife and children, as well as himself, were in need of money to keep them from starvation A benefit was given for him and he secured a tidy sum from local sympathizers. He then disappeared and was heard of in other cities playing the same game.

The original Billy Williams is 53 years old and has been on the stage since 1870. Besides his minstrel career, he was seven years with the Gray & Steve company, five years with the "South Before the War" company, five years in vaudeville with his daughter, who is now the wife of a well known showman and five years with "The Way of the Transgressor" company which is now playing at the Auditorium theater. It will be remembered that the "Billy Williams," who was an object of charity here last fall, delivered a temperance lecture in a local church, and stated it was from his own experience that he was able to speak. The is one reason the real Billy Williams is indignant.


March 27, 1908


Called to Bear Witness That Mrs.
Morasch Did Not Give Birth to
Child She Claimed as
Her Own.

Ollie Jones, the mysterious witness for the state in the prosecution of Mrs. Morasch, accused of poisoning Ruth Miller, did not testify yesterday and, according to County Attorney Taggart, will not today. Court is adjourned until 9:30 o'clock Monday morning. The prosecutor says there is a world of minor testimony to be heard before Jones can be called to the stand. Jones was subpoenaed in Indianapolis, Ind, Monday.

Professor Beshong of the chemical department of the Kansas university finished his testimony at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and was dismissed. In cross-examination, Professor Bushong could not be certain that the symptoms of a certain kind of ptomaine do not resemble the effects of a dose of strychnine. He held, however, that ptomaine cannot exist in ordinary glucose such as used in making the white center portion of a chocolate cone.

The first witness called in the afternoon was Mrs. Laura Brooks, special witness for the state. Mrs. Brooks testified that the child Mrs. Morasch took from the Hughes maternity hospital a month or two before the poisoning, and which she claimed she had given birth to, could not have been her own.

"But, how do you know?" questioned Attorney Maher for the defense.

"The day after she said it was born I examined it and found it to be at least three weeks old."

"Three weeks old? I venture to assert t here is not a woman in the court room who could be sure on that point after a child is three days old. Are you a mother yourself?"

"Oh, yes; I have thirteen children, most of them grown," sighed the witness wearily. She was then dismissed by counsel for the defense without further cross examination.

Dr. Z. Nason of Packard and Osage avenues, Armourdale, was then called. Dr. Nason said he had been the first physician called after the poisoning and had seen Ruth die. He said she died of strychnine poisoning as far as he could judge. Her symptoms did not resemble those of ptomaine poisoning.

WAS SLAPPED BY HER MOTHER. ~ Lena Vaughn, a 15-Year-Old Girl, Tries Suicide With Acid.

March 27, 1908
Lena Vaughn, a 15-Year-Old Girl,
Tries Suicide With Acid.

The specter of suicide in her bedroom, and a door without a knob, almost broke the heart of 9-year-old Edna Vaughn last night. Her sister, Lena, 15 years old, after insolence to her mother and a slapping, had sulked through the evening, supperless, at a neighbor's until Warren Vaughn, the father, a contractor, sent Edna after her He said she must come home for bed. She went with her sister to a little square bedroom, where, in a moment, she said: "I'm going to take something to kill myself, Edna," and tipped a bottle of carbolic acid to her lips. The child was paralyzed with terror for a moment, then shutting her eyes, turned and beat her little hands madly against the door, from which the loose knob and handle had fallen to the outside.

The parents had retired across the hall, and did not hear at once. When they were aroused there was difficulty in opening the door. Lard and vinegar were forced down the girl's throat, while the police ambulance was making a run to the home at 1820 Summit street. Dr. Carl V. Bates, ambulance surgeon, found the girl a stubborn patient and it was only after a continued resistance that the stomach pump was used. When he left, the doctor said the girl would recover She was a laundry employe. When she came from work she resented her mother's refusing to fix a sewing machine for her.

HE SHOT A MESSENGER BOY. ~ Charles Greenburg Fatally Wounded by Restaurant Keeper.

March 27, 1908

Charles Greenburg Fatally Wounded
by Restaurant Keeper.

Fearing that he was about to be mobbed, as he claims, J. A. Quinlan shot and fatally wounded Charles Greenburg, a messenger boy, in the restaurant conducted by him at 105 East Thirteenth street, at 12 o'clock last night. There are several different versions of the shooting, each one who witnessed the affair having a different story to tell. The one which seems the most probably, however, is that Greenburg entered the restaurant with the intention of securing change for a quarter which he had borrowed from a fellow messenger boy, Joe Kelly.

Quinlan says that Greenburg became boisterous and drew a dangerous looking knife, threatening to cut up everything and everybody in the place. What caused Greenburg to show signs of violence is not known.

At any rate, Quinlan says he threw the boy out of the back door, and that Greenburg immediately returned, brandishing his knife and starting towards Quinlan. Quinlan then drew a revolver and fired three shots, one of which struck the boy in the stomach The police ambulance was called and the boy taken to the general hospital, where he was operated upon. The doctors express small hope for his recovery.

