November 30, 1908


Jewish Colonization Society Will
Build Up Independent Country
for the "Wanderer on the
Face of the Earth."

"Nationalism and Zionism" was the subject of a masterly address by A. H. Fromenson of New York to the Jews of Kansas City at Woodman's hall, 1210 Main street, last night. Mr. Fromenson is the editor of the English edition of Tageblatt and is a Zionist of national reputation.

"In no country in the world other than the United States is the Jew admitted on an equal footing with the other citizens of that country," he said. "Even here there is talk of an exclusion law which will operate principally against us. In Russia we are reduced to a condition of outlawry and in Roumania our condition is little better. In Germany and France we are oppressed not by law, but by popular opinion. Even England discriminates against us. A thousand influences are constantly at work to deprive us of our character as a race. The Jew, the scapegoat of earth, must have some place to go.

"The Zionist movement attempts to find this place. We have chosen Palestine, for that is the country that was promised by God to the seed of Abraham forever, and that is the land in which took place all that is worthy of us as a nation. In alien lands we have produced Heine, Gambetta, and a host of others, but for almost two thousand years we have produced no man who has been really great as a Jew.

"Palestine is a fertile country, described even in a sober consular report as a land flowing in the proverbial milk and honey. The Jewish colonization society has invested millions of dollars in lands there, consisting principally of olive and orange groves, and it hopes some day to build up there an independent country which will be a buffer state between the East and the West.

"Since the bloodless revolution in Turkey we have been assured that if at any time the population of Palestine becomes Jewish in complexion that the country will be given its freedom. There are many Jewish settlements there now and the number is increasing rapidly. There is every hope that some day the Jew will no longer be a wanderer on the face of the earth, but will have a home of his own and a government to protect him when he is oppressed in foreign countries. This is no idle dream but a very probable reality."

FIFTY GREEKS CAUGHT IN A GAMBLING RAID. ~ In the Scramble to Get Away They Rained Real Money, Which Coppers Got.

November 30, 1908

In the Scramble to Get Away They
Rained Real Money, Which
Coppers Got.

Money was thrown on the floor in the pool room of James Varelas, 404 West Fifth street, last night at 9 o'clock in a wild scramble of fifty Greeks to get out at the back door when the police entered the hall through the front. Two young Greeks complained to Sergeant Edward McNamara that they had lost $100 playing seven-and-a-half in Varelas's place.

The officer called Patrolman Richard Elliott, J. P. Withrow and J. C. Welch to his aid. When the police ran in, those in the rear of the pool hall rushed out. Patrolman Elliott succeeded in getting $12, and Sergeant McNamara, $1.50. The Greeks were crowded into a corner of the room and the patrol wagon called. In the first load eleven men were taken to the station, and the wagon returned after another. It took four trips to land all of the Greeks in the holdover and fourteen men rode on the last trip.

Sergeant Patrick Clark fixed the bonds at $5 each, but the Greeks refused to put that amount up, and after being booked on a charge of gambling, were sent downstairs to the holdover. Varelas was booked as the keeper of a gambling house and his bond was put at $51. He furnished bond and was released. The frequenters expected Varelas to get them out on bond and when he refused to put up the money for any of them they began to call for the jailer and put up the cash for themselves. They will appear in the municipal court this morning charged with gambling.

FINDS MONEY IN STREETS. ~ Street Sweeper Who Keeps His Eyes Open Picks Up Many Coins.

November 30, 1908

Street Sweeper Who Keeps His Eyes
Open Picks Up Many Coins.

The street sweeper stooped down and picked up a coin from among the debris in the gutter.

"It pays to keep your eyes open," he said after the nickel had been safely stowed away. "We often find coins and lost articles in the street. Of course, should we find a pocketbook or article of value it would be our duty to turn it over to the department for identification, but who knows to whom a stray nickel, dime or quarter belongs, and we might just as well have it as anyone else. No, I haven't got rich off my findings from the gutters and it is not every day that I pick up even a nickel, but some folks would be surprised to know how much money is found in such a manner every day in Kansas City."


November 29, 1908


From 2 Until 5 o'Clock Next Wednes-
day They Will Be at Home
to Their Legion of

An informal reception on Wednesday afternoon, December 2, from 2 to 5 o'clock will be given by Colonel R. T. and Mrs. Van Horn at Honeywood, their country home in Evanston park, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. Ten years ago Colonel and Mrs. Van Horn celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. Then there were present many persons who were residents of Kansas City when the Van Horns came here in 1855. There were only about 500 persons living here at that time.

Colonel and Mrs. Van Horn were married December 2, 1848 in Pomeroy, Meigs county, O. Mrs. Van Horn was Miss Adela Honeywood Cooley of Pomeroy. Four sons were born of the union, but only one, Robert T. Van Horn is living at the present time. They have two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The ancestors of Colonel Van Horn were from Holland and emigrated to New Jersey about 260 years ago. His great-grandfather, Henry Van Horn, was a captain in the Revolutionary war. Colonel Van Horn's father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Ireland. East Mahoning, Pa., was the birth place of Colonel Van Horn. He was born May 9, 1824. After studying law in Meigs county, O., he practiced for a short while and then engaged in newspaper work in Pomeroy, O., where he edited and published a weekly newspaper. Being burned out and not having his plant insured Colonel Van Horn went to St. Louis and worked on a steamboat for his brother. A Kansas City lawyer induced him to come to Kansas City and buy a weekly paper called the Enterprise. He came here in July, 1855, and made arrangements to purchase the paper, paying $250 for it. He brought his wife here in October of the same year and began editing his new paper which he named the Journal of Commerce, now the Kansas City Journal. They lived on Walnut street near Eleventh street until 1887.

As the pioneer newspaper man of Kansas City, Colonel Van Horn has always been known to have worked for a better and larger Kansas City. The people have many times honored Colonel Van Horn with public offices within their gift. At one time he was mayor, and served terms in the state senate and in congress. It was through his efforts that the Hannibal and Milwaukee bridges were secured. At the outbreak of the civil war he raised a Missouri regiment for the Union army. Colonel Van Horn has been named as one of the four great editors in the history of the United States.

Since his retirement from active life he has been living very quietly with his wife at their country home. The reception to be given on the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage is to be very informal at home. They have not issued any invitations or cards but their friends are to be notified only through the newspapers.

WHILE EATING WITH LIONS. ~ One of the Beasts Chewed Captain Cardova's Thumb.

November 29, 1908

One of the Beasts Chewed Captain
Cardova's Thumb.

It was a pure exhibition of nerve and headwork that probably saved the life of Captain Cardova at the Hippodrome last night when one of the trained lionesses attacked him and almost severed the thumb on his right hand. Few in the audience who were witnessing the act given by Cardova and his trained lions really knew what had happened, for he had the nerve to finish the acat and remained in the cage fully five minutes after the lioness had tasted of his blood and was acting ugly all the time. After he got out of the cage a physician was called and the wounded hand was dressed so that he could continue with his performances through the evening.

