ARMY GETS $5,000 BEQUEST. ~ Mrs. Mary Greenland, the Donor, Was a Colorado Colonist.

June 25, 1908

Mrs. Mary Greenand, the Donor, Was
a Colorado Colonist.

Colonel Thomas Holland, national colonization secretary for the Salvation Army, was in Kansas City yesterday. He is on his way home from St. Joseph, where he went to arrange a bequest of $5,000, left by Mrs. Mary Greenand of Amity, Col., to the Salvation Army. Mrs. Greenand was a settler at the Salvation Army colony at Amity.

"Besides the colony at Amity," said Col. Holland, "we have also a colony at Fort Romie, Cal. At Amity we have 300 persons and at Fort Romie 200. We have been established ten years and are meeting with success. Our plan is to take penniless people, mostly from the cities, and furnish them land, rent free, and allow them to pay for it as they wish. They are allowed twenty years to pay for their land. Each family receives from twenty to forty acres. It is irrigated land and the settlers have been uniformly successful. Mrs. Greenand, who was a widow, became interested in the movement and bought a farm in the settlement. When she died several days ago she left us this handsome bequest."