He Has Seven, One of Them Being
Boaz, Last Remaining of Trip-
lets -- Mother of Chil-
dren Dead.
Martin Curry, father of the much advertised Curry triplets, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant issued out of the juvenile court, Kansas City, Kas., charging him with neglecting his children. He was locked up in the county jail and will be arraigned in the juvenile court today The arrest of Curry was caused by numerous complaints made by neighbors. He has six children beside the one remaining triplet, Boaz, the two others having recently died. It is the older children that he is accused of neglecting. He stated last night that he had in no way neglected his family as far as he knows. He proposes to hire an attorney and fight the case. Under the juvenile court law neglect of children by their parents is punishable by a fine and jail sentence.
On Sunday afternoon December 22 last, triplets were born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Curry, 2543 Alden avenue, Kansas City, Kas. The babies, two boys and a girl, were all perfectly formed and unusually healthy. Curry is a laborer and, owning to his poor financial circumstances, the people of the two Kansas Citys became deeply interested in his family, especially the triplets, and hundreds of dollars were contributed by the public that the little ones and their mother should not need for anything in the way of care and attention.
The speedy and generous response of the public lifted a load of worry from the father and all went well until the death of Mrs. Curry, which occurred five weeks after the birth of the triplets. The little ones were doing splendidly at that time and the prospects for them to live were pronounced good by the family physician. At the time of Mrs. Curry's death an effort was made to have the triplets placed in a nursery where they might receive the best of care, but the father decided to trust the rearing of the babies to his 17-year-old daughter Bertha.
Ten days ago the babies were taken ill from having been fed sour milk. Ruth died on Wednesday, June 17, followed by the death of David last Sunday. Boaz, the last of the triplets, still lives, but is not in the best of health. Dr. T. C. Benson stated last night that the child was much better than it was a few days ago, and expressed the belief that it would live if properly cared for. It was Dr. Benson that named the triplets, christening them as they were born.