1,000 TEACHERS TO DENVER. ~ Missouri Delegates to National Educational Association to Boost KC.

June 30, 1909

Missouri Delegates to National Edu-
cational Association to Boost KC.

Badge to Be Worn by Kansas City and St. Louis Teachers.

Decorated with badges bearing a map of the state and the word "Missouri" in big letters across it, 1,000 teachers from Kansas City and St. Louis will go to Denver, Col., to attend the forty-seventh annual convention of the National Educational Association which opens in that city July 3 and continues until July 9. Prof. J. M. Stephenson, principal of the Scarritt school and state manager of the association, said yesterday that every effort possible would be made to advertise Missouri and her schools.

Postcards showing a beautiful view of the Westport High school building in colors will be used to aid in the publicity campaign. Enough of the badges will be carried by the state delegation to decorate all who will "boost" for Missouri. Special trains have been chartered to carry the Kansas City and St. Louis contingents to Denver.

SHE SLAPS LAWYER IN COURT. ~ Then Mrs. Williford Challenges O. T. Knox to Finish Fight.

June 30, 1909

Then Mrs. Williford Challenges O.
T. Knox to Finish Fight.

When Mrs. Hattie Williford left the witness stand in Judge James H. Slover's division of the circuit court yesterday, she walked straight to where O. T. Knox, an attorney, was sitting and slapped his face. She lives at 1093 Cherry street and had taken umbrage at a question asked her by Knox, who represented Mark Dewey in his divorce suit against Alice Dewey. The latter is a sister of Mrs. Williford.

Mrs. Williford also expressed her determination and willingness to make the fight one to a finish, in or out of the court room. Knox, who has a James J. Jeffries physique, brushed her away before the court attendants arrived.

Judge Slover smiled. No one was fined. The case was not finished yesterday.

PALE ALE AT AUCTION. ~ Customs Officials Also Will Sell Herring and Garlic Saturday.

June 30, 1909

Customs Officials Also Will Sell Her-
ring and Garlic Saturday.

Loyal Britons may be expected to rally when eight and a half casks of pale ale is put up, and Scotland ought to be heard from when fifteen kegs of Glasgow herring are cried at a government rummage sale scheduled for Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at No. 228 West Fourth street. C. W. Clarke, surveyor of the port, is sending to the hammer imports which were not cleared during the present year.

The customs officers find that the ale arrived without any manifest and, though it is a knock to admit it, the herring were "abandoned," whatever that may mean.

Great Britain is not to have everything her own way. Two hundred and nine pounds of Garlic will tempt the Italians. "Coke" fiends will get a chance at two dozen hypodermic syringes. Six rolls of Japanese matting and 12,000 Japanese postal cards and some jute from India complete the offering for the grown ups.

The surveyor also will put up for sale a case of souvenirs, brought to Kansas City by a globe trotter, who evidently went broke buying the toys, for he could not or would not pay the duty on them. In this lot are four dolls, a cuckoo clock and twenty-five pieces of carved wood representing Santa Claus, bears, dogs, deer, cows and jumping jacks.

Some of the bears, so says the custom house list, are smoking, one is playing a piano, a quartette are gambling and one is painting a picture.


June 30, 1909


Post Cards Bear Announcement of
Marriage of Mrs. Adeline De
Mare to Henry Somerset
in England.
Mrs. Adeline De Mare, Widow of Professor Georges De Mare.
Who May Be Lady Somerset.

Post cards bearing the announcement of the marriage in London, England on June 16 of Mrs. Adeline De Mare of Kansas City, widow of Professor Georges De Mare, the artist who lost his life in the fire which destroyed the University building in this city in 1907, have given rise to the belief on the part of the friends and relatives of the young woman that she has wedded Henry Charles Somers Augustus Somerset, the son of Lord Henry Richard Charles Somerset, husband of Lady Henry Somerset, the famous temperance leader and suffragist.

According to the meager information conveyed by the postals, which were received from England yesterday by the father of the girl, Craig Hunter, a railway contractor with offices at 1002 Union avenue, and Mrs. Herman Lang, 3901 Forest avenue, a close friend of the family, Mrs. De Mare was married to a Henry Somerset in London on June 16. Partly through the way the announcements were worded and more through the presumption of those who received the announcements, the report was started that the Somerset in question is the son of the nobleman. Neither Mr. Hunter nor Mrs. Lang was in a position to confirm the report last night, but both were anxiously awaiting more information, which is expected to arrive by letter in a few days.


Mr. Hunter is not pleased with the thought that perhaps his daughter has become the wife of the son of an English nobleman.

"I sincerely hope that Adeline has not married into a titled family," he said yesterday. "I have always talked against such marriages, and if she has married Lord Somerset's son, she has acted directly contrary to any wish of mine. A good, plain American boy is my choice."

Mrs. De Mare, who graduated from the Central high school in the spring of 1905, married Professor Georges De Mare, head of the art department of the school, in December, 1906. Professor De Mare the following May was killed in a fire which destroyed the University building at Ninth and Locust streets. The death of her husband greatly preyed upon the mind of Mrs. De Mare and in order that she might be benefited by a change of scene she was sent to Paris to school in September, 1907.

She took up a course of study at the Sorbonne, the University of Paris. She was a proficient artist in instrumental music and completed a course in that study last spring. Last September her mother, Mrs. Hunter, went to Paris to return with Mrs. De Mare to America when her school work was completed. Mrs. Hunter and her daughter were to have sailed for America today form Naples. The plans of Mr. Hunter to meet them at New York are upset by the unexpected announcement of the daughter's marriage in London.


"Adeline's marriage was a complete surprise to me," said Mr. Hunter. "I received a letter from my wife two weeks ago in which she said that an Englishman by the name of Somerset was madly in love with the girl, but I did not think seriously of it. I did not think, either, that it might be a member of the Lord Somerset family. But now that I compare the meager descriptions I have received of the man with those of the son of the lord, I am firmly convinced that they are one and the same person.

"Mrs. Hunter said that the Mr. Somerset who was paying attention to my daughter was a widower and had a little daughter about 9 years of age. Henry Somerset, they tell me, was married in 1896 to the daughter of the Duke of St. Albans and should be at this time about the age of the man who married my daughter. He has been making his home in Paris for some time, so I guess there may be something to the report of my son-in-law being of a titled family. I hope, however, that it is not true."

Mrs. De Mare was 21 years old last September. She is a beautiful and talented woman and was very popular in the younger social set in Kansas City.

Eastnor Castle, near Ledbury in Herefordshire England

Somewhat eventful has been the history of the Somerset family. Nor has its domestic relations been of the happiest. The present Lady Somerset was married at the age of 18, after a brief season at court. The match between Lady Isobel and Lord Henry Somerset was arranged by the young girl's mother, and Lady Isobel's dowry was welcome to Lord Henry.

Two years after the wedding the only child, Henry Charles Augustus Somerset, was born. During those two years of married life there had been frequent ruptures between husband and wife with the result that divorce was frequently discussed by each. Shortly after the birth of the son the courts of England granted a divorce and gave the mother custody of the child.

For a while Lady Somerset kept up her social activities, but Queen Victoria looked into the causes of divorce and placed the social ban upon that immediate branch of the Somerset family. In June of 1902, however, King Edward, his wife and sister, Princess Beatrice, restored Lady Henry Somerset to court favor. This action on the part of King Edward occasioned favorable comment on the part of the British public and press.


