One of the Beasts Chewed Captain
Cardova's Thumb.
It was a pure exhibition of nerve and headwork that probably saved the life of Captain Cardova at the Hippodrome last night when one of the trained lionesses attacked him and almost severed the thumb on his right hand. Few in the audience who were witnessing the act given by Cardova and his trained lions really knew what had happened, for he had the nerve to finish the acat and remained in the cage fully five minutes after the lioness had tasted of his blood and was acting ugly all the time. After he got out of the cage a physician was called and the wounded hand was dressed so that he could continue with his performances through the evening.
The lioness has two young cubs and has been vicious for some time. The attack was made while Cardova was giving that part of the act in which he eats at a table with three lions. He was feeding the raw meat to his animals when the lioness seized him and held his hand in her teeth for fully a minute. The trainer exhibited no fear, nor did he cry out although the pain was severe. The other lions did not attack him.