Frank Warren, After Being Bitten,
Quited Beast With a Brick.
Frank Warren, the carpenter, was walking south and nearing Twenty-second street on the new Lister avenue cement walk, when the dog leaped out at him and seized both coat tails in his mouth. Warren shook the beast loose only to find him around in front, snapping at his hands. The dog finally made a leap for Warren's throat and the latter seized him by the neck and tried to strangle him. A hand to tooth encounter ensued, which drew heads to every window in the block. It was only after Warren's hands had been scratched and torn, that he choked the venom out of the dog.
Then Warren carried the animal into a lot where a house was being buit and threw teh animal on the freshly turned clay and hammered his head with a new brick with sharp corners. He left the dog for dead and walked across Twenty-second street to the Luce-Weed drug store. The pharmacist boud up his bleeding hands, called a physician and sent Warren to his room at the corner of Fifteenth street and Lawn avenue in a carriage.
A mounted policeman from No. 6 station arrived shortly and, after looking the dog over, decided not to shoot it.
"He has had puunishment enough," said the policeman.
Two hours later, at 11:00, someone telephoned in from the corner that the dog had revived and crawled to a cottage, where he is alleged to regularly reside.