January 19, 1907


Asks That Organization of "Hadley for Governor"
Clubs be Discontinued.

JEFFERSON CITY --(Special) Herbert S. Hadley, attorney general, sent a reply to a letter received by him some days ago from Messrs. John T. Hope, William P. Wolf and Frank C. Peck, of Kansas City. The letter, which follows, explains itself. He says:

"I am in receipt of your letter of January 16, notifying me that it is the intention of a number of my friends in Kansas City to organize a club to advocate my nomination for governor in 1908. Since then nothing has occurred to cause me to change my position.

"During the two years that I have to serve in the office of attorney general there is much important work that I hope to be able to accomplish. I desire that I should be entirely free in the performance of my official duties from the embarrassments and complications that would result if during that time efforts were being made to secure my political advancement.

"While I thank you for and appreciate most sincerely this expression of confidence and approval, coming as it does from those with whom I have I have been intimately associated during my entire active life, I request that you discontinue the
proposed organization."