Just before he was placed upon the operating table one of the surgeons told him how serious was his condition and asked if he wished to make a statement. Greenburg told him that he did not know the man who had shot him nor why it was done. He gave a description of the man and it tallied with that of Quinlan.

Quinlan was arrested and taken to the Walnut street police station, where he admitted that he shot the boy.

Greenburg lives at 1827 Oak street, and was out on parole from the workhouse where he was sentenced a year ago to work out a $500 fine imposed for carrying concealed weapons. He is 19 years of age.

WIND BREAKS HEAVY WINDOW. ~ Plate Glass Is Carried From Long Building to Ninth Street.

March 26, 1908

Plate Glass Is Carried From Long
Building to Ninth Street.

So violent was the wind last night at Tenth street and Grand avenue that one of the large windows in the front of the Great Western Life Insurance Company's offices, on the second floor in the Long building, was blown from its casing at 12:30 o'clock. The glass left the sash as clean as though the window had been cut from the frame.

After the window was blown out and the glass broken, the wind carried the pieces of glass up Grand avenue as far as Ninth street. A red lantern was hung in front of the Long building warning those who might pass by the danger from falling glass. The pane was 9x6 feet long and 3/8 inch thick.

A few minutes before the window was broken the large bill-board directly across Grand avenue from the Long building, was blown down and carried several feet from the sidewalk by the wind.

HE KILLED JIM CROW CHILES. ~ Because of That Independence Is Grateful to Judge Peacock.

March 26, 1908

Because of That Independence Is 
Grateful to Judge Peacock.

Police Judge Peacock of Independence has been given an increase in salary of $100 a year. He is now in his 83rd year. No one runs against him, out of consideration of service rendered the town.

In 1876, while marshal of the city, he killed Jim Crow Chiles, whose revolver handle had many notches.

Chiles was a terror and generally cleared the square when he sought to do so. Merchants and business men, especially negroes, were afraid of him, for he would shoot them down without provocation. Chiles started out to kill Peacock and the battle ensued which resulted in the wounding of Peacock and the death of Jim Crow. The body was taken to the Morgan house, but even in death the negroes were afraid of him.

While it would be impossible for a man like Chiles to terrorize a town at the present age, yet in 1876 Independence was recovering from the civil war and killings were frequent and Jim Crow kept up his share of it and often worked overtime. Grateful people watched at Peacock's bedside until he recovered, but when he got out of bed Jim Crow's .44 bullet was still in his back and is there yet. The doctors said that it would cost him his life, perhaps, to have it cut out so the venerable man walks with a cane and goes to the police court every day to temper justice with mercy.

Both parties place Peacock in nomination and it is generally conceded that he will be police judge as long as he desires to fill the place, as no one can be found to make the race against him and neither party will nominate any one to displace the old gentleman who delivered the town from its "bad man."

TESTIMONY A BLOW TO MRS. MORASCH. ~ She Seems to Wither Before Expert's Words.

March 25, 1908

She Seems to Wither Before
Expert's Words.

John P. Shearman, expert in handwriting, was put on the witness stand in the Sarah Morasch poisoning case in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday. He was subjected to both direct and cross examination. His testimony was positive when it came to identifying the address that was on the candy box as being in Mrs. Morasch's handwriting, and he illustrated his conclusions by copying characteristic letters with a crayon on a chart. When court adjourned for the night the expert was still at this chart.

The principal instruments with which Shearman makes his investigations are a magnifying glass of moderate power and several photographs of the original writing. He was supplied with ten photographs marked for exhibition, by the county attorney yesterday. "Exhibit No. 1" was a print form the address on the candy box that contained the poisoned chocolate cones which killed ruth Miller. The others were photographs of proved specimens of r. Morasch's writing.

In furnishing grounds for his identification of the handwriting on the candy box, the expert took the letters "F" and "G," both of which occur several times in the letter the defendant wrote to her daughter, Mrs. May Gillin, while on her flight to Harrisonville, Mo., and which also appear on the candy box address. They appeared exactly the same when presented in copy on the blank chart by the expert. Both letters are old-fashioned and peculiarly slanted, which made the similarity more striking. A comprehensive lecture on the coincidence in style and slant of these two letters took Shearman the greater part of the day, and so he was not dismissed by the prosecution until about 4 o'clock. Daniel Maher, attorney for the defense, then began his cross examination.


Attorney Maher evidently intended to confuse the state's special witness and belittle his evidence by forcing him to directly compare the original characters in the exhibits with his copies for the purpose of illustration, only on the chart. But in this he failed signally.

The witness, profiting, perhaps, from his experience as such in over 500 United States and state courts, essayed to be witty in returning answer to the questions of the counsel. Many times his quick and well put replies brought a smile even to the austere face of the court, while a titter ran around the crowded room.

Mrs. Morasch seemed alone in not enjoying the jokes, of which she was indirectly the poor target. The settled shade of melancholy which characterized her face yesterday, as the cross-examination dragged on in its pun-producing course, deepened visibly and her shoulders drooped.

"Now, Mr. Shearman, you have drawn for us here on the chart an alleged facsimile of the letter "F" which occurs, you say, six times in the ten exhibits," said Attorney Maher. "Will you tell the jury what the small character is which follows this letter on your chart?"