The lioness has two young cubs and has been vicious for some time. The attack was made while Cardova was giving that part of the act in which he eats at a table with three lions. He was feeding the raw meat to his animals when the lioness seized him and held his hand in her teeth for fully a minute. The trainer exhibited no fear, nor did he cry out although the pain was severe. The other lions did not attack him.


November 29, 1908


Proposed to "Clean Up" the Residence
Districts of This Form of
Evil -- J. V. C. Karnes
Is Opposed.

What shall the city do with its social evil -- permit it to spread throughout the corporate limits, with occasional spasmodic efforts to drive it from the best residence districts, or restrict it to a definitely defined locality, where it will be under intelligent and close police surveillance?

This is a question as old as life itself. It has never been answered satisfactorily to everybody. There is no "crimes district" in Kansas City, and the result is far from satisfying even to those persons who are responsible for present conditions. The blight of the social evil has encroached upon many good residential neighborhoods, and even the business district has been affected. A movement is under way to segregate these women, and the plan was discussed by the tenement commission yesterday.

Rev. Dr. Daniel McGurk, pastor of the Grand Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, expressed himself as being heartily in sympathy with the proposed plan.

"I consider the plan to segregate these persons as being both practical and wholesome," said the doctor. "I know it is contended by some that such a plan would be equivalent to putting the approval of the new law upon this form of vice. I do not so consider it. To me it appeals as the surest way of putting the ban of the law on this traffic, and as means of protection to our children who must pass daily through districts infested by these women. I would go farther than that, and venture to say that such a plan, if put into operation, would be the means of saving one-third of those who would otherwise be condemned to a life of misery and shame."

J. V. C. Karnes, chairman of the board, opposed the proposition not only from a moral standpoint but he also took the position that the question was not properly before the commission. He contended that the board had no right to make suggestions as to any plan for regulating or abating this vice; that the question was purely one of morality, and being so that the board was exceeding its authority and the purpose for which it was created in attempting to assume to take any action in the matter.

Dr. J. L. Harrington took issue with Mr. Karnes on the question as to the right of the board to consider the question of segregation.

"This question is not one of morality alone," he said. "This board has the power and the right to consider whatever affects the health of the community. This form of vice is constantly spreading over our city and invading the so-called hotels and rooming houses. You will find these people in the same tenement house or same flat with perhaps twenty-five or fifty children who are brought in daily contact with them. The contaminating influences of this moral smallpox cannot be overestimated. More than that, if you choose to look at it from a strictly medical standpoint, the statistics are appalling. These conditions would be greatly alleviated if these persons were confined to some particular locality, where they could be regulated."

During the discussion it was stated that conditions along East Twelfth street and other districts where some effort was made to drive this traffic out is now practically as bad as ever. No action in the matter was taken by the board, but the members signified their deep interest in the matter and it will be brought up again at the next meeting.


November 29, 1908


Room and Meals Constitute Salary
Attached, and the Job Has
Been Shunned for
a Week.

For the past week there has been no doctor at the Walnut street police station. The ambulance from this station, which is supposed to take care of every case of injury where the services of the police department are needed in the district south of Eleventh street, has been forced to respond to calls without any doctor in charge. Whether the call comes from Fifteenth street and the Blue or from Southwest boulevard and state line, all that the officers in charge of the ambulance can do is to make a run as fast as they can to the general hospital.

The cases on which the services of the police ambulance are called for are too frequently those in which a delay may mean the loss of human life. A man or a woman may take carbolic acid several miles from the general hospital. If medical treatment can be administered in fifteen minutes the person might, under ordinary conditions, recover. If, however, the treatment is delayed a few minutes, death is sure to result.

At any moment in the day or night such a case may be telephoned into the Walnut street station, which does almost as much ambulance work as the central police station.

Two years ago the appointment of ambulance and emergency surgeons was taken out of the hands of the police department and placed under the control of the health and hospital board. Under the new charter the same arrangement obtains. The reason given at the time of making the change was that the power of appointment was being used for political purposes.

However, under the old arrangement the police surgeons were paid a so-called salary of $30 a month. When the health and hospital board took charge it fixed a salary for the three doctors at the central police station, but appointed a man to work without pay at the Walnut street station. Internes at the city hospital did the work,, receiving therefor the same salary that they got for their work at the hospital, namely, their room and meals. Strange to say, several young doctors were glad to avail themselves of the opportunity to get a more complete knowledge of their profession by sewing up wounds and coaxing would-be suicides to live. Until last week the station has never been without a surgeon, and they have given excellent services, on the whole. Now no one can be persuaded to take the job.

"Only a few dollars paid to these young doctors every month would settle the whole question," said Captain Thomas P. Flahive last night. "To prevent the loss of human life something must be done at once."

DR. G. O. COFFIN IS SUED FOR DIVORCE. ~ For Second Time His Is Defendant in Such Action -- Present Wife Was Widow of Dr. O. C. Trice.

November 28, 1908

For Second Time His Is Defendant in
Such Action -- Present Wife Was
Widow of Dr. O. C. Trice.

Mrs. Allie M. Coffin, 3236 East Ninth street, yesterday filed suit for divorce in the circuit court against Dr. George O. Coffin, at one time city physician.

Mrs. Coffin's petition sets forth that she was Mrs. Allie M. Trice when she married Dr. Coffin, September 30, 1902. She was then the widow of Dr. Trice.

Mrs. Coffin asks an order restraining her husband from disposing of any of her property now under his control. She asks restoration of the name of Allie M. Trice, and that her husband be compelled to furnish funds for her support.

Mrs. Coffin's first husband was O. C. Trice, who died March 11, 1901, leaving an estate valued at about $75,000, the bulk of it going to the widow. The will was unique in that it set aside the income of $1,000 to be paid to Mrs. Morona A. Short as compensation for caring for "my wife's nag Nellie, and her black cat, Sadie Kuhn." Clinton A. Welsh and Frank L. Breyfogle of Kansas City were appointed as trustees under the will.

By a freak of chance Dr. Coffin's attorneys filed in Judge E. E. Porterfield's division of the circuit court yesterday a technical motion which was a fag end of the first divorce suit against him. Mrs. Minnie Coffin was the first wife. She is now Mrs. Aubrey and lives in Colorado. On statutory grounds she secured a divorce from Dr. Coffin in the circuit court March 18, 1902. She said in her petition for divorce that she married Dr. Coffin in 1883 in Frankfort, Kas.

In this case she was given custody of her two children, at that time aged 17 and 10 respectively. Something like a year later, in trying to make a showing in the circuit court that Dr. Coffin had paid her only $50 a month alimony when he was to have given $100, her attorney, Thad B. Landon, filed a deposition from her to the effect that before the divorce, Dr. Coffin had made an arrangement with her father, Colonel G. A. A. Dean, by which she was to receive $4,000 in cash and $100 alimony, which is now but $20 per month.


November 28, 1908




Because of These Threats the Judge
Declines to Surrender Bench
Until His Commission Ex-
pires -- His Statement.

"Since I have taken office I have received many threatening letters on account of my attitude as to Sunday law enforcement."

