Young Men Also Liked Whisky and
Saloon Cigars.
Confessing that they had robbed five places since last Wednesday night, Benjamin Green, Earl Durbin and Emery Luzelle, all young white men, were arrested early yesterday morning at Sixth and Delaware streets.
Green wore two overcoats and Luzelle had in his pockets three quart bottles of whisky and two boxes of saloon cigars.
They admitted having robbed the following places of the things enumerated:
Saloon of Clem Mees, 612 Walnut street, 600 cigars, 2 overcoats and 500 pennies stolen.
Saloon of George Fawkes, 714 Walnut street, $20 in cash, 1 overcoat and 1 jack-knife stolen.
Saloon of Thomas Larson, 114 West Fifth street, 50 cents in postage stamps and 1 gold ring stolen.
Shooting gallery of George Dunn, who was robbed Wednesday night, applied to the police board that afternoon for permission to carry a revolver because he had no safe in his shooting gallery and did not think it safe to carry his day's receipts home with him without the protection of a pistol. His application was refused. He left his money in his place of business and was robbed.