July 31, 1907



Declares He Is Not Pledged to Oust
Hayes -- Rozzelle Exposes Folk
Pretensions -- Governor Avers
He Will Keep the Police
Free From Politics.
It isn't very reassuring news that comes from Jefferson City.

Police Commissioner F. F. Rozzelle has been removed from office because of his refusal to aid Folk in turning the police force into a Shannon-Folk machine.

Police Chief Hayes is to be ousted for a more pliable, and probably less efficient, person.

And now the threat comes from the state house that at least twenty-five other members of the force, including a number of high officers who have given years of their service to the department, are to be summarily dismissed.

The police department is to be torn wide open.

The work of constructing of the Shannon-Folk machine will begin at the top and move downward.

Elliot H. Jones, a former college classmate of Folk, has been appointed to succeed Commissioner Rozzelle. Before Folk appointed him he was called to Jefferson City for a midnight conference with the governor that was so satisfactory his appointment was announced yesterday morning.

The friends of Governor Folk are amazed over his self-exposure and in all Kansas City yesterday not a reputable citizen -- without an ax to grind -- volunteered to defend him for his course in destroying the present efficient police force.

Governor Folk's unwarranted slander on the police department was ably answered by Mayor H. M. Beardsley and ex-Commissioner Rozzelle.

No well informed person, unprejudiced, pretends to believe that Folk wrote the statement signed by him or that the statement even is true.

Folk's before-election pledges of "home rule" for Kansas City have proved idle chatter. His promises to keep the police out of politics were made for political effect. No governor of Missouri in recent years has gone deeper into the mire of police politics than Folk.
July 30, 1907


Governor Building Political Machine
to Help Him in His Senatorial
Race -- Folk's Actions
Astonish Even His

Joseph W. Folk, Missouri's "reform" governor, yesterday removed Police Commissioner Frank F. Rozzelle from office. In order to prevent Mr. Rozzelle and Mayor H. M. Beardsley from recommissioning John Hayes as chief of police it was necessary for the governor to telegraph the order ousting Mr. Rozzelle.

The first step toward "Shannonizing" the police department has been taken.

For several weeks Governor Folk has been trying to induce Mr. Rozzelle to vote with Police Commissioner Andrew E. Gallagher for Hayes' removal, in spite of the fact that every commercial organization in Kansas City had recommended the re-commissioning of Chioef Hayes. Every test between the business interests of Kansas City and the Shannon politicians has demonstrated that the business interests are secondary with Governor Folk. Folk is a candidate for United States senator, his presidential boom having exploded some time ago. His only hope of securing the Jackson County delegation is through an alliance with the Shannon forces. The Shannon gang was whipped out of the county court house and the city hall, and the machine so badly wrecked that the only hope of ever getting it in motion again was through connivance with the police.


As long as Chief Hayes was at the head of the police force elections were largely free from taint. Bill Adler was sent to prison and finally driven from town. Pinky Blitz shared a similar fate. Other sluggers were driven from the polls, padded election lists disappeared and every enfranchised individual was free to cast one ballot and have it counted as cast.

When Folk made the race for governorship he made many pledges along reform lines. One of these pledges was "home rule." He deplored that other governors had sought to control the police forces of St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Joseph and without any reservation promised that he would give the people of these towns home rule in its truest sense. Governor Folk violated his solemn promise on the first occasion when put to the test. It was in the appointment of a police board for Kansas City. Joe Shannon had held several conferences iwth Folk and the business men became aroused to action. A petition, containing the names of fifty reputable citizens of Kansas City, from which list the governor was asked to name two police commissioners, was presented to Folk by a delegation representing practically every commercial and professional organization in Kansas City.

Folk dealt out his usual homilies about selecting "good men" for the places and declared the business interests would be satisfied with the men he named. Shannon saw Folk the day before the commissioners were appointed and Gallagher and Rozzelle were named.

But Rozzelle did not "stand hitched." He developed ideas of his own. He refused to become a party to Governor Folk's machine-building plans and there was much chagrin in the Shannon camp. Rozzelle was summoned to Jefferson City by the governor, who tried to whip him into line for Hayes' removal. Rozzelle said he would resign before he would become a party to ousting a capable officer without cause. Folk gave him time to think it over and made two trips to Kansas City to confer with him, but Rozzelle stood by his original declaration. Last Thursday hie signified his willingness to vote to recommission Chief Hayes. Mayor Beardsley favored recommissioning Hayes, but Gallagher made such strenuous objection that the matter went over until yesterday. Then the Shannon crowd got busy and Folk's telegraphic order of dismissal to Rozzelle was the result.

Next in order will be a police commissioner along Shannon-Folk lines. Then Hayes weill be ousted and a Shannon-Folk police chief named. With a police chief receiving orders from Joe Shanon the Folk idea of "home rule" will probably be fulfilled.
July 30, 1907


She and Daughter Engage Three Men
in Hot Argument and She Is
Struck in the Face With
Driver's Lash -- Men
Quickly Gather.

With a mob of 200 men and women at his heels, Harry Brooks, a dog catcher, ran from Twelfth and Cherry streets to No. 4 police station, Fifteenth and Walnut streets, at 6 o'clock last night. Fifteen policemen were used to hold the crowd at bay even after the man was inside the station. If it had not been roll-call time, with all patrolmen present to report, the crowd would have overrun the place.

Meanwhile, Jim Kincaid and William Smith, two other dogcatchers, had abandoned their team to the fury of an equally big mob that did not follow Brooks. The wagon was overturned and the horses unharnessed, while Smith and Kincaid concealed themselves.

The cause of it all, a spitz puppy, the only passenger in the wagon, escaped as the cage hit the ground and returned yelping to his home, 1108 Cherry street. The women who had fought for him, though bruised and bedraggled, welcomed him to their arms and locked him in the kitchen before they would see a police surgeon who had made an ambulance run from No. 1 station.

Mrs. Nellie Honn, and her mother, Mrs. Ida Campbell, were sitting on their front porch watching admiringly, as were their neighbors, the antics in the street of a little white puff of a dog that Mrs. Honn had recently received as a present. A rough looking wagon drove by. A pretty fox terrier running between the wheels paused to notice the spitz pup.

The terrier's attention was gracious and Mrs. Honn and the neighbors smiled interestingly. Then one of the men jumped from the wagon. He made a whipping motion toward the dogs. There was a wire in his hand and the spitz pup was caught. Then the women knew that the terrier had been a decoy.

They screamed and ran to the wagon. Mrs. Campbell saw the team was being started and seized a horse's bridle. Mrs. Honn was offering to pay the tax.

"Fifi is only 6 weeks old and I don't have to pay till he's 6 months, but here's your money," she said.

