LIBRARY CHARTS SHOW POSITION OF PLANETS. ~ Saves People Interested in Special Stars Delving Into Technical Books.

February 9, 1910

Saves People Interested in Special
Stars Delving Into Techni-
cal Books.

Persons interested in astronomy, who formerly went to the public library, looked through many books and contended with the technical terms of that science in order to find out the position of a planet, the route of Halley's comet or other astronomical data, will be pleased at the innovation of the librarian.

She has prepared two charts of the heavens, each one for a month, showing the position of the planets and other heavenly bodies. One is for January and shows the route of Halley's comet. The other is for February. Both have been placed against one of the big columns on the first floor of the library building, facing the door.

"A great many people have lately come to the library asking for books on astronomy," said Mrs. Carrie Westlake Whitney, the librarian, yesterday.

"Their interest probably has been aroused by Halley's comet. They don't want theoretical treatise nor books with scientific terms, but books in simple language, easily understood. Because of this I devised the plan of putting up these charts and referring people to them. Most people find all they wish to know by looking at them. The create a good deal of interest.