Little Henry Hall Disobeyed His
Mother and Was Lost.
Henry, the 12-year-old son of Joseph F. Hall, 512 Tenney avenue, Kansas City, Kas., was drowned in the backwater of the Kaw river at the foot of Reynolds avenue yesterday morning. The boy had been sent on an errand by his mother, but instead of doing his mother's bidding, he met some other boys that were going swimming in the backwater that fills the hulls in the northern part of the Cypress railroad yards. Young Hall got in over his head and was drowned in the presence of a number of young companions.
Yesterday's drowning occurred within a few hundred feet of where two other small boys met death in the water last week. The body of the Hall boy was recovered and taken to the undertaking rooms of Daniels and Comfort. Coroner J. A. Davis decided that an inquest was not necessary. Joseph F. Hall, father of the boy, is employed at the Cudahy packing house, having charge of the boiler rooms there.