This sentence, delivered near the close of an address of ninety minutes' duration, startled the hearers of Judge William H. Wallace from their lethargy yesterday afternoon. For the greater part of that time they had sat with half closed eyes, especially the policemen who were witnesses in city appeal cases, while the judge expounded his reasons for wishing to continue on the bench until January 1. The legal precedents and cases cited by the court had almost lulled the coppers, who had worked all night and who wanted to sleep, into the land of Nod. Then came mention of threatening letters and open eyes.

"These letters have come from all parts of the country," continued the judge. "From Denver, where they shoot ministers in the pulpit; from Paterson, N. J., the hotbed of anarchy; from Chicago, St. Louis, and other cities. One man wrote that he hoped to be present to witness, within five years, my execution. Another spoke of bringing a rope. Still another has written to me every day a postal card not fit to go through the mails."


By this time the judge's audience was very much awake. The story of the threatening letters had never been alluded to in any of Wallace's former explanations or statements. The judge continued to state that the enforcement of the law was a thing that had to come, saying in this connection:

"God directed the bullet that was fired at Francis J. Heney in San Francisco so that it would not interfere with the enforcement of the law."

Judge Wallace commenced his statement by letting another secret escape. It was to the effect that E. C. Crow, formerly attorney general of Missouri, had given him legal advice upon which he based his contention that he should hold office until January 1. The basis of Mr. Crow's opinion was the act of 1871, which created the criminal court. Judge Wallace said that court decisions had failed to disturb this act.

"And besides," said Judge Wallace, speaking of the succession as soon as a successor qualifies, "is it good law? If so, then the appointive judge is absolutely at the caprice of the man who comes in and that ends it. The new judge might want to come in in two weeks, maybe in four. The man in office has some rights.


"Take my case, for instance. I was to have delivered on Monday night an address before the Sabbath Association of America, a national gathering. Then this judgeship muddle came up and I was forced to decline. I was also invited to join, in the East, in the organization of a world-wide law enforcement league. I could not go on account of this matter."

Then, after citing a number of cases of what might happen if there was no judge of the criminal court, Judge Wallace said:

"Of course there are a lot of fellows who say: 'If there is a technical case, dump Wallace. No matter if it is reasonable or not. The public demands it.' But see what the constitution says and the statutes," and the supreme court and so on for an hour and a half.

Then the tired policemen were told to go home and return again on Monday.

Judge Wallace made a hurried exit from the court room at 5 o'clock. "If I can get into my house and get my grip I will go to Jefferson City tonight," were his parting words. He is to confer with Attorney General H. S. Hadley tomorrow.

HE WANTED TO GET INTO JAIL. ~ Aged Texan Was Starving, So He Committed a Petty Crime.

November 28, 1908

Aged Texan Was Starving, So He
Committed a Petty Crime.

Because he was nearly famished and with no prospects for a meal or a place to sleep, William Dermott, 69 years old, who came to Kansas City, Kas., recently from Dallas, Tex., threw a rock through a plate glass window in the Lyons building, Seventh street and Kansas avenue, Thursday afternoon. In police court yesterday morning Dermott told Judge Sims that he committed the offense that he might get arrested and get something to eat.

Between the court and the prisoner it was agreed that Dermott should be sentenced to 100 days in jail in order that he could have a place to eat and sleep for the winter.


November 28, 1908


Chairman of the Propaganda Com-
mittee Will Tell the Jews of This
City About the Movement
Toward Holy Land.

To establish a publicly secured, legally assured home in Palestine for the Jews of the world, is the object of the Federation of American Zionists. The chairman of the Zionist propaganda committee, A. H. Fromenson of New York, arrived in Kansas City yesterday. He will be here a week and will speak to the Jews of Kansas City Sunday and Monday nights at 1210 Main street under the auspices of the United Zion Society of Kansas City.

"I'm not here to attempt to persuade the Jews of Kansas City to pack up and move to Palestine," said Mr. Fromenson last night. "I'm not selling anything, either. I'm simply here to explain the Zion movement and I want the Jews here to do all they can to help prepare a place in Palestine for the Jews.

"The object of the movement is not to take all the Jews to Palestine. There are 13,000,000 Jews in the world, and 11,000,000 of these live in lands of persecution and oppression, discrimination and intolerance. For a great many of these 11,000,000 the only hope is in withdrawal. The Zionists don't believe the Jews have the right to thrust their burdens on the world at large. They consider it more manly to solve the problem of existence, liberty and future themselves. The Zionists say that Palestine is the logical center for the great majority of Jews, because it is the Jews' own country, and since the ages of dispersion the Jews' craving has been for return.

"The present political conditions in Turkey indicate that the time is ripe to conduct the propaganda on a large scale. There are already thirty-one colonies of Jews in Palestine, all agricultural and flourishing.

"My contention is that it is the American Jew, who enjoys liberty and the right to pursue happiness, who should do more than any other to help the persecuted Jew to secure that liberty which the American enjoys.

"The American Jew may never go to Palestine, yet as a Jew it is incumbent upon him to make sure of a place wherein the Jew will be able to serve humanity far better than when his soul and body are in fetters."

The Zionists have a business organization and are buying land in Palestine as fast as they secure the funds. They have been promised by the new Turkish government that as soon as the Jews have a majority in Palestine, they will be granted self government.

Mr. Fromenson is touring the United States lecturing to the Jews. He came here from Minneapolis and will go from here to Denver. He was, until a year ago, editor of the Jewish Daily news in New York.

MADE WRONG KIND OF NOISE. ~ Father of Bride Fired Pistol to Stop a Charivari.

November 28, 1908

Father of Bride Fired Pistol to Stop
a Charivari.

Because he fired three shots from a revolver for the purpose of breaking up a charivari crowd, A. T. Hutchings of 649 Miami avenue, Kansas City, Kas., was fined $5 in police court yesterday morning. Mr. Hutchings is the father of Grace Hutchings, who became the bride of Charles Dunkin Thursday.

Wedding festivities were in full progress at the Hutchings home Thursday night when the wedding celebrators arrived. Outside the house the noise occasioned by the beating of tin pans and kettles was so intense that Mr. Hutchings resorted to firearms for a quietus. His cure was effective, but it also led to his arrest and fine in police court.


November 27, 1908




Opposing Teams Were
Cheered Impartially.
The Proud K. U. Jayhawk 
No Wonder the Jayhawk's a Proud Bird.


By defeating the University of Missouri team at Association park yesterday afternoon by a score of 10 to 4, before a crowd of 12,000 persons, the University of Kansas eleven cinched its claim to the title of football champions of the Missouri valley. Yesterday morning only one obstacle -- Missouri -- stood between the Jayhawkers and a clean record of victories for the season. Today the Kansas 1908 team is in the K. U. temple of ever victorious elevens, in which the Yost machine of 1899 has led such a lonesome life. And the Missourians. Once more they came to Kansas City hoping, praying for victory. They met their worst rival for the eighteenth time, and for the thirteenth time they came off the field a defeated team. But there has never been anything inglorious about a Tiger defeat. There was nothing inglorious about yesterday's defeat. When a man gives for ten weeks his body and mind into the hands of his coaches to be moulded as they see best, when a man trained for ten weeks for an hour of play, puts into that hour of play all he has, never whimpering, never quitting, never dodging any hard knocks, but boring in and fighting like a man; fighting as his forefathers fought, a square battle with a never-say-die spirit, doing his best in spite of everything -- when such a man loses, he loses honorably, and to him is due as much credit as the man who fought the same kind of a battle on the winning side. It's easy to be a good winner but the real test of a man is whether or not he is a good loser.

