He Finds That Mrs. Lawrence Robbed
Herself of Jewelry.
Chief of Police D. E. Bowden of Kansas City, Kas., yesterday solved the mystery surrounding the "bold robbery" of Mrs. Charles Lawrence, 837 St. Paul street, Friday afternoon. According to the report made by Mr. Lawrence, a lone robber entered her home during the afternoon and, at the point of a revolver, compelled her to submit to having her hands tied behind her while he ransacked the house for valuables. The "bold, bad robber," so Mrs. Lawrence told the police, secured the following articles:
Two gold watches, one chipped diamond ring, one emerald ring, one gold ring, one gold bracelet, a gold filled watch and a gold locket and charm.
In looking up the case yesterday, Chief Bowden called upon the husband of Mrs. Lawrence, who informed him that he found the "stolen" jewelry hidden away in his wife's room, and that he had exported the "victim" of the robbery to the home of her relatives in Western Kansas. Mr. Lawrence requested the chief to make no further efforts to apprehend the robber