"I don't know what it is. I can't remember what I thought it was in the original, for I have not previously been asked about it."

"You have not been questioned in regard to it and so you have said nothing, although you are an expert, are you not?"

"Well, you see," drawled Shearman, "I am an expert in handwriting rather than in answering unasked questions."

Again the lawyer for the defense tried to catch him and was cleverly parried away from the point, apparently much to his chagrin.

"Now will you tell the jury what relation to the cross on the letter 'F' in the original bears to the small character you have made in the same position in your alleged duplicate?" asked Maher sharply, pointing at the chart. The witness took little time in answering.

"They ought to be twin sisters," he said.

At this point the court was dismissed for the day by Judge McCabe Moore. It will reconvene at 9"30 o'clock this morning. The cross and redirect examination of the state's expert witness will probably last the greater part of the forenoon.

LOCKED IN SALOON -- HORRORS! ~ Terrible Fate, Which Confronted Tom Morgan When Rescued by Police.

March 25, 1908
Terrible Fate, Which Confronted Tom
Morgan When Rescued by Police.

One o'clock has so broken up the practice of spending the night in saloons that when Tom Morgan, 616 East Fifth street, had a chance last night to remain a lone guest among the intoxicants of Zimmerman's place, 719 Delaware street, he telephoned for help to get out. He didn't even take a drink before he resorted to the telephone.

At Home telephone headquarters the Western Union clock said 12:30 when a buzzer registered from the Delaware street saloon.

"Number?" purred Central.

"I want out," a husky voice came back.

"Out of where?"

"Out of here."

"Where is here?"

"Oh, I went to sleep in the back room of Zimmerman's saloon here on Delaware street and the bartender locked up without finding me."

Central held the line and called police headquarters. When she had got Patrolman A. O. Darbow on the phone and posted him she put on Morgan.

He was excited. Darbow didn't seem to be in a hurry, and after he had promised release and hung up the receiver Morgan called the station again.

"You didn't tell me how soon you'd come, officer," he said. "I'm lonely and nervous and cold"

"Well, see if you can't find something there to calm yourself with, and a liquid stove, perhaps, and something smooth and cheerful and friendly on the back bar."

"Good suggestion, old man. Hadn't thought of it. The time won't seem so long now, but don't tarry."

"Only waiting for a detective to blow in with a pocketful of skeleton keys and burglar tools and we'll be right up."

Twenty minutes later Darbow and Detectives Godley and Phelan liberated the prisoner.

There was the suggestion of a skate in Morgan's leg actions as he sought his bearings, but he soon was on a bee line for Fifth street.

BELL 'PHONES TO BE LOWER. ~ Compromise With City in Pole Tax Controversy.

March 24, 1908

Compromise With City in Pole
Tax Controversy.

An ordinance introduced in the upper house last night, and referred for one week to the committee on streets, alleys and grades, contemplates the immediate reduction of Bell telephone rates from $96 to $60, in the business district, and from $60 to $36 per year for instruments in residences.

Accompanying this ordinance was another effecting a compromise between the city and the Mirrouri and Kansas Telephone Company, populraly known as the Bell system, whereby the city drops its pole and conduit scheme of taxation and is to accept 2 per cent of the gross earnings of the company, in addition to the right to use one conduit and all pins on the Bell poles, for the carrying of police and fire department wires. Further, the city is to receive $28,533.34 as a settlement of arrears of disputed taxes and also to get a receipt for something like $7,500 due the Bell compny for services already rendered.

GAVE BOGUS CHECK FOR CAR. ~ Young Man of Many Names Says His Parents Are Rich.

March 24, 1908

Young Man of Many Names Says His
Parents Are Rich.

A desire to ride in an automobile for even a short space of time, caused the arrest last night of a man believed to be A. W. Martin of Quincy, Ill. A week ago this man called to Missouri Valley Automobile over the telephone telling the company that he wished to be a White steamer car, and asked that a demonstrator be sent to him at the Midland. The request was complied with and the man, who gave his name as Martin, was taken for a spin.

At the end of the drive Martin expressed himself as being satisfied with the machine and signed a check on the Kansas-Nebraska bank in Wichita, Kas., for $4,200. After some communication the bank in Kansas informed the automobile company that A. W. Martin never had money in that bank. Martin was taken to the garage and was accused of having tried to pass a worthless check in payment for the machine. He frankly admitted that he knew the check was worthless and gave no further explanation. He was then taken to police headquarters at the request of the Pinkerton detective agency.

At police headquarters the man first gave the name of John Jones, and later told the officers that his name was A. G. Dorkenwald, son of the owner of Dick Bros. brewery, at Quincy, and made out a draft upon Dorkenwald for the amount necessary to gain his release. While he was being searched, however, the name of A. W. Martin, Quincy, Ill., and the name of the tailor who had made his clothes were found sewed on his coat.

He was then locked up and upon further questioning said that his real name is Earl Frazer, and that he had formerly lived in Chicago with his parents who were very wealthy. He said that his father and mother are now in San Monico, Cal. Frazer, or whoever he might be, did not appear troubled over his arrest, saying that he had no doubt that his folks would see that he was soon released and the matter cleared.

