School Teacher from Nebraska
Must Wait Here for Father.
Wilma Frazier, a pretty 19-year old school teacher, who disappeared from Scribner, Neb., last Thanksgiving, at the same time as did Louis Roy Whitman, a barber and railroad employe, was found by the police yesterday morning at 706 Wyandotte street, and is being detained in the matron's room at police headquarters, waiting instructions from her father.
The girl is the daughter of Joseph H. Frazier, of Des Moines, Ia. When she left Scribner it was with the understanding that she ws going to visit relatives in Fremont, Neb. Howeever, both she and Whitman joined an aggregation of barnstormers, which toured the gasoline circuit until the light fund was exhausted. It was in LeRoy, Kas., that the footlights, after one consvulsive sputter, went out and jewelry, baggage and everything not required in the lightest of light marching order went by the board to satisfy cash due on meal tickets. Barely enough was saved to allow Miss Frazier to reach Kansas City. She went to work here in a candy factory, but Whitman stuck to the stage.
The girl said last night that she barely knew Whitman and that their simultaneous disappearance was only a coincidence. The last time she saw him, she says, was in LeRoy, when "The Runaway Tramp" came to a halt.