"We can't take your money, madam. You'll have to talk to the impounder," W. J. Smith, wagon foreman, replied. "Besides, there's no six month limit now. We catch 'em soon as they're able to run in the street."

Harry Brooks on the seat was applying the whip to the horses and Cherry street was gathering a crowd from the many boarding and rooming houses there that swarm with people about 6 o'clock.

Mrs. Campbell held to the horse's bit and kept her feet as the team broke into a run. The crowd was threatening and the dog catchers were anxious to get out of the hot place. Brook's' long lashed whip was hitting Mrs. Campbell as well as the horses. A stinging blow struck her in the face.

Then the horses' knees hit her and she lost her footing and was dragged along.

The street ahead of the team had become black with men. Brooks jumped from the wagon. So did the others., but Brooks was the only one the crowd took after. Stones and bricks rained after him.

"Kill the dog catcher." "Stoop him, he struck a woman." "He ran over a woman" and other such cries helped make Brooks' pace more rapid as he headed for the police station nine blocks away. His endurance was better than that of his pursuers, and when he reached the home stretch at Fourteenth and Walnut streets he himself was yelling: "Help! Help! They're trying to kill me."

Lieutenant Morley, who had just come on duty, looked out of the window. He declares that the street was crowded with running men for a block. A northbound street car was stopped by them. Then another, southbound, couldn't get through. The police roll call was postponed and all officers present went out to handle the crowd. When brooks had been made safe inside a party of police was sent to rescue the wagon and team. Their arrival brought Smith and Kincaid from cover and the wagon was righted and the team hitched. Smith drove to the station and rescued Brooks.

Mrs. Campbell's injuries were declared last night by the physicians to be serious. One shoulder and arm are much bruised and she was suffering internally. The marks of the whiplash were plain upon her face.

"But I don't believe the same men will be back for Fifi soon again," she said as she shifted a pillow under her wounded shoulder

"And Fifi was the hero of the day," she went on. "He lifted the lid of that old box and came barking, right straight to our porch."
July 30, 1907

One Messenger Boy Shoots Another
in the Leg.

The gun that was believed to be unloaded got another victim last night. Ralph Roff and Kinsey Anderberg were in a restaurant at 205 West Eighth street, when Anderberg spied a 22 caliber target rifle that the cook had to kill rats.

"Is it loaded?" asked the boy.

"Naw," replied the cook, turning a pair of eggs.

Anderberg pulled the triger. Roff was taken to the emergency hospital with a bullet in his left leg. He lives at 1827 Cambpell street.
July 30, 1907

Union Will Give Free Weekly
Concerts There in August.

The county court has made arrangements with the musicians' union of Kansas City to give one concert at the poor farm each week during the month of August. The only renumeration the musicians are to receive is the carfare. One concert has already been given at the farm which was such a successful and pleasing affair that the inmates appealed for another, and the court acquisced.

The old songs and tunes which many of them remembered in better days are rendered by the orchestra. The members of the orchestra enjoy the visits to the poor farm probably as much as the inmates, for if there ever ewas an appreciative audience the musicians found it at the farm.
July 30, 1907

Driver Falls on Pair of Tongs
Hanging on Wagon.

Charles Arnold, a driver for the Central Ice Company, fell from his wagon last evening near Sixth and Oak streets and was caught by a pair of ice hooks as he fell. One of the prongs entered his chest and made a deep wound, while the other caused a deep scratch across his back. He was treated at the emergency hospital and went to his home.
July 30, 1907

Horsetheif Says He Can Find No
Other Reason.

Everett Ware, who was arraigned and bound over to the criminal court at Independence for stealing a horse belonging to Albert Marty, stated yesterday that he did not know what caused him to steal, but that he was addicted to the use of cocaine. He also confessed to the stealing of another horse a year ago from Mr. Marty.
July 29, 1907

Weight Is Reduced From 275 to 237
Pounds -- Finds That His Ap=
petite Is Easily Ap-
peased Now.

P. H. Harlan, the faster, with the newly formed "never eat" cult on his hands, has capitulated on his thirteenth day. But now, though he has given his stomach carte blanch, he find it next to impossible to eat.

Harlan believes it was not necessity that caused him to break over, but the fact that his first intent was to make two weeks his goal. "And as that time drew near I found that I couldn't argue myself into going beyond it," he said yesterday.

"Instead, Saturday I commenced to get fiercely hungry. I fought off the idea of surrendering until midnight. Then I felt I was going. As a last resort I thought I might walk it off. Charlie McGannon here at the office, who has been my adviser throughout the fast, went along and tried to talk me into sticking a few days longer anyway, but at 1 o'clock beefsteak had won the argument. In fact the beefsteak's victory was so complete that I tipped the waiter in advance to have the order railroaded. And then, to think, I couldn't eat it. I actually got down less than a dozen mouthfuls. Stranger still, this so satiated me that at 9 o'clock this morning, when I tried toast and coffee, that wouldn't go down. The toast actually stuck in my throat. For 2 o'clock dinner I thought I'd try chicken. Chicken is the one thing that has all my life been most tempting to me but I could only nibble at it."

This experience of his inability to eat convinces Harlan that he would have found it easy to continue fasting, and he thinks, proves that any one who succeeds in fasting two weeks need not fear that his body is suffering for food.

His loss in weight in the thirteen days was 48 pounds, almost an average of 3 pounds a day, his weight being reduced from 275 to 237 pounds. Dr. I. J. Eales, the Belleville, Ill., physician who fasted the entire month of June, lost 71 pounds, going in thirty days from 235 pounds down to 164 pounds. He was the inspiration of Harlan and Hogan's fast.

Cliff Hogan, an automobile dealer next door to J. C. Duffy's where Harlan is employed, started to fast two days before Harlan, but stopped at the end of nine days. He was suddenly tempted into eating by seeing a plate of doughnuts,, and unlike Harlan found himself eating ravenously before he knew it.

Harlan's weight fell off more rapidly in his last two days which were cool than in the intermediate days of his fast when extreme heat helped make him drink a great volume of water. The first four days his loss averaged six pounds a day.
July 28, 1907


Married in May, Bride Soon Fell in
Love With Another and Deserted
Home -- Ends Life in
The Street With

The first tear to fall on the bier of Mrs. Inez Yothers since her suicide June 26 was yesterday -- a tear of forgiveness that gave her her first friend in death. With bowed head and strained lips, Walter Yothers, the husband whose home was wrecked when she deserted him for another, stood at the coffin, the coffin that had been shunted back and forth across three states without a claimant.

Somewhere Frank Palmer was, yesterday, released by a suicide's death, from the paramour's claims. Taking the best of her life, he deserted her in death. It was the husband who came with the final recognition.

