Plate Glass Is Carried From Long
Building to Ninth Street.
So violent was the wind last night at Tenth street and Grand avenue that one of the large windows in the front of the Great Western Life Insurance Company's offices, on the second floor in the Long building, was blown from its casing at 12:30 o'clock. The glass left the sash as clean as though the window had been cut from the frame.
After the window was blown out and the glass broken, the wind carried the pieces of glass up Grand avenue as far as Ninth street. A red lantern was hung in front of the Long building warning those who might pass by the danger from falling glass. The pane was 9x6 feet long and 3/8 inch thick.
A few minutes before the window was broken the large bill-board directly across Grand avenue from the Long building, was blown down and carried several feet from the sidewalk by the wind.