Two touchdowns gave Kansas the game. A place kick gave Missouri its score, the first the Tigers have made against Kansas since 1902. The Tigers started out with a rush and for the first fifteen minutes outplayed the Jayhawkers at every turn. After carrying the ball from their own 10-yard-line to the Kansas 25-yard line, the Tigers were held and Bluck missed an 35-yard place kick. After Johnson's kick-out, the Tigers again stormed the Kansas goal line. Kansas held this time on their 10-yard-line. Bluck went back for another kick and sent the pigskin sailing between the posts, eighteen yards away, making the score, Missouri 4, Kansas 0.
A typical rooter 


It was the first time the Missouri undergraduates had ever seen their team score on Kansas and for five minutes the Missouri section was a pandemonium of shrieking, whooping rooters whose lungs were the outlet of enthusiasm pent up for years. Their bodies tingled with joy and they cheered again and again and threw up their hats and hugged each other, for it seemed that Missouri was destined to defeat that as yet undefeated Kansas eleven. There was gloom in the Kansas section, for up to this time the Jayhawkers had been able to do little with the Tigers. One man was still confident of victory for Kansas. It was "Bert" Kennedy, the Jayhawker coach, whose greatest hopes would be realized if his team came through the season without a defeat.

"That's all for Missouri," said Kennedy. "We'll make a touchdown and beat 'em. They can't keep up this pace." And Kennedy was right. The Jayhawkers began to play better football. They came from behind, fighting against fighters, and after twenty minutes of play Pleasant caught Stephenson's onside kick and crossed the Missouri goal. Stephenson missed the goal and the score was Kansas 5, Missouri 4. It was the second half that the second and last Kansas touchdown came. The Jayhawkers were storming the Missouri goal without any success. Several times they seemed to be within striking distance, but the Tiger line would brace and stop the oncoming Kansans. With five minutes left to play, Deatherage made an onside kick to Rice, who dashed 25 yards through the Tiger team to a touchdown. Bond missed the goal and the score was Kansas 10, Missouri 4. Yesterday's game was probably as close a struggle as a Kansas City Thanksgiving day crowd has seen in many years. The 0 to 0 contest of 1906 cannot be classed as a regular football game as the men played in mud up to their knees and the exhibition was one that would make Walter Camp burst out crying. But yesterday saw a splendid exhibition of the great college sport. There was little individual starring. Each man worked for the team. No one sought for his own glory; it was victory, not applause, that was the prize each man wanted.

Crowds Fill the North Bleachers 


Somewhere between 12,000 and 13,000 madly cheering fans were in the grandstand and bleachers when the opposing teams marched onto the field at Association park yesterday for the annual Kansas-Missouri football battle. Long before noon they had begun to appear at the various gates of the park, clamoring for admittance and when, finally they were thrown open, a seething current of humanity flowed through, until at 2 o'clock the gates were closed and hundreds were refused admittance. A comparison of the crowd of this year with that of former year, when the annual game has been played in Kansas City, would reveal no material change in its personnel. There was a certain percentage of the student body of both institutions here, and then there was the usual number of home fans, who never miss an opportunity to see the annual game. If anything, the students and former students, old grads and friends of the institutions outnumbered the professional fan.


Association park has never had such a crowd within its confines in the history of baseball in Kansas City, and a baseball crowd is the only means of making a comparison. The grandstand has been full to overflowing on many occasions and the bleachers have been well filled at times, but never before has it been necessary to add additional bleachers. These additional bleachers were crowded to their limit and had there been more they unquestionably would have been filled to overflowing. Altogether it is estimated that there were perhaps a few less than 13,000 people who saw the game from the grandstand and bleachers, those were paid admissions. But there was another crowd that viewed the game from a more advantageous standpoint, perhaps, from their point of view, than those who paid to sit in the boxes or in the grandstand. A glance from the field to the housetops, the trees and the telegraph poles in the immediate vicinity conveyed a picture to the mind which would instantly have been familiar to those baseball fans who saw the great national baseball games in Chicago or New York. Wherever there was a foot-hold outside the high board fence where a view of the game might be had, there was a fan, and from the housetops hundreds saw the game.


November 27, 1908


The Donor's Name Is Not Known to
One of the Hundreds of Hungry
Ones, But They Wish
Him Well.

Plenty of turkey with all of its harmonious accompaniments attracted nearly 1,000 boys and girls to Convention hall yesterday afternoon from 1 o'clock on until everybody who came was fed. More than 1,100 places had been set, but they were not all filled, showing that charity provided for some on Thanksgiving day who were able to provide for themselves.

Not only did the poor children dine, but a committee of 100 from the Associated Charities and the United Hebrew Charities sat down with them and ate the same dinner.

Some of the hungry urchins came in early and after eating their allotted meal came back again to make a secondary attack on the things to eat.

Two of the inevitable "stalwart policemen" were at the front door, and whenever any of the unfed came up, they were challenged thus:

"Had your dinner, boys (or girls, as the case happened to be)?"

"Unh-unh," was the invariable answer, with the accent on the first syllable of the negative, and the youngsters would skip gleeful over the sawdust to the tables where the waiters from the Sexton waited on them just as they do the guests of the hotel. To cap the verisimilitude, an orchestra played as the viands disappeared.

The dinner was provided by a man who formerly lived in Kansas City, and who was, perhaps, once a poor boy, hungry on Thanksgiving day. He now lives in New York city, and it is at his earnest request that the papers have not mentioned his name in connection with the dinner.

NOT A HUNGRY PERSON LEFT. ~ If There Was, It Wasn't the Fault of Givers of Dinners.

November 27, 1908

If There Was, It Wasn't the Fault
of Givers of Dinners.

Amid the general rejoicing and feeling of goodfellowship incident to a perfect Thanksgiving day, the less fortunate inhabitants of the city were not forgotten. At every charitable institution in the city a dinner was provided for the inmates. The Salvation Army, Franklin institute, Union mission and other organizations of like character fed hundreds of poor persons, and sent many baskets of provisions to deserving families who were unable to attend the dinners.

The Union mission, at Eighteenth and McGee streets, provided a dinner and fed over 400 persons. Special invitations had been sent out and persons from Rosedale, Argentine, Kansas City, Kas., and country districts attended the dinner. Everything in the way of eatables was provided, and if any person in Kansas City went without a Thanksgiving dinner yesterday it was not because of a lack of opportunity.

