THEY WILL WORK FOR SALOONS. ~ Mayor of Independence and Citizens Organize for the Fight.

November 30, 1907


Mayor of Independence and Citizens
Organize for the Fight.

An attempt to defeat local option in independence at the election to be held December 3, more than seventy-five business men and prominent citizens, including Mayor J. R. Prewitt of Independence, held a meeting in the court house there last night and organized for the purpose of fighting the local option movement.

Committees composed of twenty-five voters were appointed for each of the four wards. Mayor Prewitt was chairman of the meeting, and in a brief speech said he thought local option in Independence at the present time would be a blow to business and would be very impractical. He expressed the belief that the population of Independence in general is heartily in favor of the saloon.

SHE LOVED THE LEADING MAN. ~ But That Was Not E. S. Hancock, So He Sued for Divorce.

November 30, 1907

But That Was Not E. S. Hancock, So
He Sued for Divorce.

Alleging that his wife, after her appearance in the glamour of the footlights, had fallen in love with the curly-haired leading man of the company, E. S. Hancock, a printer, yesterday filed suit in the circuit court for divorce. While working in the mechanical department of the local paper Hancock says that his health became so poor that he was forced to change his employment. Listening to the pleadings of his wife, he consented that they should both attend a local dramatic school. After a few weeks' course they were both presented with sheepskin diplomas, properly decorated with large gold seals, and then they searched for employment. Finally they found it, the wife going on as an ingenue, and he taking a small speaking part with with lots of hard work in shifting scenes in between acts thrown in.

The company which had engaged both played the kerosene circuit with more or less success for several weeks. All the time, "Miss" Metta Hancock, as she appeared on the bills, "the peerless, perfect queen of ingenues," became more and more fascinated with the thespian art, while Hancock longed more and more for the familiar feel of his type case and the rush of "make-up."

Finally Hancock began to notice that there seemed to be less and less inclination on the part of his wife to give up the historic profession, as he urged her to do, and he promptly decided that it was because of her friendship with the leading man of the company. So last week he came back to his old job and yesterday filed divorce proceedings.


November 29, 1907


City Physician Sanders Said to Be
Contemplating Removal of Wom-
en Who Are Thought to Have
Talked "Too Freely."

For some time the rumor has been circulating that on the first of the month the nurses now on duty at the emergency hospital in the city hall will be replaced by male attendants. When Dr. St. Elmo Sanders was asked about the matter he said:

"Yes, I have hard the rumor, and it has been suggested to me that I make the change. I am not saying that such a change will be made, but I will admit that it has been under consideration."

Under the old police surgeon system, where all injured persons were treated in a little room in the areaway in the rear of police headquarters, the main objection to the system was that there were no provisions for the care of injured women. In many instances women, unaccompanied, sustained injuries and were taken to the police surgeon's room in an ambulance. It was often necessary that the surgeon have assistance in preparing his patent to be taken to the general hospital or home. No women nurses being about, this assistance had to come from police, jailers, or bystanders -- all men. The windows to the operating room were uncontained. Oftentimes a woman had to be left in pain and suffering until a female relative, or friend, could be called to be present at what treatment had to be given before the injured woman's removal to a hospital or home.

Since the establishment of the emergency hospital, on January 7 last after the police board did away with its surgeons, the one great pride that the public has had in the institution has been the fact that trained nurses were always on duty. In the miniature hospital is a complete operating room. To one side of that is a female ward with three snowy beds and on the other a male ward with nine beds just as white.

Now when a person is taken there injured, and it is the opinion of the surgeon that he or she not be moved for a time until the shock of the injury is over, proper care can be taken of the victim . Twice during last week it became necessary to take women to the emergency hospital in an ambulance. Madam Anna Etienne, suffocated by smoke in a fire at the Missouri building, was cared for and tenderly placed in bed by the nurses. She died the following day. The other woman, who was struck by a street car, had to be disrobed and placed in bed for the night. Who is to care for women patients in case the trained nurses are removed Dr. Saunders did not say.

It was a great surprise to hear even a rumor afloat about the removal of the female nurses and many wondered why the move, if such is to be the case, was to be. The only reason given, and that, too, is based entirely on rumor, is that it was believed that the nurses at the emergency, who all live at the general hospital, have disclosed information about doings at the general hospital. It was said that they heard a great deal of gossip out at the hospital and then gossiped again when they reached the city hall, and in that way a great many "tips" were given the press. So far as can be learned, however, not a nurse has been guilty of "telling tales out of school," even though they have been accused of it. Dr. Sanders said he would know by December 1 if the change to male attendants was to be made.

CONLEY SISTERS RESTRAINED. ~ Guardians of Indian Burial Grounds Must Give Builders an Chance.

November 28, 1907

Guardians of Indian Burial Grounds
Must Give Builders an Chance.

Judge McCabe Moore yesterday in the district court of Wyandotte county granted a restraining order against the Conley sisters in behalf of the Scottish Rite Masonic lodge of Kansas City, Kas. The Conley sisters -- Lyda, Ellena and Ida -- are of Wyandotte descent and are camped in the old Indian burial ground in Huron place to prevent the desecration of their forefathers' graves by the government. An order has been made by the national congress that the department of interior shall sell the cemetery.

The Masonic lodge is building a temple to replace the one destroyed by fire a year ago at Seventh street and Ann avenue. A week ago workmen took down the fence around the burying ground, but were beaten back by the young women who promptly, under guard, rebuilt the fence. In the application made yesterday by Attorney Will Wood, the Masons stated that the women are interfering with the grading for the temple.

MAD WOOER IS INDICTED. ~ Pearl Smith's Tormentor Says He Is Going Insane.

November 27, 1907

Pearl Smith's Tormentor Says He Is
Going Insane.

Clay Fulton was indicted by the criminal court grand jury yesterday for assault with intent to kill upon the story told the jury by Miss Pearl Smith, daughter of Dr. E. O. Smith of 212-14 Wabash avenue, whom Fulton compelled to walk twelve blocks with him Friday night at the point of a revolver.

Fulton, who is now in the county jail, claims that he is on the verge of insanity from smoking cigarettes. Dr. Smith says that an attempt will be made to have Fulton declared insane and confined in the asylum at St. Joseph.

"I have heard that insanity runs in the family," said Dr. Smith. "The young man's father died in an insane asylum."

Miss Smith is a striking looking young girl with abundant blond hair and deep blue eyes. She is slight in figure and appears to be little more than a child. She shuddered when she spoke of the experience.

"I hardly knew what to do when Mr. Fulton pointed a revolver in my face and told me to come with him at once to be married," she said. "I was so excited that it seems wonderful to me that I had strength enough to accompany him for that long, long walk. I am still nervous about it."


November 26, 1907




Clay Fulton, the Lover, Is Arrested,
and His Sanity Is to Be Investi-
gated -- He Is a Printer and
Has Had Trouble.

Through fear of immediate death from a pistol in the hands of a half-crazed suitor, Miss Pearl Smit, daughter of Dr. E. O. Smith, 212-14 Wabash avenue, and well known in local society, was compelled to leave her father's home and walk twelve blocks in the cold of last Friday night before an opportunity of escape presented itself. Even then she was forced to seek refuge in a stable and hid in a wagon for over an hour lest the defeated suitor should be in hiding outside and shoot her upon sight. Clay Fulton, the man in the case, has been placed under arrest and has admitted to police his share of the weird affair.

