GIRL STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. ~ Miss Jenny B. Haug, Knocked to Ground Unconscious.

June 23, 1909

Miss Jenny B. Haug, Knocked to
Ground Unconscious.

Miss Jenny B. Haug, 1615 Wyandotte street, Kansas City, Mo., was rendered unconscious early yesterday morning by a bolt of lightning, which tore away a section of the wall near which she was standing. A light pan which she was holding was torn from her grasp, and her entire right side seemed paralyzed. Although able to talk last night, she was still suffering greatly from the shock. Dr. George F. Berry, who was called, said last night that the right hand and foot was pulled backward in a strained position, and that the patient was in a highly nervous state. Miss Haug's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haug, live at 2707 North Eighth street, Kansas City, Kas.