PREDICTS MAYOR'S DEFEAT. ~ Alderman Groves Says He Cannot Be Re-Elected in Spring.

January 28, 1908

Alderman Groves Says He Cannot Be
Re-Elected in Spring.

The defeat of Mayor Beardsley at the polls next spring was predicted in the lower house of the council last night by Alderman Groves, a Republican. Groves objected to the passage of a resolution introduced by Alderman Woolf giving the mayor sole authority to name thirteen freeholders to be voted for at the spring election, April 7, to revise the city charter.

"It is the same resolution passed a year ago. I can see why the alderman objects to this one now," said Alderman Woolf.

"This is not Russia, this is Kansas City, and I, for one, do not propose to delegate the machinery of this whole city to the mayor," replied Groves. "The people of this city sent twenty-eight aldermen here to do the legislative work, and to have the mayor take care of the executive part of it. How do we know that the mayor will be re-elected in the spring -- in fact, I will say to you on the quiet I do not think he will be."

The resolution was passed, Groves casting the only dissenting vote.