The young woman was for two days prostrated from the nervous shock, but recovered sufficiently yesterday to tell of the remarkable experience she had undergone. In the presence of her father, Dr. E. O. Smith, she told the story graphically too newspaper men.

Fulton and the girl had been acquainted for several years. The young man had repeatedly paid court to her. Finding his advances were not encouraged, it appears that he brooded over the matter and Friday night determined to take things into his own hands. He purchased a revolver in the afternoon, and that night went to the girl's home without warning her in advance of his intended visit.

The home of Dr. Smith is a large double house fronting upon Wabash avenue. One side of it is the family residence, while the other is used by the physician as his office. When Fulton appeared the girl was in the office, while her family were in the residence side of the house. The man rang at the office door and Miss Smith went to let the visitor in.


According to her story, she did not know it was Fulton until he was incide the reception hall. He was wearing a heavy overcoat, with his hat drawn down over his eyes. No sooner had he entered, she avers, than he drew his revolver and pointed it at her.

"Don't make any noise," he is said to have exclaimed, "or I will shoot. I am tired of being put off and I want you to go with me. I want you to marry me. If you make any alarm I shall kill you."

"I was too astonished and scared to scream," said Miss Smith last night. "I believed he was desperate and would do as he said. So I tried to temporize. I told him I had no wraps, and asked him to let me get a cloak. He was excited and refused to allow me out of his sight. I thought it best to go along wiht him and take my chance to escape. I believe he would have killed me if I had cried out there in the house So I went out with him."

"I was wearing only a light house dress, which had short sleeves, and a thin pair of shoes. It was pretty cold out on the stret, and I began ot suffer almost as soon as I was outside. When I wished to go into some place and get warm, the man refused me, saying he would not let me go into any place in that part of town where he was unknown for fear of outside interference. He talked wildly about my refusing to marry him, and said I would have to marry hinm right away. He warned me repeatedly not to make any outcry. We walked on Wabash avenue to Ninth street and then turned west. I kept asking him to let me go into some place and get warm, but he insisted that I wait until we should get to Twelfth and Paseo, where, he said, he was known. At Garfield, I persuaded him to go into a restaurant and telephone to his sister to bring me some wraps, telling him I would be gettin gwarm while he did the talking As son as I saw him busy with the telephone I ran out of the place and went to Newcomer's undertaking rooms.


There I found David Newcomer and Mr. P. M. McDaniel, whom I knew, and I asked them to hide me. I felt sure the man would come looking for me and would shoot me if he found me. The men at Newcomer's led me into a shed adjoining the office and I climbed up into a wagon and lay there until I was sure there would be no further danger. Then I went back home in a carriage. I think I must have been in there an hour, and," smilingly, "it was the longest hour I ever passed."

Immediately the police were notified of the affair and Detectives Oldham and Boyle were detailed upon the case. Yesterday they arrested young Fulton and locked him up in a cell at police headquarters. When questioned about the matter by Captain Whitsett last night, he gave a rambling, incoherent account of troubles which led him to the action he took Fridaynight. He frankly admitted that he had threatened Miss Smith with a revolver. Asked if he would have shot her had she refused to accompany him, he answered simply: "I do not know."

Young Fulton lives with his mother and two sisters at 1438 East Fourteenth street. He has been employed as a printer in a number of shops about town. About three weeks ago he left the employ of Hallman's printing establishment in the Gumbel building at Eighth and Walnut streets. It is the theory of the police that the man has been brooding over troubles, real or imaginary, until his mind has become temporarily disordered and that his strange deed of Friday night was the result. An attempt will be made by the girl's father, Dr. Smith, to have his sanity investigated today.
November 25, 1907

Gambling Paraphernalia Captured in
Eighteenth Street Raid.

In a raid upon an alleged gambling house over a saloon at 1412 East Eighteenth street, Police Sergeant Smith and Patrolmen Dyson, Dyer, Dorset and Couch captured four frequenters and paraphernalia. They raid was made early Sunday morning and, in addition to the customary appointments of a poker room, a goodly store of intoxicating liquors was also seized and confiscated.

When the police entered the room they found evidence that a prosperous poker game had just been in progress. William Rowlins said to be the game keeper, and four men found in the room were placed under arrest. A poker table, twelve bottles of beer,a quart of whisky, poker chips and playing cards which were found in the room were taken to headquarters police station. Rowling gave bond in the sum of $51. The others were released on small personal bonds.


November 25, 1907



While the Rector Was Attending a
Birthday Party Loot to the
Value of $1,777 Was
Carried Away.

The home of the Rev. E. B. Woodruff, rector of St. George's Church Episcopalian, Thirty-second and Troost, was entered by a burglar Saturday night while the pastor and his family attended a birthday supper party. The Rev. Mr. Woodruff lives at 3228 Campbell street. He worked in his study until nearly 6 o'clock on yesterday's sermon, "Gather in the Fragments that Remain." Then the family left for the home of J. H. Cunningham, 4118 Wabash avenue.

Soon after the family departed from the house the burglar entered. He at once turned the rectors study into a clearing house for family plate and church communion service. He first filled the rector's empty cigar case with some of the rector's choice stogies and then he arranged the silverware, along with the cigars, that he might select what he wished. The burglar selected the plate with care, casting away a dozen silver spoons.


Then the burglar gathered in the fragments that remained and packed them away in the rector's suit case. The suit case would not hold over $1,000 worth of silverware, and a red laundry bag was selected to behold the balance. The entire value of the ware he selected was valued about $1,777. With $83.20 in money which he found in the study the burglar went downstairs.

It was past midnight when the rector and his family came home. The screen door was ajar and this Rev. Woodruff at once detected that a "jimmie" had been used on his front door. While the rector lighted the house his wife hurried to an upstairs closet where the silver chest was kept. The chest was missing, and Mrs. Woodruff then ran into her husband's study. There she found the chest and saw the rejected spoons along the floor. She called and Rev. Woodruff hurried to her. Hardly had he reached his study when he heard tapping below, and realized that his entrapped burglar was just making his escape from the house.


"I just don't see how I can preach on the subject selected," said the rector after the robbery. He did, nevertheless, taking his text from the gospel of St. John, sixth chapter, twelfth verse.

THEY STOLE MANY PENNIES. ~ Young Men Also Liked Whisky and Saloon Cigars.

November 23, 1907

Young Men Also Liked Whisky and
Saloon Cigars.

Confessing that they had robbed five places since last Wednesday night, Benjamin Green, Earl Durbin and Emery Luzelle, all young white men, were arrested early yesterday morning at Sixth and Delaware streets.

Green wore two overcoats and Luzelle had in his pockets three quart bottles of whisky and two boxes of saloon cigars.

They admitted having robbed the following places of the things enumerated:

Saloon of Clem Mees, 612 Walnut street, 600 cigars, 2 overcoats and 500 pennies stolen.

Saloon of George Fawkes, 714 Walnut street, $20 in cash, 1 overcoat and 1 jack-knife stolen.

Saloon of Thomas Larson, 114 West Fifth street, 50 cents in postage stamps and 1 gold ring stolen.

Shooting gallery of George Dunn, who was robbed Wednesday night, applied to the police board that afternoon for permission to carry a revolver because he had no safe in his shooting gallery and did not think it safe to carry his day's receipts home with him without the protection of a pistol. His application was refused. He left his money in his place of business and was robbed.


