HORSEWHIPPINGS COME HIGH. ~ One Cost Farmer Klapmeyer $7,000 in Independence Yesterday.

April 22, 1908

One Cost Farmer Klapmeyer $7,000
in Independence Yesterday.

Benjamin D. Kerr was awarded $4,000 actual and $3,000 punitive damages against James M. Klapmeyer, a wealthy farmer living near Little Santa Fe, in the circuit court at Independence yesterday, on account of a horsewhipping.

The testimony showed that the defendant met Kerr near the residence of William Short, another farmer. Klapmeyer stopped Kerr and they engaged in a conversation about trouble with another man. Klapmeyer admitted striking Kerr with a whip but stated that the matter was settled between them before any real injury was inflicted. Kerr alleged that the cracker of the whip struck him in the eye, injuring it.