"Yes, that is my wife. Poor Inez. She couldn't have realized what a great wrong she was doing when she deserted me and our home to run off with another man. She has paid dearly for it all and I forgive her."

Thus spoke Yothers, of Chillicothe, Mo., as he stood in the morgue of Gibson & Porter's undertaking establishment in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday morning and gazed upon the body of the woman. Tears slowly crept down his cheeks as he looked into the face of the woman who a few months ago he had led to the altar only to be deserted by her scarcely before their honeymoon was over.

Mr. and Mrs. Yothers, were married at Troy, Kas., May 3 last and directly after their marriage went to St. Joseph, Mo., to live. While there Mrs. Yothers fell in love with a young man by the name of Frank Palmer and they eloped to Kansas City, Kas., where they lived as man and wife. Palmer secured employment at the Fowler packing house and Mrs. Yothers in her devotion daily carried his dinner to him.

At noon June 26 she appeared at the gate of the packing house as usual with Palmer's dinner. He was displeased with the meal she had prepared and after scolding her emptied the contents of the pail into the street. Mrs. Yothers burst into tears and with the remark, "that is the last meal you will ever throw away of mine," she walked to the middle of the street, gazed once more at Palmer and then swallowed the contents of a two ounce bottle of carbolic acid. She died in great agony before she could be removed to a hospital.

Palmer witnessed the act without making any attempt to prevent it, and then quickly ran away. No trace of him has since been obtained by the local authorities.

At the time of the suicide no one could be found who knew the name of the woman. She went by the name of Palmer after coming from St. Joseph. Upon a description furnished to the authorities, David Hurst, of Muncie, Ind., decided that the body must be that of his daughter, and it was sent to him. However, when he viewed the body he discovered it was not his missing child. It was returned to Kansas City, Kas., and a couple of days ago a letter was received from Walter Yothers, of Chillicothe, in which he stated that he believed the suicide was his wife, who deserted him in St. Joseph.

He arrived in the city yesterday morning to identify the body and arrange for its burial.
July 28, 1907

Teamster Tells Her He's Going to
End Life in River.

My Dear Wife and Baby -- I hope these few lines find you both well, and with you good luck. My body you will find at Wabash bridge, with a rock fastened to my neck, so repeat this to mother. A. J. Daily was born December 22, 1883, and committed suicide July 26, 1907. Wife, goodby. Kiss Ray for me and break the news to all. I hate to, but here goes. God be with you. I can't."
This letter was received yesterday by Mrs. A. J. Daily, 17 years old, 1718 West Prospect place, from her husband, a teamster, who left her just before the birth of her baby, three weeks ago. The Dailys were married less than a year ago, but since their separation, he has been boarding at Thirteenth and Liberty streets. He visited his wife and baby last Friday, and at the time said nothing of contemplating suicide.

The police believe that Daily contemplated leaving the city, and wrote the letter to his wife as a ruse to throw them off his track.
July 28, 1907

This Place Led Country in
Coolness Yesterday.

Kansas City yesterday was cooler than any summer resort in the United States. The maximum temperature here was 70, the lowest in the country excepting Huron, S. D. Only two places had a lower minimum -- Dodge City, Kas., and Denver, Col., in both of which it rained. When it cleared up in both places it got hotter trhan it was in this city. On the Northern lakes and at other summer resorts, excepting Colorado, it was decidedly hot.
July 28, 1907

Edward C. Rupard Makes an Unsuc-
cessful Suicide Attempt.

Edward C. Rupard, a stock broker living at 2315 Lexington avenue, after dining last evening with his wife and a guest, stepped into an adjoining room and shot out a fourth of his teeth with a revolver. The bullet entered his mouth and came out in front of his right ear.

Rupard did not explain his attempt at suicide. his wife, after taking the pistol from him, telephoned for Dr. Albert M. Wilson. The latter gave emergency treatment and sent Rupard to St. Joseph's hospital. He will recover.
July 28, 1907

Billiard Hall Man Felt a Buzzing
of the Head.

When the Royal billiard hall at Eight street and Grand avenue closed early yesterday O. R. Bruns, the proprietor, felt a buzzing in his head. He finally located it in the neighborhood of his ear when that organ began to pain him severly.

"I never did have a bee in my bonnet," said Bruns, "and I don't know what this means."

When the buzzing reached the extent of a miniature thunder storm in his head he hied himself to the emergency hospital in city hall. there Dr. Ford B. Rogers removed a small green bug.
July 27, 1907



Matron at Joseph's Home Denies
Charges Made by Mrs. Ambie
Russell -- Juvenile Court to
Decide Next Monday.

Joseph Home, 2610 Cleveland Avenue

Upon a complaint of Mrs. Ambie Russell, who has had four children in Joseph's home at 2610 Cleveland avenue since last Thanksgiving day, petitions were filed in the juvenile court yesterday afternoon alleging that the children were neglected.

Two of them, Irene, 10, and Katie, 7 years old were found at the home, taken to the detention home and later to the day nursery of the Institutional church by Probation Officer Edgar Warden. The other two, Earl, 13, and Eddie, 14 years old, were not found at the home. Subpoenas were issued for Mrs. Anna Baker, manager of the home; Mrs. Nellie Shaw, who is usually in charge, and for Mrs. Leslie Lewald, an employe, to appear before Judge Goodrich of the juvenile court Monday morning.

In a signed statement which Mrs. Russell made to Humane Officer Frank McCrary yesterday afternoon she charges that Mrs. Lewald and Frances Robinson, a negro woman who was until recently employed at Joseph's home, frequently punished the children by strangling them in basins of water and by beating them in the face until their little noses bled.

"There are about thirty children in the home and they are not properly clothed and fed," Mrs. Russell says in her statement. "I have bought clothes during the last eight weeks for my children and upon one occasion when I visited the home I saw a dress I had taken out for Katie on another child and Katie was dressed in rags.

"One one occasion during my stay Mrs. Shaw, an assistant to Mrs. Baker, struck Earl with a stick and then hit him on the nose with her hand and dragged him off to bed. I went to his room and found his pillow saturated with blood."

Mrs. Russell was deserted by her husband four years ago in Herrin, Ill. she has lived in Kansas City several months and when she became ill went with her children to the Joseph home. Several weeks ago she left the home by request because it was said that she had spoken disparagingly of the place to prospective contributors to its support. Mrs. Russell is now employed at the Hotel Kupper.


Edgard Warden, who brought the Russell girls to the detention home yesterday, reported that he had found Mrs. Shaw to be a very pleasant woman, and that the children seem to like her. He also said that the home has solicitors working in nineteen states. There are about thirty children there.

The two little Russell girls were neatly dressed when brought to the detention home. They said they and the other children at Joseph's home attended the Greenwood school, Twenty-seventh and Cleveland streets. They looked bashful and would not answer when asked if they had had enough to eat and were well treated.