November 23, 1907


It will cost twice as much to be a dog in Independence after this. The city council last night by almost a unanimous vote raised the dog tax from $1 to $2. There are about 500 canines in Independence which the dog catcher was able to overtake last year.


November 22, 1907



He Arrived From Peru, Kas., in Time
to Hear Her Last Words -- She
Came Here to Die at
Son's Home.
Mrs. Amantha Hatch, Predicted Her Own Death.
Who Predicted Her Own Death.

"Do you know, I am going to die tonight."

This startling statement was made by Mrs. Amantha Hatch while at the dinner table Wednesday at noon, to the rest of the family in the room. Her son, Dr. F. J. Hatch, was for the moment speechless. His mother was apparently in good health and she was only 58 years of age. Such a statement from her would have been laughed at had it not been for the tone and the manner in which she said it.

"Why, Mother," replied Dr. Hatch, "you must be joking. You couldn't make anyone believe that you were any nearer to death than I am. Let's not talk about it anymore."

And so the subject was dropped. After dinner, while the family were gathered in the library, Mrs. Hatch asked that she might see all of the family pictures which were in the house, saying,

"I want to see their faces for the last time. I told you all at the table that I am going to die tonight. Though you do not believe me, it is nevertheless true. I have known for a long time that I was going to die very soon, and something tells me that the time will be tonight.


"No I am not in any pain, nor do I feel particularly ill," she answered in reply to a question from her son. "I only wish that it were possible for me to see all of my family and friends before tomorrow, for I know that my life is over."

Her son, believing that this was only a passing fancy, got out all of the family photographs and gave them to his mother. She talked a while to each picture.

While she was doing this, a telegram was handed to Dr. Hatch. He opened it, and found that it was from his father, stating that he was coming on the next train from Peru, Kas., the home of Dr. Hatch's parents, to his wife. He said in his telegram that something was wrong with his wife. No word had been sent to him of his wife's remarks during the afternoon.

When her arrived in the city he told his sin, "I can not explain the impulse that brought me here. Something told me that Amantha was in trouble and that I would better get to her as soon as possible. Daughter tried to keep me at home, saying it was foolish for me to go, but I just had to, that was all there was to it."


When Dr. Hatch told his mother that her husband was coming, she seemed downcast and depressed over it, and was immediately taken quite ill. For a long time she was absolutely silent and seemed to be in a stupor. To her son's question as to the cause of her downheartedness, she replied in broken sentences:

"I did not want him to come. I left home and came up here to visit you so that there would be as little trouble about my dying as possible. I thought it would make things easier for those at home if I died away from them. I had planned this trip for some time, ever since the knowledge of my death came to me. Yes, I am sorry that he came. Something must have told him that I was going to die. No, I never talked of my death before him. He couldn't have known. I think I will go to bed now. Goodby my son. God bless you all."

She left the room and went upstairs where her daughter-in-law helped her to bed. At 6:30 her husband arrived and Dr. Hatch went into her room to tell her that he had come. He asked her if he should bring his father on upstairs.


"No," she replied rather dreamily. "I am not ready for him yet."

But in a few minutes she called for him and the two were left alone.

Later in the night Mrs. Hatch became much worse and began to sink rapidly. For several hours she was unconscious, but after midnight she rallied again. She called each member of the household to her bedside, and had something to tell each of them. She asked to be remembered to all her friends, whom she called by name.

There was one name which she could not recall, and it seemed to worry her very much. She never lost consciousness again, but sank gradually into an eternal slumber; the slumber for which she had waited, and which she had prophesied.

"Never in all my life have I seen as eloquent a death," said her son last night. "She did not seem to die, but rather to gain new life even up to the last. With a kind word for everyone upon her lips she passed out of this life."

Mrs. Hatch was 58 years of age and had come to Kansas City on a visit to her son, Dr. F. J. Hatch, 1502 Troost avenue. He said last night that her death was caused from apoplexy and a solidifying of the arteries. She is survived by her husband and two children. The body will be taken to Pery, Kas., for burial, and will be accompanied by Dr. Hatch and his family.

NO CHEERS FOR WALLACE. ~ Republicans Silent When Speech Is Delivered in His Defense.

November 20, 1907

Republicans Silent When Speech Is
Delivered in His Defense.

The principal attraction at the meeting of the Ninth Ward Republican Club, held at 1335 Grand avenue last night, was an address by Representative William A. Shope, in which he strongly commended the public utilities proposition as advanced by Mayor Beardsley. A speech approving the course adopted by Judge Wallace with regard to the Sunday closing movement, delivered by James Smith, county license inspector, was listened to in dead silence by the voters assembled.

Charles W. Walkem, an avowed candidate for the board of aldermen, discussed the public utilities bill from the mayor's point of view.

BOY STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. ~ Had Complained of Pain in His Left Side When He Retired.

November 20, 1907

Had Complained of Pain in His Left
Side When He Retired.

Clarence White, 3236 Prospect avenue, who was stricken with paralysis night before last, is greatly improved. He is able to move about and to speak. For a while his condition was considered quite serious and up to yesterday there was not much hope for his recovery.

White came home from work Monday night and went immediately to his room. He had not been in good health for some time and had been complaining all day about a poin in his left side. In the morning when his father called him he gave no reply. Upon entering the room A. E. White, his father, saw his son lying in the bed with his eyes wide open and apparently awake, but unable to speak or to move. He immediately divined the cause and sent for the family physician. By the last report he is rapidly recovering his muscles.

EX-CHIEF BEFORE GRAND JURY. ~ Attorney for Theater Managers Were Summoned, Also.

November 20, 1907

Attorney for Theater Managers Were
Summoned, Also.

When Ex-Chief of Police John Hayes and Police Commissioner Elliot H. Jones were called as witnesses before the grand jury yesterday it was rumored about the criminal court building that the jury was making an investigation with a view to taking action against the police commissioners for refusing to take any action toward the enforcement of Judge Wallace's Sunday closing instructions.

Frank F. Rozzelle, a former police commissioner, was also called before the jury. Frank M. Lewis and A. L. Cooper, attorneys for the theater managers, were also summoned. It is expected that some action will be taken to close the theaters next Sunday, although no information could be gained from the witnesses who appeared before the jury yesterday. It is probable that the theater managers will be called today.

Several witnesses have testimony in the case of the killing of Dan O'Keefe, which was alleged to have been done by Charles Merlino, a saloonkeeper. The subject of the testimony is to determine the charges to be placed against Merlino.

SHE BLAMES MOTHER-IN-LAW. ~ Mrs. Margaret Wilson Alleges She Made Domestic Trouble.

November 20, 1907

Mrs. Margaret Wilson Alleges She
Made Domestic Trouble.

Mrs. Margaret Wilson, wife of John A. Wilson, a miller's agent in the Board of Trade building, filed suit for $20,000 damages in the circuit court yesterday against Mrs. Jennie G. Wilson, charging that the latter, her mother-in-law, alienated the affections of her husband and caused him to desert her the first of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, who are prominent in the social circles in which they move, were married October 17, 1906, at Salina, Kas. The family resided at 3947 Walnut street.


November 20, 1907

While running beside and east-bound Northeast car at 1441 Independence avenue yesterday afternoon, Samuel Friedman, a 10-year-old school boy, lost his footing and fell, sustaining a compound fracture of the right leg. With a companion the lad was hopping street cars. His home is at 1130 Independence avenue.


November 19, 1907




It Is Thought Police Board Has Been
Given One More Chance to Order
Police to Make View Arrests
of Sunday Violators.

