Charles I. Lorber Issues a Letter De-
fining His Position.
Charles I. Lorber, who is seeking the Republican nomination for alderman to the lower house of the council from the Eight ward, has sent letters to every voter outlining whaat he stands for. Mr Lorber is with the administration on public policies now pending and to be presented. He favors a utility commission, a west trafficway and a Union passenger station and frieght terminal.
If elected Mr. Lorber says he can be depended upon to get better lighted streets in the Eighth ward and to help secure prompt provisions and best possible quarters and apliance for the general hospital and workhouse. He also favors the application of strict business methods to the employment and compensation of city employes, and the adoption in all departments of the most rigid system to avoid extravagance and waste.
"On all imporant questions I pledge myself to use every practicable way to ascertain the wishes of my ward and the ward shall be the lamp by which my feet are guided, says Mr. Lorber.