ONE LITTLE ENGINE BALKED. ~ And All the Cars in Town Stopped as a Consequence.

March 29, 1908

And All the Cars in Town Stopped as
a Consequence.

Just because a small engine in the power house at Thirty-first and Holmes streets went out every car line in the city was "tied up" yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. It was just at the time when traffic is the heaviest for the Metropolites, when business men and shoppers have begun to turn their faces homeward, and these unfortunate ones found themselves in a place where they had to wait an indefinite length of time, or walk the indefinite number of miles to their homes Many of them chose the latter course but were very careful to do a lot of their waling along the route of their "homegoing car."

When the engine at Thirty-first and Holmes streets got "lost" it affected the machinery in the large power house at Second street and Grand avenue. This power house, directly or indirectly, controls every line in the city and when its machines stopped, so did all of the cars throughout town. Emergency treatment was given to the engines at the power houses and within fifteen minutes the wheels began to turn and the cars started. Just how the engine in the Holmes street power house "went dead" will not be known until an examination is held today.