For Seventeen Years He Was Gen-
eral Manager of S. & S.
Lewis Newgass, 60 years old, died suddenly of heart failure at his home, 3542 Forest avenue, at 5:30 o'clock last evening. Mr. Newgass was at the Progress Club yesterday afternoon. He complained of feeling ill and told some of his friends he would go home and lie down. Soon after reaching his home he sank into a stupor from which he never rallied. A doctor, who was quickly summoned pronounced his ailment as acute cardiac dilation.
Mr. Newgass was born in Darmstadt, Germany, September 15, 1848, and came to this country while a boy. He located in Chicago, and before the great fire there was part owner in a packing plant. Afterwards he became associated in a managerial capacity with Nelson Morris & Co. Seventeen years ago he came to Kansas City as general manager for the Schwarschild & Sulzberger Packing Company, which position he held at the time of his death. Mr. Newgass left a widow and a sister, Mrs. A. Ballenberg of New York city. Arrangements for the funeral will be made later.