Mayor Beardsley was called before the grand jury yesterday afternoon, as was Chief of Police Daniel Ahern. They were asked why the police had failed to make "on view" arrests of sellers of wares which the grand jury had placed under the ban on Sundays. The police commissioner, A. E. Gallagher, who was before the jury Saturday, was not summoned yesterday. County Prosecutor I. B. Kimbrell was before the jury half a dozen times.

All during the day, T. T. Willis, the foreman, kept running out of the jury room to hold whispered conversations with Judge Wallace. Several times Prosecutor Kimbrell was called in to make the conference three-cornered. When Kimbrell was not in the jury room, he was pacing up and down the corridor outside the grand jury door.

Just before Mayor Beardsley left the criminal court building, he was surrounded by a group of reporters.

"Were you summoned for a conference, as a witness or for what?" he was asked.

"Just for what. That is it, exactly -- for what?" he replied.

That the question of indicting the mayor and the police commissioners for their neglect to obey the mandate of the grand jury and order the patrolmen to make "on view" arrests Sunday was the matter under discussion, there is no doubt. All that happened inside the jury room, of course, is not known, but it is certain that Mr. Kimbrell was asked again, as on Saturday, to inform the mayor of the law which requires the police board to order view arrests made, and the law which lays members of the board liable to pay a fine of $500 or to serve one year in jail for failure to make such order. Nothing was done yesterday so far as could be learned, except the expenditure of much breath, but things are in a very pretty tangle.

A FOOTBALL GAME BY WIRE. ~ How Michigan Rooters Followed Each Play in the University Club.

November 18, 1907

How Michigan Rooters Followed Each
Play in the University Club.

Although Saturday was Pennsylvania's day on the football field at Ann Arbor, it was Michigan's day with the stay-at-home rooters who watched the game around a miniature gridiron at the University club. A special wire from Ferry Field, Ann Arbor, told every play, and a pasteboard football was moved on a miniature gridiron with every announcement. When it was Penn's ball the red and blue side of the pasteboard was up, and when it was Michigan's it was turned over to display a yellow and black "M."

Alderman C. A. Young, a member of the class of '73 of Pennsylvania, was the only rooter who wasn't a Michigan man. It was eighty to one against him.

"Whoo-ee! Whoop!"

This was how the meeting started. Then the conversation changed to "What?"

But the rooters had a period of elation, and when the final score came they yelled, "U. of M." and gave "nine rahs" for the team, anyway.

CORNERSTONE LAID. ~ Beginning of the Redemptorist Fathers' Church, to Cost $150,000.

November 18, 1907

Beginning of the Redemptorist Fathers'
Church, to Cost $150,000.

The ceremony of breaking ground for the new church of the Redemptorist Fathers, at Hunter avenue and Broadway, took place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Father Ferreol Girardey presided. Work will begin this morning, and within a year and a half the Fathers hope to see the building completed.

The stone spire, 230 feet high, and the gothic architecture of the structure will be the features. The church will face on Broadway, a little south of the present group of buildings. The dimensions are 72 x 204 feet, and the estimated cost $150,000. Wilder & Wight are the architechts.

A HUSBAND WHIPPED AND FINED. ~ The Man Who Helped the Neglected Wife Commended by the Judge.

November 17, 1907

The Man Who Helped the Neglected Wife
Commended by the Judge.

"Just look at what he did to me," said W. K. Nation to Judge Remley in police court yesterday morning. He was testifying against L. Butler, who lives at Nation's home, 3410 Independence avenue. His face was bruised and his eyes discolored.

"This man deserted his family," Butler said, "and sold some of the furniture. The baby was dying. There was little money in the house, and as I had been a friend of the family for several years, Mrs. Nation's sister sent for me. The baby died. All this time Nation was away somewhere, doing nothing for the family. After the funeral, there was little for Mrs. Nation's support, so I went to boarding there, in order to let her have money. This man came home last night. He patched things up with his wife. She forgave him for leaving her. The he started in on me. You can see the outcome."

Did you really do these things of which Butler accuses you?" Judge Remley asked Nation.

"I didn't know whether the child was going to die or not," Nation said. "The baby had been sick for about a year. There was a little trouble between my wife and myself and so I just went away."

"I think, as Butler does, that he had a right to hit you. You have been punished some already, as the marks on your face show. But you haven't been punished enough. Your fine is $10. Butler, you are discharged."


November 17, 1907


The Question Considered at a Conference
Between the Mayor, City Counselor
and Alderman Young -- To Reg-
ulate Picture Machines.

A definite move to prevent indecent performances at theaters and the exhibition of obscene pictures at picture machine parlors was made yesterday at a conference, attended by Mayor Beardsley, E. C. Meservey, city counselor, and Alderman C. A. Young.

Complaints have reached the mayor and the police board about some of the acts at some of the small vaudeville houses. Pictures in some of the picture machine establishments have also been the cause of complaint.

Mr. Meservey was instructed to prepare an amendment to the license ordinance. The ordinance will follow the police board's method of treating saloons for violation of the Sunday closing law. A conviction in police court will carry with it a revocation of the license. The ordinance will provide that the license for a theater or picture show shall obligate the holder to conform to provisions of the license ordinance, prohibiting immoral or obscene acts or exhibitions. When complaint is filed with the city attorney and prosecution started the police judge really becomes the censor. He passes on the evidence and when he decrees a fine it will carry with it a revocation of the license. The ordinance will be introduced by Alderman Young.

FOUND DEAD IN A HOTEL. ~ Mrs. Taylor Refused Yesterday to Be Removed by the Humane Society.

November 16, 1907

Mrs. Taylor Refused Yesterday to Be Re-
moved by the Humane Society.

Mrs. Augusta Taylor, 34 years old, was found deat at 9 o'clock yesterday morning in a room at the Grand hotel, 1997 Grand avenue. She rented the room Wednesday night and was ill at the time, but told W. R. Cook, the owner, that she did not want to go to a hospital. Mr. Cook notified the Humane socdiety of her condition. She refused to leave the hotel when a representative of the society called yesterday afternoon to see her.

Cook found the door of her room locked this morning. When he succeeded in opening it he found that Mrs. Taylor had died. Dr. O. H. Parker, deputy coroner, was notified. He said the woman had been dead several hours. The body was removed to Anderson & Lindey's undertaking rooms, where an autopsy will be held this afternoon.


November 16, 1907


Found in the Bath Room of His Apart-
ment of the Hotel Yesterday -- Well
Known as a Mason and to
State Politics.

J. B. Thomas, cashier of the Bank of Albany of Albany, Mo., committed suicide in the Midland hotel this morning by shooting himself through the right temple with a revolver. Mr. Thomas's body was found in a bathroom at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon.

Coroner Thompson was called and said the man probably had been dead several hours. He ordered the body taken to the undertaking rooms of Freeman & Marshall.

"Mr. Thomas came here last night," T. B. Bishop, the clerk at the hotel said. "He went to his room at about 8:30 o'clock. This morning the maid found his door locked when she went to the apartment to arrange it. About 2 o'clock she went there again and received no response when she knocked.

"No response was made to repeated knockings and the carpenter forced the door open. Mr. Thomas was found dead in the bathroom."

Mr. Thomas was fully dressed. The revolver was still clutched in his right hand and contained one empty cartridge. On his left hand was a Masonic ring. Engraved inside was "J. B. Thomas, Consistory No. 2, From Nicholson."

