Alaskans Were Looking for Cold,
Italians for Warmth.
"Five nice cold rooms, please, with a draft in each."
The keeper of the register in the Savoy hotel dropped his pen and straightened to face ten men in double fur coats standing by the counter.
"Yes, we want cold rooms," resumed the spokesman. "We're the basketball team from Nome, Alaska. At the athletic club tonight, you know."
"All right," says the clerk, "and if the row on the top floor facing north doesn't suit, I'll have beds made up in the roof garden."
The next comers were members of the Italian grand opera company, which sings at the Willis Wood this week's end.
"It iss so cold here," said a little miss with her chin drawn down into her fur boa. "You have the very warm rooms for us, is it not?"
"Yes," said the clerk.