York Rite Bodies Have Practically
Raised the Money.
The project to build a $125,000 temple for the York Rite Masons at Ninth and Harrison streets, it is now believed, will be carried out within a year. W. F. Stine, one of those especially interested in the enterprise, said yesterday that building plans are to be taken up by early this spring. The lot is paid for and stock is being subscribed by fifteen or more local Masonic bodies, the two commanderies, the council, the two chapters, a number of the blue lodges, and the three Eastern Star organizations.
The Kansas City Masonic Building Company, the corporation which will erect the building, is composed of one representative of each of these bodies. The undertaking had its start about a year ago. The most that can be said of the plans at present is that there will be four spacious halls or lodge rooms for the various organizations' use, and a grand assembly room or auditorium, adequate for convention use, for balls, banquets and drill hall purposes, and there will be a kitchen and many cloakrooms and ante-rooms. Whether all stone or fancy brick construction will be used has not been decided.
The York Rite Masons feel that their selection of a location at the southeast corner of Ninth and Harrison streets is particularly fortunate in that it is quite removed from noise, though not far out that it is very close to five car lines, without being on any one of them, and it has for neighbors on two opposite corners the Calvary Baptist church and the Central Presbyterian church.