The Associated Charities, through G. F. Damon, secretary, issued a circular December 5, 1906, containing what purports to be a history of Mrs. Baker.

Mrs. Nellie Shaw, the matron in charge of Joseph's home, emphatically denies the charges made by Mrs. Russell. Mrs. Shaw was formerly assistant matron at the Institutional church.

"There is no truth in any of the charges made against this home," said Mrs. Shaw yesterday. "I came here to take the management of the children in February, and since I have been here I can answer that there has been no cruelty of any kind. I have two children of my own who live here, and I treat them just as I do the others. The only punishment which children ever receive is a spanking. It is necessary where there are so many children that discipline be kept. But no one ever punishes the little ones but myself, and I only spank them whenever it is necessary, with my open hand."


The little boys and girls in the home do not seem to be afraid of Mrs. Shaw, but play about her in what seems to be the most affectionate manner.

"I think the boys and girls love me, and I have always wanted them to," said she.

Mrs. Shaw says that Mrs. Russell, who was an inmate of the home with her four children for months without cost, became angry at her because she suggested that some of the money which Mrs. Russell earned after she finally secured a position at the Kupper hotel be spent on the children.

" 'My money is my own,' she said, and seemed angry at the suggestion. 'I'll spend it as I please.' "

Eddie, Mrs. Russell's 14-year-son, was placed by the home on a farm at Arthur, Kas., and his 13-year-old brother Earl is on another farm a few miles from there. Mrs. Shaw says that the boys were not placed in adoption, but were simply put on the farms for a summer's outing. She says that is the custom of the Institution church and other charitable institutions in Kansas City to place children with private families, sometimes for adoption, unless a part at least of their board is paid. Mrs. Russell consented that her two boys be sent to Kansas for the summer, she says.


St. Joseph's home was founded four years ago by Mrs. Annie Baker, who had run a similar institution for two years in Joplin, Mo. Mrs. Shaw says the home was founded by Mrs. Baker after being left destitute with two children, in order to help mothers where were in a similar condition. It is supported by public subscription.

"The whole trouble is that we do not give an accounting of our finances to the Associated Charities," said Mrs. Shaw. "They have been trying to get us to do this for a long time, and when we consistently refused to make regular financial reports to them they became angry and have been trying to do the home harm ever since.

"We cannot see why we should give up the management of our enterprise to the Associated Charities, who had nothing to do with its beginning or its development."
July 27, 1907

Anderson Says He Will Engage in
Restaurant Business.

Charles W. Anderson returned yesterday from his visit to his mother in Chillicothe, Mo.

"I had not seen my mother for sixteen years," said Anderson. "She thought I was dead until she read in the papers of my arrest."

Anderson says he will go into the restaurant business as soon as he can find a suitable location.
July 27, 1907

One Is Accused of Having Stolen
From His Father.

Fred Folk, 23 years old, H. A. Barnes, 25 years old and Mrs. Cora Searcey, all of St. Joseph, were arrested at a rooming house at 516 East Eleventh street by Detectives Orford and McAnany at the request of Detective J. T. Frans of St. Joseph, last night on a charge of grand larceny. The trio, accompanied by two small children of Mrs. Searcey, came to Kansas City yesterday morning, bringing with them, it is claimed, personal property belonging to J. R. Barnes, father of H. A. Barnes.

The police say Folk is a paroled prisoner under sentence of three years in the state penitentiary on a charge of burglary and larceny. Young Barnes, it is claimed, had robbed his father of about $60 worth of property of various descriptions, and the woman is charged with having fraudulently drawn her husband's pay check from a packing plant Thursday and eloped to Kansas City with Barnes.

The prisoners will be taken to St. Joseph this morning.
July 27, 1907

Jewels Valued at $1,000 Restored to
Owner by Lawson Belknap.

The four rings set with diamonds lost by Mrs. H. W. Harry, 1849 Independence avenue, a few days ago on the sidewalk on Walnut near Tenth, have been found and restored to her by Lawson Belknap, 14 years old, of Merriam, Kas. He says that he discovered them lying on the sidewalk in a handkerchief. Mr. Harry presented the honest lad with a $50 bill.

"The jewels are worth $1,000. One of them is an heirloom. Young Balknap did not solicit or wish for a reward. He advertised in the newspapers for the rightful owner. At the same time I advertised for the finder. Between the two advertisments the lost property was restored," said Mr. Harry.
July 26, 1907

Laborer Shoots Himself Leaning
Against Freight House.

W. C. Hopke, on his way to work at the Interstate Ice Company at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, found the body of a dead man sitting upright against the north side of the Kansas City Southern freight house at Second and Wyandotte streets. The police ambulance was summoned and Dr. Ford B. Rogers found that the man had evidently shot himself. A bullet from a 45-caliber Colt's revolver had entered the right temple, come out at the left temple and imbedded itself in a wooden timber at the dead man's side. The revover was still clutched in the right hand.

Coroner George B. Thompson sent the body to Stine's morgue, where it has remained so far unidentified.

The dead man, who has the appearance of having been a laborer above the common class, appears to be between 47 and 50 years old. He is six feet tall and weighs probably 200 pounds. His complexion is dark, his hair and mustache and eyes are brown and the head is bald. He had only four teeth remaining in the upper jaw. He wore a blue shirt and dark clothes.
July 26, 1907

Body of Suicide at Last Identified
by Chillicothe Man.

Coroner J. A. Davis, of Kansas City, Kas., received a letter from Walter Yothers, of Chillicothe, Mo., hyesterday stating that the woman who committed suicide here on June 26 by drinking carbolic acid and was his first wife, whom he married at Troy, Kas., May 3, 1907. They went from there to St. Joseph, Mo., where she formed the acquaintace of Frank Palmer and eloped with him.

Palmer, the young man for whom she left home, disappeared the day of the tragedy and has not been heard from. She had just carried dinner to him at the Fowler packing house when she swallowed the poison.

The body is at Porter & Gibson's undertaking establishment, being returned to this city Wednesday from Muncie, Ind., where it was sent to Edward Hurst, who thought it was that of his daughter.
July 25, 1907

Greek met Greek in the police boardroom yesterday, but what happned none of the commissioners could tell. The case before the members was that of two saloon men, at 325 West Fifth street, being charged with giving intoxicants to an infant in arms and a child of 4 years. There were two interpreters and two lawyers. After letting the whole lot wrangle for almost twenty minutes the commissioners decided that it would be utterly impossible to get the names of the witnesses, much less to decide whether it was the saloon or an invoiced grocery that supplied the wine that made the little children drunk.
July 25, 1907


Import of the Measure Is to Require
Prescriptions for Sale of Opium,
Cocaine or Any of Its

"That ordinance is evidently intended to make business for young doctors who have but little practice under the guise of making it impossible for people to buy opium, cocaine or any of its preparations," declared a delegation of druggists that visited the city hall yesterday to protest against the passage of Dr. J. G. Lapp's ordinance regulating the sale of these drugs.

