WANTS DRINKING FOUNTAIN. ~ Humane Society Secretary Favors One at the Junction.

November 27, 1908

Humane Society Secretary Favors
One at the Junction.

To the Journal:
I am glad to see that the long talked of public comfort station seems in a fair way to become a certainty; also that a statue, or ornament of some kind will probably be placed at the Junction. This is a very favorable location for something of that kind, as it could be seen for several blocks from east, west and south. The ornament should, therefore, be imposing and significant.

In connection with the station and ornament there should also be placed in the vicinity of the Junction, and close on the sidewalk, a drinking fountain, for persons only, where the thirsty, at all times, day or night, might obtain a cool refreshing drink of pure water. This fountain should be placed so as to be accessible from the sidewalk, at proper distance from the station, and arranged so as to drain through it. The two fountains erected by the Humane Society, one at Fourth and Broadway, the other at the western terminus of our great intercity viaduct, are proving great conveniences for horses and dogs. Now let the city do as well for thirsty humans, as this seems a favorable opportunity. -- F. M. FURGASON, Secretary Humane Society