"It was certainly good to see those poor persons eat," said the Rev. Mrs. Rose Cockriel, the pastor of the mission. "Those who came to the dinner ranged in age from 7 weeks to 33 years, and they all appeared to enjoy themselves. Six little boys, the oldest one 10 years of age, walked in from beyond the Blue river. We gave them their dinner and a basket of provisions to take to their home."

At the Old Folks and Orphans' home the day was celebrated with an old-fashioned dinner, turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pies and everything that should be eaten on that day. At the Perry Orphan Boys' home 130 boys partook of the good things that had been provided for them.

At the Working Girls' hotel there was really a day of thanksgiving, not alone because of the excellent dinner, for in addition to that some unknown friend donated a high grade piano to the institution. From the standpoint of charity and general cause for thankfulness, the day was very much a success.

At the county jail Marshal Al Heslip provided a dinner for the prisoners, of whom there now are fewer than 200. All the trimmings went with the spread. Eatables out of the ordinary also were served at the Detention home, where juvenile prisoners are confined.

WANTS DRINKING FOUNTAIN. ~ Humane Society Secretary Favors One at the Junction.

November 27, 1908

Humane Society Secretary Favors
One at the Junction.

To the Journal:
I am glad to see that the long talked of public comfort station seems in a fair way to become a certainty; also that a statue, or ornament of some kind will probably be placed at the Junction. This is a very favorable location for something of that kind, as it could be seen for several blocks from east, west and south. The ornament should, therefore, be imposing and significant.

In connection with the station and ornament there should also be placed in the vicinity of the Junction, and close on the sidewalk, a drinking fountain, for persons only, where the thirsty, at all times, day or night, might obtain a cool refreshing drink of pure water. This fountain should be placed so as to be accessible from the sidewalk, at proper distance from the station, and arranged so as to drain through it. The two fountains erected by the Humane Society, one at Fourth and Broadway, the other at the western terminus of our great intercity viaduct, are proving great conveniences for horses and dogs. Now let the city do as well for thirsty humans, as this seems a favorable opportunity. -- F. M. FURGASON, Secretary Humane Society

LEWIS NEWGASS IS DEAD. ~ For Seventeen Years He Was General Manager of S. & S.

November 27, 1908

For Seventeen Years He Was Gen-
eral Manager of S. & S.

Lewis Newgass, 60 years old, died suddenly of heart failure at his home, 3542 Forest avenue, at 5:30 o'clock last evening. Mr. Newgass was at the Progress Club yesterday afternoon. He complained of feeling ill and told some of his friends he would go home and lie down. Soon after reaching his home he sank into a stupor from which he never rallied. A doctor, who was quickly summoned pronounced his ailment as acute cardiac dilation.

Mr. Newgass was born in Darmstadt, Germany, September 15, 1848, and came to this country while a boy. He located in Chicago, and before the great fire there was part owner in a packing plant. Afterwards he became associated in a managerial capacity with Nelson Morris & Co. Seventeen years ago he came to Kansas City as general manager for the Schwarschild & Sulzberger Packing Company, which position he held at the time of his death. Mr. Newgass left a widow and a sister, Mrs. A. Ballenberg of New York city. Arrangements for the funeral will be made later.

CRIPPLE BESTED BURGLARS. ~ Fired Upon Intruders as He Lay Propped in His Bed.

November 26, 1908

Fired Upon Intruders as He Lay
Propped in His Bed.

Robbers who attempted to enter the second story flat at 1426 Campbell street, where J. F. Benge and his wife live, last night, were fired upon by the husband. Mr. Benge is a cripple, and is confined to his bed with sickness besides. Mrs. Benge left the house about 9:30, leaving the door only partly closed. Mr. Benge heard the men coming up the stairs and called out. They paused momentarily and then continued their ascent. He grasped his revolver and waited. A tall man entered the room, while a smaller one waited outside, covering his face with a black cloth.

"Throw up your hands and lie down," commanded one of them.

Instead, Mr. Benge raised one hand and fired. The ball passed harmlessly over the head of the foremost intruder. The men fled out the back way. The affair was reported to the police. Neither of the men was recognized.

QUESTIONED WALLACE'S RIGHT. ~ Judge Replies to Lawyers That He'll Make a Statement.

November 26, 1908

Judge Replies to Lawyers That He'll
Make a Statement.

Two attorneys, in the course of trials in the criminal court yesterday, questioned the right of Judge W. H. Wallace to sit. In both cases the judge made reply that he was legally in possession of the office, adding that he would make a statement of the reasons for his holding to the office on Friday morning.

A panel of 150 jurors has been drawn for service in the criminal court next week, indicating that Judge Wallace intends to proceed with the trial of cases.

It has been suggested to Judge Ralph S. Latshaw that he assume the bench and then put the burden of a suit upon Judge Wallace. But friends of Judge Latshaw say he will not do this, for fear of making Wallace appear as a martyr. So the quo warranto course seems the likeliest at this time.

The grand jury, according to A. O. Harrison, special prosecutor, is to resume its sessions on Friday.


November 26, 1908


Roaring Their Songs and Cries, They
Made Their Presence Generally
Known -- Good Feeling Pre-
vailed Above All.

College life with the college left out; that's what several thousand Missouri and Kansas students and graduated enjoyed to the limit in Kansas City last night. Such life is interesting even in a college town, but in Kansas City it is real exciting, and the somber goddess of sleep had little work in the downtown districts after nightfall. Then it was that the real fun of the day before began. Hordes of enthusiastic students gathered in the lobbies of the various hotels. Instinct guided them more than anything else, and so it happened that the boys from K. U. assembled in one hostelry and Missouri fans joined hands and voices in another. The noise -- well, it wasn't just exactly noise, it was more like a human roar -- continued in hotels and on the streets until after midnight, and everybody was good natured.

It would be almost impossible to describe the thousands which went to make up the vast crowd of enthusiastic youths. They came to Kansas City, every one of them out of their own world, dressed in the fantastic garb which inhabitants of college walls and college atmosphere are wont to affect. There was the slouch hat with the brim cut closely around the crown; the heavy tan shoes, buckled for extra weight; trousers rolled up two or three times at the bottom, just why no one can guess' the inevitable cigarette and pipe. It was all of a different line than the Kansas Cityan is accustomed to, and he started and wondered and remembered, perhaps, that once he dressed the same way. Then there was that self-bred enthusiasm which gave vent in lusty roars; roars which showed the joy of life for the college man on the day before the great game.


Before leaving their colleges the thousands of students had assembled in mass meeting to engender just such enthusiasm. They heard talks from members of their teams; from the old guard and from heads of the universities, and upon each one of them seemed to rest a certain responsibility for the success of his team in the only real football game of the season. That is college spirit, and that is why the regular boarder couldn't sleep in his usually quiet room at the hotel last night.