WILD WEST SHOWS IN ENGLAND. ~ Colonel Cummins Says Britishers Never Tire of Them.

March 23, 1908

Colonel Cummins Says Britishers
Never Tire of Them.

Colonel Frederick Cummins, otherwise known as Chief La-Ko-Ta of the Sioux tribe of Indians, was a guest at the Baltimore hotel yesterday. Colonel Cummins is an Indian only by adoption. Chief Red Cloud of the Sioux having conferred that title upon him in 1891, but he knows s much, or perhaps more, about the Indians of this country than any other man living. He is now at the head of a Wild West show and is here recruiting, the show for a season's tour of Europe, opening in Liverpool sometime in May.

"The English especially are interested in anything that comes out of the great Wild West," Colonel Cummins said at the hotel last night. "Other men have made fortunes in this business in Europe and fortunes are yet to be made there in the same business. A Wild West show will draw larger crowds in the cities and towns of England than any other attraction imaginable. These shows are a novelty and the public never gets tired of seeing them."

Colonel Cummins is making an extensive tour of the country for the purpose of securing material in recruiting his show. While in Oklahoma recently he bought all of the famous Pawnee Bill's horses and all of Colonel Zack Mulhall's horses except Governor, Lucile's pet. He left here last night for the Indian reservations in South Dakota where he will obtain eighty Indians for his show. The United States government requires a bond of $500 for every Indian taken off the reservation. This bond is required to insure the return of the Indian to the reservation in excellent physical and moral condition.

"The Indian is not hard to manage," Colonel Cummins said. "I know their every trait of character and as long as they are well fed and clothed we never have any trouble with them. In all my experience with the Indians I have never had trouble with one of them"

By reason of his long life among them, Colonel Cummins is known to most of the Indian tribes of the country. He has had an Indian show of some kind at nearly every national ind international exposition since 1890.


March 22, 1908



Still Wears the Wedding Ring of
Bill Morasch, Her First Hus-
band, Whom She Loved.
Case Goes On.
Mrs. Sarah Morasch.

"I did not send the candy. Who thinks I sent it? Not my associates in the West Bottoms, who have known me for years Not little Ella, the poison was intended for. Ask her; look her in the eyes and see if she doesn't tell you on the square she loves me, and will come back to my house to visit as she used to, when this dreadful trial is over. I am innocent, I tell you; I am innocent."

Mrs. Sarah Miller, better known as "Mrs. Morasch," said this yesterday to a reporter for The Journal. She is the accused woman in the case of the poisoning of little Ruth Miller, the 4-year-old daughter of Charles and Ida Miller, 634 Cheyenne avenue, Armourdale. Ruth sickened and died apparently from strychnine poisoning, ten minutes after eating bonbons from a package anonymously sent by mail to her step-sister, Ella Van Meter, 14 years old, at noon, Wednesday, February 12. The case is now being tried before Judge McCabe Moore, in the district court of Wyandotte county in Kansas City, Kas.

Mrs. Morasch spoke earnestly. At the mention of Ella Van Meter, who testified against her Friday, her deep-set gray eyes softened, and the lines about her mouth thawed visibly. All facial evidence of years of hardship, toil and companionship in the packing house district of both Kansas Cities became temporarily erased. She did not look the woman who could deliberately poison a 14-year-old girl and a family of little ones.

Mrs. Morasch is only 49 years old, but stooped shoulders and gray hair make her appear 60, at least. Two front teeth are gone, and this discrepancy makes sinister a smile which otherwise might be motherly and kind Her voice is a trifle harsh at times.


"Where was I born? In Dayton, O., 49 years ago. I was brought to Wyandotte county, Kas., by my father, Edward Davis, and my mother, Elizabeth Davis, when I was but 3 years old. My father was a veteran of the civil war and a farmer.

