MADE LIQUID AIR ON STAGE. ~ Edisonian Society Has a New Form of Entertainment.

March 20, 1908

Edisonian Society Has a New Form
of Entertainment.

A departure was taken in the regular assembly day programme at Manual Training high school yesterday afternoon. During the last part of the school year the different literary societies and other organizations of the school take their turn in giving entertainments on assembly day. Heretofore these entertainments have been pleasing, but hardly instructive to the students at large.

Yesterday was the day for the Edisonian Society, an organization composed of those who wish to study things of a scientific nature, to give its programme, and something altogether original was hit upon. The society staged a one-act-play with the scene in a physical laboratory. At the time for the arrival of the instructor he does not materialize, consequently the students take charge of the class and lecture in a most interesting manner upon the subject of air in all of its phases. During the lecture practical experiments are worked out, showing the audience the power and practical value of air.

The way in which this lecture was given was both entertaining and instructive. The process of making liquid air was thoroughly demonstrated and the uses of the air were shown. "Such a programme as the Edisonian Society gave should be encouraged and given the hearty support of the faculty," said Professor Philips, principal of the school. "The Edisonian Society is a new one here, and it is doing a splendid work."

The society was named for Thomas A. Edison, and the great inventor and scientist was notified of the liberty which was taken with his name. To this notification he responded with a gracious letter, which has been framed and is hanging in the physics room of the school.