When Lady Henry fell into disfavor with the court she retired and lead a sequestered life, teaching her boy. Later she sent her son to Harvard university, from which institution he graduated.

Henry Somers Somerset was married in 1896 to Katherine De Vere Beaucher. There had been no news in America of a divorce or of the wife's death. She has been described as a very beautiful woman and a prime favorite of the Somerset's.

Lady Henry Somerset has been long identified with socialism and temperance work. At the present time she is the president of the world organization of the W. C. T. U. She has spent large sums of money to alleviate the distress occasioned by drink among the men and women of England. She has written many books upon the subject of temperance and has become widely known.

Lord Henry Somerset, the divorced husband, has been lost from sight and there is no record of his death.

Henry, the son, who is said to have married Mrs. De Mare, is 35 years old.

ON A HUNT FOR WHISKEY. ~ Mrs. Myra McHenry Would Down Traffic With a Pen.

June 29, 1909

Mrs. Myra McHenry Would Down
Traffic With a Pen.

Mrs. Myra McHenry, co-worker and one-time associate of Carrie Nation, was here yesterday. Mrs. McHenry is going to Lexington, Mo., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Thomas Young, and incidentally take a whack at anything that looks as if it needed whacking.

"I am on a hunt for whisky," she said. "There is no more of it in Wichita, and I must find other fields. Mrs. Nation and myself, while we strive to attain the same ends, are not alike. She is a 'hatchet smasher' and I smash with the pen.

Mrs. McHenry has been in jail thirty-three times.


June 29, 1909


A Jewish policeman, the first Kansas City ever had, arrested an Irishman last night for disturbing the officer's peace.

Max Joffy, formerly a porter in James Pendergast's saloon and later a janitor at the city hall under Mayor Henry M. Beardsley, was appointed a probationary patrolman on the police force yesterday morning along with forty-three other men.

Proudly wearing his new star and swinging a white ash club he entered the drug store of Morton Burger at Independence avenue and Cherry street yesterday afternoon. Frank O. Donnely, paymaster in the city auditor's office, was in the drug store. Knowing Joffy for years he was amused at the Jewish policeman's outfit and burst out laughing.

"Holy St. Patrick, look at the new cop," laughed Donnely, making a grimace, "Oh, you kid!"

Joffy's new found dignity was touched. He placed his hand on Donnelly's back and said:

"I'll teach you to talk that way to an officer. Come on down to the station."

Donnelly rose from the fountain, where he was drinking an ice cream soda, with a glass holder in his hand. Joffy drew his revolver, afterwards found to be unloaded, and with the tags still upon it. Donnelly's Irish spirit ebbed and he submitted. He was taken to the central police station where he was booked for disturbing the peace. He afterward gave bond.

"I know nothing of the merits of the case against Donnelly," said Captain Walter Whitsett last night, "but I do know that a police officer's peace cannot be disturbed, according to the law as it is interpreted by the courts."

Donnelly is a rising young Democratic politician in the Sixth ward. He has been paymaster in the city auditor's office for three years. He lives with his family at 632 Troost avenue.

"I couldn't resist the temptation to have a little fun at Joffy's expense," he said. "I have known the man for five years and had never seen him take offense at a well meant joke before. This is the first time I was ever arrested in my life."


The list of forty-three officers appointed by the board yesterday bears only one Irish name -- that of Daniel R. McGuire, who was made a jailer. There are such cognomens as Obrecht, Zinn, Mertz, Baer, Niemier and Siegfried. They were given clubs, stars and revolvers yesterday afternoon and will be assigned for duty today.

Joffy was not on duty at the time his first arrest was made. He is the first policeman of Jewish descent to be appointed in the city, according to men who have been on the force for many years.

RUBY KANE D'AUDRAE DEAD. ~ Kansas City Vaudeville Actress a Victim of Tuberculosis.

June 29, 1909

Kansas City Vaudeville Actress a
Victim of Tuberculosis.

Mrs. Ruby Kane D'Audrae, a vaudeville actress of 3944 Woodland avenue, died of tuberculosis after a four months' illness at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Her husband, Robert D'Audrae, and her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kane, are in the amusement business, the two first named somewhere in Ohio. Mrs. Kane is in Wellington, Mo. Only the mother could be notified last night.

Mrs. D'Audrae was 23 years old. Seven years ago she graduated from the Academy of St. Aloysius at Eleventh street and Prospect avenue. Her voice, which is said to have been exceedingly strong and sweet, attracted considerable attention at school. Three years after finishing the academy she followed her father and mother to the footlights. She was heard in the Sparks theater in Kansas City, Kas., two seasons ago.

Funeral arrangements have not been made.

CAN'T FIND HER BROTHER. ~ Gertrude Arlington Came Here to Keep House for Him.

June 29, 1909

Gertrude Arlington Came Here to
Keep House for Him.

Gertrude Arlington, 18 years old, who arrived in Kansas City yesterday from Goffs, Kas., expecting to meet her brother, Edward Arlington, at the Union depot was disappointed when the young man failed to put in an appearance. Arlington is a switchman, recently come to Kansas City from Minneapolis, Minn. He had written the girl to come and keep house for him.

That he lived somewhere on West Twelfth street was all the information the girl could give concerning her brother's whereabouts. She had written him a letter the day before telling of her coming and had directed it to the general delivery.

WOMAN FIRST FOURTH VICTIM. ~ Mrs. Williams Sharp Injured While Playing With a Toy Pistol.

June 29, 1909

Mrs. Williams Sharp Injured While
Playing With a Toy Pistol.

Mrs. William Sharp, 26 years old, 1025 Harrison street, was last night distinguished by being the first person in Kansas City to be injured by the premature explosion of Fourth of July noisemakers. She was in her home and picked up a toy pistol loaded with a blank 22-caliber cartridge. In some manner the cartridge was exploded and the index finger on her right hand was badly lacerated. She was treated at the emergency hospital.

MISS OWEN MUST COME HERE. ~ Prosecuting Attorney's Office Will Not Take Initiative in Affair.

June 28, 1909

Prosecuting Attorney's Office Will
Not Take Initiative in Affair.

It was stated last night by Virgil Conkling, prosecuting attorney, that the Annie Lee Owen slugging affair was at an end, so far as the initiative in his office is concerned.

"Until Miss Owens swears to a complaint or statement in this state and before an authorized officer of the state, as is customary in such cases, showing good faith on the part of the complainant, it is my theory that it is not a matter of public policy which would require my office to go outside of this state to take the complaint," said Mr. Conkling.

"If Miss Owen desires to complain against any person or act there is no reason why she should not do so, and she needs but to come one foot into the state of Missouri to make the complaint. This office will not bother the lady, nor persecute her by trying to force her to make a statement which she shows no desire to make at the present time.

"When the grand jury of this county convenes in September it may take up the matter of the slugging, if it deems the affair of sufficient importance."


June 28, 1909


Heartbroken Over This Treatment,
Mrs. Mary Robinson, 70 Years
Old, a Paralytic, Swallows
Carbolic Acid.

Heart-broken over alleged treatment by her husband to whom she had been married forty-six years, and to whom she had borne 8 children, Mrs. Mary M. Robinson, 70 years old, swallowed carbolic acid yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock and, successfully struggling against the efforts of a physician to administer an antidote, died an hour and a half later

She lived with her son, Ernest E. Robinson, 37 years old, and father of four children, at 312 South Topping avenue.