"Everyone loved dad. He was such a neighborly soul and so fond of children that he at once won the hearts of everybody who got acquainted with him. I think that if I have really gone to the bad, it cannot be justly laid at his door or my mother's. Good, kind souls, both of them.
"I remember when I was a little girl father took me on his knee and told me to grow up to be a good woman like mother. We were in the kitchen of the old farm house near Quindaro. Mother was knitting a pair of leggins for me by the fire. Father took the family Bible off of a stand near his chair and read some part of it which meant 'be a credit to the old folks that they may live long and die in peace and know in heaven you did the best you could.'
"I think he cried a little then, for I remember he took a big, red handkerchief out of his pocket and after wiping his own eyes, wiped mine as though I had been crying, but I hadn't After that he lectured me on how I should behave when I had grown up.
"About forty years ago, father moved to what they call the West Bottoms now. It was known as Kansas City, Kas., then and was not a packing house district at all, but a little village of two or three thousand people. He had some money laid up and invested in a home and truck patch in the rear I was to go to school. I believe that was the object my father had in view when he moved into town Mother wanted to move in so as to be near a Presbyterian church, for she was an old Scotch woman.
" 'Come to church with me,' she used to tell me of a Sunday morning, as she tidied me all up ready for the service 'You be a wee bit Scotch and Presbyterian yourself, do you know it lassie?'
"Father seldom went to church or to Sunday school, himself, but believed in it. I think I must have been Sunday schooled to death in my younger days."
Mrs. Morasch laughed harshly at the recollection. She seemed for the moment to have forgotten the dreadful charge hanging its threat of life penal servitude over head.
"Sunday schooled to death," she repeated seriously, returning to the story of her life in the West Bottoms.
"When I became 20 years of age," she went on, "I married Bill Morasch. I was a little wild at that time. Fond of boys and kiting around to parties and dances at my own free will, but Bill was a steady fellow and we settled down to housekeeping. I married again after he died three years ago, but I have never taken his wedding ring off my finger and like best the name he gave me."
Mrs. Morasch, as she prefers to be called, then crowded a thin, wrinkled left hand through the small opening in the door of her cell, through which her victuals are passed to her by the jail matron. On the third finger was an embossed gold band ring, which she turned reminiscently with her thumb.
"Oh, I can stand this murder charge," she assured suddenly, "if it pans out all right in the end. I'll tell you what I'll do. When the trial is all over, and Ella comes back to me, I'll take her up to your office, wherever it is, and let you see for yourself.
"I know what you think. You think she will not, but she will. Ella knows in her heart I did not send the candy, and when she comes back to me she will say, 'Mrs. Morasch, I thought all the time you didn't send it, and I was sorry for you all the time I was testifying against you.' "
The accused woman seemed to think most of the attitude of Ella Van Meter, whose testimony more than that of any other witness, according to the prosecutor, condemns her. Several times during the interview she pronounced the name, always following it with a statement that Ella was her friend and would come back to her after the trial.
Ella testified Friday that she knew no reason why Mrs. Morasch should try to poison her, but insisted she had been to the latter's home only twice and had not been more than ordinarily intimate with her. When Daniel Mahe, attorney for the defense, asked the witness why she did not refer to the defendant as "auntie," Ella had replied sharply:
"She's not my aunt!" and manifested in other ways that the law relationship existing between herself and the prisoner was a matter of repulsion to her.
Mrs. Morasch said yesterday that this attitude was affected and that Ella has been prejudiced against her by older persons.
It was said by her counsel last night that both Ella and her mother, Mrs. Ida Miller, would be recalled for further cross-examination before the conclusion of the trial.
Her lawyers profess to have suffered for the failure of the state in locating Ollie Jones, a 19-year-old half-brother of Charles Miller. Jones is said to have left Kansas City the night following the poisoning, and later it was learned he went from here to Indianapolis, Ind.
When County Attorney Taggart tried to subpoena him there a few days ago he could not be found. What use the state intended to put Jones to and why the attorney for the defense should be disappointed because he could not be found is studiously screened from the public gaze. It was stated by counsel last night that Jones was a close friend of the Millers. County Attorney Taggart, who is bending every resource of a fertile and brilliant mind toward the conviction of the prisoner, practically admitted the same thing in the same mysterious manner less than an hour later.
"We need him badly," said the prosecutor. "There is one important phase of this case he must cover with his testimony If he will not come when subpoenaed, then a bench warrant will bring him."
Taggart further said that a woman witness, mother of thirteen children, would be employed by the state as a special witness tomorrow in proving Mrs. Morasch's physical condition prior to the time the baby is represented to have been adopted out of the U. S. G. Hughes maternity home, and that the handwriting experts would probably be called in the afternoon of the same day.
Attorney Maher said last night that a great deal of the defense would lie in showing up Mrs. Morasch's past.
"She is a poor woman in two senses of the word," he said. "Poor from the standpoint of health and means of financing her case. She has been a wanderer in the West Bottoms, without money and almost without friends, for years. Her first husband died three years ago, killed himself with carbolic acid. Her second husband likewise died. Children she has kept and mothered, from the Hughes home, have sickened on her hands. One of them died after it had passed to the care of others in the hire of the county and the revolting suspicion that she had killed it with drugs and slow poison was expressed in her presence. She was warned by Attorney Taggart to leave town. Haggard and worn, dogged by the law and shunned by her intimates because of her misfortunes, Mrs. Morasch hurriedly gathered up her few belongings and fled to Harrisonville, Mo. But the Nemesis followed her even there, strangely coincident with her flight the poisoned bonbons arrived at the Miller home, so she was arrested on the murder charge and brought back to face trial."

HE WENT HUNTING THE CARS. ~ And Little Leo, Just a Baby, Wandered Into Railroad Yards.

March 22, 1908

And Little Leo, Just a Baby, Wan-
dered Into Railroad Yards.

"What are you doing down here?"

"Oh, des tum down on treet tar to see choo-choo tars."

The foregoing dialogue took place shortly after noon yesterday in the yards of the Kansas City Southern Railroad Company between a railroad man and a tiny "Buster Brown" boy 2 1/2 years old.

The little wanderer was taken to police headquarters and turned over to Mrs Joan Moran, matron. When asked where his mother was he indicated that she had gone on a "treet tar." His name could not be understood.