Alderman Lapp, the author of the ordinance, is a physician and in defense of his measure says it is the only way that the sale of opium and cocaine can be checked.

The ordinance provides that no druggist nor pharmacist or any other person shall offer for sale opium or any of its preparations, except upon the written prescription of a regularly licensed practicing physician.

"Should the ordinance become effective," declared a druggist, "it would be impossible for a person in an emergency to get a little laudanum for a sick person without first hunting up a doctor and paying him a dollar to write a prescription. If this isn't an imposition I do not know what else it can be termed. There are other preparations from opium that are a family medicinal necessity, and to ask its users to pay $1 to a doctor every time they want a prescription filled is an outrage."

The ordinance stipulates that no prescriptions for opium or any of its preparations, excepting Dover's powder or paregoric, shall be refilled.

The penalty for a violation of the ordinance is a fine of not less than $1 nor more than $500.

Alderman Lap says that he has been induced to present this ordinance on account of the many evils growing out of the unrestricted sale of opium and its preparations by druggists. He claims that it is not a shaft at the better class of pharmacists, but at those whose principal stock in trade is opium and cocaine, and who make a pretense of conducting drug stores. He feels, he says, that no legitimate druggist would be in any wise injured by the enforcement of the ordinance. The doctor may yet amend the ordinance so as not to prohibit the sale of laudanum in small quantities without a written prescription.

The druggists also call attention to the fact that there are many patent medicines that contain opium or the preparations thereof, and they represent that if the Lapp ordinance becomes a law they will be prevented from selling these medicines without a prescription.
July 25, 1907

Another Case Reported From Thir-
teenth and Washington Streets.

Residents of the neighborhood of Sixteenth and Washington streets are excited over a small worm that has bitten several living in that section. Yesterday Patrick O'Brien, 18 years old, 1619 Washington street, almost directly across the street from where O'Brien lives, was bitten Tuesday on the neck in almost identically the same place where the worm bit O'Brien.

This worm, which seems to show a partiality toward left sides of necks when it bites, is described as about an inch long, and is covered with long white fur. Several who passed opinion on the genus of the vermiform creature say that the results of its bite are similar to that of what is commonly called a fever worm, but in appearance this worm differs somewhat.
July 25, 1907


P. H. Harlan, Disgusted With Com-
panion's Action, Says He is Going
to Keep Up Abstinence From
Food -- Eating Only a
Habit, He Says.

Clarence Hogan, who conceived the idea of fasting for two weeks in order to reduce his girth and at the same time to improve his health, yesterday fell because he looked too long through a baker's window at some delicately browned doughnuts.

Hogan, who is the manager of the Crescent Automobile Company, immediately sought out his favorite restaurant, near Fifteenth street and Grand avenue, and ordered milk and doughnuts.

"I thought about it a long time," said Hogan. "I hated to break my compact with P. H. Harlan, who is also fasting, because I told him what a great idea it was, and I sat and looked at the doughnuts a long time before I ate them. But then I decided I was not really breaking my compact, because doughnuts can hardly be called actual food, anyway, and I decided to eat them.

"Well, after that there was nothing to it. I left the restaurant, and walked up the street toward my shop. I had not been hungry for several days; but now I was ravenous. The bill boards began to look good to eat, and I think that if I had been able to walk clear to my automobile shop at Fifteenth and McGee streets, I would certainly have eaten the tires off one of the machines. It was all over. I couldn't stand it.

"When I went back to the restaurant I immediately ordered ham and eggs, a steak, cantaloupe, and all the vegetables on the menu. The water' eyes stood out when he heard my order, but I was hungry and didn't care.

"No, I didn't mind it at all when I was actually fasting," concluded Hogan. "It was only after eating the doughnuts that I got hungry. I think fasting is a good idea, and I may try it again. But not right away."

Harlan of the Duffy Undertaking Company was very much disgusted at Hogan's fall from grace.

"Huh!" said Harlan. "I understand he's eating regular now. No, of course it wasn't necessary for him to eat He simply didn't discipline his appetite. He's intemperate as far as food's concerned, that's all. Personally, I am going to fast until I reduce my weight to the 200-pound mark. There's no use in a man my size eating after he has got out of the habit. For eating is all a habit, after a man has so much surplus flesh. I am going to keep u the fast."

Harlan has now succeeded in reducing his weight from 275 pounds to 240. Hogan managed to get down from 227 pounds to 201.

"And that's enough," says Hogan.

Hogan and Harlan began the fast July 16.
July 25, 1907


"Don't Do It Again," Warns the
Mayor -- Preacher Who Caused
the Arrests Interrogated
by Commissioners.

Two young boys, Jesse Lynch, residing at 2106 Belleview, and his chum, John Rafferty, living next door, gave Sergeant Seldon and Policeman Barton a fright yesterday in the police board room. By way of a by-product, the boys had the fun of hearing the mayor bore in on John Hart, who said he was the "commanding officer" of the Red Cross mission at Twenty-first and Belleview.

The boys had been arrested on a charge of disturbing a religious meeting. Six or eight neighbors were on hand to testify that they had been sitting on their porches watching each other and the boys for an hour or more, so they were able to say there had been no disturbance. The policemen's defense was that "Commanding Officer" Hart had directed them to arrest the boys, "and some of them," said M. G. Hammon, "were not more than 7 years of age."

"I think there were some little fellows in the gang. I got nine," said the policeman. Afterward his sergeant admitted locking them in a cell to scare them. The bad impression this made on the commissioners was wiped out when the sergeant said he had refused to let the "commanding officer" swear out a warrant, but that he had turned the boys loose.

"I do not like that sort of thing," Commissioner Gallagher said.

"That is exactly the way I feel about it," the mayor echoed. "I do not want little boys locked up. I do not even want them arrested if it can be avoided. Here we find this preacher telephoning for the police to rout a gang. Officer Barton comes on the scene, finds two excellent boys, so this testimony every bit shows, sitting peacefully chatting. They are arrested and in the march to the station seven others are picked up. This is not right. Don't do it again." Policeman Barton said he had supposed his duty would compel him to arrest on information filed by a reputable citizen.

"But not women or children for trivial things like this," Commissioner Gallagher said.

"This was supposed to end the case, when the "commanding officer" returned to the attack. He wanted to know if the boys could train dogs to go into his mission and break up the meetings.

"That is not what the commissioners ought to settle," said a Mrs. Parks. "What you ought to settle is whether or not Preacher Hart has the right to shoot into a crowd of boys with a revolver."