For about three years O. G. Robinson, three years his wife's junior, worked in Tennessee. He made frequent trips to Kansas City, however.

Four weeks ago Ernest Robinson says he received a letter from his father, declaring that "he guessed he was of age," and could act as he saw fit. The letter said he had procured a divorce in the South and had married a woman from Mississippi, 32 years old, who is now with him in Kansas City.


Already a hopeless paralytic, having used crutches for several years, the aged wife could not bear the added burden. She knew of a bottle of carbolic acid which her daughter-in-law used for household purposes, and secured it.

Although for years she could hardly raise her hand to her head, in her despair she managed to reach the bottle that lay on a shelf higher than the top of the kitchen door.

Ernest Robinson, the son, had been summoned to a neighbor's by a telephone call. Hardly had he taken down the receiver, when his little daughter who had run after him, cried out:

"Papa, grandma wants you to come quick as you can."


When he reached his mother's side, she told him there was no use in sending for a doctor, "for it was all over with her." By 11 o'clock she was dead.

Her former husband was notified and went with his son to make arrangements with the undertaker.

Another son, Arthur B. Robinson, 40 years old, lives next door to his brother at 310 Topping avenue. He has three children. These two sons are the only ones of the eight children surviving.

Mrs. Robinson was born, reared and married at Jay, Mo., but for twenty-three years had lived in Missouri.

DROP OF 22 DEGREES. ~ Downpour of Rain Accompanied by Fall in Temperature.

June 28, 1909

Downpour of Rain Accompanied by
Fall in Temperature.

Thousands of park-goers who were busying themselves eating ice cream cones and other frozen delectables at the amusement parks about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon noticed a sudden fall in temperature as dark thunderclouds rolled up from the west and spread across the sky. In less than twenty minutes the thermometer showed a drop from 90 to 72 degrees, and in another hour the upper end of the tiny mercury column pointed to 68 degrees.

With the first cool wave regiments of women with dainty outing hats and dresses remembered they had not taken the precaution of bringing their umbrellas and followed closely by the male straw hat brigade charged upon the street car landings.

Word to the effect that more cars than usual were needed at the parks was met promptly by the street car officials. Cars with trailers were rushed to the rescue. Many of the pleasure-seekers found shelter in them before the real downpour came.

According to the local weather bureau 1.16 inches or rain fell.

The storm occasioned some apprehension yesterday evening in Kansas City, Kas. Telephone wires suffered, and numerous accidents of a minor character were reported.

The home of Horace Chandler, 627 State avenue, was struck by lightning. The chimney was demolished, and about an inch of soot was spread over the carpets and furniture in two rooms. Mr. Chandler was asleep in a chair opposite the chimney when the lightning struck, but was unhurt.


June 28, 1909


Built Missouri Telegraph Lines in
1862, Then Was Steamboatman
and Later Noted "Hotel

"Bobby" Wright, 75 years old, formerly soldier, sailor and now the oldest sneak thief in point of experience int he world, stayed in the city holdover last night to avoid worse trouble. Wright has been in the city several weeks, but was not picked up by the police until yesterday.

Wright confided to a visitor through the bars last night that he was born in New England, but was brought up in the South. When the civil war broke out, however, he was loyal to the Union and joined the army, becoming a private in the miners and sappers' division of the army. He was assigned to General Lyon's army in Missouri and afterwards under General Fremont.

"I put telegraph wires clear across Missouri in the year 1862," he said.

After the war he became a sailor on a merchant ship and was for ten years a steamboatman on the Mississippi river. Then his criminal tendencies became assertive and he became a professional thief, if the records kept by the police departments of many cities are to be believed.

His advent into this city was in 1882 and he has been a frequent visitor since. On almost every visit he was entertained in the city holdover, and he has frequently been convicted in the municipal court.

Wright is whitehaired, partly bald and has white whiskers. He is stooped and tall. His particular branch of thievery is known as hotel work. He walks into a hostelry, goes upstairs, and when he finds a door unlocked enters the room and makes away with all the valuables he can conceal about his person. This is the police report on Bobby Wright.

"He is one of the cleverest men in the country at his trade," said Inspector of Detectives Edward J. Boyle last night.

BOY DROWNS IN THE BLUE. ~ Fell From a Skiff and Came Up Beneath a Barge.

June 27, 1909

Fell From a Skiff and Came Up Be-
neath a Barge.

John Palmer, 14 years old, fell from a skiff into the Blue river near the Independence road yesterday morning and was drowned. Marion Bullinger, proprietor of boathouse at that point, and several others saw the boy fall over the side of the skiff, which was near a barge anchored close to the bridge. The body did not rise again until the barge was moved, when the body was found beneath it.

The boy and his father room at the home of Jack Thomas, 415 Douglas avenue. Until recently he had been working at the Kansas City Nut and Bolt factory at Sheffield. Deputy Coroner Harry Czarlinsky viewed the body and had it sent to Blackburn & Carson's undertaking rooms.

GALLOWS UP FOR BROOKS. ~ Negro Who Murdered Sidney Herndon Will Be Hanged June 30.

June 27, 1909

Negro Who Murdered Sidney Hern-
don Will Be Hanged June 30.

Claude Brooks will be hanged June 30 for the murder of Sidney Herndon. The death watch was put on the condemned negro last night. It was believed until yesterday afternoon that a respite of sixty days would be given. This was refused by the governor.

Mrs. Margaret Simmons, matron at the county jail, had a telephone conversation with Governor Hadley yesterday afternoon. The governor told her there would be no respite and that it would be useless for anyone to see him about a commutation of sentence.

LEFT BABY WITH STRANGER. ~ Then Mother Disappeared in Crowd at Union Depot.

June 27, 1909

Then Mother Disappeared in Crowd
at Union Depot.

Entrusting her 4-months-old girl baby to an entire stranger at the Union depot, a woman whose name could not be learned, yesterday disappeared into the crowd, ostensibly to see a friend on the train, and has not been heard from since. The woman who volunteered to care for the child turned it over to Mrs. Ollie Everingham, depot matron, and declared she did not believe the mother would ever call for it.

Accompanying the mother of the baby was a girl about 12 years. When they approached with the baby and asked the woman, who gave the name of Laura Jones, to care for it, they also left a grip containing a good supply of clean clothes.

In the grip were two bottles of paregoric, one small bottle of castor oil, two cans of cream and two nipples. The bottles bore the label of M. L. Galloway, Holden, Mo., and the druggist who sold the castor oil was W. H. Nelson of Kingsville, Mo. No other marks of identification were found.

Mrs. Everingham declared she would take the child and care for it, but the authorities ordered it turned over to the police matron, pending the search for its mother.

The mother is described as wearing a large black straw hat, a gray gingham suit and walked with a decided stoop. She is about 35 years old.

ORIENT INN INCREASES. ~ Breakfast and Evening Dinner Added to the Service.

June 27, 1909

Breakfast and Evening Dinner Add-
ed to the Service.

So complete has been the response of the Kansas City public to the novel and very delightful service provided by the new Orient Inn at Tenth and Baltimore that the Kroger brothers have added morning and evening service. This will start tomorrow and will be conducted a la carte or in full restaurant style, as distinguished from self-service, which prevails at noon. The hours for breakfast will be 6 to 10 o'clock, the popular noon-day luncheon 11 to 3, and supper or evening dinner will be served in family style from 5 until 8.