At the Savoy the Missouri aggregation of imported college men and yells held full sway. Nothing else was considered and nothing else could have made itself heard. True, there were three or four police officers on duty, but what were they when confronted with a mo b of a thousand husky young men? First there came the Missouri "Tiger," and then, with uncovered heads, the throng sang the grand Missouri song, "Old Missouri." Oh, they were sure of victory, were those fellows, and they were mightily proud of their alma mater. Somehow their songs of victory and triumph and allegiance to "Old Missouri" made the outsider think of the times when the ironclad soldiers of Cromwell went into battle singing, and he couldn't help understanding that the same spirit possessed those seemingly frenzied youths that steeled the heart of soldiers of the commonwealth. Over at the Coates house were the Kansas boys, and they were not to be outdone by their natural rivals, so far as noise and college spirit are concerned. "Rock-chalk; jawhawk; K-a-a-a U-u-u-u" made the second floor of the building seem to tremble from the vast noise sent up from a thousand throats. Pennants and banners of crimson and blue were waved frantically in the air between yells, and it was a pretty sight. Confidence there was in abundance; Kansas could not lose the Thanksgiving game because, well, because she was Kansas. It was knowledge of certain victory that added zest to those ferocious yells and gave them the utmost sincerity. No thought of loss entered the heads of enthusiastic rooters. They had put their faith and their money on Kansas, their alma mater, and she couldn't fail them. And so the songs and yells were songs and yells of the victor, and the Kansans were even more confident than their rivals.


Girls; there were lots of them, and they joined in the singing and noisemaking, too. Of course, they stood a little way off from the surging crowd of youths, chiefly on the stairways of the lobbies, but if one got close enough to them they could hear their shouts of general exuberance. But the girls could not stand the strain on the vocal chords as well as the men, and they began to hunt their rooms after an hour of jubilation on the stairways. In their rooms they could talk with each other of the coming game and the heroes thereof. Anyhow, they were girls, and it wasn't their part to make themselves so very obvious.

Early in the evening the old graduate was in his glory. He made the rounds of all the hotels and met the sons of his college chums. He forgot that he was a prominent lawyer and dignified; he remembered only the outlines of the old university hall; how he and his classmates used to hold jubilees on similar occasions; he forgot the numerous flunks in math and history and remembered only the great game "we played when your father and I were on the team." And did he yell and sing those college songs and yells? There were some of the songs that he had forgotten partly, but his lips moved just the same and his eyes were just as bright as those of his younger college mates. Off came his hat when the university hymn was sung and then when the "locomotive yell" was started he kept time with his headcovering and his arms.


But when "old grad met old grad" then it was interesting. The hearty shake of the hand; the resounding slap on the back and the many, many questions of "where have you been all these years, and what have you been doing?" It was the revival of the good old days when they were young and boys; and the joyousness of the approaching game permeated their systems as it did those more active students of the present class.

Then there were banquets of the secret and Greek letter fraternities. The frat yells and songs filled the banquet rooms during the meals and it was all one big jubilee. But the yells were confined to frat yells for both universities were represented in the gatherings. Nothing really discordant could be allowed to enter into the rejoicing of the night.

Late in the evening, after the too mellow wine and overabundance of beer had begun to get in its work, a group of Kansas students left the Coates house and marched with arms locked to the Savoy hotel, where the Missouri bunch was holding forth. Just after a resounding "Tiger" had risen from the Missouri men, it was answered by a "Rock chalk; Jayhawk; K-a-a-a-a U-u-u-u-u" from the meandering Kansas. Some surprise was occasioned by the yell of the enemy and muttered threats of rushing them were heard. But the Kansas men were standing near the doorway, where they could make a hasty exit in case it was necessary, so the M. S. U. fans contented themselves with overshouting their would-be usurpers.

The theaters were heavily patronized by the "fussers" of the college boys. Many of them h ad chosen to spend the evening with the quieter, but equally fascinating, charm of feminine companionship. That was all right; they could do their yelling at the game and after.

All hotels in the city were crowded to overflowing and many of the boys were willing to sleep four and five in a room in order to get accommodations. The college boys literally took the town last night and they were given preference over all other persons.

BEFRIEND THE DEFENSELESS. ~ Purpose of a Parole Board Council Will Be Asked to Create.

November 25, 1908

Purpose of a Parole Board Council
Will Be Asked to Create.

An ordinance is to go to the council next Monday night providing for the appointment of a pardon and parole board, of three members, by the mayor. It was drawn by Frank P. Walsh of the tenement commission, along lines of a measure that was to have been drafted into the new city charter, but which was overlooked. Judge J. V. C. Karnes and W. P. Borland, who served on the board of freeholders, have approved the Walsh plan. It applies to prisoners sent to the work house.

The three members of the board are to determine their terms of office by lot, their terms to be one, two and three years. They are to appoint a secretary, who shall attend daily the sessions of the municipal court and keep the board advised as to the character of cases disposed of. The board is to serve witohout compensation., as shall an attorney if it is thought necessary to appoint one. The pay of the secretary is to be regulated by ordinance.

Authority is given the board to specify conditions under which any prisoner may be paroled or pardoned. Paroled prisoners will at all times be under the control of the board. The secretary is held responsible to safeguard and defend prisoners when they are arraigned in court. The measure is principally for the benefit of boys and women who get into police court and are unable to properly present their defense.

DINNER FOR POOR CHILDREN. ~ Unknown Ex-Kansas Cityan Will Feed 1,000 in Convention Hall.

November 25, 1907

Unknown Ex-Kansas Cityan Will
Feed 1,000 in Convention Hall.

Someone -- no one is supposed to know who -- will furnish a free Thanksgiving dinner to 1,000 poor children in Convention Hall, which will also be used gratis. It is enough to say that the donor used to be a Kansas Cityan, and for that matter, is yet in spirit. He has been an exile to New York for some years and has relatives here.

He writes:

"I would like to give a Thanksgiving dinner in Kansas City to 1,000 poor children. My idea is for this to be done under the auspices of the United Hebrew charities and Gentile charities of Kansas City and Kansas City, Kas. I do not want anyone to know who is giving the dinner as I do not desire any publicity. See if you can arrange this and wire me.

In compliance with the wishes of the unknown giver, tickets to the dinner will be in charge of the Associated Charities at 1103 Charlotte street, and the United Hebrew Charities at 1702 Locust street. Poor children may have tickets by calling at either of these places. The dinner will be served between 1 and 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

KEEP TO RIGHT OF THE ROAD. ~ These Lights Will Warn Vehicle Drivers on Entering Boulevards.

November 24, 1908

These Lights Will Warn Vehicle
Drivers on Entering Boulevards.
Ornamental Lamp Posts Being Installed by the Parks Board
Ornamental Lamp Posts to be Located at
Street Intersections on Boulevards.

The park board has ordered thirty ornamental lamp posts to be installed at various points along the boulevards at intersections with streets for the purpose of regulating the operating of automobiles. The posts are of cast iron, of special make, and cost $10 each. They will be surmounted with red globes which will be illuminated at night with gas, and in daylight the color of the globe will serve as a beacon to vehicle users to keep to the right of the road.

ROOF OF HIPPODROME FELL. ~ Accident Was Due to Workmen's Lack of Foresight.

November 24, 1908

Accident Was Due to Workmen's
Lack of Foresight.