After the baby boy had been at the station a couple of hours a frantic mother, followed by two other boys, appeared at police headquarters looking for a lost boy. She was directed to the matron's rooms The police told her that a boy of her description was there.

"Oh, Leo, Leo, where did you go?" the mother cried as she snatched the little Buster Brown boy to her breast.

"Oh, mamma," he replied gleefully, "I seen all big choo-choo tars an' a man took me away."

The mother, Mrs. Abraham Rubenstein of 1417 Harrison street, said that shortly after noon she was entering the Jones dry goods store with her three boys -- Harry, 7; Marion, 5 1/2, and Leo, 2 1/2 years old. When she reached an elevator she missed Leo, the baby.

The little fellow is believed to have taken a street car to Third and Main streets, from where he walked down into the railroad yards. When found he was in among box cars and engines, but looking with wondering eyes at all that was going on. It was then that a railroad man found him and took him in charge.

POLICE THOUGHT HIM DRUNK. ~ Injured Man Was Locked Up in a Cell Without Treatment.

March 21, 1908

Injured Man Was Locked Up in a
Cell Without Treatment.

J. K. Mannois, 63 years old, a cigar merchant of Ottawa, Kas., went to the emergency hospital yesterday morning for treatment. His lower lip was cut through, his face badly bruised and swollen and a tooth was missing. Dr. W. L. Gist attended him.

Mannois said that he arrived in the city Thursday night when he was attacked on Union avenue and robbed of $15 and a gold watch valued at $40. He said that while dazed from his injuries he was taken in charge by the police and locked up at No. 2 station, 1316 St. Louis avenue, as a "drunk" who had fallen and come in contact with the pavement. He said he had started for Kansas City, Kas., when attacked by men who had seen him leave a Union avenue restaurant.

HORSES PERISH IN A FIRE. ~ Royal Brewing Company's Station Burns -- Loss $10,000.

March 21, 1908

Royal Brewing Company's Station
Burns -- Loss $10,000.

Fire, which was seen to burst out from every window in the front part of the Royal Brewing Company's warehouse, 1012 Grand avenue, and which spread to the coal and feed store of A. Maas & Son, 1910 Grand avenue, at 12:30 o'clock last night, destroyed property estimated at the value of $10,000. Five horses were burned in the Royal Brewing Company's stables.

It is thought that the fire was of incendiary origin, as the whole front of the building seemed to flash into sudden flame. Passers-by who were the first to see the blaze said that the fire started as if it were an explosion, but that they felt no shock nor did they hear any noise. They said that the fire started and burned as if the walls of the building had been saturated with gasoline or coal oil.

When the fire department arrived at the burning building the blaze had spread widely and the feed store directly on the north had caught. The contents of the brewery, such as whisky and alcohol, made excellent fuel of the fire, and it was difficult to extinguish the blaze.

In the Maas & Son building the burning hay and feed made it hard for the firemen to get at the blaze on account of the dense smoke. All of the horses which were kept in this building were rescued.

The Royal Brewing Company has its headquarters in Weston, Mo., and the building which was destroyed last night was its distributing station in Kansas City. Dancinger Brois. owned the brewing company.

The Royal Brewing Company's building was a one-story brick, and the coal and feed store, which adjoined, was built of frame and was only one story in height. Both buildings were gutted.

JURY CHOSEN IN THE MORASH CASE. ~ Prosecutor, in Statement to Jury, Says the Accused Woman Had No Cause, Other Than Fear, to Fly.

March 20, 1908


Prosecutor, in Statement to Jury,
Says the Accused Woman Had
No Cause, Other Than
Fear, to Fly.

The preliminary statements of the prosecution in the case of Mrs. Sarah Morasch, held for the murder of Ruth Miller, were made yesterday by County Attorney Joseph Taggart, beginning at once after the jury was sworn in precisely at 3 o'clock.

The process of impaneling had been tedious, covering the greater part of two days, and the spirit of battle was constantly evident in the minuteness of the examination of each prospective juror. By 2 o'clock the defense, which had six challenges left from the day before yesterday, had used these up. As the six challenges allowed the state under the laws of Kansas were exhausted Wednesday afternoon, the last challenge of the defense left the selection of jurors largely to the option of the court, and in fifteen more minutes Z. Bellamy filled the one vacant chair on the jury platform. The jury, as it stands, follows:

John Bruns, farmer, Piper.
D. C. Roberts, haberdasher, 1961 North Fifth street.
J. Murry, baker, Eleventh street and Minnesota avenue.
A. C. Hartman, laborer, 1943 North Third street.
E. H. Baker, merchant, 47 South Valley street.
Charles V. Sass, farmer, Bethel.
R. A. Alleman, grocer, 1032 North Sixteenth street.
B. H. Hoppe, engineer, R. F. D. No. 4.
J. M. Smithcarpenter, 2300 North Ninth street.
A. T. Delameter, baker, 727 Central.
Z. Bellamy, dairyman, Bethel.

All through the impaneling of the jury Mrs. Morasch sat between her counsel, Daniel Maher and Judge E. H. Wooley. She has seldom smiled. The lines about her mouth, always marked, have grown deeper with the worry of the past three weeks.

