BURNED BY ELECTRIC WIRE. ~ Carroll Freeman, Argentine, Was Unconscious From the Shock.

April 20, 1908

Carroll Freeman, Argentine, Was Un-
conscious From the Shock.

While twenty children were playing at the foot of Ash street at Argentine yesterday morning one of them, Carroll Freeman, caught hold of a guy wire, which extends across the tops of two telephone poles, and down to a stake in the ground, and before his comrades could pull him free of the wire, he was seriously burned. Clyde Foster was the first lad to rescue and his quickness probably saved Carroll's life.

Carroll's left hand was burned to the bone, and the toes on both his feet were scorched. His rescuer was slightly burned on the hands from taking hold of Carroll's garments and clinging while he pulled the helpless boy from the wire.

Walter Freeman, Carroll's father, who lives at 202 North Eleventh street, said last night that the boy would recover. After being brought home in the morning the lad remained unconscious until six o'clock in the evening, when he came to himself and rallied rapidly. The Foster boy lives on Ruby street, a block west from Ash. He is 13 and Carroll is of about the same age.

Walter Freeman explains the accident by saying that an electric light wire, carrying a heavy voltage, sagged and touched the guy wire, where it crossed from one telephone pole to the other. The end of the guy wire, which ran toward the ground, being attached to a dry post, had no opportunity to ground the electric wire current. When the lad took hold of the wire, the current grounded through his body, Freeman says. That explanation would account for the boy's toes being burned.