MISS OWEN MUST COME HERE. ~ Prosecuting Attorney's Office Will Not Take Initiative in Affair.

June 28, 1909

Prosecuting Attorney's Office Will
Not Take Initiative in Affair.

It was stated last night by Virgil Conkling, prosecuting attorney, that the Annie Lee Owen slugging affair was at an end, so far as the initiative in his office is concerned.

"Until Miss Owens swears to a complaint or statement in this state and before an authorized officer of the state, as is customary in such cases, showing good faith on the part of the complainant, it is my theory that it is not a matter of public policy which would require my office to go outside of this state to take the complaint," said Mr. Conkling.

"If Miss Owen desires to complain against any person or act there is no reason why she should not do so, and she needs but to come one foot into the state of Missouri to make the complaint. This office will not bother the lady, nor persecute her by trying to force her to make a statement which she shows no desire to make at the present time.

"When the grand jury of this county convenes in September it may take up the matter of the slugging, if it deems the affair of sufficient importance."