The new Orient Inn is located in the Orient building at Tenth and Baltimore avenue. It is the largest eating establishment in Kansas City, in fact west of New York, and the deliciousness of its foods and novelty of its service have created a delightful impression among the business and society people of this community. In addition to the new features mentioned, a spacious smoking room, very elegantly equipped, will also be opened for the convenience of the gentlemen guests of the house.

PRISON PRESENT FOR PRIEST. ~ Engraving of "Last Supper" on the Handle of Knife from Greece.

June 27, 1909

Engraving of "Last Supper" on the
Handle of Knife from Greece.

A package sent here from Greece to a Greek church priest who recently came to Kansas City was stopped by the postal authorities yesterday and turned over to the custom official for inspection. If the contents prove to be subject to impost a duty will be levied.

A Greek messenger had called for the priest's mail but the custom officers demanded the presence of the man to whom the package was addressed. The priest, in his rimless stovepipe hat, long black silk robes and thick bushy whiskers, went to the customs ho use in person and claimed the package. In the presence of the treasury department he opened it and discovered a knife. It was wrapped in a letter which said the knife was sent from a prisoner to his old priest as a memento.

As a knife it did not amount to much, the blade, a thick ugly thing, evidently being part of an iron strap from a barrel and the spring made from an old key. On each side of the handle was engraved a representation of the Last Supper. The wood looked like box elder. The carving was excellent though the figures were not over half an inch in height and the distance from the first to the thirteenth only two and one-half inches. The treasury decided the knife had no commercial value and so declared it undutiable.

Edge tools are barred from all United States penitentiaries but the present to the Greek priest which arrived yesterday shows that in Athens they not only allow prisoners to have knives but teach them how to use them.

The address on the wrapper was in Greek characters. An interpreter who took the priest to the customs house accommodated the treasury men by writing the name in English. His English was more puzzling than the Greek, so the customs house does not know yet who got the knife so far as any record goes.

ENGINE HIT BALL PLAYER. ~ Boy Run Down While Chasing Foul at Stevens's Park.

June 27, 1909

Boy Run Down While Chasing Foul
at Stevens's Park.

While chasing a foul ball across the Belt Line track during a baseball game at Twenty-fourth street and the Southwest boulevard at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Claude Davidson, 12 years old, was run over by a switch engine and mangled by the wheels. He was taken to the general hospital where his right leg and arm were amputated by Dr. J. Park Neal. It was thought at the hospital last night that the boy would recover.

Two boy teams were playing at the Stephens ball park at the time of the accident. Claude Davidson was what is known among school boys as "pig-tailer" and his business was to recover lost balls and catch fouls landing far behind the batter. One of the latter crossed the low fence behind the field and it was in pursuit of it that the boy was hit by the switch engine. His father, William C. Davidson, lives at 1660 Jefferson street.

WOULD KILL SELF AT DEPOT. ~ After Quarreling With Husband, Woman Tries to Swallow Acid.

June 26, 1909

After Quarreling With Husband,
Woman Tries to Swallow Acid.

Despondent and angry because of domestic troubles, and after several hand-to-hand encounters with her husband in the presence of hundreds of persons, a woman attempted to swallow the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid at the Union depot last night, and only the timely interference of Patrolman John Coughlin prevented her from accomplishing her act.

Attracted by the crowd that had gathered about the couple early in the evening, Coughlin forced his way up to them and ordered the disturbance to cease. For a time they were quiet, but several times again broke out in heated and spirited argument, each time drawing a crowd of curious onlookers.

Finally the woman drew the vial of acid from her handbag, opened it and was about to place it to her lips when the patrolman intercepted it. both the man and woman were taken to No. 2 police station. Neither would give their names, and Captain Ennis, after hearing both sides of the story, on the woman's promise of good behavior, allowed them to leave without being booked.

CONSIGN GUNS TO FISHES. ~ Police Dump Confiscated Weapons in the River.

June 26, 1909

Police Dump Confiscated Weapons
in the River.

A sale of all unclaimed articles left by prisoners at police headquarters will be held this afternoon at the Central police station. The list includes every sort of personal belongings, except revolvers.

All the "guns" left in the possession of the police by prisoners and unclaimed were dumped into the Missouri river from the middle of the Hannibal bridge last week. There were about fifty cheap revolvers in the lot.


June 26, 1909

On Men's Side Capacity is 112, and
Number of Inmates Is 131.

While the sun's rays sizzled down upon the roof of the Kansas City workhouse yesterday afternoon 131 men lay in cells, panting and sweltering. The cells on the men's side have equal space for fifty-six white men and the same number of negroes, the total capacity being 112. If there are more than that number there are no more bunks for them.

Instead of the men being divided equally, yesterday there were eighty-three white men and forty-eight negroes, making it necessary to place one-third of the white men with the negroes. The municipal farm at Leeds relieves the situation some. There are twenty men there, and if these were in the workhouse it would make living intolerable.

At this season of the year the workhouse is generally running "short-handed." The police, however, in the last month have been extraordinarily vigilant. Many commissions have expired, and more soon will expire, and the new board has announced that recommissioning the men will depend entirely on their records.

The women's department at the workhouse has accommodations for sixteen white and thirty-two negro women. This department, however, is not so crowded. Yesterday there were fifteen white and nineteen negro women prisoners.

The board of pardons and paroles relieved the situation some yesterday by paroling eleven men and two women, all but one of whom will be released today. One of the men will not be released until July 1, when certain conditions have been complied with.

WALKED FROM PLEASANT HILL. ~ John Fleming, 18, Missing Since Monday, Returns.

June 26, 1909

John Fleming, 18, Missing Since
Monday, Returns.

John Fleming, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fleming of 2404 Kensington avenue, who has been missing since last Monday, returned home last night at 8 o'clock, having walked the entire distance from Pleasant Hill, Mo.

He could not give a very connected account of his wanderings, saying that he thought his mind had been affected by the heat of the sun when he started out. He remembered that he had walked most of the way to Pleasant Hill. It was thought that he had some vague idea of visiting his aunt, who lives within nine miles of that town, but he did not arrive there. He was more lucid about the return trip.

Young Fleming was first sighted at Raytown, Mo., by friends of Mrs. Fleming, who telephoned to the mother. Others along the line of march also recognized him and telephoned to the home. A reunion was held last night at the home.

BLACK HAND LETTER A JOKE. ~ Boy Wanted to Keep Father Home for Dinner July 4.

June 25, 1909

Boy Wanted to Keep Father Home
for Dinner July 4.

Dr. E. R. Tenney, police surgeon of Kansas City, Kas., yesterday received a letter purporting to come form the "Black Hand" Society. Unlike the ordinary threatening letters, no demand was made for money . The letter was mailed in Kansas City, Kas., and was signed with the regulation black hand and gruesome skull and crossbones. After warning the police surgeon of the dreadful fate in store for him in the event of his failure to observe the wishes of the society, he was commanded to stay at his home during the entire day of July 4, and on no occasion to venture outside of his own yard.