Owing to the carelessness of workmen on the building a portion of the roof of the Hippodrome, Twelfth and Charlotte streets, fell at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. The accident was due to the moving of two of the supports to the main beams upholding the roof. The work was being done to make room for an aerial act which is to be put on, and the two supports were moved at practically at the same time, thus leaving the heavy beams without support. The walls of the old street car barn, where the Hippodrome is located, are of unusual thickness, and were not damaged to any extent. The floor likewise was built to stay and, although the mass of timbers crashed down on the skating rink, this portion was not damaged. No one was injured.
It was stated yesterday that the building would be repaired in two days, and would be opened for the Thanksgiving crowds. The loss is estimated at about $200 and is covered by insurance. Owing to the way the building was originally constructed, no other portion was damaged in the slightest.

The building inspector inspected the building yesterday and pronounced it absolutely safe.

ROOF OF HIPPODROME FELL. ~ Accident Was Due to Workmen's Lack of Foresight.

November 24, 1908

Accident Was Due to Workmen's

Lack of Foresight.

Text of Article

Text of Article

JIMSON WEED CASE IN COURT. ~ Dr. Otto Bohl Is Pursuing A. Kiss for Damage to His Snakes.

November 24, 1908

Dr. Otto Bohl Is Pursuing A. Kiss
for Damage to His Snakes.

Stromonium, which a witness facetiously described as jimson weed, plays a prominent part in the suit of Dr. Otto Bohl against Ander Kiss for damages, now on trial in Judge J. H. Slover's division of the circuit court. Bohl, who, on 70 cents, got more votes for the Democratic nomination for coroner at the August primaries than did some others who spent much more, charges Kiss with destroying his stromonium plants and snakes, greatly to the damage of the aforesaid and of Dr. Bohl. He wants $500. The case, in many variations, has been through a number of courts already.

JUDGE HENRY L. M'CUNE IS ELECTED TO SCHOOL BOARD. ~Will Fill the Unexpired Term of Joseph L. Norman, Who Becomes Secretary.

November 24, 1908

Will Fill the Unexpired Term of
Joseph L. Norman, Who
Becomes Secretary.

At a special meeting of the board of education, held yesterday here in the office of General Milton Moore, Judge Henry L. McCune was elected to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Joseph L. Norman, who succeeded W. E. Benson as secretary. Judge McCune has accepted but he will have no voice in the meetings until his term as judge expires, January 11. He has expressed his willingness to be present at every meeting in an advisory capacity. Judge McCune will hold his position as member of the board until April, 1910, when the next regular city election takes place. He will fill the unexpired term of Mr. Norman.

"Kansas City has many men who would make good members of the board of education," Mr. Norman said yesterday, "and the board considered many names, but there was not a man who would work more untiringly than we know Judge McCune will work. In twenty-one years' experience on the board of education I have learned how much there is to do on our board and how vitally interested a man must be to perform all of the duties required of him. Judge McCune is just such an interested man."

"Do you approve of Zueblinism and the teaching of such propaganda in the public schools of Kansas City?" was asked of Judge McCune in his chambers in the court house yesterday afternoon.

"The board already has settled that question, and, as I presume I do not take office until after January 1 it is not proper for me to say anything at this time," said the judge with a smile. Judge McCune indicated by his manner that his stand upon the question, should it be put up to a board of which he is a member, would be guided by the same common sense which has characterized his work as judge.

The addition of Judge McCune to the board adds a member who has children in the public schools of Kansas City. He has a son in Westport high and a daughter in the Hyde Park grammar school.

WOMAN PAYS HIS ALIMONY BILL. ~ And She Expectes to Marry the Person When His Wife Gets Divorce.

November 24, 1908

And She Expectes to Marry the Per-
son When His Wife Gets Divorce.

"Funny things often follow the filing of divorce proceedings," said J. Will Thomas, clerk of the district court, Kansas City, Kas., yesterday afternoon after giving a neat appearing woman a receipt for $6 alimony allowed by the court against a man who was sued by his wife more than six months ago.

"When this case was filed the court allowed the wife, who was the complaining witness, $6 a week temporary alimony. The case is still pending, but the alimony is being regularly, not by the defendant, but by a woman who claims to be a sweetheart of the defendant and who expects to become his wife as soon as he is legally separated from the one now suing for divorce. It looks as though she expects to win him by taking care of his alimony obligation.

COMSTOCK TO GO BALLOONING. ~ Kansas City Banker Will Try for Record at Canton, O., Today.

November 23, 1908

Kansas City Banker Will Try for
Record at Canton, O., Today.

CANTON, O., Nov. 22. -- (Special.) W. F. Comstock, secretary of the Fidelity Trust Company, Kansas City, and W. R. Timken, Canton manufacturer, will make a balloon trip from here tomorrow morning in an effort to smash records.

Comstock has come here solely for the purpose of going on the voyage. The men will go up in the training balloon, "All America," piloted by Leo Stevens. The "All America" has a displacement of 80,000 cubic feet and with only three in the basket will be able to carry plenty of ballast, so that with favorable weather conditions, the big gas bag should be able to stay in the air for many hours.

The start will be made form the grounds of the Canton Aero Club at 9 o'clock. Another ascension will be made in a smaller balloon, "Sky Pilot," after the "All America" goes off. A. H. Morgan and J. H. Wade, Jr., prominent Cleveland men, will be in the basket.

MUST BACK UP AND LIE DOWN. ~ When Rulers Pass, in That "Rotten Country of China."

November 23, 1908

When Rulers Pass, in That "Rotten
Country of China."

In Arthur P. Spencer, sentenced for the fourth time to a penitentiary, this time to do eighteen months, the federal authorities at Fort Leavenworth have an exceptional prisoner. He is an American, born in China, who speaks Chinese in eight dialects and who lived in that country till he was 21 years old.

"And a rotten country it is," said Spencer when waiting in the federal court in Kansas City last Tuesday. "I see that the emperor and dowager are both dead. Most likely they are. They may have been dead a month. You never can tell over there."

"Did you ever see either of them?" Spencer was asked.

"Neither," he replied, "though I have been in the street when the chairs have been carried past. They make you back up and lie down on the ground as the chairs approach, so that the man in the street does not get a chance to see the faces of the rulers. One may look out of the windows of the houses, but I never happened to be in a house when the chairs came by.

"It is seldom that the emperor leaves the palace. The ring around him sees to that. The ring is so crooked it is hard to call it a ring. Its principal work is to keep the emperor from learning anything, so it surrounds him with superstition and keeps him locked up."

Spencer does not think much of the Chinese mandarins.

"They are all scoundrels," he said. "They could not be mandarins and not be. But the reform party is growing and one day there will be an end to the mandarin. The reformers in this country are to be known by their short hair. Some of the orthodox Chinese have their queues cut off, but not many. The reformers all have their hair cropped. Their headquarters are in the United States."

Explaining the "Six Companies," Spencer said there are six dialects in China, each of them difficult to understand. In order to facilitate business each dialect has a representative in a common company, from which cause the name grew.