He wore a gold watch and a chain with a Knight Templar charm attached. In his pockets was found $3 in change and a bunch of rings.

"I can conceive of no reason for his act," Judge Thomas Morrow, who is a close friend of Mr. Thomas, said yesterday. "He was one of the leading citizens of his town. He was a prominent Mason."

T. B. Bishop telephoned the Bank of Albany at once. The officers of the bank could give no reason for the act. Mr. Bishop told them the body would be placed in the care of the Kansas City Masons subject to advice from his relatives.

Mr. Thomas, who was apparently about 60 years old, was a Kentuckian by birth. He came to Missouri as a young man and at first was a village blacksmith. He was elected circuit clerk of Gentry county in 1876 and re-elected in 1880. He was made cashier of the Bank of Albany soon after he retired from office, and had held that position ever since. He was elected grand master of the Masonic order of the state about six years ago and his Masonic ring was the first identification when his body was found. Mr. Thomas accumulated considerable money and invested most of it in mining properties around Galena and Baxter, Kas.

He left one son, Claude Thomas, cashier of a bank in Gravity, Ia., and a daughter, Mrs. Dr. Stapleton at Ha Harpe, near Iola, Kas. His wife is living.

Mr. Thomas was a familiar figure at nearly all Democratic political gatherings of importance. He wore a heavy beard which in recent years has been changing from a dark brown to gray.

TO STOP SALOON MURDERS. ~ The Police Board is to Investigate Conditions That Are Alarming.

November 15, 1907

The Police Board is to Investigate Con-
ditions That Are Alarming.

Mayor Beardsley received from the police department yesterday a list of the shooting and stabbing affrays in saloons since August 1. This line of investigation was prompted by the frequency of saloon murders.

"I cannot say what action will be taken until the list is taken up and considered by the police board," the mayor said. "We must do something about it."

The killing of Danile O'Keefe by Charles Merlino in Merlino's saloon at Fifth street and Grand avenue, November 5, was the seventh saloon murder in ninety days.

DEATH RATHER THAN BLINDNESS. ~ Probable Cause of the Suicide of Leo Mainhardt.

November 15, 1907

Probable Cause of the Suicide of
Leo Mainhardt.

"I believe I am going blind. I can't see to read the paper at night at all."

Before Leo Mainhardt, the cigar dealer, left his store at 601 Delaware street Tuesday night that was a remark he made to one of his clerks. It is the belief of his business associates that he may have wandered about the streets until 12:00 when he went to the Centropolis hotel, engaged a room, then committed suicide.

Mr. Mainhardt's eyesight was rapidly failing and he was constantly worrying about his inability to see.

Constant worry over his ailment," Mrs. Mainhardt said this morning, "is the only cause to which I can attribute his act. He has never said anything that would indicate that he intended to commit suicide, however."

The funeral will be held this afternoon at the house, 1322 Euclid avenue.

THE "COOLER" WAS WARMER. ~ Two Men Found a Refrigerator Car a Trifle Chilly.

November 14, 1907

Two Men Found a Refrigerator Car a
Trifle Chilly.

A charge of trespassing was agaisnt C. A. Wilson and F. M. Lakin when they stood up yesterday morning in police court in Kansas City, Kas. They were arrested while sleeping in a refrigerator car in a railroad yard and taken to the holdover in No. 1 police station. Ther prisoners were smiling when they answered to the charge.

"The 'cooler' was a whole lot warmer than the refrigerator," Wilson said in answer to a question.

"I know a warmer place, though, than the holdover," Judge Sims remarked. "That is the rock pile and it's ten days for each of you."

FELL DEAD IN A BARROOM. ~ Heart Disease the Probable Cause of William Kunzweiller's Death.

November 14, 1907

Heart Disease the Probable Cause of
William Kunzweiller's Death.

William Kunzweiller, 45 years old, of 610 Cambridge avenue, dropped dead at 9:15 yesterday morning in the barroom of the Metropolitan hotel, 325 West Fifth street. Kunzweiller was a carpenter and contractor, and had lived in Kansas City twenty-six years. He was arranging to rent a room for a carpenter shop in the rear of the barroom when he died. A wife and two children survive him.

Dr. G. B. Thompson, county coroner, ordered the body removed to Foster & Smith's undertaking rooms. An autopsy is to be held this afternoon. Heart disease is thought to have been the cause of death.

JUDGE WALLACE NOT ALARMED. ~ Impeachment and Resignation Talk Doesn't Worry Sunday Closing Judge.

November 14, 1907

Impeachment and Resignation Talk
Doesn't Worry Sunday Closing Judge.

William H. Wallace, judge of the criminal court, shows no signs of being alarmed by the reports of intended impeachment and a request to the governor that he -- Judge Wallace -- be invited to resign.

The governor has no control over a criminal or circuit judge after he once has signed the judge's commission and the judge has been sworn to perform the duties of the office. The governor might request his resignation, but would have no power to enforce it. Judge Wallace may be removed from office only by conviction on impeachment. The impeachment must be made, the law says, by the state legislature. The person impeached must be tried by the state senate and a vote of two-thirds of the senators present is necessary for a conviction.

SAID SHE SOLD THE FURNITURE. ~ Three Sets in Seven Years Frank Grantella Said He Had Bought.

November 13, 1907

Three Sets in Seven Years Frank
Grantella Said He Had Bought.

"That was a neat job of justice," John Swenson, city attorney, told Judge Remley yesterday morning, after the judge had dismissed the case of Frank Grantella.

Grantella was charged with non-support of his wife, Laura, of 584 Harrison street. The judge resisted the temptation to fine him and instead made him promise to pay $6 a week toward the support of Mrs. Grantella and three babies.

"I'd be tickled to death to live with my wife if she wouldn't sell the furniture," said Grantella.

"How much furniture have you bought her?"

"Three sets in seven years."

Then came the judge's decision and the city attorney's compliment.

MIGHT LOSE JEWISH VOTES. ~ Democrats Uneasy Over Judge Wallace's Speech -- A Mass Meeting Called.

November 12, 1907

Democrats Uneasy Over Judge Wallace's
Speech -- A Mass Meeting Called.

"At a meeting held Saturday by the Bar association, one of its members, Judge Wallace, in a speech referred in such a way to a large number of our citizens as to cause many people to believe that his purpose was the inciting of religious antagonism.

"This is the Twentieth century. Possibly the judge does not know it. You are respectfully requested to attend a meeting to be held Wednesday evening at Mechanics' hall, 1226 Grand avenue, where such action will be taken as may be deemed proper in the premises."

-- Call for a mass meeting being circulated to-day.

Judge W. H. Wallace has stirred up strife among his political associates. They are concerned for the effect upon the Democratic party of the speech made by the judge before the Bar association Saturday night in which he reflected on the Jews connected with the Theatrical trust.

If nothing should be done to offset it they feared there might be serious trouble for the party at the next election.

Accordingly a mass meeting -- non-partisan, of course, is to be held as a sort of counter irritant. There is no avowed sponsor for the meeting, but twenty men were circulating this morning what might be termed a combined petition and invitation to attend the meeting.

No programme of speakers has been arranged, but the men who are circulating the call for the meeting say the speeches will be worth while. The meeting is scheduled for to-morrow night in Mechanics' hall, 1226 Grand avenue.

A man in charge of one of the petitions denied this morning that it was to be a Democratic meeting. But he couldn't recall the name of any Republican circulating one of the documents.