After consulting with the chief of police, Dr. Tenney concluded that the letter was meant as a practical joke. Later in the day it developed that the letter had been written by his son, Clifford, 11 years old. The boy had planned for a Fourth of July dinner to be given as a surprise for his father. Fearing from a conversation which he overheard that his father would not be at home, Clifford adopted heroic methods in an effort to detain him. Dr. Tenney will eat dinner at home on July 4.

OCH LIKES KANSAS CITY. ~ Beautiful Beyond Belief, Says New York Times Owner.

June 25, 1909

Beautiful Beyond Belief, Says
New York Times Owner.

Adolphus Ochs, owner of the New York Times, was yesterday a guest in Kansas City at the Coates house. With Mr. Ochs was his wife and five members of his immediate family. They party is on the way to Seattle to the Yukon-Alaska exposition.

During the afternoon Mr. Ochs and his party were driven over the boulevards in automobiles. Speaking of his impressions, Mr. Ochs said that nowhere in the world was a duplicate or even a rival of the boulevard system of Kansas City.

"It is almost inconceivable and beautiful beyond belief," said he last night. The party departed for Seattle over the Santa Fe last night.

BOY'S PRAYER IS ANSWERED. ~ Supplication to St. Anthony Brings Food to Hungry Child.

June 25, 1909

Supplication to St. Anthony Brings
Food to Hungry Child.

After being apparently abandoned in the Union depot for a day and a half and waiting thirty-four hours without a bite of food for a friend who had promised him that he would come, in the hour of his distress Sylvester Stark, 11 years old, had recourse in prayer. He breathed a supplication to St. Anthony, his patron saint since his confirmation, and his prayer was answered. A red capped depot usher came and took him to Mrs. Olive Everingham, the depot matron. To her he told his story and Mrs. Everingham, turning to some men nearby, said:

"Who'll pitch in to buy this boy a meal?"

"Come with me, sonny," said one of the bystanders and led Sylvester to a restaurant across the street.

Ham and eggs and side dishes were ordered. Sylvester consumed them all and then, contented as a hibernating bear, was bundled into a car and taken to the central police station where he was turned over to the matron and put to bed.

Sylvester lives at 2108 Market street, St. Louis. He is the only son of a widowed mother. In the winter he attends school and last summer he worked. This year a friend of his mother, Charles Ayers, who lives at Whitewater, Kas., invited the boy to pay him a visit. A week ago he sent the ticket and Sylvester came. There on his friend's stock farm he enjoyed himself, but his mother wrote that she was getting lonesome and he must go home. Mr. Ayres bought the boy a ticket to Kansas City and put him on the train, saying he would follow on a stock train and meet him yesterday morning in the women's waiting room at the Union depot.

"I got here at 9:45 o'clock Wednesday night," said the boy last night. "When night came I crawled beneath a bench and slept. When I woke up I was awfully hungry, but I was afraid to go out of the station because while I was gone Mr. Ayres might come and not find me. Then after a while I didn't feel hungry any more. I got a headache and I began to pray and then the man with the red hat came and got me. I think Mr. Ayres must have passed through the station and failed to find me. I'm sure he didn't forget about me."

Word was telegraphed to Ayres last night that the boy was safe.

ADAM GOD TAKES AN APPEAL. ~ On Plea as Poor Person, Judge Orders Evidence Transcribed.

June 25, 1909

On Plea as Poor Person, Judge
Orders Evidence Transcribed.

James Sharp, or "Adam God," convicted in the criminal court for the murder of Michael Mullane, a patrolman, in the city hall riot December 8, 1908, and sentenced to twenty-five years in the penitentiary, filed an appeal to the supreme court yesterday. On his affidavit as a poor person, Judge Ralph S. Latshaw made an order that a transcript of the evidence taken at the trial be made for Sharp at the expense of the state.

It will no doubt be a year or more before the higher court passes on the case. Meanwhile Sharp will remain in jail here.


June 25, 1909


Pistol in Hands of Younger Com-
paion, Whom He Told It Con-
tained No Cartridges, Just
Before Discharge.

William Clark, 18 years old of 2610 Lister avenue, was accidentally shot through the right eye by a playmate, and almost instantly killed, in the dooryard of Mrs. J. A. Avery at 2617 Lawn avenue at 8 o'clock last night.

"I did not know it was loaded," said Clem Burns, 14 years old, to his mother, Mrs. D. R. Webb, a moment later, as he threw the smoking revolver from him and burst into tears.

Clem lives with his mother and stepfather at 2625 Lawn, right next door to where the shooting occurred.

According to young Burns, the two boys, who were the best of friends, were sent by his mother to the grocery store of the Worries Bros. at Twenty-fourth street and Elmwood avenue for a box of matches. Before leaving the house Clark drew aside his coat and showed his companion that he had a cheap 38-caliber revolver in each hip pocket.

"He told me one of them was empty but that the other had one load in it," Clem told the police last night. "I asked him why he had the guns and he said he had been trying to kill a cat which had been killing chickens belonging to Mrs. Avery.

"As he turned to lead the way to the grocery I reached under his coat tails and got a revolver.


" 'Oh, now I've got your revolver and I am as big a man as you are,' I said, but he laughed at me and replied:

" 'You're not so big as you think you are; that gun isn't loaded.'

"I began snapping the revolver at him at that. He didn't wince and I snapped three times. Suddenly there was an explosion from the weapon.

"William sank down on the lawn. I knew at once what I had done and called to my mother:

" 'Oh, mother,' I cried, 'I've killed Willie.' Then I threw away the gun. I don't know why I did this, but I wanted to get the nasty thing away and out of my hands as quick as I could."

The boy's cries and protestations of innocence of any intent to commit murder as he was taken to No. 6 police station after the accident brought tears of sympathy to the eyes of neighbors, many of whom had known both boys for several years.

Ray Hodgson of 2608 Lawn, who was the only person besides Clem who saw the shooting, says he saw the two boys playing about Mrs. Avery's yard.

"They were always good boys, but full of pranks," said Mr. Hodgson. "However, Clark had a mania for carrying guns. He was seldom seen without one or more. Ususally the weapons were the kind which policemen call 'pot metal.' "

The story of the shooting told by Mr. Hodgson agrees in every particular with that given by the boy himself.

Young Clark was an orphan and lived at the house on Lister avenue with G. M. and J. P. Farnswowrth, brothers, for four years past. As the Farnsworths are unmarried and have work to do in the daytime, and Clark was out of a job, he was allowed to keep up the home in the way of a general housekeeper.

CONDEMNED NEGRO BAPTIZED. ~ Colored Women in Jail Sang During the Ceremony.

June 24, 1909

Colored Women in Jail Sang During
the Ceremony.

Claud Brooks, the negro now in a death cell in the county jail awaiting execution June 30 for the murder of Sidney Herndon, was baptized yesterday by the Rev. J. W. Hurse of St. Stephen's Baptist church. Three negro women, who are prisoners at the jail, sang while the ceremony was going on. The cell of Brooks is on the women's side of the jail.


June 24, 1909


Good Fairies in Forms of Kindly
Bishop and Celebrated Singing
Master Help Woman to
Rightful Place.