MAN IN THE BOX SAFE NOW. ~ Comic Opera and Burlesque Queens No Longer Sing to Him.

November 23, 1908

Comic Opera and Burlesque Queens
No Longer Sing to Him.

The burlesque and comic opera queens don't sing to the boxes any more, at least not as much as they used to do. And it's all because the man in the box office complained. And thereby hangs this tale.

Some five or six seasons ago "The Wizard of Oz" came to life. A feature of the show was Anna Laughlin's song "Sammy" which she sang to the men in the boxes. She'd pick out a man, the spot light would be turned on him and she would tell him that "when you come wooing, there's something doing." It made a big hit with everyone but the unfortunate who received the unsought affection.

The next winter every comic opera had a song that was addressed to unfortunate holders of box seats. Then the burlesquers picked it up and two and three years ago, even last year, no burlesque show was complete without a chorus that could be directed to a man in a box. Some of the shows had two, some "queens" went so far as to climb into the boxes and share the spot light with the man who had paid real money to be amused.

Finally the theatergoing men began to shun the boxes. When it came to shows they'd "rather see one than be one." So they refused to buy box seats and often a member of the company had to be sent out to sit in a box and act confused.

The ticket sellers investigated and found why the box seats went begging. Then they called a halt on the songs to the boxes. Nowadays no comic opera amuses the crowd at the expense of one of the audience. Very few burlesque shows show partiality in their "lovey dovey" choruses. When the spot light is turned on the house, it moves fast and no one is singled out as a victim.

And now the box seats are once more in demand.

WHEN GREENWOOD GREW BIG SQUASHES. ~ It Was Then That He Bid Farewell to Fame and Name as the Great "Squash King."

November 22, 1908


It Was Then That He Bid Farewell
to Fame and Name as
the Great "Squash

The opportunities for a truck gardener to become immensely wealthy are more numerous than in any other line of business. This fact was clearly demonstrated yesterday afternoon at the Coates house, where members of the Missouri Valley Horticultural Society devoted their time to an explanation of nature and her wonderful productions.

"There are men in this city today who would be wealthy had they devoted their time and energy to a cultivation of the soil instead of following business careers," said one of the members.

"Professor J. M. Greenwood, superintendent of the public schools, would have undoubtedly become famous as the "squash king," had he persisted in his experiments with squash.. The professor did not deign to waste his time with the ordinary brand of squash known to the general public. His squashes were full grown."

There was a dreamy, far away expression in the professor's eyes yesterday, as he told of seven squash seeds, planted in earth, which had been dug from a well and which produced a sufficient number of squashes to supply the wants of the entire surrounding country. These squashes, according to Professor Greenwood, ranged in size from sixty pounds to the size of a large washtub.

But it must not be supposed that Professor Greenwood was permitted to carry off the honors of the occasion without a contest. As a matter of fact there was a strong faction among those present, who still insist that the squash story was surpassed by the feat of Major Frank Holsinger, who upon one occasion, neglected to prune his grape vines. Thinking they had been destroyed by the severe cold, they were permitted to remain as they were. Behold his surprise, then, as the grape season approached to observe his grape vines loaded with fruit. The fact that Major Holsinger placed a chair under one vine and picked a bushel of grapes without moving the chair, is ample evidence of his success as a grower of grapes.

Although there was some discussion as to the nature study in the schools and the advisability of teaching the children more of plant and insect life, it could be plainly seen that the minds of the majority of those present were busily engaged in mathematical computation as the money to be made on a ten-acre tract of land if the soil be devoted to grapes and squashes

WANTS THE PEOPLE TO VOTE. ~ Pendergast Favors Immediate Submission of Depot Ordinance.

November 22, 1908

Pendergast Favors Immediate Sub-
mission of Depot Ordinance.

"The Union passenger station and freight terminal franchise is distinctly a people's proposition and it should be put up to them for settlement without further delay," said Alderman James Pendergast, yesterday. "Individually I am ready to vote Monday night to put the ordinance up to the people on the decision of the utilities commission, the legal opinion of Attorney R. J. Ingraham, and as a recognition of the splendid work done by Mayor Crittenden and the council committee in connection with the routine details of the ordinance. I realize, and my associates in the council should also realize it, that their responsibility ceases when the routine negotiations have been completed and that the people are the final arbiters in the matter. A man who has lost confidence in the people, and questions their ability to act intelligently on this matter has no business being in control.

JOKE WAS ON THE JURY. ~ Lioness and Monkey Brought to Court to Answer Indictments.

November 22, 1908

Lioness and Monkey Brought to
Court to Answer Indictments.

Rubbing elbows with all kinds of folk yesterday morning, society and businessmen crowded and jostled each other for more than an hour in the criminal court building. For the most part everybody was good natured and even joked about a monkey and a lion that had been summoned to court on the same errand. Indictments returned by the grand jury against some 300 persons was the cause of the congested condition of the court room and hallway.

Some of the persons under indictment were charged with renting houses to the women who were in the crowd, while others were there to answer the charge of working on Sunday. Among the latter were Minnie McFadden and Mamie Ox, a monkey and lioness respectively. Judge Wallace, who has proven such a terror to the violators of the Sunday blue laws, was annoyed over the work of his grand jury and informed the manager of Minnie and Mamie home. Then he ordered those present to return Monday morning and answer to the indictments against them.

ARE HELD AS SUSPECTS. ~ Police Believe They Have Two of Gang of Telephone Thieves.

November 22, 1908

Police Believe They Have Two of
Gang of Telephone Thieves.

John Barrett and Joseph Keller, well dressed young men who loaf about the saloon of "Kid" Rose at Fifteenth street and Grand avenue, were arrested yesterday by Detectives W. P. Walsh and James Fox, suspected of being implicated in the recent theft of pay telephones.

Charles W. Pool, druggist at 726 East Fifteenth street, whose telephone was stolen Thursday night, went to the Walnut street police station and positively identified the two men under arrest. There is still a third one suspected. The detectives say they will get him soon. He is known to frequent the "Kid" Rose saloon, with others of the same well dressed, never work character.

L. W. Clare, druggist, at 422 East Fifteenth street, whose telephone was stolen in the same night by two men, have not yet had a look at the prisoners.

There is an organized gang of telephone thieves in the city who work an entirely new trick. Two or three men enter a drug store. While one is buying 15 cents worth of goods one of them is apparently looking up a number in the telephone book. Presently he is gone. So are the others. So is the phone.

FARMER INTO A MAN HOLE. ~ Man From Oklahoma Experiences Perils of a Big City.

November 22, 1908

Man From Oklahoma Experiences
Perils of a Big City.

F. W. Wright, a farmer of Henryetta, Ok., met with an unusual accident at Twelfth and Main streets at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. While walking east on Twelfth street Mr. Wright stepped upon the covering of a manhole which turned, letting him into the sewer opening up to his arm pits.

When examined by Dr. R. N. Coffey at the emergency hospital Mr. Wright was found to be suffering from a contusion of the right chest and a severe abrasion below the right knee. Mr. Wright is 69 years old and the accident shocked him. He was able to leave the hospital later.