"Everybody's for it, though," he said.

ALDERMAN PENDERGAST "GETTING TIRED." ~ "I Am Getting Tired of This Utilities Controversy"

November 12, 1907

"I Am Getting Tired of This Utilities Controversy"
-- Alderman Pendergast in the Council
Meeting Last Night.

Here is a note of cheer for the friends of a Public Utilities commission from an unexpected source. When Alderman Pendergast begins to display signs of weariness it is then time for the fighters on the other side to "buck up" and put new spirit in the game. Not meaning, of course, that as long as Alderman Pendergast holds out there is no use to contend against him, or that he can hold the fort in the Lower House against all comers, or that he is invincible, or anything of that kind; but meaning, nevertheless, that he does cut considerable ice in the Council and in local politics, and that it is more encouraging to the cause inviting his opposition to see him inclined to capitulate than to witness a disposition on his part to persist in an attitude of defiance, even when he knows and the public knows that such a position is futile.

In short, it foreshadows something when Alderman Pendergast gets tired and proposes to quit. And more indicative, by far, is such a confession coming from a man who is husky and tenacious than would be that style of admission by a "welcher" who is given to squealing before he is hurt. Of this latter breed Alderman Pendergast is not a sample. It is only fair to him to say that he is "nervy" on any reasonable margin, and that his instinct and habit is to play the game as long as he can see anything in it.

But you may have noticed that this sort of pluck is not to be confounded with the foolish temerity that leads men to batter up their heads against stone walls. It is habitually combined with the brand of shrewdness that causes even the most obstinate fighters to know when they have had enough and to realize when they are up against a losing proposition.

Alderman Pendergast, we must remember, has been in the Council for seventeen consecutive years. This means that he is no slouch of a politician. It indicates that he keeps his fingers on the pulse of his constituency, so to speak. He is engaged in a business which brings him in touch with the people who send him to the Council, and he must have learned that wage earners and the common run of voters are not going to pay onerous tribute to the corporations -- if they know it -- for the mere sake of politics. In the wards of all the Aldermen in the Lower House who are fighting for the corporations, the people are directly concerned in good service by the Public Utilities at a fair price. You can't convince people who know enough to live in Kansas City, that is is sane or reasonable to sacrifice their own interests to those of the corporations. Groves and Bulger and Woolf and Launder and others seem to think you can. But don't forget that the man who talks about getting tired, knows more politics and can see farther ahead than all of the other corporation allies in the Lower House, and it may be suspected, too, that he had found out that there are other folks whom he sees frequently and talks with "close down" who are "getting tired" also.

NEW GOLD COINS ARE HERE. ~ They Are Made After the Design by Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

November 11, 1907

They Are Made After the Design by
Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

The new $10 gold pieces, after the design by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, without the familiar "In God We Trust," are in circulation in Kansas City. They are strikingly different from the old series in design . The obverse has the head of an Indian in a warbonnet. Above are thirteen stars and below is the date. The reverse has the figure of an eagle perched on a sheaf of arrows, clutching an olive branch. Above is, "United States of America" and below, "Ten Dollars." The motto "E Pluribus Unum" is in raised letters on the face. Instead fo the milling, as on the old coin, a band of raised stars encircle the rim.

IT MAKES THEM SNEEZE. ~ This Is the Powder That's Causing All the Trouble in Theaters.

November 10, 1907

This Is the Powder That's Causing All
the Trouble in Theaters.

"Cachou" is the name of the powder that pests have been scattering in the theaters and other public places recently to make people sneeze. One cigar store sold ten gross bottles of the "sneeze powder" in three days last week.

Cachou is put up in one-half ounce bottles. It is advertised as a secret preparation. A druggist siad that it is made form soap bark and a small amount of tobacco.


November 10, 1907


Great Need of Such Accommodations in
the Crowded Districts of the North
End -- To Ask Council
to Do Something.

Kansas City's deficiency in public baths is likely to be remedied -- in part at least -- if the plans of Alderman W. T. Green are carried out. The town already has a free pool, open in summer. But what is proposed now is a set of tubs and showers to be open, perhaps at a nominal charge, the year through. Such bath houses are common in other cities, but they have been neglected here, except by charitable organizations.

Alderman Green is planning to introduce a resolution in the council to-morrow night instructing the board of public works to obtain proposals for a site for a bath house.

"If the park board has ground suitable for a site it may be better," Mr. Green said, "for the park board to arrange plans and look after the construction of the building, but unless it has I think the first move should be for the board of public works to find a site and employ an architect to make plans. I have arranged to meet P. S. Brown, Jr., of the board of public works tomorrow morning and together we will draft the resolution which I expect to introduce in the council. Mr. Brown is from my ward and I want to consult him. Until we have mapped out a more definite plan I can't give very satisfactory details, only my ideas of what ought to be done.

"My idea of a bathhouse would be to have hot and cold tub baths and shower baths with hot and cold water, separate sections for men and women of course, and attendants for each. Just how many tubs will be needed and how many shower baths is a matter to be worked out by the architect and the board. A public bathhouse is practically a necessity in the crowded districts with old buildings where the poorer people live. Some of these people would not have a chance once a year to take bath with all the conveniences that the people in the newer sections with modern homes regard as an every day necessity.

"There is nothing the city can do for the health and comfort of people in the crowded districts that will do more good than to put up an inviting bathhouse where they can have a bath almost for the asking. A nominal charge for soap and towels might be made.

"As for the location, of course, I would like to have it in the west end of the Eighth ward, but I am inclined to think a site in the Sixth ward would be more available -- somewhere north of Eighth street and east of Grand avenue. Property has become so valuable in the west end of the Eighth that the site for a bathhouse might cost too much. There are places only two or three blocks north of Eighth street where property is much cheaper and a larger number of people would be benefitted. For that reason I shall not put into the resolution any reference to the location."

The only bathhouse owned by the city now is the pool on the Parade just off the Paseo. In summer it accommodates thousands of persons every week, but in the winter the water is too cold. The large Eastern cities have adopted a practice of building bathhouses suited for winter as well as for summer, or separate places that are built especially for winter use.

The cost of a bathhouse need not be great if the site is not too expensive. A boiler can furnish heat for the building in the winter and keep the water warm for the bath. Mr. Green and Mr. Brown have taken hold of the matter together and expect to interest other friends to take hold of the proposition and help make it succeed.
November 9, 1907

In Jail for Safe Keeping, S. A Helin
Died in the Night.

When the turnkey at the Walnut street police station went to the cell room early this morning to arouse the prisoners one man did not respond. An examination proved that he was dead.

The man is supposed to hae been S. A. Helin. A letter in his coat pocket bore that name. It was addressed to 441 Twelfth street, Toledo, O., and evidently was written by a daughter, who is an actress with the Imperial Stock company, playing in Northern Illinois. The letter indicated that the man was an old soldier and was going to the Soldiers' home in Leavenworth for medical treatment. A patrolman found Helin wandering on Main street and took him to the station for safe keeping.

The coroner will hold an autopsy to-night to determine the cause of death.

AN EPIDEMIC OF FORGERY. ~ Judge Wallace Reduced a Sentence, but Will Grant No Paroles.

November 8, 1907

Judge Wallace Reduced a Sentence, but
Will Grant No Paroles.

In the criminal court yesterday, H. O. McClung asked Judge Wallace to reduce the charge agaisnt him from forgery in the second degree to the third degree and allow him to make a plea of guilty.