Hard fought battles, which resulted in many strainings of the heart-strings, have won at last fame and fortune for a former Kansas City girl. Mr. J. F. Von Herrlich, who made a splendid success of her debut in grand opera at Milan, Italy, a few weeks ago, and who, at her very first song as Violetta in "La Traviata," took her Italian audience by storm. But in order to make this wonderful success Mrs. Von Herrlich was forced to leave her home, her children, her husband and native land. The leaving was not made as easy for her as it might have been, and it was not without many misgivings that the young woman, now only 26 years of age, left her family and home ties four years ago to begin her vocal studies in Paris. The story of her studies and her final triumph reads like a fairy tale, with a bishop and the famous Puccini as the good fairies, who entered into the life of the ambitious young woman.


Born in St. Louis, Mo., Matilda Hossfeld was taken to Wichita, Kas., at the age of 10 years. There she entered the schools and her life was just that which usually befalls the school girl. She had a voice, a rich voice, but no one dreamed of the vast possibilities that were in store for her. She used her rich voice at the early age of 10 years, being wonderfully matured at that time, and within a few years she became the director of the choir at St. John's church in Wichita. Meanwhile she was attending high school in the town.

About this time Cupid crept into the game and caused the Rev. J. F. Von Herrlich, rector of the church, to be present at one of the choir rehearsals. He fell in love with Miss Hossfeld. The two were married when the girl was 17 years old. The husband saw only a few of the possibilities which might be developed by her voice; saw her and to him as a rector, in her beautiful singing of the hymnals from the old English masters, and soon he secured a charge in Kansas City, as Wichita offered few opportunities for vocal culture.


Shortly after their wedding, the couple came to Kansas City and lived at 726 Washington street. Mr. Von Herrlich was the pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church in Kansas City, Kas. His wife was taught the use of her voice by Professor Farley. Still, she used it only for the rendition of the cloistral hymns and great crowds were attracted to St. Paul's church. Charity recitals were given and the gifted young woman sang at many of them, always for the good of the church. Finally the rector was called to New York. In that metropolis larger opportunities presented themselves, and the future prima donna took advantage of a few of them.

Fate willed it that someone who really knew music and who really understood what the world of art would miss if Mrs. Von Herrlich remained only in church choirs, suggested that she train her voice for grand opera. The idea was fascinating and foolish all at once. She, the wife of a minister, to go upon the stage? She would not tolerate it.

Yet the good was done. The word had been spoken and the seed was sown. She told her husband of the conversation she had with the music lover, and he almost rebuked her for entertaining the idea.

"No, you would do far better by remaining in the choir and singing at charity recitals. The magnificent anthems of the great old masters are enough for you and it is work for God. You must either work for God or for the world. If you go upon the stage it must be for the world."


The rector's wife, the tiny spark of ambition bursting into a sudden flame, argued with him that it was art, not fame or glory on this earth, that she cared for, but the husband was obdurate.

The fairy tale nearly came unto an end, but another and others heard her beautiful voice and urged her on to grand opera and art. Giving way to the importunities of those friends whom she met in her work, the rector's wife went to the bishop of her diocese and put the case to him.

"My dear, if you feel that you should go upon the stage with your voice, by all means go," responded the bishop. "You will be working for God by your singing. You will be working for Him when you fill people's hearts with the poetry and the good things of life. It is not wrong for you to go, it is a great right."

The rector's wife hurried home to her husband. She had a bishop's decision now and what was a curate beside a bishop? And so the husband consented. Within a few months she had sent her two children, Harold, 4, and Hilda, 6 years old, to her sister Hilda in Kansas City, and had set sail for Europe.

For a year she studied under Madame Marchesi and her advancement under such tutelage was exceedingly rapid. But it was not fast enough for the homesick woman, who longed to see her children and her husband.


It so happened that the Baroness Prepossiki heard her singing, and became enraptured. The baroness called upon the young woman and urged her to leave Paris and travel with her.

It was during these travels with the baroness that the second good fairy entered and made it possible for all Italy to listen to the voice of the little Western girl from America. This second good fairy was the famous singing master, Puccini.

Matilda Hossfeld Von Herrlich sang for Puccini and Puccini forthwith made her his protege. For three years Mrs. Von Herrlich lived in the home of Puccini as one of the family and the great master gave her his best efforts and made her what the Italian critics call the greatest of the prima donnas.

The name of Puccini and his training caused a large audience to greet the foreign prima donna upon the evening of her debut in Milan, and she was accorded the greatest ovation ever received by a singer upon the stage at Milan. For days the Italian papers were filled with praise for her and her singing. She was cartooned, her pictures appeared in all of the papers of the country, and she was named the "Most Beautiful Madonna."


All this was for the girl who was born to William Hossfeld and his wife, Augusta Weinreich Hossfeld, in St. Louis, twenty-six years ago. The mother is dead, having died the year of her daughter's marriage, but her father is living and is at his home, 2614 East Fifth street. He and his daughter, Hilda, younger than Matilda, are taking care of the children.

While living in Wichita and when she was yet unmarried, Miss Hossfeld was voted the prettiest girl in the city. Rival artists and photographers went to her in order to urge her to pose for pictures which might be exhibited at certain exhibitions. Besides that one little happening, and the romance of her marriage, Matilda Hossfeld Von Herrlich's life had been uneventful until the day she held the conference with the good bishop of New York.

Her marriage to the rector of St. John's church in Wichita was surprise to all of her friends, as the rector was many years her senior. Her parents alone knew that the marriage was to take place and the two were married by Archbishop Watkins. Mrs. Von Herrlich is now in Milan.

MAKE ROADS OF CORAL. ~ Gen. Garcia, Cuban Minister, Tells of Island's Excellent Highways.

June 24, 1909

Gen. Garcia, Cuban Minister, Tells
of Island's Excellent Highways.

General Carlos Garcia-Velez, minister from Cuba to the United States, who is in Kansas City to promote a reciprocity sentiment in the West, said last night that Cuba boasted of more than 1,300 miles of the most excellent macadam roads in the world.

"We use crushed coral in our roads in Cuba," said he, "and there is no better medium for road building known. It is practically impervious to water, and when rolled smooth preserves for many years its continuity. Our government has expended $15,000,000 in the past three years in this kind of improvement, and will continue until we have a perfect system of roads.

General Garcia and Colonel Charles Hernandez, who is also in the Cuban government service, will go to Fort Leavenworth today, as guests of Brigadier General Frederick Funston. General Funston was in the Cuban service before he entered the army of the United States.

WANT A MILE OF QUARTERS. ~ Masons Solicit for New Home.

June 24, 1909

Masons Solicit for New Home.

A unique collection ins being made by Mason just now, who have set about raising funds for building and furnishing a new temple at Ninth and Harrison streets.

Strips of perforated card have been sent to the places of business of all members, on which are places for twelve coins, and printed on them the legend: "We Want One Mile of Quarters."

There are places for twelve silver quarters on each one foot strip. when the mile of quarters is measured up it will be found to contain $15,840.

INDEPENDENCE PAPER SOLD. ~ W. N. Southern, Sr., Transfers Interests in Property to E. C. Gordon.

June 24, 1909

W. N. Southern, Sr., Transfers In-
terests in Property to E. C. Gordon.

The sale of the Independence Sentinel took place yesterday. W. N. Southern, Sr., disposing of his interests in the paper to E. C. Gordon of Kansas City, Kas. Mr. Southern has been editor of the Sentinel for the past twenty years, but ill health caused him to retire.

"I will remain out of the newspaper business," said Mr. Southern yesterday, "until I recover my health. Worry and anxiety of business interests have undermined my general health until I was naturally forced to quit, and I feel better already."

