JIMSON WEED CASE IN COURT. ~ Dr. Otto Bohl Is Pursuing A. Kiss for Damage to His Snakes.

November 24, 1908

Dr. Otto Bohl Is Pursuing A. Kiss
for Damage to His Snakes.

Stromonium, which a witness facetiously described as jimson weed, plays a prominent part in the suit of Dr. Otto Bohl against Ander Kiss for damages, now on trial in Judge J. H. Slover's division of the circuit court. Bohl, who, on 70 cents, got more votes for the Democratic nomination for coroner at the August primaries than did some others who spent much more, charges Kiss with destroying his stromonium plants and snakes, greatly to the damage of the aforesaid and of Dr. Bohl. He wants $500. The case, in many variations, has been through a number of courts already.