When County Attorney Taggart took the floor to deliver the usual preliminary statement on the part of the state, the prisoner smiled feebly, drew down the corners of her mouth and bent forward in her seat as if to catch every word spoken against her. From the beginning to end of the statement she did not once relax from this posture.

Prosecutor Taggart, in introducing the stand of the state in the case, began with the incident, two months ago, when the prisoner took a child from the Hughes maternity home and claimed it as her own. He reviewed facts which brought Mrs. Morasch before the juvenile court on a charge of mistreating the child, stating that the state would attempt to show she had not then sufficient cause to fly the city in fear of the law. When he represented that the prisoner had chaimed to have given birth to the Hughes child, which was 6 weeks old when she obtained it from the institution, Mrs. Morasch laughed and whispered something to counsel, who nodded reassuringly.

SAY SWANSON WAS DEMENTED. While Serving in Philippines He Suf-

March 20, 1908

While Serving in Philippines He Suf-
fered Sunstroke.

It is the belief of relatives of Thomas Swanson, who entered the home of Mrs. Rose Everett, 819 Orville avenue, Kansas City, Kas., at 12:30 o'clock yesterday morning, apparently with the intention of criminally assaulting Irene Everett and afterwards committed suicide was insane.

"My brother had not been just right mentally, for over a year," said Mrs. Effie Hess, a sister, yesterday.

"He was a soldier during the Philippine war, and was then sunstruck. At times he was almost violent, and neighbors advised mother to have him taken to a sanitarium. I think he tried to commit suicide by drinking carbolic acid a year ago."

Many neighbors who have long known both the Everett and Swanson families believe, with Mrs. Hess, that Thomas Swanson did not know what he was doing when he entered the Everett home.

They say he had always borne the reputation of being a young man of good habits, but had lately been subject to fits of melancholia.

FORM GOOD CITIZEN LEAGUE. ~ It's Purpose Is to Lessen Crime Among Kansas City Negroes.

March 20, 1908

It's Purpose Is to Lessen Crime Among
Kansas City Negroes.

With the object of lessening crime among the negroes a Good Citizens' League was formed last night at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Maria W. Williams, 628 Tracy avenue. The janitors of schools and office buildings, firemen and policemen will especially be solicited to join the league. Effort will be made to prevent negro children going to saloons for liquor for their parents. Wayward boys and girls will be looked after and the juvenile court will be asked to exercise a supervisory control over youthful derelicts. A committee on rules was appointed by Mrs. Williams, who preside, as follows: W. Dawson, Dr. Dibble, O. M. Shackleford, Mrs. M. P. Williams, Professor J. D. Bowser, P. W. H. Williams and Professor Wilson. Another meeting will be held at the same address next Thursday night.

MADE LIQUID AIR ON STAGE. ~ Edisonian Society Has a New Form of Entertainment.

March 20, 1908

Edisonian Society Has a New Form
of Entertainment.

A departure was taken in the regular assembly day programme at Manual Training high school yesterday afternoon. During the last part of the school year the different literary societies and other organizations of the school take their turn in giving entertainments on assembly day. Heretofore these entertainments have been pleasing, but hardly instructive to the students at large.

Yesterday was the day for the Edisonian Society, an organization composed of those who wish to study things of a scientific nature, to give its programme, and something altogether original was hit upon. The society staged a one-act-play with the scene in a physical laboratory. At the time for the arrival of the instructor he does not materialize, consequently the students take charge of the class and lecture in a most interesting manner upon the subject of air in all of its phases. During the lecture practical experiments are worked out, showing the audience the power and practical value of air.

The way in which this lecture was given was both entertaining and instructive. The process of making liquid air was thoroughly demonstrated and the uses of the air were shown. "Such a programme as the Edisonian Society gave should be encouraged and given the hearty support of the faculty," said Professor Philips, principal of the school. "The Edisonian Society is a new one here, and it is doing a splendid work."

The society was named for Thomas A. Edison, and the great inventor and scientist was notified of the liberty which was taken with his name. To this notification he responded with a gracious letter, which has been framed and is hanging in the physics room of the school.


March 19, 1908


Post Card Picture May Lead to the
Identity of This "Doorstep
Youngster's" Mother.
Was Well Supplied.

Late yesterday afternoon little Pat, the week-old baby who was found in a hallway at 584 Harrison street at 11:45 Tuesday night, was taken from the matron's room at police headquarters to St. Anthony's home, at Twenty-second street and College avenue. Mrs. Lizzie Burns, the police matron who went with the ambulance and got the little fellow and named him Pat in honor of St. Patrick's day, remained up all day to care for the baby. She is on night duty. 

The baby was found in a hallway adjacent to the home of Mrs. E. T. Pope, and her son notified the police. The child was well supplied with all baby necessaries, and was wrapped in a black cloak. In searching the cloak yesterday, Mrs. Joan Moran, the other matron, found a picture postcard. The card is addressed to Mrs. Addie Esters, 301 Kickapoo street, Leavenworth, Kas. It was mailed in that city on May 4, 1907, and on the side with the picture is signed the name of Mattie Adams. The card was turned over to F. E. McCrary, Humane agent, who said he would write to both parities and see if any information could be gained. 

