Too Much Mother-in Law Given as
the Trouble -- Left Here on Chi-
cago Street Car Last
After a trip of 5,270 miles in search of her husband, who she says left her on account of "too much mother-in-law," Mrs. Edward C. Sterling of Chicago located her wandering spouse in a cottage at 2912 Fairmount avenue at 12:10 o'clock yesterday morning.
"Yes, I am going to stay right here with my husband," she said, "and we are going to have no more mother-in-laws to bother us. I have the utmost confidence in my husband, and I know that he would not have deserted me of his own accord."
Mr. Sterling refused to make any statement, and regarded his wife with a pleased expression as she told about his numerous excellent qualities.
On the 16th of last February, according to Mrs. Sterling, her husband told her, as they were returning home on a street car after a visit to one of the best theaters in Chicago that the air of the theaters had affected his brain and had made him rather ill. He went back on the rear platform of a car and that was the last she saw of him until he responded to the gentle raps of Sergeant Jerry Caskey on the front door of his house yesterday morning.
Mrs. Sterling in her search visited most of the Western cities. At Los Angeles she was told by her husband's mother that the missing man probably could be located in Kansas City. Accordingly she came here.
Some how Mrs. Sterling imagined that her husband might be a victim of the "affinity" habit, and she was more than overjoyed to find that her fears were groundless.
"I'm going to stay with him," she declared.