"It was a cannon firecracker," the "commander" quickly said.

"It was a revolver, for I saw you loading it after you had fired it, and you put it under a pillow. I could see through my window and yours," Mrs. Parks asserted. By this time the mayor was sitting up and taking notice.

"Let us hear about this shooting," he said, but he heard two sides and had to take his choice. In the end the commissioners decided that Policeman Barton had not been guilty of anything in the arrest of the children. The Red Cross mission "commanding officer" was warned that he could not make another blanket raid on the boys about his church.
July 24, 1907

Lieutenant Kennedy Gives Inquisitor
Some Sound Advice.

A girl entered police headquarters last evening, and calling Lieutenant Michael J. Kennedy to one side, confidentially informed him that her mother had threatened to send her to the reform school if she went away with a summer theatrical company. She told the lieutenant that she was past 19 years old, and had contemplated becoming an actress, but her parents objected so strenuously that life at home had become unbearable since her artistic inclinations were so hampered.

She asked if a young woman past her majority could be sent to the reform school by her parents, and was apparently relieved when told by Lieutenant Kennedy that such would be impossible.

"But if I were you," continued the lieutenant, "I would not disobey my parents in this case. They know what's best for you."

With this bit of advice, the lieutenant supplimented an outline of trials and tribulations of young girls who leave good homes to enter that army upon their own resources. When this discourse was concluded, it was apparent that the lieutenant's story had had the desired effect. With tears in her eyes the girl arose, and as she started away said that though she had signed a contract with a company that was being organized in St. Joseph, declared that she would give up the project and remain at home.
July 24, 1907

Faints After Knocking Wooly Crawler
From Her Neck.

Mrs. C. F. Thompson, 1626 Washington street, was bitten on the left side of the neck by a worm yesterday afternoon, and immediately a place about the wound swelled to almost the size of a baseball. Mrs. Thompson had been in her yard caring for her flowers and walked into her kitchen, when she felt a sharp stinging sensation on the neck.

She placed her hand to her neck and felt a woolly worm about an inch in length. Knocking it from her neck, she fainted. Dr. George F. Berry, 609 West Sixteenth street, was summoned. The worm that bit Mr. Thompson is believed to be what is known as a fever worm, and its bite, though not necessarily fatal, is said to be of a poisonous character.
July 24, 1907

Franklin Institute Will Dispense
Five Gallons Daily.

Poor families living in the tenement district of which the Franklin institute is the center, will have an opportunity to secure pure, wholesome milk at a minimum of expense after Tuesday morning of this week. A pure milk dispensary will be established at the institute under the direction of the superintendent, J. T. Chafin, and arrangements will be made to distribute the milk in quart quantities according to the needs of the various families.

A dairy company has agreed to donate five gallons of milk a day to the institute, and this milk is of the highest quality. The milk will be syphoned into sterilized quart bottles, and these will be sold for 1, 2, 3 and 6 cents each, according to the families' ability to pay for them. Families unable to pay 1 cent a bottle will be given the milk free.
July 24, 1907

Diagnosis of Stranger Who Thought
He Owned a Hotel.

It was learned yesterday that the name of the man who came h ere to "take full charge" of the Blossom house, believing that Fred S. Doggett had willed him everything, was Dr. Albert B. Clanton. He is 79 years old and his home is in Hattiesburg, Miss. He was removed from the police matron's room to the general hospital yesterday. His trouble is diagnosed as delusional mania.

Dr. Clanton said yesterday that the message had come to him in a very mysterious way, not through spirits, that Doggett had made him his sole beneficiary. The old man had been seen around the Union depot for the last ten days, the police said, and Monday Patrolman Ferrell took him in charge. The police will try and locate relatives and inform them of the old man's condition.
July 24, 1907

Woman, Whose Husband Was Absent
Three Weeks, Sues.

Bertha Marshall, 2114 Wabash avenue, filed suit for divorce yesterday against John W. Marshall. She alleges that for the past four months he has spent an average of three nights a week away from home. She asks for an injunction to prevent him from coming home at all.

She asks for the custody of their two little children and for alimony. Marshall is employed by the Hughes-Purcell Paint Company.
July 23, 1907

Stranger Said Doggett had Willed
Him Blossom House.

Patrolman Jack Farrell was called upon yesterday to take Albert B. Clanton, an aged man, from the Blossom house on Union avenue. The old man said where he had seen in the papers where Fred S. Doggett, proprietor of the hotel, had made a will making him sole beneficiary. He had come to "take charge and run the place," he said. Clanton also said that he was the owner of land at Hattiesburg, Miss.

When placed in charge of the Humane agent at the city hall, Clanton said he had a sister, Mrs. Bessie Bethea, 1759 Preston place, St. Louis, Mo. He will be held awaiting word from relatives.
July 23, 1907

Man Who Killed Arthur Jackson to
Escape Murder Charge.

Grover Cleveland Hammond, charged with the murder of Arthur Jackson, will not be tried in the criminal court. The prosecutor's office is convinced that Hammond is not "right" mentally and has asked the probate court to examine him and have him placed in some institution for the feeble minded.

Hammond and Jackson were both employed in the Kansas City Nut and Bolt works and Hammond killed Jackson because the latter had been teasing him by pouring hot tar down his back and tickling him.
July 23, 1907

Frank Pemberton Held for Entering
Agnes Avenue Home.

Frank Pemberton, 16 years old, 1829 Agnes avenue, was arrested yesterday afternoon for entering the home of Mrs. W. C. Whichler, 2807 East Sixteenth street. Young Pemberton was found secreted beneath a bed in a room on the upper floor byMrs. Whichler, who went upstairs to investigate a noise suggestive of someone moving about in the upper rooms. When she found the boy, Mrs. Whichler ran out of the room, locked the door and informed the police at No. 6 station.
July 23, 1907


Will Try to Bring the National Con-
vention to Kansas City -- To
Apply for Membership
in the Big Organ-

"We would have finished our assembly if it had not been for the interference of certain women's organizations which boycotted us and stirred up sentiment against us," said Miss Chloe Matteson, secretary of the Wyandot Chautauqua, last night, while President H. G. Pert nodded assent, at Fairmount park last night.

"We have had a most pleasant ten days here. We knew before we came they sold beer and had a snake show and an opium smokers' show here. Our gratitude to the management of the park is not one whit less because things did not turn out well for us. We could not foresee that certain women who were supposed to be our friends would 'act up' the way they have.

"Fairmount park, with its lake, its theater, its sound shell, its cool tenting ground and all, is an ideal place for a Chautauqua. We will not break up our camp of tents until the regular closing time, July 30."

