He Is Newest Member and Mascot of
the Ginger Club.
A mascot in the shape of a wee baby boy is the latest addition to the Ginger Club. Somtime in the night, between Saturday and Sunday, the exact time is not known, the stork entered the home of Robert Pearson. As the Pearsons live in the "300" block on East Twelfth street, the home of the Ginger Club, the parents of the infant decided to name it "Ginger." Thus a distinctly honorary member was taken into the Ginger Club.
The merchants in the block are preparing to give a handsome present to the little one. Exactly what it will be has not yet been decided. The Ginger Club announced yesterday that its large "300" signs will be up and in working order Saturday. These signs consist of the figure "300" done in incandescent lamps, and each figure will be about two and a half feet high and about one and a half feet tall. There will be two of the signs.
On Saturday the members of the Ginger Club will pllace two or three barrels of ginger snaps, their insignia, around in their block. They promise that these snaps will be entirely edible and the bet brand which can be bought. This is their treat to the public in honor of their infant mascot.