A boy baby is the most easily adopted, so managers of foundling homes say. After the story of the finding of little Pat got around there were several applicants for him. Mrs. Burns, the matron who went out and got him, came near keeping him herself. Mrs. Burns became so attached to the little fellow after she had washed and dressed him yesterday morning that she insisted on keeping out a souvenir of his visit. Pat had plenty of clothes, so Mrs. Burns kept out a pair of tiny little white shoes which were immediately placed on the wall of the matron's room. "Pat is the finest specimen of real young man that I have seen in a long while," said Mrs. Burns. "Young as he is I tickled him under the chin today and made him laugh. He is also a healthy baby, and just as pretty as can be. He deserves a good home."

CHILD BORN TO INJURED WOMAN. ~ Mrs. Hilda Holmquest, Landis Court Fire Victim, Has a Daughter.

March 19, 1908

Mrs. Hilda Holmquest, Landis Court
Fire Victim, Has a Daughter.

Mrs. Hilda Holmquest, who on February 2, jumped from the third story of her home at 406 Landis court during a fire, sustaining fractures of both legs, a scalp wound and internal injuries, yesterday gave birth to an eight-pound daughter in the Swedish hospital. Both mother and child were doing well last night. At the time of the fire in Landis court Mrs. Holmquest rushed to the rear fire escape with another woman's baby in her arms. She threw the baby to the ground and it was caught by a bystander and unhurt. Mrs. Holmquest leaped after the child and struck the pavement in the alley. She was taken immediately to the Swedish hospital, where she has since remained. When she was first injured the attending physician entertained little hope of her recovery.


March 19, 1908





Mother Rushes to Her Rescue, Seizes
Intruder and Is Stabbed -- He
Takes Carbolic Acid.

Rather than face arrest and trial for attempted criminal assault, James Thomas Swanson, 23 years of age, stabbed and probably fatally wounded Mrs. Rosa Everett, the mother of his intended victim, at her home, 819 Orville avenue, Kansas City, Kas., at 12:30 o'clock this morning. Immediately after having stabbed the woman, Swanson ran to his own home, just two doors distant, 823 Orville avenue, and drank an ounce of carbolic acid. Half an hour later he died.
Swanson, according to the neighbors, had been paying particular attention to Irene Everett, a pretty girl of 18 years, for several months. He had called at the house many times, but was never seen out with the girl. Gossip had it, however, that the two were engaged. Nothing out of the ordinary had transpired between them up until last night.
Irene's bedroom is located in the west side of the one-story cottage at 819 Orville avenue, and has windows on the west and south sides. At 12:30 she was awakened by someone softly opening one of the west windows. Thinking that it was a burglar Irene decided that she would pretend sleep. As the intruder entered the room he struck a match and lighted the gas. It was then that Irene recognized in him her erstwhile lover, Swanson.
Knowing Swanson as well as she did, she at first made no outcry, but asked him his purpose in her room at that hour of the night. Swanson replied that he had just come over to see her and would probably spend the rest of the night with her. He told her that he was surprised to find her in bed so early. Irene, noticing that Swanson was peculiarly nervous and agitated, glanced at the clock in her room and saw that it was nearly 12:30 o'clock. Then she became frightened and demanded again an explanation of his presence, telling him that he was mistaken as to the time.
Then Swanson, according to Irene, became most horrible to look upon. His face was contorted and the muscles in his face and arms moved convulsively. He leaned towards the trembling girl and whispered his purpose to her. Horrified, Irene screamed frantically for help, calling her mother's name again and again.
Swanson was somewhat taken aback by the stubborn resistance with which he had met, and grappled with the girl. At this juncture, the door to Irene's bedroom was opened, and Mrs. Everett, dressed only in her night clothes, entered the room. Seeing Swanson she quickly guessed his purpose, caught him around the waist and tried to drag him from the room. Meanwhile both mother and daughter were screaming for help. Realizing that his dastardly attempt frustrated, Swanson drew a knife and plunged it deep into Mrs. Everett's left breast. He then ran from the room, making his exit through the window which he used to gain entrance.
Directly to his own home Swanson ran, and entered the house through the kitchen door. Meanwhile, Mrs. Everett had burst through the south window with her bare hands and leaned out, still screaming for help. S. F. Essex of 817 Orville heard the cries and ran from his home to investigate. Following the sound of screams he came upon Mrs. Everett and her daughter. Mrs. Everett was fast losing consciousness and Irene told the story of the terrible ordeal through which she and her mother just passed.. Essex immediately notified the police and then carried Mrs. Everett into his home, where she was attended by the family until A. J. Gannon, police surgeon, arrived.
Mrs. Ida Swanson, mother of Thomas, was awakened at this time by a draft which blew through the room. She arose and called to her daughter, who slept in the adjoining room, asking if the windows were open. Finding that the draft came from the open door in the kitchen of the house, Mrs. Swanson started to close it. As she neared the hallway she heard her son cry out: "I've taken carbolic acid, and I am a dead one!" Her son had fallen in the doorway, and soon died.