MISTAKEN IN THEIR GRIEF.~ Banqueters Misunderstand Toastmaster's Reference to Death.

September 13, 1907

Banqueters Misunderstand Toast-
master's Reference to Death.

When Dr. L. A. Merrillat, of Chicago, tostmaster at the banquet given at the Coates house last evening by the American Veterinary Medical Association, paid tribute to the "memory of one well known to us who has departed from our midst," and asked that the banqueters sit in bowed silence as a token of esteem to the departed, word was passed from table to table that Dr. Atvill Byrd, of Kansas City, was dead.

But Dr. Byrd is something more than a memory, despite the fact that he is lying ill at his home suffering from bruises received by the kick of a horse several days ago.

It being generally known among the delegates to the convention that Dr. Byrd had been injured, the natural conclusion was that it was he who had "departed from our midst."

"Well, I'm surprised to learn of Dr. Byrd's death, whispered one veterinarian to another after the banquet, and this was followed by "Let's ask Dr. Merillat for the particulars."

"Why, I didnt' mean Dr. Byrd," was the reply of the toastmaster, "I meant Dr. H. L. Ramacioti, of Omaha, who died today."

But many veterinarians left the banquet room believing that Dr. Byrd had died.

Dr. Byrd was reported convalescent and near complete recovery last night.