TO JOIN IN TAFT RECEPTION. ~ Yale Alumni Association to Confer With Young Republicans.

January 18, 1908

Yale Alumni Association to Confer
With Young Republicans.

The Yale Alumni Association held its annual meeting last night in the University Club rooms. The evening was devoted to singing college songs and once more going over the old Yale cheers. A committee was apopinted to confer with the Young Men's Republican Club in regard to the advisability of giving a reception for Secretary Taft upon the occasion of his visit in this city next month.

Taft is a Yale alumnus and most of the committee which will have charge of the arrangements for the reception are college mates of the secretary. The committee is composed of T. W. Mulford, '01, chairman; Thomas W. Morrow, '80; W. R. Clarke, '80; Charles R. Pence, '79; H. H. Strait, '90; O. C. Mosman, '94; Judge David D. Hoag, '73, Joplin, Mo., and C. M. Crawford, '94, Topeka, Kas.