"Although we were forced to close the assembly this summer with the programme only half completed," Miss Matteson continued, "we accomplished a great deal by running it for ten days. By its continuance for that length of time we are eligible, on account of the high class of talent which we engaged, to membership in the National Chautauqua Alliance. This organization is the highest of its kind in the world. Out of the 400 and more Chautauquas in the United States only thirty are eligible for membership in the alliance. We have applied for membership and will receive it.

"Not only that, but we will make a strong bid to bring the the annual meeting of the International Lyceum Association to Kansas City in 1908. Kansas City is practically the center of the Chautauqua movement, there being very few Chautauquas with a high-class programme in the East, and most of the talent favor this city for the annual meeting. We could have had it here this fall if there had been a Chautauqua association in Kansas City last summer of a grade high enough to enter the alliance.

"The annual meeting will bring 10,000 people to this city. It is always held indoors. At it all of the candidates for jobs under the various lyceum bureaus throughout the country rehearse their 'stunts' before the bureau managers and an audience of other 'talent' waiting its turn to try out or having just been put through its paces. It brings as high a grade of people to a city as a national teachers' convention, and it brings as high a grade of people to the city as a national teachers' convention., and it brings more of them. If the annual meeting comes to Kansas City it will be held in Convention hall."

"The Wyandot Chautauqua Association has nothing but kind words for the Fairmount park management," President Pert put in, "despite the fact that we were forced to discontinue this summer's programme on account of being boycotted by certain of our friends because beer is sold and a snake show is given in the park. We are the park's guests and we will never regret that we came here nor forget that our stay has been a pleasant one."

"And you can say for me," interrupted Miss Matteson, "that I am just as strong a 'white ribboner' as any of my friends in the certain temperance organizations who found fault for bringing the Chautauqua to Fairmount. I don't have to drink beer just because I am in the park. This is an ideal location for a Chautauqua."

It is possible that the performance of the local talent part of the assembly programme may be given shortly. The performers in the Telephone Girls' chorus and other numbers have rehearsed faithfully and are entitled, President Pert thinks, to give a public exhibition.

The Wyandot Chautauqua will hold an assembly next summer. The location has not yet been decided upon.
July 22, 1907

William Richter Becomes Suddenly
Ill at Budd Park.

William Richter, 57 years old, a chemist at Van Vleck laboratory at Independence, became violently ill yesterday afternoon after drinking lemonade at Budd park. He was seized with severe cramps, and removed from the part to the emergency hospital, where he was treated by Dr. W. L. Gist. He remained at the hospital.
July 22, 1907

Frank Brown, 22 years old, of Burwell, Neb., had constitution enough to hold the hard job of cook for Ringling Bros.' circus, but he went down before the excessive heat of yesterday. At 2 o'clock he was prostrated at Fifteenth and Campbell streets. Dr. G. R. Dagg, ambulance surgeon from the Walnut street police station, sent him to the general hospital.
July 22, 1907

Suffering in Crowded North
End Tenements.

The worst sufferers from the Sunday heat yesterday were probably the people living in crowded North end tenements. In that part of town, where there are few or no shade trees, and the only shelter from the sun's rays are lose little rooms inside or the baked shadow of a brick wall, people lay and swelter in the heat, most of them too much oppressed by the excessive temperature to care whether they got through the day or not.

In one crowded flat children lay about in stairways and on porches, fighting flies and trying to get a few minutes of sleep. Down there the breeze which made things tolerable in other parts of town was hardly at all in evidence. While no cases of actual prostrations were reported, a great many minor sick cases were developed in which the heat was a factor.
July 21, 1907

Son Dies in Father's Arms as Mother
Rushes Forward.

Before his mother could rush forward to greet him, Otto W. Humphrey, who was being brought back to his home from New Mexico, died in his father's arms as they entered the house last evening. Humphrey, who was 20 years old, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Humphrey, had been taken to New Mexico several weeks ago, in hopes of gaining relief from tubwercular trouble. His father, who was formerly alderman from the Fourtheenth ward, went after him a few days ago, returning last night.

Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey have been boarding at the home of M. F. Simmons, 216 Garfield avenue, and it was to this address taht the young man was taken.

Otto W. Humphrey was attending school in Florida when he contracted the disease.
July 21, 1907




Petticoat Lane a Sizzling
Pathway for Shoppers

Petticoat Lane is the hottest place in town. Petticoat Lane is one block in length, running east and west, between Main and Walnut streets -- or, more plainly put it is the main thoroughfare between several of the large department stores of the retail downtown Kansas City.

At 4:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon the mercury registered 106 at the northeast corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. This intense heat was general in Petticoat Lane. Just around the corner in Walnut street at Eleventh, on the west side of the street, it was a trifle over 3 degrees cooler.

The regular afternoon crush of women shoppers was on yesterday afternoon in Petticoat Lane, to and from the various department stores in that district. P. Connor, the United States weather forecaster at the Scarritt building at Ninth street and Grand avenue, remarked:

"The sun's rays beat down on Petticoat lane all day long. The pavement is smooth and reflects the heat. Then the summer southwest breeze picks up the heat and hurls it against the buildings on the east side of the street. That accounts for the cooler temperature on the west side of Walnut street, just off Eleventh street."

And while the sun's rays beat down upon the pavement in Eleventh street, better known as Petticoat Lane, thousands of shoppers walked and rewalked through the block all the long, hot afternoon. The women carried fans and liberally patronized the soda fountains which are located alluringly near the open doors of the drug stores -- and all thought yesterday was the hottest day ever.
July 20, 1907


Voices Are Getting Weak, but P. H.
Harlan and Cliff Hogan Are
Sticking to Abstinence ---
Cigarettes, Too.

"I've lost twenty-four pounds in just four days," announced P. H. Harlan, the fasting undertaker, as he stepped from the scales last night, and Cliff Hogan, who had a day and a half the start of me, has lost only fourteen pounds."

"It was a mistake to say I wasn't hungry up to yesterday, for I was, but that was my third day and with it my hunger really left me, as it did with Hogan and with Dr. I. J. Eales, the Bellville, Ill., physician, whose fourty day fast inspired us to start."

Dozens of telephone messages, picture postcards and letters are pouring in on the two fasting neighbors at Fifteenth and McGee streets. Tempting invitations to dine on spring chicken and inch-and-a-half sirloins tumble out of the mail along with serious inquiries from other fat men who are anxious to see the experiment kept up and who will themselves try it if found practical.

Clifford Hogan, who manages the Crescent Automobile Company, was not at his place of business until evening, for he had worked all day at moving his household goods from Mount Washington to Twelfth street and Wabash avenue. He found the unusually hard work on a very empty stomach did not exhaust him. But his voice was weak, and so was Harlan's, though the latter says his wind is better than it has been for years.