"Yes, I will make you a present of three years out of the penitentiary by reducing the charge," Judge Wallace said. "That will make it only two years in prison and that's your sentence. Don't come back again and ask for parole, however, because I won't give it to you. There is an epidemic of forgery in this community. It seems that many persons think all they have to do when they need ten or twenty dollars is to go and forge a name to a check and cash it. That must stop. I am going to bear down on the crime of forgery. You have come in and held up your hands and said you are guilty. The man who bows to the law and gives up deserves some leniency, butbut he who defies the law may expect no compassion from this court."


November 7, 1907


The seventh saloon murder in Kansas City in three months was recorded yesterday morning. In that time more than fifty men have been beaten more or less seriously in "tough saloon" fights.

A fight was started shortly after 8 o'clock in Charles Merlino's saloon, 200 East Fifth street. Charles Craig, a foreman for the Depot Carriage and Baggage company, and Sherman Davis, a stableman, had quarreled, when Dennis O'Keefe, a saloon keeper from the East bottoms, who had no interest in either man, struck Davis, knocking him down.

Craig tried to save Davis and was attacked by O'Keefe, who knocked him down with a chair. Merlino, owner of the saloon, then interfered and tried to separate the struggling fighters. O'Keefe, Merlino says, drew a knife and started toward him. Merlino then pulled a revolver from his hip pocket and fired five shots at O'Keefe, three striking him near the heart. He died almost instantly.

Practically everything in the saloon outside the bar was turned over and broken. Craig and Davis were severely cut and bruised but not dangerously hurt. They and Merlino were arrested. Chief Ahern ordered the saloon closed at once.

"It's another case of 'tough saloon,' the chief said. "That quarrel could have been stopped by Merlino before it became so strong. When O'Keefe entered the saloon Merlino waited until he was nearly tearing the place to pieces before he interfered. The result was a killing."

ORDER FOR ROAD WORK MADE. ~ The County Court Wishes No Delay Next Spring in Closing Gaps.

November 7, 1907

The County Court Wishes No Delay Next
Spring in Closing Gaps.

The county court in Independence yesterday issued the order to Oscar Koehler, county surveyor, to prepare all necessary profiles and plans and specifications immediately, so that there may be no delay in the work next year of closing up the gaps in Jackson county's rock road system.

The Lee's Summit road already is graded. Macadam is to be laid from the end of the present rock road to Hickman's Mills. The Raytown and Little Blue road is to be graded and macadamized. The distance is three miles. The Independence and Atherton road is to be extended from the present end of the macadam to the foot of the Missouri river bluffs, a distance of three miles.

TO JUMP IN POOL HANDCUFFED. ~ Special Performance by Houdini at the Athletic Club To-Day.

November 6, 1907

Special Performance by Houdini at the
Athletic Club To-Day.

Houdini, whose performance at the Orpheum consists in releasing himself from handcuffs and manacles of other kinds, will give a special exhibition at the Athletic club at 12:15 o'clock to-day. Handcuffs will be placed about his wrists and leg manacles about his ankles. He will then jump into the deepest part of the pool and attempt to release himself from the shackles under water. Houdini has performed this feat in other cities, having jumped from bridges while wearing handcuffs and manacles of other kinds.

WAITED FOR POISON TO ACT. ~ Woman Tells How it Feels to Expect to Die.

November 6, 1907

Woman Tells How it Feels to Expect to Die.

Mrs. Ora Shugart, the young woman who attempted suicide by taking cloroform yesterday at the Sexton hotel, was removed from the emergency hospital this morning to the home of her grandmother, Mrs. H. A. Snyder, at 2010 East Seventh street. She will recover.

Mrs. Shugart and a man giving the name of M. L. Wells registered at the Sexton hotel as husband and wife last Monday night. She was found unconscious in her room yesterday afternoon.

"Wells was jealous of another friend of mine," Mrs. Shugart said this morning, "and he threatened to kill me. He left the room saying he was going after a revolver. I thought I would kill myself before he had a chance to do so.

"I sent a bellboy out for an ounce of chloroform, saying I wished to use it to clean my kid gloves.

"After I took the poison I combed my hair, polished my finger nails and stood around and waited to see what it was going to do. I took the poison about 10:30 o'clock; it was about noon when I became unconscious."

Mrs. Shugart hadn't heard from Wells this morning.

FINED $50 FOR GAMBLING. ~ Man Says He Lost $110 in Cigar Store Game.

November 6, 1907

Man Says He Lost $110 in
Cigar Store Game.

On the testimony of David Wirchner of 705 Tracy avenue in police court yesterday morning, W. E. Jenkins, a cigar dealer at Eighth and Walnut streets, was fined $50 on a charge of gambling.

"I lost $110 in the store owned by Jenkins at 714 Walnut street," Wirchner said. "We were playing 'chuck-a-luck,' but some one else had the luck; I didn't. The way things looked to me I might as well have bet that I could jump off the top of a skyscraper and escape uninjured."

Wirchner has also placed the case before the grand jury. An appeal was taken to the criminal court.

BECAUSE WIFE ORDERS BEER. ~ Excuse of a Kansas City, Kas., Man Who Was Arrested for Drunkenness.

November 5, 1907

Excuse of a Kansas City, Kas., Man Who Was
Arrested for Drunkenness.

"My wife orders five cases of beer to the house every week. I wouldn't get drunk and chase her from the house if she had less liquor about."

A. Crohn, 660 Scott avenue, gave this excuse in the Kansas City, Kas., police court yesterday morning, when arraigned for drunkenness and causing a disturbance. The wife was not in the courtroom.

"You go to this man's wife, Mr. Riggs," Judge Sims said to the arresting officer. "Tell her to order less beer if she wishes happiness in the home."

Crohn was fined five dollars.

MESSENGER BOY OF 15 DRUNK. ~ A Policeman Found Him in an Alley With Two Messages.

November 5, 1907

A Policeman Found Him in an Alley
With Two Messages.

A boy in the messenger uniform of the Postal Telegraph company was taken to police headquarters drunk yesterday morning.

"I found him in the alley behind the R. A. Long building," John R. McCall, a patrolman said. "He had two messages. I don't know when he started with them but from the way he was progressing, they certainly wouldn't have reached their destination on time."

Several boys who came to the station said the messenger was about 15 years old and was called "Bosco." He was taken to the detention home.


November 4, 1907


So the South Carolina Senator Reached
the Hotel Without Escort -- But There
Was No Riot -- In Convention
Hall To-night.

Was it a mob of hotel waiters they feared? Was it a delegation from the hodcarriers' union? Was it -- well, never mind.

The members of the Millinery Traveling Men's association in charge of the Tillman lecture to-night didn't confide the reason to Chief Ahern. They merely called him up yesterday afternoon and asked for a police guard for the senator from South Carolina when he should reach Kansas City to-day. The chief was agreeable.

So, hep, hep at the depot this morning.

A detachment of seven patrolmen from headquarters marched down in good order and debouched on the platform.


Hep, hep, again.

Reinforcements from the St. Louis avenue station. Five more patrolmen and Sergeant O'Neil in eschelon formation wheeled into place.

Martial law for the depot. The ushers retreated in good order. Only the truck pushers were undismayed. Repeatedly they charged the line and battered it to pieces.

But Senator Tillman didn't come. Finally the guard got tired and investigated.

"Shucks," somebody said. "The senator got in an hour ago."

