CHARGED WITH KILLING BOY. ~ Frank Blueford, Aged 14, Is Accused of Stabbing Harry O'Bannon.

February 24, 1908

Frank Blueford, Aged 14, Is Accused
of Stabbing Harry O'Bannon.

Upon identification of Castor and John O'Bannon, Officers McCall and Good arrested Frank Blueford, a 14-year-old negro boy, in the Gilliss theater yesterday afternoon for the killing of Harry O'Bannon, a 10-year-old negro boy. On the night of November 3 Harry O'Bannon quarreled with a boy said to be Blueford over a cup of water at the Gilliss. Harry was stabbed in the abdomen with a pocket knife. He was in the general hospital two months, and was then taken to his home at 1007 Pacific street, where he died at 8 o'clock Saturday night. The Blueford boy, who lives in Kansas City, Kas., denies that he stabbed O'Bannon and lays the crime to a brother of his. He was held by the police last night, and will be turned over to the children's court today.