Harlan, whose hands and one leg have daily become puffed up, says that since the second day of his fast they have not swollen. He did a great deal of walking yesterday and is so delighted with the results that he may not stop short of the month limit set by Dr. Eales.

Harlan, too, has the title of doctor, having been a practicing dentist in Chicago and Wichita until the size of his belt became so great that he could not get near enough to his dental chair to reach the patients. Then he returned to the undertaking employment, where the patients are not so nervous, anyway.

When Harlan banteringly discusses with Hogan the length of their fast, the automobile man recounts that a week's fast was all he promised himself for sure, and after the first two days he really planned that all the money he saved on meals for the week he would spend for Sunday dinner in breaking the fast.

But he thinks he will probably stay with Harlan on a two or three weeks' fast. He is remembering now that while he was soldiering in the Philippines and ill he lived for five weeks on malted milk alone, and possibly he has visions of tapering off from actual fasting on such a diet, but his running mate stands firm for absolutely no nutriment.

"My second and third days," said Hogan, last night, "every time I passed a restaurant or smelled food, I had a sensation in my jaws as of having mumps. But that left when my hunger disappeared.

"I'm using the fast to break the cigarette habit, too, which was fastened on me. I have switched to cigars, which I could not enjoy before. I always inhaled cigarettes, and I know that if I did now it would make me sick. I suppose that proves that I'm getting down from abnormal to normal, and from depravity to healthfulness.

"Having been reared on a farm, I know that fat in a hog's body is merely the storage of nutriment for use in case a period comes in which no food is available. Then a hog can live off of his fat without injury or inconvenience. And so I see no reason why Harlan and I should not live to advantage for a time off our surplus supply."
July 19, 1907

His Three Months Seemed Like a
Year to Him.

William January, alias Charles W. Anderson, will be discharged from the United States penitentiary at Leavenworth in time this morning for him to catch the Missouri Pacific train leaving for Kansas City at 6:18 a. m. None of his friends will be there to go with him, Warden McClaughry having advised Anderson to go out early to avoid attention there and have his friends meet him at the depot in Kansas City. At the depot they will have a new suit ready for Anderson and he will go over to the Blossom house and change his attire. Dressed in the latest style he will make the trip uptown.

Anderson said last evening that he expected to open a pool hall in Kansas City, but added that he would not start in business for some time. He will visit his mother in Chillicothe, Mo., first. He will also be met at the depot by his wife and daughter.

Anderson says his three months in prison have seemed like a year to him, but he admits that he was treated very kindly during his confinement.
July 19, 2007


Allowed the Body of a Suicide to
Be Indentified As Hers and
Sent Home for Burial.

"I did not want my people to know of my circumstances. I preferred that they should think me dead, and that is why I said nothing to prevent the dead body of another woman being sent to my home as mine."

So Mrs. Ina Ford, 529 Walnut street, is said to have confided to a friend, Mrs. Blanche White, her reasons for not notifying her father, Edwin Hurst, of Muncie, Ind., that she was alive and well in Kansas City, notwithstanding the fact that Kansas City papers had informed her that the body of a suicide had been identified as hers and forwarded to Muncie.

On the afternoon of June 27, a woman who had been living with Frank Palmer, at 928 Genesee, went to the Fowler packing house, where Palmer was employed, and, after a few words with him drank carbolic acid from the effects of which she died soon afterwards. Palmer left city that night, and the authorities were given information leading them to believe the dead woman to have been Miss Ina Ford of Muncie, Ind. Mrs. Ford's parents were notified, and under their directions, the body was shipped to Muncie.

Mrs. Ford's father discovered the mistake as soon as the body reached Muncie. He notified the Kansas City police of the error in identity and sent the body of the suicide back to Kansas City.

When Mrs. Ford learned that the mistake had been detected, she at once wired her home. But she does not deny that she knew that the other woman's body had been sent to Muncie as hers.

Attempts to locate Mrs. Ford at her rooming house last night were ineffectual. Patrolman Larrabee and a newspaper man obtained an inverview with Miss White, an intimate friend of the Ford woman, in which it was learned that Mrs. Ford had left Kansas City. She is said to have told Miss White that she did not notify her parents of the error until she knew the secret had been discovered, as she was in poor circumstances and preferred they should think her dead than to know the truth about her. She avers that a former lover is responsible for the mistake in identity of the dead woman.

A searching inquiry last night developed the fact that the dead woman was Miss Ines Others, who had eloped with Palmer from St. Joseph, where her husband, Walter Others, resides. There was a slight personal resemblance between the two women.
July 19, 1907


Young Man Who Falls on Street
From Strychnine Poisoning Talks
of a Love Affair --
Will Recover.

A young man was seen walking unsteadily along in the vicinity of Twenty-second street and Dunham avenue shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Presently he stopped, drew rigid and fell in a convulsion. People who called the ambulance from the Walnut Street station thought possibly it was heat prostration, but Dr. George Dagg, ambulance surgeon, diagnosed the case as one of strychnine poisoning. The man was taken at once to the general hospital, where followed several other convulsions indicitive of strychnine poisoning.

It was learned there that the young man's name was Benjamin Rowland, formerly a bill clerk in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway. He lives with his widowed mother at 2045 North Valley street, Kansas City, Kas. It was stated at the hospital late last night that Rowland would recover.

During a conscious period at the hospital yesterday, Rowland intimated that a love affair had caused him to attempt his life.

While calling at the home of Miss Hettie Fredericks, 18 years old, Sixteenth street and the Paseo, last spring, young Rowland attempted suicide by drinking laudanum. He had gone there in the afternoon to make a call. No one was home but Miss Connie Fredericks, an older sister. Rowland said he was going to the bathroom for a drink. After being there some time he called Miss Connie to the door of the parlor and, holding a glass of dark liquid high in the air, said, "Good-bye to all. Here goes." It was later discovered that he had taken laudanum.

She called in the janitress and the latter telephoned for a doctor. After working with Rowland for an hour or more, he was left in good condition, and was later taken home.

A stranger called at his home of the widowed mother, 2045 North Valley street, Kansas City, Kas., soon after the occurrence yesterday and told Mrs. Rowland of the son's second attempt. She went at once to the emergency hospital in the city hall, as she heard he had been taken there. When his employer was called up at the C. M. & St. P. freight office, Fourteenth and Liberty streets, Mrs. Rowland learned for the first time that her son had quit his job there a week ago. What he had been doing meantime she did not know.

"If he lives through this," she said, "I intend to take steps to have him restrained. He has smoked cigarettes until he is a complete nervous wreck. He smokes them all day and then smokes them during the night. I have begged and pleaded with him about it, but it does no good. I think cigarettes are a greater curse to the younger generation of boys than whiskey and should be placed under restrictions just as stringent. I shall place him in some sanitarium if he lives through this attempt."