As there was no evidence of excitement and as no mob had been seen, the police marched away. In good order, of course. At the Coates house the senator disclaimed any knowledge of a request for police protection.


"I just climbed off the train and took a carriage for the Coates house," the senator said this morning. "No, I have never been badly in need of a bodyguard and I don't want any now. I saw what I think and some people don't like it, I reckon, but I am in no danger, thank you."

Senator Tillman has had several disputes with some of his auditors in Western cities where he has lectured recently on the race question. Negroes have made threats against him, but there has been no violence.


"It isn't out of the ordinary for me to have a few tilts here and there when I speak my mind freely," the senator said. "There ain't any use in getting excited about it, either. I enjoy it too well to think about being guarded. The trouble with so many people is they want to solve the race problem without knowing anything about it. I know what I'm talking about when I talk about negroes."

Senator Tillman is a broad shouldered, stockily built man, with a full face and gray hair, which stands up straight. He will lecture on "The Race Problem" in Convention hall to-night. Tomorrow night he will lecture in Garnett, Kas.

HOUDINI AND MARTIN LEHMAN. ~ The Orpheum Manager Gave the "Handcuff King" His Start in Vaudeville.

November 3, 1907

The Orpheum Manager Gave the "Hand-
cuff King" His Start in Vaudeville.

Harry Houdini, the feature attraction at the Orpheum theater this week, got his start in vaudeville in Kansas City. In the early days of his career Houdini was a contortionist, trapeze performer and general utility man with the Jack Hoefler Circus, and later a member of a company of barnstormers.

One of his turns was to permit himself to be tied to a chair with ropes, from which he would extricate himself. One day while playing in Chetopa, Kas., with a small traveling show, Houdini asked for volunteers to come up and tie him. A sheriff, who happened to be present with a pair of handcuffs, cried out, "If you let me come on the stage I will tie you with these so you cannot escape." Houdini had never seen a pair of handcuffs before. The idea of using them as a feature suggested itself to him and he hence took up the study of locks. He acquired several pairs of handcuffs and in a short time acquired the faculty of extricating himself from them.

He went to Chicago where he met Mr. Walters, then president of the Orpheum circuit, and importuned him to give him an engagement on the circuit.

Mr. Walters, impressed with the young man's eloquence, sent him to Kansas City with a letter of instructions to Martin Lehman, manager of the Orpheum. Instructions in the letter were to "try this Houdini, and if his act was good to book him on the circuit." On receipt of the letter Mr. Lehman coached Houdini thoroughly and put him on the bill. Houdini met with such pronounced success he was given a contract over the entire Orpheum circuit. Since that time he has traveled all over the world.


November 3, 1907


Judge Wallace Wouldn't Allow Them to
Wait Until Tomorrow -- "You're
Next," He Said to Barbers--
A Tight Lid To-day.

No cigars to-day. No shaves. No haircuts. Last Sunday these luxuries were available. But not to-day.

The cigar dealers indicted yesterday for selling on Sunday were counting on one more day of immunity. Then to-morrow they were to flock to the criminal court and give bond. It had all been arranged by their attorney, T. A. Mastin and Albert Heslip, county marshal. Then Judge Wallace heard and--

"What, allow them to keep open another Sunday in defiance of the law?" he exclaimed. "Not at all. These cigar dealers must learn that I mean business. They must be brought in immediately. They'll give bond to-day or go to jail."


The judge sent for the marshal. The marshal had gone to Independence. The judge then sent for Herman Weisflog, chief deputy. When that officer emerged from the judge's chambers he looked worried and he was mopping perspiration from his face. He seized a bunch of warrants and the first on the pile was one of thirteen indictments for Dan Lucas, a negro proprietor of a barber shop on Main street between Eighth and Ninth streets. He handed it to another deputy telling him to serve it.

"I thought you were going to wait until Monday," the second deputy said. "That was the agreement."

"You are not to think," was the reply. "The judge is doing the thinking."

Then the chief deputy began distributing cigar store indictments among the other deputies for service. He telephoned the news to the attorney for the cigar dealers and asked him to help.


"I thought we were to come down Monday," the attorney protested.

"That doesn't go with the court," the deputy replied. "You will have to bring your clients here and give bond to-night. The judge says he will be here until mid-night if necessary.

Then the attorney telephoned the judge. No use. It was only a short time until those who had been indicted began arriving at the courtroom. Judge Wallace accepted bonds until 6:30 o'clock. Then he went to dinner to return at 8:30 o'clock. He took bonds until 9:30 o'clock last night. He required a bond of $600 for the first indictment and $200 bond for each succeeding one. Each bondsman was interrogated closely and none was accepted accept owners of real estate.

The first to appear was J. W. Hearsch, a dealer at 514 Grand avenue.

"I am an Orthodox Jew," he said. I close on Saturday and open Sunday."

"This isn't your trial," the judge said. "If what you say is true you will not suffer. Your bond is $600."

The next were Dan Lucas and his eight barbers. A deputy marshal had arrested them all. This resulted in closing the shop for a while. The deputy allowed the barbers to finish shaving customers in the chairs and then took them to the criminal court.


"There's nothing in this Sunday law against barbers working on Sunday," Lucas said. "I made a test case of it once and beat it in the supreme court."

"That was a special law against barbers alone and unconstitutional because it was class legislation," the judge said. "You were indicted here under the general law against working on Sunday, which applies to all classes of labor and has been upheld by the supreme court. All the other barber shops have closed. My advice to you is to do likewise."

The eight negro barbers sat in a row waiting for their employer to give bond.

"You're next," the judge said, indicating the second after the first had given bond. "You're next here like you are in a barber shop."

As each one gave bond the judge called "next" until all had qualified.

"Now, Lucas, I'll say this to you," Judge Wallace said as the negro barber prepared to to: "I don't wish to be severe with you if you show a disposition to comply with and not defy the law. If you close I will let you off easy, but if you defy the law you will have to take the consequences of a prosecution on all these indictments."

The negro barber said he would close on Sunday. He returned to his shop with his eight barbers and hung a Sunday closing placard in the window.

Miss Agnes Miller, owner of the cigar stands in the Kupper and Densmore hotels, was among those who appeared.

"There's a young woman; have her come up here first," the judge said.

Miss Miller advanced to the clerk's desk and acknowledged her bond; then she left the courtroom.


Meanwhile the attorneys had learned that the marshal had orders to arrest "on view" any cigar dealers transacting business to-day.

"But," an attorney suggested, "we may not be able to get word to all the dealers of the agreement. Will they be arrested?"

"If the deputy marshals find any cigar dealer transacting business they will notify him to cease at once," the judge replied. "Should he comply he will not be molested. Otherwise he will be taken to jail, where he will be required to supply a bond or be locked up."

Then the judge began to make fine distinctions.

"The cigar stores," he continued, "may remain open to sell candy, news matter, soft drinks, fruits, nuts or any food that is cooked, so that it may be eaten on the spot.

"There's a distinction between food that may be eaten on the spot and food that must be cooked. One sort is a necessity, the other isn't.


"Now, why is candy a necessity, while cigars are not?" somebody asked.

"I have looked up the law carefully on this subject," the judge replied, "and I have determined that candy is a food necessity. Children must have it. That is my construction of the law.

The dealers who agreed to close to-day include the owners of practically all of the down town stores and of the hotel and drug store stands.

The theaters, however, under the protection of the federal court, will be open to-day as usual.