THIS DOG SMOKES CIGARS. ~ "Hutch" Has Only Two Legs and Walks Like a Man.

June 23, 1909

"Hutch" Has Only Two Legs and
Walks Like a Man.

Visitors at the Union depot last night witnessed a strange sight of a dog born without forelegs, walking about the waiting room on his hindlegs, standing upright like human beings. The dog was the property of George Hicks, a cigar manufacturer of Hutchinson, Kas.

"Hutch," as the dog is called, was brought to Kansas City to "consult" with a specialist about an illness with which he is afflicted. He was still under the doctor's care when he appeared at the depot last night. Hicks dresses his pet in a coat and trousers, so that he presents an odd spectacle as he prances around at the beck and call of his master.

One of the chief accomplishments of "Hutch" is the manner in which he smokes a cigar. Hicks declares the dog will not smoke any but his own brands.

"No amount of money could tempt me to part from old 'Hutch'," said the owner last night, when asked what price he would take for the dog.


June 23, 1909


Only a matter of Freight Rates and
Facilities, He Says, Prevents
Cheaper Fruit and

In the interest of Cuba, and to promote Cuban reciprocity sentiment in the West, General Carlos Garcia Velez, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the United States from Cuba, will make an extensive tour of the Western states, visiting all of the larger cities and the various chambers of commerce.

General Garcia said yesterday at the Hotel Baltimore that his principal object was to get in touch with the merchants and manufacturers of the West, and to interest them in Cuba and her possibilities, and by increasing business, to strengthen the already friendly relations between Cuba and this country.

"We want better freight conditions and facilities," said he. "It is our belief that we can reach the Western states with as great facilities as we now enjoy in the East, that it will be for the mutual benefit of both countries. For instance, we raise one of the largest crops of pineapples of any country in the world. Our pineapples are ready for the market at times when other producers cannot get them to ship. If we could get the rates there is no reason in the world why Cuban pineapples could not sell in Western markets for as low a price as 3 cents a piece.


"Then there are our tobacco and cigars. I had trouble today in finding some of the best grades of our cigars in Kansas City. In New York it is easy to find them

"Statistics show that in the United States there is used annually 1,600,000 tons of sugar. I do not know that there is a refinery in this section of the country. But there is need of one. Cuba will produce 1,400,000 tons of cane sugar this year. We need but a small portion of this amount for our own consumption. Sugar in the United States could be sold cheaper if we had the transportation facilities necessary in the west. It is the same with other products of our country.

"Most of our products are marketable when the season is over. We could ship new potatoes when there was not a new potato to be found in the United States, unless in the extreme southwest. Bananas are plentiful with us when they are scarce and dear in this country.

General Garcia is the eldest son of General Calixto Garcia, to whom was written the famous "message." He was his father's chief of staff, has been a minister to Mexico and since his graduation from an American college has been attached to the consular and diplomatic service of his country.

His brother is Justo Garcia Velez, is the present secretary of state of Cuba. The general will remain in Kansas City several days.

"I'LL FIX YOU" COST $500. ~ Angry Father Threatened His Son in the Municipal Court.

June 23, 1909

Angry Father Threatened His Son
in the Municipal Court.

When Raymond Agill was fined $50 in the municipal court yesterday morning for mistreating his wife, he shook his fist at his 12-year-old son, who was a witness for his mother.

"I'll fix you when I get out," he declared.

When Judge Kyle heard the remark, he increased the fine to $500, and in default of payment the man was sent to the workhouse.

AGED MAN'S SEARCH FOR SON. ~ Blind and Partially Deaf, G. E. Keller Fails to Locate Him.

June 23, 1909

Blind and Partially Deaf, G. E.
Keller Fails to Locate Him.

When G. E. Keller, 88 years old, blind and partially deaf, arrived in the Union depot yesterday morning, having come to Kansas City in quest of his son, Charles Keller, whom he believes to be ill and out of money, he did not know his address and a search through the directory failed to show the name. Mr. Keller came here from the state of Washington.

A letter received from the son a few weeks ago told of his illness and an operation. The boy was then living in a rooming house, and funds were sent to him at the time. The aged father lost the letter giving the son's address.

Mrs. Ollie Everingham, depot matron, asked the police to aid in the search for the boy, but at a late hour last night he had not been found.

The old man was made comfortable at the depot, where he spent the night.

GIRL STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. ~ Miss Jenny B. Haug, Knocked to Ground Unconscious.

June 23, 1909

Miss Jenny B. Haug, Knocked to
Ground Unconscious.

Miss Jenny B. Haug, 1615 Wyandotte street, Kansas City, Mo., was rendered unconscious early yesterday morning by a bolt of lightning, which tore away a section of the wall near which she was standing. A light pan which she was holding was torn from her grasp, and her entire right side seemed paralyzed. Although able to talk last night, she was still suffering greatly from the shock. Dr. George F. Berry, who was called, said last night that the right hand and foot was pulled backward in a strained position, and that the patient was in a highly nervous state. Miss Haug's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haug, live at 2707 North Eighth street, Kansas City, Kas.

MAJOR J. M. HADLEY IS DEAD. ~ Father of Missouri Governor Long a Prominent Citizen of Johnson County, Kas.

June 22, 1909

Father of Missouri Governor Long
a Prominent Citizen of John-
son County, Kas.

DE SOTO, KAS., June 21. -- Major John M. Hadley, father of Governor H. S. Hadley of Missouri, died here at 2:35 o'clock this afternoon from the effects of a stroke of apoplexy which he suffered June 9. For several days he had lain in an unconscious condition, and the end came quietly. His son and daughter, Mrs. J. W. Lyman, came yesterday and were with their father to last night.

The funeral services, conducted by Rev. W. J. Mitchell, pastor of the M. E. church at this place, an old soldier and personal friend, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Snyder at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after which the body will be taken to Olathe and interment made in the family lot.

The active pallbearers here will be Dr. W. M. Marcks, B. S. Taylor, C. S. Becroft, Zimri Gardner, C. K. Dow and B. F. Snyder. At Olathe they will be chosen from the Masonic lodge.

The G. A. R. and the Masonic orders, both of which Major Hadley was an active member, will have charge of the services at Olathe. The honorary pallbearers at Olathe will be Colonel Conover of Kansas City, Major I. O. Pickering, Colonel J. T. Burris, J. T. Little of Olathe, Frank R. Obb and William Pellet of Olathe, all of whom have been personal friends.

The governor reached Kansas City from the capital on a special train Sunday, after receiving word of the critical condition of his father. He was met at the station by a motor car, and made the remainder of the trip to De Soto overland, arriving at the bedside of his father at 1:30 Sunday afternoon.

The elder Hadley was one of the most prominent citizens of De Soto, president of the De Soto State Bank., and connected with many of the institutions of Johnson county, of which he was a pioneer resident.

Major Hadley located at Shawnee Mission in 1855. In October, 1861, he enlisted in the Eighth Kansas Infantry, being rapidly promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, in which capacity he served for fifteen months.

He was later made lieutenant and then captain of the Ninth Kansas Cavalry, and in May, 1865, was promoted to the rank of major, which title clung to him until death. At the close of the war Major Hadley was elected sheriff of Johnson county and served until 1870, when he was made clerk of the district court. He was also head of the extensive flouring mills at De Soto. In 1877 Major Hadley represented his district in the state assembly as senator, being re-elected in 1879.

