CROWDED INTO ONE ROOM. ~ Family of Seven Persons Taken in Charge by Authorities.

September 27, 1907

Family of Seven Persons Taken in
Charge by Authorities.

Seven persons, one a babe two days old, were found living in one room at 507 Grand avenue, yesterday morning by Edgar Warden, a deputy probation officer. Mrs. Mamie Cayton, the mother , and her infant were in the only bed in the room. On a pile of rags on the floor lay Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and their daughter, Sadie, 13 years old. Frank Stevens, 9 years old, sat at the foot of the bed. There is another Stevens boy who was not at home. There was a gasoline stove, a kettle and a few dirty pans in the room.

Sadie and Frank Stevens were taken to the Detention home. The mother and child are being cared for by the Associated Charities. The other Stevens boy, when he is locate, will be cared for by the Detention home authorities.