McGowan, Morgan and Small
Comply With Requirements
The $50,000 in cash deposited with the city by Mssrs. McGowan, Morgan and Small, grantees of the natural gas franchinse, as a guarantee that they would be furnishing natural gas to consumers through seventy-five miles of mains before January 1, was paid back to James B. McGowan, representing the grantees, by order of the board of public works yesterday. The company reported that it had more than complied with its part of the arrangement, as early in December it was furnishing consumers through 84.92 miles of mains, or nearly nine more miles than required by the provisions of the franchise. S. F. Scott, city gas inspector, who conducted the inspection to determine the correctness of the gas company's statement, reported that it was practically correct, and that all gas lamps throughout the district served with natural gas were equipped with mantles and the light was satisfactory.
Arrangements for connecting up other districts of the city with natural gas are being pushed, and it is thought that early in February another large area will be served.