He was one of the largest land owners in Johnson county. Mrs. Hadley died in 1875.


JEFFERSON CITY, MO., June 21. -- Acting Governor Humphreys said tonight that as a mark of respect to the governor whose father, Major John M. Hadley, died at De Soto, Kas., this afternoon, the governor's office and those departments in the state house grounds which come under the appointment of the governor would be closed tomorrow. This, he said, was as far as he would go, and that he was governed by the governor's wish in the matter, having talked with him by telephone.

No formal proclamation will be issued, however, as Major Hadley was not a resident of the state.

SKELETON IN CELLAR OF OLD OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. ~ Workmen Uncover Gruesome Relic Under Building Historic in Kansas City's Early Days.

June 22, 1909

Workmen Uncover Gruesome Relic
Under Building Historic in
Kansas City's Early Days.

A ghastly relic of some unknown or long forgotten crime, part of a human skull which apparently had lain in the debris for years, was uncovered Saturday by workmen excavating for the foundation of a scaffolding in the basement of the old Occidental hotel at Fifth and Bluff streets.

Yesterday other parts of the skeleton were found. The police believe that the trash and cinders cover a crime committed so many years ago that the mystery will never be unraveled.

The Occidental hotel long was one of the principal hostelries of the North end. With the departure of the business district from that section of the city the building had developed into a rooming house of indifferent character. Many robberies and other crimes were reported from the old rookery, and under pressure of the public sentiment the place was finally closed.

Last week the owner engaged carpenters to remodel it. Daylight penetrated the basement for the first time since the building was erected when a carpenter tore open the overhead flooring. As he dug into the trash with a shovel, he uncovered the lower jaw of a human skull.

"None of it in mine," he said, as he climbed to the floor above.

The firemen of No. 6 station, directly around the corner, took possession of the bone and exhibited it to all visitors. Yesterday it was turned over to the police department, along with several fragments of human ribs which were uncovered late yesterday afternoon. Dr. Fred Kryger and Dr. J. W. Hayward, who examined the bones, said that they were probably buried ten years ago. The jaw bone would indicate that the skeleton is that of a man who was probably 25 years old at death for the wisdom teeth had barely pushed through the bone.

The bones were found in the south-east corner of the cellar on top of a pile of cinders. From the slope of the debris it is believed that the cinders had been thrown in to the cellar from an outside window which has long been choked by debris. The outside of the window can be seen from the inside.

The police have not yet decided whether the body was carried into the cellar from the floor above or whether the bones were shoveled through the open window after the crime had been committed. The cellar will be searched today.

'MARIOUCHE' PREVENTS PANIC. ~ When Singer Warbled It Excited Theater Patrons Became Quiet.

June 22, 1909

When Singer Warbled It Excited
Theater Patrons Became Quiet.

The sudden combustion of films at the moving picture show in the Majestic theater between Eleventh and Twelfth streets on Walnut street at 10 o'clock last night nearly caused a panic in the gallery, where many voices took up the cry of "fire."

The moving picture machine, together with its inflammable films, is protected by a fire-proof booth, but the "newsies" in the gallery did not know this. As they began to leave their seats the management realized something must be done. It was the stage managers who saw a way out.

Seizing Harry Kirschbaum, who is a health officer at the city hall in the day time and a singer at the theater during the evening, he fairly hurled him down the aisle to the front of the house and bade him sing.

"Give us something brisk," he commanded in a hoarse whisper.

Without waiting for the piano the singer began the opening stanza of "Could you be true to a nice young blonde, if you loved a sweet brunette?"

Still the boys in the gallery kept up their alarming cries and the singer changed his tune to "Waltz me around again, Willie" and then to "Mariouche," the Coney Island song.

As the strains of the semi-oriental piece swung out over the gallery there was a gentle rustle as the crowd reseated itself and when the fire department arrived a moment later there was not a semblance of excitement in the house.

HE LIKES ICE CREAM SODA. ~ Maurice Denaiffe Enjoying First Experience With Iced Drinks.

June 21, 1909

Maurice Denaiffe Enjoying First
Experience With Iced Drinks.

When Maurice Denaiffe came to America from France several weeks ago he had never tasted the ice cream soda, the nut sundae or the seltzer lemonade. Neither had he partaken of the delicious watermelon nor known corn on the cob. He was a guest at the Hotel Baltimore yesterday and declared that now he is "crazy" about them.

"I do not care so much for the sweet corn," said he, "nor am I overzealous in praise of the famous watermelon, but the ice cream soda -- ah! that is where my words fail to find adequate expression for so exquisite a delicacy. It is grand, delicious, supreme; it is the pleasure par excellence."

M. Denaiffe is in America studying the manner and method of growing beans and peas. He is the junior member of the French firm of Denaiffe & Son, which for years has been engaged in raising garden and flower seed.

At Carignan, France, the firm owns a farm of more that 5,000 acres which is devoted exclusively to the culture and production of seed. According to M. Denaiffe, France furnishes the United States with nearly three-fourths of all the garden and flower seed used.

M. Denaiffe says he is favorably impressed with America and the people here.

"Next to France," he asserted, "America has more pretty girls and beautiful women than any European country. They are much superior to the women of England or Germany.

MARKS CALLED A BLUFF. ~ Invaded an Italian Saloon Where He Had Been Threatened.

June 21, 1909

Invaded an Italian Saloon Where
He Had Been Threatened.

A few nights ago a carpenter, a citizen of Armourdale, Kas., strayed into an Italian saloon in West Fifth street. While there, he said he overheard the bartender and others talking of Commissioner Thomas R. Marks. Dire threats, even to cutting the commissioner's throat, or decapitating him, he claims, were made.

Believing he would do a service in warning the police of what he he heard, the carpenter went to police headquarters and told his story. While he was telling it, Mr. Marks came in and was called to hear what was said to be in store for him.

Suddenly Mr. Marks left the station. He knew the location of the saloon where the threats were said to have been made, and he went there.

"My name is Thomas R. Marks, one of the police commissioners of Kansas City," witnesses report him as saying. "I hear that someone over here is going to cut my throat or cut my head off before I reach the city hall tomorrow. Here I am and you may as well begin now."

Mr. Marks was so mad that for once he is reported to have used adjectives not in the dictionary.

"Notta me," said the man behind the bar. "Me say notta da word bout you, Mr. Commisinia de Marka. You doa one granda work. Me tink you one granda da man, good as Garibaldi or Georga de Wash. You come one wrong place; we all for Mr. Commisha de Marka."

About this time a customer arrived in the saloon, and, not knowing was was on, ordered a glass of beer. The man behind the bar, still lauding Mr. Marks, turned to draw the beer.

"Don't you turn your back on me, you stiletto-sticking, black-handed rascal," ordered the police commissioner.

The frightened Italian wheeled about with more profuse apologies, saying Mr. Marks was a greater man than "Mayor de Crit or Presidenta da Taffa."

After satisfying himself that all within his hearing had been thoroughly subdued and that no more threats would come from such a source, Mr. Marks strode from the trembling bunch of dark-eyed foreigners and went back to police headquarters. His venture was regarded as foolhardy by the police, none of whom he asked to accompany him. The police say, however, that the proprietor of that saloon now cannot have too much praise for "Mr. Commisha de Marka."